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  • Öğe
    An evaluation of the effectiveness of sumac and molasses as additives for alfalfa silage: Influence on nutrient composition, in vitro degradability and fermentation quality
    (Wiley, 2024) Seven, Pınar Tatlı; Yıldırım, Esra Nur; Seven, İsmail; Kaya, Can Ayhan; Mutlu, Seda İflazoglu
    This study investigated the effects of sumac and molasses on nutrient composition, in vitro degradability and fermentation quality of alfalfa silage. Alfalfa was ensiled in quadruplicate in vacuum jars untreated group (A) or after the following treatments: sumac group at 10% (AS), molasses group at 5% (AM), and sumac (10%) and molasses (5%) group (ASM). Silos (n = 64) were stored for 0, 21, 45 or 60 days. The results showed that dry matter (DM) contents of the AS, AM and ASM groups were statistically higher than the control group (p < 0.001). Only on the 21st day of fermentation the crude ash content of the AS group was found to be significantly higher than the other groups (p < 0.05). In vitro, DM and organic matter degradation values of the AMS group increased significantly (p < 0.001). A significant decrease in alfalfa silage's pH values was determined with sumac and molasses additives (p < 0.001). The ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) values of the control, AS, AM and ASM groups at Day 60 were determined as 9.08%, 7.22%, 7.00% and 6.81% respectively (p < 0.05). The water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) values of all groups on the 60th day were significantly decreased compared to the 0th day (p < 0.001). When the groups were evaluated within themselves, there was a statistically significant difference between the 0th and 60th day lactic acid values. The acetic acid content of the A group on the 60th day was found to be significantly higher than the other groups (p < 0.01). There was a significant decrease in propionic acid levels on Days 21, 45 and 60 compared to Day 0 of fermentation (p < 0.001). The highest butyric acid (BA) level was determined in the A group on the 21st, 45th and 60th days of fermentation (p < 0.05). In conclusion, sumac prevents proteolysis depending on its tannin content. It improves silage fermentation positively thanks to its organic acid content, while the molasses additive is effective in silage fermentation, mainly depending on the WSC level. However, it was determined that neither additive could reduce the silage pH to the appropriate value ranges due to the low doses, and they could not mainly prevent the formation of BA.
  • Öğe
    Interactive effects of number of plants and nitrogen fertilization on quality parameters of Salvia officinalis L. cultivated in semi-arid environments
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) İzgi, Mehmet Necat; Karaman, Şengül; Tonçer, Özlem
    This research aimed to elucidate the interplay between number of plants and nitrogen dose on the agronomic attributes, as well as the essential oil yield and composition of Salvia officinalis L. (sage) in the challenging ecological conditions of Mardin, situated in South Eastern Anatolia. A split-plot experimental design was employed during 2018-2019, manipulating the variables of number of plants and nitrogen application rates. The experiment identified camphor, 1,8-cineole, alpha-thujone, and beta-thujone as the major components. The PCA analysis unveiled statistically significant inverse correlations between the concentration of camphor and 1,8-cineole, as well as alpha- and beta-thujone. The results demonstrated that the combination of lower plant number with elevated nitrogen levels yielded higher fresh herb dry herb and dry leaf. While lower plant number and higher nitrogen application independently exerted positive influences on essential oil production and yield, the interactive impact of these treatments yielded inconclusive results. Specifically, nitrogen treatments led to an increase in camphor content while reducing alpha- and beta-thujone contents in the essential oil. Conversely, lower plant numbers resulted in decreased camphor content and an increase in thujone content within the oil. In light of these findings, it is recommended that, under semi-arid conditions, optimal yields can be achieved by employing plant number of 50000 plants ha(-1) and a nitrogen fertilizer rate of 120 kg ha(-1). This research sheds light on the intricate relationship between agronomic factors and the quality of sage cultivation, offering valuable insights into sustainable agricultural practices in semi-arid regions.
  • Öğe
    Production of recombinant expansin and detection by SDS page analysis in Escherichia coli
    (Gültekin Özdemir, 2023) Güneş, Serap; Ektiren, Demet; Karaaslan, Mehmet; Vardin, Hasan
    The study aims to produce Expansin protein isolated from a young tomato plant by using Escherichia coli which is used in recombinant protein production. Continuous culture is the most common method used to grow cells for recombinant protein production. In the study, the K12 strain of E. coli was used as a culture for the production of Expansin protein. The used LeExp1 gene was isolated from a young tomato plant. Since the related gene is found in very small amounts in plants, it has been reproduced using the PCR method and has been made workable with this method. T17 vector (T7 RNA polymerase system), which is frequently used in the production of recombinant protein, was used as the bacterial expression vector. The T7 RNA polymerase system is a commonly used vector in E. coli. With the transfer, the E. coli bacterium was given the ability to produce recombinant protein. Whether the obtained recombinant protein expressed the appropriate protein was determined by SDS Page analysis.
  • Öğe
    The comparison with commercial antioxidants, effects on colour, and sensory properties of green tea powder in butter
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023) Çakmakçı, Songül; Gülçin, İlhami; Gündoğdu, Engin; Öztekin, Hatice Ertem; Taslimi, Parham
    Oxidation is one of the most important factors limiting shelf life and is a major deterioration process affecting both the sensory and nutritional quality of food. The high oxidation stability of lipids, which can be improved by the addition of antioxidants, is important for health protection, food quality, and economic reasons. In recent years, research on plant-derived antioxidants for use in human health and food has steadily increased. The aim of this study was to compare the antioxidant effects of green tea powder (GTP) in butter with those of commercial antioxidants (BHA, BHT, α-tocopherol, and Trolox). In addition, the effects on colour, sensory, gross physicochemical properties, and β-carotene content were investigated in butter. After the separation of butter into five pieces, the first part was chosen as the control sample without GTP; the second part has 100 mg/kg of BHT added to it; and the third, fourth, and fifth parts had 1, 2, and 3% of GTP added in the samples. They were stored at 4 ± 1 °C. Analysis was performed at intervals of 15 days. According to the iron reduction, CUPRAC and FRAP methods were performed, and parallel results were observed. Using the radical elimination methods (ABTS, DPPH•, and DMPD•+), IC50 values were calculated for the samples. According to the IC50 values, the GTP-containing samples were good antioxidants. The total phenolic andf β-carotene contents increased as the GTP addition increased. The addition of GTP had an antioxidant capacity equal to or higher than that of the BHT-added sample. For the production of a sensory-pleasing, greenish-coloured, new functional butter, the 1% GTP addition showed the most positive results.
  • Öğe
    Evaluating ruminal and small intestinal morphology and microbiota composition of calves fed a macleaya cordata extract preparation
    (MDPI, 2023) Wickramasinghe, Janaka; Anderson, Chiron J.; Kaya, Can Ayhan; Gorden, Patrick J.; Ribeiro, Flavio Rodrigues Borges; Dohms, Juliane; Rigert, Sydney; Schmitz-Esser, Stephan; Appuhamy, Ranga
    The objective was to determine the impact of feeding MCE on ruminal and intestinal morphology and microbiota composition of calves. A total of 10 male and 10 female crossbred (dairy × beef) calves (6 d of age) were assigned randomly to control (CTL; n = 10) or MCE-supplemented (TRT; n = 10) groups. The MCE was fed in the milk replacer and top-dressed on the calf starter during pre-weaning (6 to 49 d) and post-weaning (50 to 95 d) periods, respectively. Calves were slaughtered at 95 d to collect rumen and intestinal samples to determine volatile fatty acid (VFA) profile, mucosal morphology, and microbiota composition. The effects of MCE were analyzed by accounting for the sex and breed effects. Feeding MCE increased rumen papillae length (p = 0.010) and intestinal villus height: crypt depth (p < 0.030) compared to CTL but did not affect rumen VFA profile. The TRT had a negligible impact on microbial community composition in both the rumen and the jejunum. In conclusion, feeding MCE from birth through weaning can improve ruminal and small intestinal mucosa development of calves despite the negligible microbiota composition changes observed post-weaning.
  • Öğe
    Rasyonlara farklı doz enzim (Grındazym Gp 5000) ilavesinin broylerin besi ve karkas özellikleri üzerine etkisi
    (Mevlüt Akçura, 2022) Aydın, Ahmet
    Bu araştırmada mısır ağırlıklı broyler rasyonlarına enzim ilavesinin performans üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada 162 broyler civciv kullanılmıştır. 6 hafta süren denemede mısır ağırlıklı rasyonlara0, 0.5 ve 1 kg / ton enzim (Ksilanaz: 12.000 IU , -glukanaz : 5.000 IU ve Pektinaz :IU) ilaveli 3 farklı rasyon hayvanlara yedirilmiştir. Canlı ağırlık artışları tüm haftalarda (0-6. Hafta) istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmasına rağmen enzim dozu arttıkça nisbi bir artış gözlenmiştir. Yem tüketimleri ve yemden yararlanma bakımından gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar önemsiz bulunmuş ancak 1 kg/ton enzim ilavesi ile nisbi bir iyileşme görülmüştür.. Karkas özellikleri bakımından kanat ağırlığı hariç, rasyonlara 1 kg / ton enzim ilavesiyle ağırlıklar önemli (P<0.05) şekilde artmıştır. Rasyonlara 1 kg/ton enzim ilavesinin etkisi olumlu bulunmuştur.
  • Öğe
    Kırmızı mercimekte zararlı Dolycoris baccarum L. ve Piezodorus lituratus (F.)’ a karşı Deltamethrin’in biyolojik etkinliği
    (Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018) Mutlu, Çetin; Karaca, Vedat; Öğreten, Ayhan; Büyük, Musa; Bayram, Yunus
    Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde kırmızı mercimekteki tebeşirleşme zararı, mercimek tarımının en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Bu çalışma ile kırmızı mercimekte tebeşirleşme zararına sebep olan Dolycoris baccarum (L.) ve Piezodorus lituratus (F.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)’a karşı Deltamethrin’in biyolojik etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Mercimekte diğer zararlılara ruhsatlı “Decis EC 2.5 (25 g/l Deltamethrin)” Diyarbakır ilinde 2014 yılında iki farklı mercimek tarlasında bu zararlılar üzerinde denenmiştir. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre dört karakterli (200, 300, 500 ml ha-1, kontrol) ve beş tekerrürlü olarak mercimeğin R7 (baklaların % 50’sinden fazlasının sarı olduğu) gelişme döneminde kurulmuştur. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre her iki tarlada en etkili dozun 500 ml ha-1 ile 7. günde (sırasıyla % 46.76 ± 0.77 p=0.000 ve % 51.94 ± 1.99, p= 0.000) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Buna karşın 200 ve 300 ml ha-1 doz arasında istatistiksel olarak fark olmadığı (% 29.80 ± 2.29 p=1.00 ve % 32.39 ± 1.56, p= 0.84) tespit edilmiştir. İlacın etkisinin 10. günden sonra azaldığı ve biyolojik etkinliğinin % 44.4 - 48.8’e gerilediği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Deltamethrin’in 500 ml ha-1 dozunun bu zararlıları yeterince kontrol altına alamadığı tespit edilmiştir. İlacın yüksek dozunun kullanımı, mercimek samanının hayvan yemi olarak kullanılması ve samanda ilaç kalıntı riskinden dolayı uygun değildir. Bu nedenle, mercimekteki bu zararlılara karşı mücadele, başta dayanıklı çeşitlerin ekilmesi olmak üzere, kültürel ve biyolojik mücadele gibi diğer kontrol yöntemlerine öncelik verilmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Küçük tarım işletmeleri için basit bir önden asılır tip çatallı yükleyici
    (Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2015) Arslan, Selçuk; Aydın, İsa
    Bu çalışmada küçük ve orta güçlü tarım traktörüne önden bağlanabilecek bir çatallı istifleyicininboyutlandırılması, yapımı ve traktör-çatallı yükleyici sisteminin çalışma özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Tek katlı kızak sistemi olan ve 5880 N (600 kg) kaldırma kapasiteli bir çatallı yükleyici yapılmıştır. Çatallı yükleyicihidrolik sistemi; kaldırma silindiri, eğim silindiri, yön kontrol valfleri, manometre ve hidrolik hortumlardanoluşmaktadır. Mekanik sistem ise çatallar, tabla ve kaldırma kızaklarından oluşmuştur. Tasarlanan ön ataşman ise,çatallı yükleyicinin kolaylıkla traktöre monte edilebilmesini sağlamaktadır. Çatallı yükleyicinin yükleme yüksekliği1850 mm, öne ve arkaya eğim açısı 11°'dir. Yük kaldırma hızı yüke bağlı olarak 0.05-0.2 m s-1, indirme hızı ise0.01-0.35 m s-1arasında değişmektedir. Kaldırma süresi motor devrine bağlı olarak 9-39 s, indirme süresi ise 5-20 sarasındadır. Sistem; 0° ve 10° zemin eğiminde test edilmiştir ve en büyük yük (5880 N) yükte 10° zemin eğiminekadar statik stabilitesini kaybetmemiştir. İmal edilen sistem kullanılarak 1960 N (200 kg) yükler çeşitli şekillerdetaşınmış ve istiflenmiş, iş başarısı 50 m'ye kadar taşıma mesafesi içinde 4 ve 16.4 t h-1arasında bulunmuştur. Enbüyük yük taşıma kapasitesinde çalışılması durumunda iş başarısı 36.7 t h-1'a kadar yükselmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Early step-down weaning of dairy calves from a high milk volume with glutamine supplementation
    (Elsevier Science INC., 2022) Wickramasinghe, H. K. J. P.; Kaya, C. A.; Baumgard, L. H.; Appuhamy, J. A. D. R. N.
    Weaning dairy calves from a high milk volume (>8.0 kg/d) can negatively affect the growth and welfare even if it is performed in a step-down manner. Supplementa-tion of Gln improved gut development of preweaning calves and mitigated weaning stresses of piglets to ex-tents achieved with antibiotics. The study objective was to examine the effect of initiating a step-down weaning scheme with a Gln supplement at an early age on calf starter intake (CSI), average daily gain (ADG), and paracellular permeability of the intestinal epithelium of calves fed a high volume of milk (9.0 kg/d). Thirty-six Holstein heifer calves were assigned to 3 treatments (n = 12) as follows: (1) initiating weaning at 49 d of age (LW), (2) initiating weaning at 35 d of age (EW), and (3) initiating weaning at 35 d with a Gln supplement (2.0% of dry matter intake) from 28 to 42 d of age (EWG). Calves were fed 9.0 kg/d of whole milk until weaning was initiated by abruptly decreasing the milk volume to 3.0 kg/d. Weaning was completed once calves achieved >1.0 kg/d of CSI. The paracellular permeability of the intestinal epithelium was assessed with lactulose-to-mannitol ratio (LMR) in the blood on 1 d before, and 3 and 7 d after the initiation of weaning. The blood was analyzed for haptoglobin, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), and metabolites including AA. The CSI increased once milk volume was restricted in all treat-ments. The CSI of LW was greater than that of EW and EWG during the first week of weaning. The LW, EW, and EWG took 11, 19, and 16 d to achieve >1.0 kg/d of CSI and were weaned at 60, 54, and 51 d of age, respectively. The body weight (BW) of LW, EW, and EWG at the initiation of weaning were 68.2, 58.7, and 59.5 kg, respectively. Both LW and EWG achieved similar ADG, but ADG of EW was lower than LW during the first week of weaning. All calves had similar ADG during the second week of weaning. The BW of LW, EW, and EWG at weaning were 74.8, 66.5, and 66.4 kg, representing a 2.0, 1.8, and 1.8-fold increase in birth weight, respectively. All calves had similar BW of 88.6 and 164.3 kg at 10 and 20 wk of age, respectively. Regardless of the age, serum haptoglobin and plasma LBP concentrations increased on d 3 and returned to baseline concentrations on d 7 during weaning. The EW had a lower plasma LBP concentration than LW and EWG on d 3 during weaning. The LMR was similar be-tween treatments on d 3 but increased by 44% for EW and LW on d 7, whereas the LMR of EWG remained unchanged during weaning. The postprandial serum concentration of Gln, Met, Trp, and beta-hydroxybutyrate were greater for EWG than EW during weaning. Begin-ning step-down weaning at 35 d with a Gln supplement can help maintain the gut barrier function and wean dairy calves with a satisfactory CSI at 7 wk of age without affecting postweaning growth.
  • Öğe
    Effects of branched-chain amino acids on glucose uptake and lactose synthesis rates in bovine mammary epithelial cells and lactating mammary tissue slices
    (Elsevier Science INC., 2022) Silva, J. V. V.; Ganesan, S.; Wickramasinghe, H. K. J. P.; Stepanchenko, N.; Kaya, C. A.; Beitz, D. C.; Appuhamy, J. A. D. R. N.
    Even though supplementations of essential AA (EAA) are often related to increased lactose yields in dairy cows, underlying mechanisms connecting EAA availability to the mammary glands and lactose synthesis are poorly understood. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of branched-chain AA (BCAA) including Leu, Ile, and Val on (1) glucose transporter (GLUT1) abundance and glucose uptake, (2) the abundance of proteins regulating lactose synthesis pathway, and (3) fractional synthesis rates of lactose (FSR) using bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMEC) and mammary tissues slices (MTS). The BMEC (n = 4) were allocated randomly to regular Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with Ham's F12 (DMEM/F12) medium (+EAA) or +EAA deficient (by 90%) in all EAA (- EAA), all BCAA (-BCAA), only Leu (-Leu), only Ile (-Ile) or only Val (-Val). Western immunoblotting analyses, depletion of glucose in media, and a proteomic analysis were performed to determine the abundance of GLUT1 in the cell membrane, net glucose uptake, and the abundance of enzymes involved in lactose synthesis pathway in BMEC, respectively. The MTS (n = 6) were allocated randomly to DMEM/F12 medium having all EAA and C-13-glucose at concentrations similar to plasma concentrations of cows (+EAA(p)), and +EAA(p) deprived of all BCAA (-BCAA(p)) or only Leu (-Leup) for 3 h. The C-13 enrichments of free glucose pool in MTS (EGlu-free) and the enrichments of glucose incorporated into lactose in MTS and media [ELactose-bound ((T&M))] were determined and used in calculating FSR. In BMEC, -BCAA increased the fraction of total GLUT1 translocated to the cell membrane and the fraction that was potentially glycosylated compared with +EAA. Among individual BCAA, only-Leu was associated with a 63% increase in GLUT1 translocated to the cell membrane and a 40% increase in glucose uptake of BMEC. The-BCAA tended to be related to a 75% increase in the abundance of hexokinase in BMEC. Deprivation of Leu tended to increase glucose uptake of MTS but did not affect EGlu-free, ELactose-bound ((T&M)), or FSR relative to +EAA(p). On the other hand, -BCAA(p) did not affect glucose uptake of MTS but was related to lower ELactose-bound (T&M), or FSR relative to +EAA(p). Considering together, decreasing Leu supply to mammary tissues enhances GLUT1 and thus glucose uptake, which, however, does not affect lactose synthesis rates. Moreover, the deficiency of other BCAA, Ile, and Val alone or together with the deficiency of Leu seemed to decrease lactose synthesis rates without affecting glucose uptake. The data also emphasize the importance of addressing the effect of the supply of other nutrients to the mammary glands than the precursor supply in describing the synthesis of a milk component.
  • Öğe
    A research on the determination of aflatoxin M1 levels in milk and dairy products for sale in Diyarbakır by ELISA
    (Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Yeşil, Ömer Faruk; Hatipoğlu, Abdulkerim; Yıldız, Abdunnasır; Vural, Aydın; Erkan, Mehmet Emin
    In this study, the contamination levels of Aflatoxin M1 of 248 sterilized milk, Beyaz, Cecil, Cokelek, Cream,Lor, Van Otlu (herbed), Van Otlu Lavash Cheese and butter samples randomly obtained from selected marketand supermarkets from Diyarbakır province center were determined by ELISA method. The average AFM1contamination value of the cheese samples investigated was 138.65 ng/kg; while the minimum and maximumvalues were 50 and 595.31 ng/kg, respectively. On the other hand, the average AFM1 value of 13 sterilized milksamples was 52.59 ng/kg; minimum and maximum values were determined as 25.97 and 80.0 ng/kg,respectively. In addition, the average AFM1 value of 18 butter samples was 97.54 ng/kg; the minimum andmaximum values were calculated as 50 and 308.13 ng/kg. In the study, the level of AFM1 contamination in the26 samples of cheese samples were exceeded the limits set by the European Commission for AFM1. In terms ofTurkish Food Codex, only 2 cheese samples exceeded the AFM1 tolerance limit. According to the study, thelevel of AFM1 contamination in the 7 milk samples and 15 butter samples exceeded both the EuropeanCommission and Turkish Food Codex AFM1 tolerance limit.
  • Öğe
    Bazı bakla (Vicia faba L.) çeşitlerinde gübre uygulamalarının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi
    (2020) Başdemir, Fatma; Türk, Zübeyir; İpekeşen, Sibel; Tunç, Murat; Eliş, Seval; Biçer, Behiye Tuba
    Bu araştırma bazı bakla çeşitlerinde (Filiz-90, Eresen-87, Salkım) gübre uygulamalarının (kontrol, azot,fosfor, organik ve bakteri) verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisini araştırmak amacıyla 2018-2019 yılları arasında ikiyıl süreyle Dicle Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi deneme alanında yürütülmüştür. Gübreler; 4 kg/da azot, 8 kg/dafosfor, organik gübre 150 g/da, bakteri ise tavsiye miktarı üzerinden uygulanmıştır. Deneme tesadüf bloklarındabölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak düzenlenmiştir. Tohum ekimi her iki yılda daŞubat ayının ilk haftasında, bitki hasadı Haziran ayında yapılmıştır. Araştırmada; gübre uygulamaları bitki boyu,tek bitki ağırlığı, bakla ağırlığı, bitkide bakla ve tane sayısı, biyolojik verimi ve tane verimini önemli ölçüdeetkilemiştir. Uygulamaların baklada tane sayısı, 100 tane ağırlığı ve hasat indeksi üzerine etkisi önemsizbulunmuştur. Uygulamalar arasında fosfor uygulaması diğer uygulamalara göre bitki boyu, bitkide tane sayısı,bitki ağırlığı ve bitkide tane verimini önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Tane verimi kontrol grubunda 214.7 kg/da,fosfor uygulamasında 205.0 kg ile yüksek, bakteri uygulaması 179.8 kg/da ile düşük bulunmuştur. Çeşitlerarasında tane verimi Eresen 87 çeşidinde 183.2 kg/da ile Filiz-90 çeşidinde 241.2 kg/da arasında değişmiştir.
  • Öğe
    LezzET kültürü
    (Dicle Üniversitesi, 2022) Kahya, Can Ayhan
    Hayvansal ürünleri oluşturan amino asit, yağ, vitamin ve minerallerden oluşan besin maddelerinin miktar ve oranı bitkisel besin maddeleri ile karşılaştırılamayacak kadar yarayışlıdır. Bunlar, bitkisel ürünlerdekinin aksine herhangi bir kimyasal bağ ile sindirimi zor veya imkansız formda bulunmaz. Aksine hazır olan bir dokudan alınan bu besin maddeleri kolayca sindirilir, insan organizması ihtiyacına göre kolayca yeniden sentezlenir ve ihtiyaç duyulan dokulara kolayca dönüştürülür. Bu yüzden hayvansal ürünlerin biyolojik değeri yüksektir