Sismik dirençlilik ve spektral parametrelerin etkisi
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Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Yapıların sismik etkilere karşı direncini değerlendirmek ve depremlerin neden olabileceği zararları
minimize etmek, deprem mühendisliğinin temel hedeflerinden birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, deprem
mühendisliğinde oldukça güncel ve son yıllarda giderek önem kazanmakta olan sismik dirençlilik kavramı
öne çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, herhangi bir afet sonrası yapıların eski haline dönebilme becerisi olarak
tanımlanabilen Sismik dirençlilik konsepti, formülasyonları ile birlikte ele alınmıştır. Konsept olarak izah
edilen sismik dirençlilik kavramının dirençlilik indeksi ile sayısallaştırılması bu indeksi oluşturan
parametrelerden biri olan spektral ivme değeri değişken olarak seçilmiştir. Spektral ivme değişimine
yaklaşımı farklı olan TBDY (Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği)2018 ve DBYYHY (Deprem Bölgelerinde
Yapılacak Yapılar Hakkında Yönetmelik)2007 yönetmelikleri çerçevesinde 7 katlı bir betonarme yapı için
Türkiye’nin 7 farklı bölgesinde 7 farklı şehir seçilmiştir. Örnek yapı olarak ele alınan bu yapıya Artımsal
Dinamik Analiz (IDA) metodu ile Kocaeli 1999 depremi uygulanmış ve dirençlilik indeksi hesaplaması için
gerekli veriler elde eilmiştir. Söz konusu illere ait hesaplanan PGA değerleri esas alınarak elde edilen
dirençlilik indeksleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma ile dirençlilik indeksi DBYYHY2007’e göre tüm
şehirlerde sabit %99,7 iken değişken PGA değerleri ile TBDY2018’e göre %79,7-%99,6 aralığında
Evaluating the resistance of structures against seismic effects and minimizing the damages caused by earthquakes constitute one of the main objectives of earthquake engineering. In this context, the concept of seismic resilience, which is very current in earthquake engineering and has been gaining importance in recent years, comes to the fore. In this study, the concept of seismic resilience, which can be defined as the ability of structures to recover after any disaster, is discussed together with its formulations. The concept of seismic resilience, which is explained as a concept, is quantified with the resilience index and the spectral acceleration value, which is one of the parameters constituting this index, is selected as a variable. Within the framework of TBEC (Turkish Building Earthquake Code=)2018 and TSC(Turkish Seismic Code)2007 regulations, which have different approaches to spectral acceleration change, 7 different cities in 7 different regions of Turkey were selected for a 7-storey reinforced concrete building. The Kocaeli 1999 earthquake was applied to this structure, which was taken as a sample structure, with the Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) method and the data required for the resilience index calculation were obtained. The resilience indices obtained based on the calculated PGA values of these provinces were compared. With this comparison, the resilience index was calculated in the range of 79.7%-99.6% according to TBEC2018 with variable PGA values, while it was constant 99.7% in all cities according to TSC2007.
Evaluating the resistance of structures against seismic effects and minimizing the damages caused by earthquakes constitute one of the main objectives of earthquake engineering. In this context, the concept of seismic resilience, which is very current in earthquake engineering and has been gaining importance in recent years, comes to the fore. In this study, the concept of seismic resilience, which can be defined as the ability of structures to recover after any disaster, is discussed together with its formulations. The concept of seismic resilience, which is explained as a concept, is quantified with the resilience index and the spectral acceleration value, which is one of the parameters constituting this index, is selected as a variable. Within the framework of TBEC (Turkish Building Earthquake Code=)2018 and TSC(Turkish Seismic Code)2007 regulations, which have different approaches to spectral acceleration change, 7 different cities in 7 different regions of Turkey were selected for a 7-storey reinforced concrete building. The Kocaeli 1999 earthquake was applied to this structure, which was taken as a sample structure, with the Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) method and the data required for the resilience index calculation were obtained. The resilience indices obtained based on the calculated PGA values of these provinces were compared. With this comparison, the resilience index was calculated in the range of 79.7%-99.6% according to TBEC2018 with variable PGA values, while it was constant 99.7% in all cities according to TSC2007.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dirençlilik esaslı tasarım, Deprem, Dirençlilik indeksi, Spectral ivme, Resilience, Earthquake, Seismic index, Spectral acceleration
Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karaşin, İ. B. (2023). Sismik dirençlilik ve spektral parametrelerin etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 14(3), 519-526.