46,XX,dup(X)(q21.3q24) karyotipli olgu sunumu
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Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States
X kromozomu uzun kolunun duplikasyonu ile fenotipik bulgular arasındaki ilişki kızlarda tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Daha önce bildirilen vakalardaki fenotipik bulgular; bazı kızlarda normal görülürken, bazılarında ise kısa boy, mikrosefali, mental motor retardasyon, vücut asimetrisi ve gonadal disgenezi şeklindedir. Turner sendromunda görülen dismorfik bulgular da bu hastalarda görülebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sitogenetik laboratuvarımıza kısa boy ve primer amenore nedeniyle gönderilen 15
yaşındaki bir kız olgu tartışılmıştır. Olgunun Barr cisimciği pozitif bulunmuş ve Giemza bantlama tekniği ile yapılan karyotip analizinde 46,XX,dup(X)(q21.3q24) kromozom kuruluşu saptanmıştır. Konu mevcut literatür bilgileri ışığında tartışılmıştır
The relationship between phenotype and Xq duplications in females remains unclear. Some females are normal; some have short stature; and others have features such as microcephaly, developmental delay/mental retardation, body asymmetries, and gonadal dysgenesis. Some features in these females resemble those in Turner syndrome. We, herein, presented a 15 years-old girl with short stature and primary amenorrhea, who was referred to cytogenetic laboratory. Through karyotipe analysis performed by Giemsa banding technique, the patient was determined to have positive Barr body and 46,XX,dup(X) (q21.3q24) chromosomal constitution. Case was discussed according to information of present literatures.
The relationship between phenotype and Xq duplications in females remains unclear. Some females are normal; some have short stature; and others have features such as microcephaly, developmental delay/mental retardation, body asymmetries, and gonadal dysgenesis. Some features in these females resemble those in Turner syndrome. We, herein, presented a 15 years-old girl with short stature and primary amenorrhea, who was referred to cytogenetic laboratory. Through karyotipe analysis performed by Giemsa banding technique, the patient was determined to have positive Barr body and 46,XX,dup(X) (q21.3q24) chromosomal constitution. Case was discussed according to information of present literatures.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Duplikasyon, Primer amenore, Kromozom analizi, X kromozomu, Duplication, Primer amenorrhea, Chromosome analysis, In-situ hybridisation
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şimşek, S., Tuzcu, A.K., Oral, D. ve Budak, T. (2010). 46,XX,dup(X)(q21.3q24) karyotipli olgu sunumu. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 37(1), 51-53.