Kornea donörlerinin epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve donör kornea muayene bulgularının donör kornea kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri
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Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı donör epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve kornea muayene bulgularının donör kornea kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır. Yöntemler: Göz Bankamızın Mart 2012-Şubat 2013 tarihleri arasındaki 1 yıllık arşivi geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Göz bankamızın donör kaynakları, donörlerin demografik özellikleri, ölüm sebepleri, ölüm-prezervasyon süresi, donör dokunun laboratuar değerlendirme sonuçları, dokunun kullanım ve dağıtım bilgileri not edildi. Bulgular: Çalışma süresince, yaş ortalamaları 49,1±15,7 (5- 68) yol olan, 52 donörden (% 44,2 erkek, %55,8 kadın) 98 kornea alındı. Donörlerin ölüm sebepleri; başlıca kardiyovasküler sistem hastalıkları (% 46,2) ve solid tümörler (%23,1)
idi. Donörlerin %5,7’si dış merkezlerden bildirilen multiorgan bağışı vakası iken geri kalanlar hastanemizden bildirilmişti. Ölüm-prezervasyon süresi ortalama 1,65±1,26 saatti. Alınan korneaların %96,2’si kullanılırken (%95,7’si kendi hastanemizde, %4,3’ü dış merkezlerde) %3,8’i imha edildi. Donör
yaşı endotel hücre yoğunluğu (EHY) ve hegzagonalite ile anlamlı negatif korelasyon göstermekteydi. Yapılan regresyon analizinde ise doku kalitesini belirleyen ana faktörün endotel hücre yoğunluğu olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada doku kalitesini belirleyen en önemli parametrenin EHY olduğu ve donör yaşının endotel hücre yoğunluğunu belirleyen en önemli etken olduğu gösterilmiştir. Yetersiz doku kalitesi nedeniyle kornea imhamız olmamasının ise ileri yaştaki donörlerden kornea almamamız ve iyi bir ön inceleme yapmamızla ilişkili olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of donor epidemiologic characteristics and donor corneal examination findings on quality of donor cornea. Methods: The records of our eye bank were analyzed for one year period between March 2012-February 2013 with respect to donor demographics (gender, age), donor procurement source, donor cause of death, death-to-preservation interval, donor cornea laboratory assessment, corneal tissue utilization, and distribution. Results: During the study period, 98 corneas were retrieved from 52 donors (44.2% male, 55.8% female), with the mean age of donors 49.1±15.7 years. (Range 5 to 68 years). The most common causes of donor death were cardiovascular disease (46.2%) and cerebrovascular disease (23.1%). Only 5.7% of the donors were derived from multiorgan donations at other centers and the rest were from our hospital. The mean death-to-preservation time was 1.65±1.26 hours. Overall, 96.2% of corneal tissue procured was used for corneal transplantation (95.75% in our hospital, 4.25% in other transplantation centers) and 3.8 % was discarded. There were significant correlations between donor age and endothelial cell density (ECD), and donor age and hexagonality. Regression analysis showed that the most determinative factor on tissue quality was ECD. Only reason for discarding tissue was abnormal serology. Conclusion: The main parameter that affects quality of donor cornea was ECD and the most significant factor having impact on ECD was donor age. The reason for no evidence of tissue discarding because of low tissue quality was thought to be related with a comprehensive preliminary assessment and not to receive corneas from older donors.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of donor epidemiologic characteristics and donor corneal examination findings on quality of donor cornea. Methods: The records of our eye bank were analyzed for one year period between March 2012-February 2013 with respect to donor demographics (gender, age), donor procurement source, donor cause of death, death-to-preservation interval, donor cornea laboratory assessment, corneal tissue utilization, and distribution. Results: During the study period, 98 corneas were retrieved from 52 donors (44.2% male, 55.8% female), with the mean age of donors 49.1±15.7 years. (Range 5 to 68 years). The most common causes of donor death were cardiovascular disease (46.2%) and cerebrovascular disease (23.1%). Only 5.7% of the donors were derived from multiorgan donations at other centers and the rest were from our hospital. The mean death-to-preservation time was 1.65±1.26 hours. Overall, 96.2% of corneal tissue procured was used for corneal transplantation (95.75% in our hospital, 4.25% in other transplantation centers) and 3.8 % was discarded. There were significant correlations between donor age and endothelial cell density (ECD), and donor age and hexagonality. Regression analysis showed that the most determinative factor on tissue quality was ECD. Only reason for discarding tissue was abnormal serology. Conclusion: The main parameter that affects quality of donor cornea was ECD and the most significant factor having impact on ECD was donor age. The reason for no evidence of tissue discarding because of low tissue quality was thought to be related with a comprehensive preliminary assessment and not to receive corneas from older donors.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Göz bankacılığı, Donör kornea değerlendirmesi, Endotel hücre yoğunluğu, Eye banking, Donor cornea assessment, Endothelial cell density
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yüksel, H., Çınar, Y., Şahin, M., Özer, Z., Evreöz, Y., Şener, T. ve diğerleri. (2014). Kornea donörlerinin epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve donör kornea muayene bulgularının donör kornea kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 41(2), 341-346.