Utilitarianism (İngiliz yararcılığı) ve batıdaki sosyo-politik etkileri
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Türkiye Adalet Akademisi
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Kanımızca günümüz Batı siyasetinin temel esprisini kavrayabilmek açısından, “İngiliz
Yararcı (Faydacı) Okulu” ya da “Yararcılık (Faydacılık) Teorisi / Utilitarianism” adıyla
bilinen düşünce biçiminin, ahlak ve hukukun özü, kaynağı ve temel ereğinin ne olduğuna
ilişkin yaklaşımlarının kavranması büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Yararcı düşünce, insan doğası ve ahlâka ilişkin egoist ve hazcı önermeler doğrultusunda,
hukuku; adalet ve doğal hak gibi ahlâksal değerlere dayanan özelliğinden soyutlayarak
onu “egemen gücün iradesine” indirgemekte ve amacını, “insan doğasının temel özelliği
olan hazzı ve faydayı artırma” biçiminde belirlemektedir.
Yararcılık (Faydacılık) Teorisi / Utilitarianism, temel olarak İngiliz düşünürlerince
sistemli bir biçimde ortaya konup savunulmuş ve olgunlaştırılmış olduğundan dolayı,
İngiliz düşüncesinin özelde Batı, genelde dünya düşünce biçimi ve yaşamına bir eklentisi/
katkısı olarak nitelendirilebilir.
Günümüz Batılı toplum ve devletlerin ahlaksal, siyasal ve hukuksal temel yaklaşım ve
anlayışlarının kökeninde İngiliz Yararcılığının olduğu söylenebilir. “En büyük sayıda
insana en büyük mutluluk, ahlâkın da yasaların da temeli budur”. Yararcılığın dayandığı
temel sav olan bu görüş, ondokuzuncu yüzyılın son yarısından itibaren Britanya’daki
egemen sınıfın düşüncesini belirlemiş ve bu etki, özelde bu günkü Britanya toplumunda,
genelde de tüm Batı toplumlarında en etkili yaşam felsefesini oluşturmuştur.
We are of the opinion that, the understanding of approaches related to what are the way of thinking known as “British Utilitarian School” or “Utilitarianism Theory”, and the essence of the law and ethics, their source and their main objective carries great importance in terms of understanding the basic joke of our today’s Western politics.Utilitarian idea, in accordance with egoistic and hedonistic propositions concerning human nature and morality, reduces law to “the will of the sovereign power” by alienating law from the proporties based on moral values such as justice and incontestable right and states the aim of law as “increasing pleasure and benefit which is the main feature of human nature”. Utilitarianism Theory is characterized as the contribution of the idea of the British to the way of thinking of the world and mentality in general, and the West in specific owing to the fact that it was systematically defended after presented and it was matured by the British philosopher as a basis. It can be said that British Utilitarian is in the origin of moral, political and legal basic approach and understanding of today’s Western society and states. “It is to give the greatest happiness to the largest number of people; both morals and law are the base of that.” This opinion being the main argument based on utilitariasim have stated the idea of the dominant class in Britain as of the last half of the nineteenth century and this effect has created the most influential life philosophy in all Western societies in general, and today’s Britain society in specific.
We are of the opinion that, the understanding of approaches related to what are the way of thinking known as “British Utilitarian School” or “Utilitarianism Theory”, and the essence of the law and ethics, their source and their main objective carries great importance in terms of understanding the basic joke of our today’s Western politics.Utilitarian idea, in accordance with egoistic and hedonistic propositions concerning human nature and morality, reduces law to “the will of the sovereign power” by alienating law from the proporties based on moral values such as justice and incontestable right and states the aim of law as “increasing pleasure and benefit which is the main feature of human nature”. Utilitarianism Theory is characterized as the contribution of the idea of the British to the way of thinking of the world and mentality in general, and the West in specific owing to the fact that it was systematically defended after presented and it was matured by the British philosopher as a basis. It can be said that British Utilitarian is in the origin of moral, political and legal basic approach and understanding of today’s Western society and states. “It is to give the greatest happiness to the largest number of people; both morals and law are the base of that.” This opinion being the main argument based on utilitariasim have stated the idea of the dominant class in Britain as of the last half of the nineteenth century and this effect has created the most influential life philosophy in all Western societies in general, and today’s Britain society in specific.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Utilitarianism, Yararcılık/faydacılık teorisi, Batılı politik yaklaşımlar, Haz ve fayda, Hukukun özü ve ereği, Hukukun değer boyutu, Benefit theory, Western political approaches, Pleasure and benefit, The objective and essense of the law, The value dimension of the law
Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gürbüz, A. (2013). Utilitarianism (İngiliz yararcılığı) ve batıdaki sosyo-politik etkileri. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, (12), 65-80.