Herman Hertzberger' in tasarım kavramı ile tek tip ilköğretim yapı tasarımlarının karşılaştırılması
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Yapılan çalıĢmalar sonucunda öğrenme performansını etkileyen birçok etmen olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu
etmenlerden bir tanesi de eğitim yapısının fiziksel özellikleridir. Eğitim yapılarının tasarım kriterleri yapıların
fiziksel özelliklerinin oluĢmasındaki temel etmendir. Bu çalıĢmada Hertzberger ve TOKĠ eğitim yapıları tasarım
kriterlerine göre inĢa edilen yapıların fiziksel özelliklerinin öğrenme performansı üzerindeki etkisi
karĢılaĢtırılmıĢtır. Buradaki amaç öğrenme performansını etkileyen tasarım kriterlerini ve sonuçlarını
belirlemektir. Ayrıca eğitim yapısı tasarımında TOKĠ ve TOKĠ tasarım kriterlerine göre yapı inĢa eden kiĢi ve
kuruluĢların dikkat etmesi gereken parametreleri ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu karĢılaĢtırmalar için Herman
Hertzberger‟in eğitim yapısı olarak Ġtalya‟daki Raffaello Basis-En Middelbare School ve Hollanda‟daki
Spılcentrum Waterrıjk School, TOKĠ eğitim yapısı olarak ise Türkiye‟deki Ali KuĢçu Ġ.Ö.O ve Mola Gürani
Ġ.Ö.O çalıĢma kapsamına alınmıĢtır. Bu amaç ve kapsam doğrultusunda eğitim psikolojisi üzerinde etkisi olan
fiziksel kriterler bazında sayısal ve sözel analizler yapılmıĢ, veri toplamak için görsel ve sözel teknikler bir arada
kullanılmıĢtır. ÇalıĢma sonucunda tek tip eğitim yapısı tasarlanırken yapılan sınıfların koridorun her iki yanına
sıralanması veya kiĢisel geliĢim alanlarının oluĢturulmaması gibi yanlıĢlar belirlenmiĢ olup eğitim yapısı
tasarımlarında dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterler açıklanmıĢtır.
It has been determined that there are many factors affecting learning performance in the modern period. One of these factors is the physical characteristics of the educational structure. The design criteria of educational buildings are the main factors in the formation of the physical properties of the buildings. In this study, the effects of the physical properties of the buildings built on the basis of Herman Hertzberger and TOKĠ educational building design criteria on learning performance were compared. The aim here is to determine the design criteria and results that affect learning performance. In addition, to the research reveals the parameters that people and organizations that build buildings should pay attention to in the design of education structure according to TOKĠ and TOKĠ design criteria. This educational structure as Herman Hertzberger for comparison Raffaello Basis-En Middelbare School in Italy and the Spılcentrum Waterrıjk School in Netherland, TOKĠ educational structure as the Primary School Ali KuĢçu and Primary School Molla Gürani in Turkey has been included in the study. In line with this purpose and scope, quantitative and verbal analyzes were made on the basis of physical criteria that have an impact on educational psychology, and visual and verbal techniques were used together to collect data. As a result of the study, mistakes such as lining up classes on both sides of the corridor or not creating personal development areas while designing a uniform education structure were determined, and the criteria to be considered in educational structure designs were explained.
It has been determined that there are many factors affecting learning performance in the modern period. One of these factors is the physical characteristics of the educational structure. The design criteria of educational buildings are the main factors in the formation of the physical properties of the buildings. In this study, the effects of the physical properties of the buildings built on the basis of Herman Hertzberger and TOKĠ educational building design criteria on learning performance were compared. The aim here is to determine the design criteria and results that affect learning performance. In addition, to the research reveals the parameters that people and organizations that build buildings should pay attention to in the design of education structure according to TOKĠ and TOKĠ design criteria. This educational structure as Herman Hertzberger for comparison Raffaello Basis-En Middelbare School in Italy and the Spılcentrum Waterrıjk School in Netherland, TOKĠ educational structure as the Primary School Ali KuĢçu and Primary School Molla Gürani in Turkey has been included in the study. In line with this purpose and scope, quantitative and verbal analyzes were made on the basis of physical criteria that have an impact on educational psychology, and visual and verbal techniques were used together to collect data. As a result of the study, mistakes such as lining up classes on both sides of the corridor or not creating personal development areas while designing a uniform education structure were determined, and the criteria to be considered in educational structure designs were explained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim yapıları, Öğrenme psikolojisi, Herman Hertzberger, Montessori eğitim modeli, TOKİ, Educational structures, Learning psychology, Montessori education model
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ergün, R. ve Aykal, D. (2022). Herman Hertzberger' in tasarım kavramı ile tek tip ilköğretim yapı tasarımlarının karşılaştırılması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (elektronik), 21(81), 166-183.