Prokinetik ajanların proksimal ve distal kolon motilitesi üzerine etkileri
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Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States
Amaç: Prokinetik ajanların mide ve ince barsaklarda motiliteyi artırdığı bilinmektedir. Bu ajanların kolon motilitesi üzerine bir çok çalışma olmasına rağmen, konu henüz tam anlamıyla açıklanamamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, prokinetik ajanların proksimal ve distal kolon kaslarının aktivitesi üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Yöntemler: Çalışmada her grup için 8 toplam 40 adet Winstar Albino türü erkek rat kullanıldı. Ratlar; kontrol, eritromisin, ampisilin, domperidon ve metoklopramid olarak 5 gruba ayrıldı. Uygun dozlarda bu ilaçlar 3 gün boyunca orogavajla ilaçlar ratlara verildi. Kontrol grubuna sadece serum fizyolojik verildi. Ratlar sakrifiye edilerek proksimal ve distal kolonları eksize edildi. Kolonik segmentler 10
ml’lik organ banyosuna sirküler kas istikametinde asılarak, spontan kontraksiyonlar bir poligraf yardımı ile kaydedildi. Kontraksiyonların amplitüd (% KCl) ve frekansındaki (sayı/ dk) değişiklikler ortama antagonistler eklenmeden önce ve sonra ayrı ayrı analiz edildi. Organ banyosuna L-NNA, indometazin, nimesulid, hexamethonium ve tetradodoxin, antagonistleri konularak antagonist cevap ilişkisi elde edildi.
Bulgular: Proksimal ve distal kolondan alınan doku örneklerine antagonistler ekleyerek oluşan değişikliklerin mekanizmasının incelemesinde hem proksimal kolon hem de distal kolon dokusunda, her dört grupta L-NNA, indometazin ve nimesulid, amplitüd değerlerini kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak artırırken, hekzametonyum ve tetradotoksin ile değişiklik saptanmadı. Frekans cevapları incelendiği
zaman sadece Eritromisin grubunun frekanslarının kontrol grubundan istatistiksel olarak yüksek olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, GIS’de motilite artışı gerektiren durumlarda motiliteyi artırmak amacı ile eritromisin, ampisilin, domperidon ve metoklopramid kullanımı faydalı olabilir. Ay,rıca bu ilaçları nitrik oksit sentetaz inhibitörleri ve prostaglandin sentez inhibitörleri ile birlikte vermenin etkilerinin artışına katkısı olabilir.
Objective: It is known that prokinetic agents increase the motility of stomach and intestine. Although there are many studies on the motility of colon, its mechanism is not well clarified. The aim of this study to investigate the effects of prokinetic agents on proximal and distal colon tissues. Methods: Forty male wistar albino rats were allocated into five groups. Rats divided five group as a control, erythromycin, ampicillin, domperidon and metoclopramide. Before taking the tissue samples, this four agents were given by oral gavage, three times a day. The proximal and distal colon tissues were taken after the sacrification of rats, the colonic segments were mounted in 10 ml organ baths in the direction of circular muscles, and the contractions were recorded by a polygraph. The changes in the amplitude (% of KCl) and frequency (number/min) of contractions were analyzed before and after the addition of antagonists. The antagonist responses were taken by L-NNA, indomethacin, nimesulid, hexamethonium and tetradotoxin. Results: While investigating the mechanism of the contraction changes, L-NNA, indomethacin, nimesulid significantly increased the amplitude of both proximal and distal colon spontaneous contractions compared with control group but hexamethonium and tetradotoxin did not. According to the frequency responses, the erythromycin group responses were significantly higher than control group. Conclusions: Erythromycin, ampicillin, domperidon and metoclopramide may be useful to increase the motility of gastrointestinal system. On the other hand, the use of these agents in combination with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors may increase the effects of these agents.
Objective: It is known that prokinetic agents increase the motility of stomach and intestine. Although there are many studies on the motility of colon, its mechanism is not well clarified. The aim of this study to investigate the effects of prokinetic agents on proximal and distal colon tissues. Methods: Forty male wistar albino rats were allocated into five groups. Rats divided five group as a control, erythromycin, ampicillin, domperidon and metoclopramide. Before taking the tissue samples, this four agents were given by oral gavage, three times a day. The proximal and distal colon tissues were taken after the sacrification of rats, the colonic segments were mounted in 10 ml organ baths in the direction of circular muscles, and the contractions were recorded by a polygraph. The changes in the amplitude (% of KCl) and frequency (number/min) of contractions were analyzed before and after the addition of antagonists. The antagonist responses were taken by L-NNA, indomethacin, nimesulid, hexamethonium and tetradotoxin. Results: While investigating the mechanism of the contraction changes, L-NNA, indomethacin, nimesulid significantly increased the amplitude of both proximal and distal colon spontaneous contractions compared with control group but hexamethonium and tetradotoxin did not. According to the frequency responses, the erythromycin group responses were significantly higher than control group. Conclusions: Erythromycin, ampicillin, domperidon and metoclopramide may be useful to increase the motility of gastrointestinal system. On the other hand, the use of these agents in combination with nitric oxide synthase inhibitors and prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors may increase the effects of these agents.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Prokinetik ajanlar, Kolon motilitesi, Postoperatif ileus, Prokinetic agents, Colon, Motility, Amplitude, Frequency
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, M.Ş., Altun, A., Güney, C., Cankorkmaz, L., Bağcivan, İ. ve Köylüoğlu, G. (2016). Prokinetik ajanların proksimal ve distal kolon motilitesi üzerine etkileri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 43(1), 151-155.