Erken dönem İslam tarihinde merkez-çevre çatışması
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Bu makalede erken dönem İslam tarihinde meydana gelen merkez ve çevre çatışmaları ele alınmıştır. ArapYarımadasının sakinleri olan kabileler daha önce aşina olmadıkları bir siyaset ve idare modeli ortaya koyarakkısa süre içinde büyük başarı elde eden İslam dininin yayılış ve yükselişine tanık olmuşlardı. Bazı kesimler deHz. Peygamberin irtihali sürecinde bu modeli yeni oluşumlara uyarlama çabası içine girmişlerdir. Medineyönetimine açık cephe alan bu oluşumlardan farklı olarak Hz. Osman döneminin son yıllarında İslamtoplumunda bazı değerlerin icrası noktasında taşımış oldukları rahatsızlıklar Medine yönetimi kanalıyla gidermeamacı taşıyan başka hareketlenmeler de görülmüştür. Bu makalede dört halife döneminde merkez çevreçatışmasının temel tezahürleri üzerinde durulmuştur.
Different aspects of conflicts which appeared in early Islamic history are studied in this paper. Tribalcommunities in Arabic peninsula witnessed a very new event which was not familiar to them before, during theIslamic spread and rise period carrying out a model of policy and administration result of which was a fullsuccess. Observing that event some tribal communities tried to follow the same method in order to succeed infavors of their own tribes and some in religious forms false claiming the prophet hood when The Prophet passedaway. On the other hand different from the mentioned acts some communities were not pleasant with manypractices by the Caliph Othman and they tried to archive what they deserve according to their claims throughMedine administration but events ended in unpredicted results. Many conflicts of this kind appeared in theperiod of first-four caliphs are examined in this paper.
Different aspects of conflicts which appeared in early Islamic history are studied in this paper. Tribalcommunities in Arabic peninsula witnessed a very new event which was not familiar to them before, during theIslamic spread and rise period carrying out a model of policy and administration result of which was a fullsuccess. Observing that event some tribal communities tried to follow the same method in order to succeed infavors of their own tribes and some in religious forms false claiming the prophet hood when The Prophet passedaway. On the other hand different from the mentioned acts some communities were not pleasant with manypractices by the Caliph Othman and they tried to archive what they deserve according to their claims throughMedine administration but events ended in unpredicted results. Many conflicts of this kind appeared in theperiod of first-four caliphs are examined in this paper.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Medine yönetimi, Yalancı peygamberlik, Dört halife, Çatışma, Medine administration, Liar prophets, First-four caliphs, Conflict
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Sarıbıyık, M. (2013). Erken dönem İslam tarihinde merkez-çevre çatışması. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(47), 339-348.