Pediatrik disritmiler
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Dicle Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Pediatrik disritmiler, pediatri poliklinik ve acillerine seyrek
ancak önemli başvuru nedenleridir. Doğumsal kalp
hastalıklarının başarılı cerrahi tedavisi ve tanı araçlarının
gelişmesiyle beraber daha sık olarak disritmi tanısı konulmaya
başlamıştır. Pediatrik disritmiler; asemptomatik olabileceği
gibi, halsizlik, sersemlik hissi, efor kapasitesinde
azalma, çabuk yorulma, kalp atımlarında düzensizlik,
çarpıntı, bayılma şikayetleri ile kendilerini göstermekte ve
bazen kardiyak arrest ilk başvuru bulgusu olabilmektedir.
Sebep olabilecekleri önemli hemodinamik etkiler nedeniyle
pediatristler ve aile hekimleri tarafından iyi tanınmaları,
hastalar için hayatiyet arz etmektedir. Bu derlemede sık
karşılaşılan pediatrik disritmilerin pediatristler ve aile hekimlerince
doğru tanı ve tedavisine katkıda bulunulması
Pediatric dysrhythmias are rare but important causes of admission to pediatric clinics and emergency departments. Due to the development of successful surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases and improvements in the diagnostic tools, pediatric dysrhythmias are more frequently diagnosed. Although pediatric dysrhythmias are may be asymptomatic, they may manifest with weakness, dizziness, decrease in the effort capacity, easy fatigability, irregularity in heartbeats, palpitations, syncope and cardiac arrest. Since dysrhythmias may give rise to significant hemodynamic outcomes, their recognition by pediatricians and family physicians is vital for the patients. This review aims to contribute to the correct diagnosis and management of the cases with frequently encountered pediatric dysrhythmias.
Pediatric dysrhythmias are rare but important causes of admission to pediatric clinics and emergency departments. Due to the development of successful surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases and improvements in the diagnostic tools, pediatric dysrhythmias are more frequently diagnosed. Although pediatric dysrhythmias are may be asymptomatic, they may manifest with weakness, dizziness, decrease in the effort capacity, easy fatigability, irregularity in heartbeats, palpitations, syncope and cardiac arrest. Since dysrhythmias may give rise to significant hemodynamic outcomes, their recognition by pediatricians and family physicians is vital for the patients. This review aims to contribute to the correct diagnosis and management of the cases with frequently encountered pediatric dysrhythmias.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pediatrik disritmiler, Pediatric dysrhythmias, Çocukluk çağı, Childhood, Aritmi, Arrhythmia
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bilici M., Demir F. (2015) "Pediatrik disritmiler" , Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 42 (1), 128-135.