2015-2017 yılları arasında izole edilen citrobacter suşlarında antibiyotik direnci
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Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Derneği
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Bu çalışmada Nisan 2015-Mart 2017 tarihleri arasında infeksiyon etkeni olarak izole edilen Citrobacter suşlarının antibiyotik dirençlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İzole edilen 72 Citrobacter suşundan 37'si Citrobacter freundii 35'i diğer Citrobacter türleri olarak identifiye edilmiştir. İzole edilen suşların farklı antimikrobiyallere minimum inhibitör konsantrasyon değerleri incelenmiş ve ampisiline % 99, seftazidime % 25, aztreonam ve trimetoprim/sülfametoksazole % 22, siprofloksasine % 15, piperasilin/tazobaktam ve gentamisine % 11, sefepime % 10, meropeneme % 1 ve amikasine % 0 oranlarında direnç saptanmıştır. Amikasin ve meropenem en etkili antibiyotikler olarak bulunmuş, bunları sefepim, gentamisin ve piperasilin/tazobaktam izlenmiştirÇalışmada amikasin ve meropenemin Citrobacter infeksiyonları için iyi bir tedavi alternatifi olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Antibiotic Resistance of Citrobacter Strains Isolated Between 2015 and 2017Citrobacter is a group of bacteria that causes hospital-acquired infections mostly in newborn and immunosuppressed patients. The aim of this study to antibiotic resistance of Citrobacter strains isolated from clinical specimens between April 2015 and March 2017 as infection agents. 37 C.freundii and 35 other Citrobacter strains, totally 72 Citrobacter strains were isolated. When MIC values of isolates were taken into consideration altogether, rate of resistance were as follows: 99 % to ampicillin, 25 % to ceftazidime, 22 % to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and aztreonam, 15 % to ciprofloxacin, 11 % to piperasillin/tazobactam and gentamisin, 10 % to cefepime, % 1 to meropenem and % 0 to amikacin, amikacin and meropenem are determined that the most efficient antibiotics, these antibiotics were followed by cefepime, gentamisin and piperasillin/tazobactam against to Citrobacter strains. It has been concluded that amikacin and meropenem are good treatment alternatives for Citrobacter infections in our study.
Antibiotic Resistance of Citrobacter Strains Isolated Between 2015 and 2017Citrobacter is a group of bacteria that causes hospital-acquired infections mostly in newborn and immunosuppressed patients. The aim of this study to antibiotic resistance of Citrobacter strains isolated from clinical specimens between April 2015 and March 2017 as infection agents. 37 C.freundii and 35 other Citrobacter strains, totally 72 Citrobacter strains were isolated. When MIC values of isolates were taken into consideration altogether, rate of resistance were as follows: 99 % to ampicillin, 25 % to ceftazidime, 22 % to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and aztreonam, 15 % to ciprofloxacin, 11 % to piperasillin/tazobactam and gentamisin, 10 % to cefepime, % 1 to meropenem and % 0 to amikacin, amikacin and meropenem are determined that the most efficient antibiotics, these antibiotics were followed by cefepime, gentamisin and piperasillin/tazobactam against to Citrobacter strains. It has been concluded that amikacin and meropenem are good treatment alternatives for Citrobacter infections in our study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antibiyotik direnci, Citrobacter, Antibitic resistance
ANKEM Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Atmaca, S., Özekinci, T., Yakut, S., Akpolat, N. ve Gül, K. (2017). 2015-2017 yılları arasında izole edilen citrobacter suşlarında antibiyotik direnci. ANKEM Dergisi, 31(3), 79-84.