Bir üniversite hastanesi endokrinoloji kliniğinde eksenatid verilen hastaların klinik ve laboratuvar özellikleri
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Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States
Amaç: Eksenatid, GLP-1 reseptörlerine yüksek afinitede bağlanmakta ve endojen GLP-1 etkisi olan glikoz bağımlı insülin sekresyonu, gastrik boşalmanın geciktirilmesi, glukagon süpresyonu, iştah baskılanması ve β-hücre kitlesini artırıcı etkilerini göstermektedir. Tip 2 diyabet tedavisinde metformin ve sulfonilüre veya her ikisinin beraber kullanılmasıyla glisemik kontrol sağlanamayan özellikle obez hastalarda kullanılmaktadır. İyi glisemik kontrol ve kilo kaybı sağlaması nedeniyle kan şekerleri yüksek seyreden oral antidiyabetik tedavinin yetersiz kaldığı vakalarda insülin tedavisine eklenmiştir. Çalışmamızda; kliniğimizde en az 4 ay ve daha fazla süreyle eksenatid tedavisi alan hastaların biyokimyasal ve klinik parametrelerini paylaşmayı planladık. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya Temmuz 2011 ile Aralık 2013 tarihleri arasında eksenatid başlanan ve en az 4 (ort: 7,3) ay takipleri tamamlanan 26 (2 erkek, 24 kadın) hasta alındı. Hastaların hepsi tedavi öncesi metformin yanında kombine oral antidiyabetik tedavi altında iken, 6 hasta metformin tedavisine ek olarak insülin tedavisi almaktaydı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan hastalarda tedavi sonrası Hemoglobin A1c düzeylerinde kadınlarda %0.98, erkeklerde % 1.4, vücut ağırlığında (kg) kadınlarda % 0.64, erkeklerde % 0.57, beden kitle indeksi ölçümlerinde kadınlarda % 0.61, erkeklerde % 0.56 düşme gözlendi. Sonuç: İnsülin, metformin veya oral antidiyabetik tedaviyi kombine veya tek başına alan obez hastalarda tedaviye eksenatide eklenmesi ile hastalarda kilo kaybı ve Hemoglobin A1c düzeylerinde düşme tespit edilmiştir
Objective: Exenatide has high affinity on binding GLP - 1 receptors. Endogenous GLP - 1 effects glucose -dependent insulin secretion, delayed gastric emptying, suppression of glucagon, inhibition of appetite, and shows effects of enhancing β - cell mass. It is usually use in the treatment of type 2 obese diabetic patients, whose treatment not be obtained with metformin and sulfonylurea or both. It was added to insulin therapy, because it provides better glycemic control and weight loss in cases which have high level of blood glucose with oral antidiabetic. In our study we planned to share the patients treated with exenatide in our clinic for a period of at least 4 months and discuss their biochemical and clinical parameters. Methods: In this study we evaluated 26 patients (2 males, 24 females) who admitted our clinic between July 2011 and December 2013 and who followed up at least 4 months (mean: 7.3) All of the patients were using metformin in combination with oral antidiabetic drug therapy, while 6 patients were receiving insulin therapy in addition to metformin. Results: After treatment, HemoglobineA1c decrease were found 0.98 % for women and 1.4% for men and of weight loss were found 0.64% for women and 0.57% for men, measurements of body mass index were decreased 0.61% for females and 0.56% for men. Conclusion: We determined that; addition of exenatide treatment to Insulin, metformin or oral antidiabetic therapy combination in obese patients leads to weight loss and decrease Hemoglobin A1c levels.
Objective: Exenatide has high affinity on binding GLP - 1 receptors. Endogenous GLP - 1 effects glucose -dependent insulin secretion, delayed gastric emptying, suppression of glucagon, inhibition of appetite, and shows effects of enhancing β - cell mass. It is usually use in the treatment of type 2 obese diabetic patients, whose treatment not be obtained with metformin and sulfonylurea or both. It was added to insulin therapy, because it provides better glycemic control and weight loss in cases which have high level of blood glucose with oral antidiabetic. In our study we planned to share the patients treated with exenatide in our clinic for a period of at least 4 months and discuss their biochemical and clinical parameters. Methods: In this study we evaluated 26 patients (2 males, 24 females) who admitted our clinic between July 2011 and December 2013 and who followed up at least 4 months (mean: 7.3) All of the patients were using metformin in combination with oral antidiabetic drug therapy, while 6 patients were receiving insulin therapy in addition to metformin. Results: After treatment, HemoglobineA1c decrease were found 0.98 % for women and 1.4% for men and of weight loss were found 0.64% for women and 0.57% for men, measurements of body mass index were decreased 0.61% for females and 0.56% for men. Conclusion: We determined that; addition of exenatide treatment to Insulin, metformin or oral antidiabetic therapy combination in obese patients leads to weight loss and decrease Hemoglobin A1c levels.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eksenatid, GLP-1, Diabetes mellitus, Exenatide
Dicle Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kılınç, F., Alpağat, G., Demircan, F., Pekkolay, Z., Gözel, N. ve Tuzcu, A.K. (2014). Bir üniversite hastanesi endokrinoloji kliniğinde eksenatid verilen hastaların klinik ve laboratuvar özellikleri. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 41(1), 128-132.