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Öğe ARCHITECTURAL AND HYDROLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE HISTORICAL BASALT BRIDGES IN DIYARBAKIR-TURKEY(Stef92 Technology Ltd, 2016) Halifeoglu, F. Meral; Toprak, Z. Fuat; Kavak, OrhanHistorical structures reflect the cultures, religions, language, and civilization and development levels of people lived in the past. In brief, each historical structure can be qualified as evidence of the life of the people built them. Furthermore, such structures give information about the early age nature of the region (i.e. hydrological, meteorological, geological characters of the region their built). Therefore protecting such historical structures and the recording the information about them are essentially important. With the respect of above mentioned consideration in this study, the historical bridges located (built) in Diyarbakir province have been first mapped. Then, they have been architecturally, hydrological, and geologically interpreted. In another word, the features, the structural materials, and streams of the bridges are architecturally, geologically, and hydrologically examined respectively.Öğe Bölükyayla-1 kuyusundaki Karaboğaz formasyonunun organik jeokimyasal açıdan incelenmesi(1998) Kavak, OrhanGüneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinin kuzey-kuzeybatı kesiminde üretilen petrolün kaynak kayasına yönelik çalışmalar Üst Kretase yaşlı Karaboğaz formasyonunun belirli bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Çoğun genel amaçlı ve bölgesel ölçekte ele alınan bu çalışmalarda yeterli ayrıntı bulunmamaktadır. Bölükyayla-1 kuyusundaki Karaboğaz formasyonunun jeokimyasal özellikleri Adıyaman ve çevresinde bulunan kuyularda yer alan Karaboğaz formasyonunun kaynak kaya potansiyelinin detaylı araştırılması açısından çalışılmıştır. Kuyudaki Karaboğaz formasyonundan alınan örneklerden yapılan organik jeokimyasal analizler yardımıyla birimin kaynak kaya potansiyeline yönelik parametreler ve değişimleri saptanmıştır. Adet olarak yapılan 9 TOK, 6 Piroliz, 1'er Özütleme, İnce kolon kromatografisi, Kolon kromatografisi ve GC analizleri sonucunda TOK değerlerinin 0.82-1.70 arasında, Tmax 439-448°C, Hidrojen indeksi (HI) 156-181 mgHC/gCorg arasında değiştiği ve birimin genel olarak TYP II denizel organik madde içerdiği ve ortaolgun-olgun olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Organik madde miktarı, organik madde tipi ve olgunlaşma düzeyi açısından ayrıntılı olarak değerlendirilen Karaboğaz formasyonunun orta derecede bir kaynak kaya potansiyeline sahip olduğu saptanmıştır.Öğe Comprehensive geochemical correlation between surface and subsurface hydrocarbon occurrences in the Batman-Mardin-Sirnak area (SE Turkey)(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2018) Hosseini, S. Hossein; Horsfield, Brian; Wilkes, Heinz; Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea; Yalcin, M. Namik; Kavak, OrhanSoutheast Turkey is the main oil-producing region of the country, located at the northwestern part of the Zagros Basin. In this study, we investigated the geochemical characteristics of both surface and subsurface hydrocarbon occurrences in the Batman-Mardin-Sirnak area in southeast Turkey to determine whether a genetic relationship exists between the two. For this, thirty solid bitumens from twenty-two different veins along with ten heavy oils and thirteen oil seepage samples from nearby oilfields and seeps were studied using diverse geochemical tools. Firstly each of the different hydrocarbon types was considered individually with respect to source organofacies, level of thermal maturity and degree of biodegradation. The results obtained from the source-related parameters demonstrate a marine algal source for all investigated samples. Also, lithology determination based on various diasterane, tricyclic terpane, hopane and homohopane parameters, suggests a carbonate source for all samples, except for the Dadas and Iskar seeps (clastic). Thereafter, considering the influences caused by thermal and biological alteration processes, all heavy oils, less mature solid bitumens as well as the less biodegraded seep oils were selected to be correlated using selected additional parameters. Homohopane distributions reveal that solid bitumens, compared to heavy oils and seeps, are highly enriched in C-31. and depleted in higher homologues possibly due to cracking of high molecular weight homologues to lower ones during and/or after solidification processes. Furthermore, the similarities observed for the relative abundances of six series of aromatic hydrocarbons and their alkylated counterparts substantiate strong genetic affinities within the sample set. Finally, compound-specific stable carbon isotopes of individual components show that solid bitumens are more enriched in C-13 than the heavy oils which is mainly attributed to the preferential removal of light isotopes (C-12) during solidification. Our results strongly confirm that Turkish solid bitumens are genetically related to the nearby heavy oils, thereby providing new information on the petroleum system in this part of the southeast Anatolia.Öğe Determination of environmental exposure to asbestos (tremolite) and mesothelioma risks in the southeastern region of Turkey(Heldref Publications, 2004) Senyigit, Abdurrahman; Dalgic, Abdurrahman; Kavak, Orhan; Tanrikulu, Abdullah CetinIn this study, the authors examined the concentrations and mineralogical analyses of asbestos, and investigated mesothelioma risk in southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. They used a gravimetric dust sampler to collect samples from 2 villages and 2 asbestos mines (1 active). Samples were then evaluated by an X-ray diffractometer and an electron microscope. The authors found high concentrations of asbestos in an active mine (4.9 fibers[f]/cm(3)) and at a house that was plastered with asbestos (1.24 f/cm(3)) and had a very active population. They found a low concentration (0.0042 f/cm(3)) in indoor measurements taken in Armutova village, and an even lower concentration (0.000081 f/cm(3)) in the inactive mine environment. Outdoor measurements included a low concentration of 0.007 f/cm(3) in the village environment, and a high concentration of 1.17 f/cm(3) on the mine road during the passing of a sheep herd. The people in the region are continuously exposed to asbestos during normal activities. This cumulative exposure to asbestos carries sufficient risks for mesothelioma development.Öğe Determination of Selenium and Nickel in Asphaltite from Milli (Sirnak) Deposit in SE Anatolia of Turkey(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2017) Aydin, Isil; Fidan, Celal; Kavak, Orhan; Erek, Figen; Aydin, FiratAsphaltite is one of the naturally occurring black, solid bitumen's, which are soluble at heating in carbon disulphide band fuse. Asphaltite is also a solidified hydro carbon compound derived from petroleum [1]. According to the World Energy Council, Turkish National Committee (1998), the total reserve of the asphaltic substances that are found in south eastern Turkey is about 82 million tons, with Silopi and Sirnak reserves to get her comprising the major part of the Asphaltite deposits. Selenium and Nickel are very important elements both environmental and health. Selenium plays an important role in the formation of the enzyme antioxidant effect in the cell. The need for Selenium increases in situations such as pregnancy, menopause, grow than development, air pollution. Nickel is used for preventing iron-poor blood, increasing iron absorption, and treating weak bones. In this study, asphaltites were taken from Milli vein from Sirnak deposit in SE Anatolia of Turkey. A total of 6.500.000 tons of Asphaltite reserves have been identified as asphaltites in Milli (Sirnak). The sample preparation method was developed in Asphaltite by spectroanalytical techniques, wet acid digestion. MW-AD followed by ICP-OES were used for the determination of Selenium and Nickel in Asphaltite. Proximate analysis of Asphaltite fly ash samples was made. It also, Selenium and Nickel element analysis in Asphaltite were made.Öğe Early activity of the largest Cenozoic shield volcano in the circum-Mediterranean area: Mt. Karacadag, SE Turkey(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Lustrino, Michele; Keskin, Mehmet; Mattioli, Michele; Lebedev, Vladimir A.; Chugaev, Andrey; Sharkov, Evgenii; Kavak, OrhanVolcanic activity at Mt. Karacadag, SE Turkey, developed between similar to 11 and similar to 0.01 Ma. In this paper we investigate the oldest products (older than 2.6 Ma) that created a large volcanic plateau and a N-S aligned volcanic edifice in the form of a shield volcano. These igneous rocks are mildly alkaline to transitional olivine-clinopyroxene phyric basalts with minor hawaiites, basanites and very rare differentiated lithologies (mugearites and benmoreites). The poor correlation of major elements with MgO in these lavas is qualitatively consistent with polybaric depths of magma production, variable degrees of partial melting (from similar to 2 to similar to 10 %), heterogeneous mantle sources and differences in the fractionating crystal assemblage. Primitive mantle-normalized patterns resemble typical anorogenic magma compositions, with peaks at HFSE (Nb, Ta, Hf, Zr) and high HFSE/LILE ratios. REE contents are compatible with derivation of the basanites from a mixed garnet-spinel facies peridotite after similar to 2% partial melting. Alkali basalts are compatible with higher degrees of melting (between 5 and 10 %) from the same type of source. Initial Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios range from 0.70349 to 0.70522 while those of Nd-143/Nd-144 range from 0.512853 to 0.512659. Early-stage lavas show higher Sr-87/Sr-86 and lower Nd-143/Nd-144 compared to plateau-stage lavas. The Sr-Nd isotopic variations and their relation with major and trace elements cannot be explained by AFC-like (Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization) processes involving average crustal lithologies. More likely, the Sr-Nd isotopic ratios are related to the existence of heterogeneous mantle sources with only minor involvement of AFC-like processes. The Cenozoic lavas in a 200 x 800 km area between the Karasu Valley and the Syria-Iraq-Turkey border in south-eastern Anatolia form a distinct igneous province which can be characterised on the basis of Sr-isotope signatures. The lithospheric mantle beneath this area is characterized by anomalously enriched Sr-87/Sr-86 compositions (up to 0.7055) as well as more isotopically depleted compositions (Sr-87/Sr-86 down to 0.7030).Öğe Environmental effects of petroleum leaks around Diyarbakir City (SE Anatolia of Turkey) and its environment(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019) Aba, Tahsin; Kavak, OrhanCrude oil; Gasoline; Global warming; Groundwater resources; Oil fields; Oil spills; Petroleum prospecting; Petroleum transportation; River pollution; Sulfuric acid; Surface watersÖğe Evaluation of oil fields in and around Diyarbakir (SE anatolia of Turkey) in terms of production(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019) Bulbul, Rıfat; Kavak, OrhanThis study aims to give information about the oil production of 42 Oil Fields and the wells of each field in Diyarbakir and the surrounding area where is geologically located at the boundary of Anatolian plate and Middle Eastern oil region in the Southeastern Anatolia of Turkey. The structure of oil reservoirs at this region, the interaction of oil and water at the reservoir, capping mechanism of reservoir oil and water are the given topics about the reservoir. Average drilling depth of oil wells at the surrounding area, chemical structure and physical properties of production formations, calculation of production rate, pump types and selecting the suitable type of pump for several production rates, advantages and disadvantages of the pump types are also the other given information about the region. Moreover, regional evaluation of the oil and water ratios, API gravity of produced oil, salinity and pH values of produced water are mentioned by using the analysis of samples taken from the wells in different regions of Diyarbakir province. The other purpose of the study is to inform about stocking of produced oil and water by using surface systems, seperation systems of oil from the water, injecting of seperated water to water injection wells, analysing the downhole and surface equipment failures for production wells and enviromental effects of oil production. Giving information about the economical aspect of the oil production for Turkey and Diyarbakir region is also one of the other goal. Solutions are offered for the encountered problems during the production, separation, transportation, and the refinery processes of the reserves in Diyarbakir city of Turkey, that imports most of its petroleum and natural gas use despite being very close to relatively large reserves.Öğe GEOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF THE ADIYAMAN OIL FIELD KARABOGAZ FORMATION IN SOUTHEAST TURKEY(Springer, 2011) Kavak, OrhanSamples were collected from 150 wells to determine the oil and gas potential of the mother bed of the Karabogaz formation with an area of 1000 km(2) located in the Adiyaman oil field. Of these, 46 samples from 14 wells were selected for geochemical studies. The results of the analyses showed that the total organic carbon content in the mother bed is within the limits of 0.82-7.29%. The types II and II/III organic matter present in it is mature. Based on the distribution of the properties of the organic matter in this territory, it was concluded that the Karabogaz formation occurs in the shelf zone in a small basin limited from the bottom. The mother bed was formed in shelf medium under the effect of rising water and organic facies in the Karabogaz formation so that it contained phosphates.Öğe A geochemical study of bitumen residues on ceramics excavated from Early Bronze age graves (3000-2900 BCE) at Basur Hoyuk in SE Turkey(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018) Connan, Jacques; Kavak, Orhan; Saglamtimur, Haluk; Engel, Michael; Zumberge, Alex; Zumberge, JohnEight black residues, scraped from outer surfaces of painted ceramics, unearthed from graves 1-3 at Basur Hoyuk (SE Turkey), were analysed by geochemical techniques in order to characterize bitumens and to try to identify their source. Ceramics are dated from the Early Bronze period (3100-2900 BCE). The black organic matter was indeed identified as bitumen, but its source has not been discovered despite its comparison with several oil seeps from the area. The bitumen at Basur Hoyuk does not match the bitumens analyzed at Kavusan Hoyuk, Salat Hoyuk, Hakemi Use and Kuriki Hoyuk which are Cretaceous in origin and likely imported from the Eruh tars deposit. The stable carbon isotope values of their asphaltene fraction suggest a Silurian origin, however the occurrence of the 18 alpha(H)-oleanane emphasized a younger source, i.e. Tertiary or Cretaceous. Our interpretation favours the mixture of two oils, a Silurian age and a Tertiary-Cretaceous age. This mixture may occur geologically, due to the uptake of a Tertiary signal by a Silurian oil along its migration route to the surface. It may also be a consequence of human activity carried out by the inhabitants at the mortuary ceremony where the bituminous mixture has been applied to ceramics, prior to their deposit in the graves. The oil seep character of the archaeological bitumen at Basur Hoyuk and the lack of obvious oxidation suggest the following explanation: freshly collected oil seeps were splashed on ceramics as ritual practices and the tarry potteries were then buried and therefore sealed. The fast burial prevented the bitumen from any oxidative alteration. (c) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Geochemistry and origin of bituminous samples of Kuriki Höyük (SE Turkey) from 4000 BCE to 200 CE: Comparison with Kavuşan Höyük, Hakemi Use and Salat Tepe(Elsevier, 2022) Connan, Jacques; Genç, Elif; Kavak, Orhan; Engel, Michael H.; Zumberge, AlexTwelve samples of organic mixtures collected from floors and potsherds in different areas of Kuriki Hoyuk (SE Turkey) were analyzed by geochemical techniques to identify bitumens and try to locate their sources. Oil seeps from the region (Gercus, Badzivan, Zengen, Kerbent, Kayatepe, Eruh) and some other samples characterized later as asphaltites (Kumcati, Anittepe, Silip), were compared to the archaeological mixtures. To trace the source of bitumen, stable carbon isotope values of chromatographic fractions and mass fragmentograms of steranes and terpanes were acquired on both archaeological mixtures and oil seeps used as references. Bitumen was recognized in all samples and the Kerbent oil seep is the most likely source of bitumen at Kuriki Hoyuk. This source was used from 4000 BCE to 200 CE. In contrast, Eruh appears to be the likely source for the other archaeological sites of the neighbourhood namely: Kavusan Hoyuk, Salat Tepe and Hakemi Use. The mineral composition of archaeological samples shows that the mixtures used at Kuriki Hoyuk are similar to those observed elsewhere in many archaeological bitumens from other localities.Öğe Gölbaşı Harmanlı (Adıyaman) kömürlerinin organik jeokimyasal ve petrografik özellikleri(2011) Toprak, Selami; Kavak, OrhanBu çalışma, Adıyaman–Gölbaşı–Harmanlı Mevkii’nde yer alan kömür oluşumunun olduğu havzada yapılmıştır. Tersiyer yaşlı kömürlerin kimyasal ve petrografik analizleri yapılmış, organik jeokimyasal özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Kömür kalite değerlendirmesi, kimyasal (nem, uçucu madde, sabit karbon, kül) ve elementer analizler (C, H, O, S, N) yapılarak ortaya konmuştur. Hüminit Ro yansıtma değerleri organik maddece zengin ve kömürlü düzeylerde %0.28 ve %0.516 arasında değişmekte olup, düşük olgunluk düzeyine karşılık gelmektedir. Bu parametre floresans renkleri, kalorifik değer (ortalama orijinal 2736, kuru 3727 Kcal/kg) ve ortalama $T _{max} (422 C^ o)$ ile uyumludur. İncelenen kömürlerde organik maddeler düşük litostatik basınç nedeniyle düşük dereceli dönüşüm gösterir. GC analizinde,$ n-C _{17}, n-C _{27}, n-C _{30} ve n-C _3$ gibi düşük karbon sayılı n-alkanlar ile $CS _2$ ve benzen belirlenmiştir. Örneklerin GC-MS verileri triterpanoid bileşenleri mevcut olduğu saptanmış ve bunların yüksek karasal bitki bileşimlerine, gammacceran değerlerinin ise hipersalin çökelim koşullarına işaret ettiği sanılmaktadır. Organik petrografik analizlere ve kimyasal analiz verilerine bağlı olarak, Gölbaşı kömürlerinin düşük olgunlaşma derecesi gösterdikleri ve alt-bitümlü kömür - linyit kömürleşme derecelerine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Rock-Eval analiz sonuçları TİP II/III karışımı ve TİP III kerojeni, ortalama 422 $C^ o T _{max}$ değeri hidrokarbon türümü için olgunlaşmamış ve erken olgun düzeyi ifade eder. Kömürler baskın olarak hüminit maserallerinden meydana gelmekte, az miktarlarda da inertinit ve liptinit maseralleri içermektedirler. Gölbaşı kömürleri egemen olarak gelinit olmak üzere yüksek hüminit içerikleri ile karakteristiktir. Mineral maddeleri ise başlıca kalsit, killer ve sülfürlü minerallerdir.Öğe Hazro Dadaş (Diyarbakır) kömürlerinin organik jeokimyasal ve petrografik özellikleri(2013) Kavak, Orhan; Toprak, SelamiBu çalışma, Hazro–Dadaş (Diyarbakır) mevkiinde yer alan, bölgedeki tek kömür oluşumunun bulunduğu havzada yapılmıştır. Permiyen yaşlı kömürlerin kimyasal, petrografik analizleri yapılmış ve organik jeokimyasal özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Kömür kalite değerlendirilmesi, kimyasal (nem, uçucu madde, sabit karbon, kül) ve elementer analizler (C, H, O, S, N) yapılarak ortaya konmuştur. Hüminit yansıma değerleri organik maddece zengin ve kömürlü düzeylerde % 0.458 ve 1.141 arasında değişmekte olup, düşük olgunluk düzeyine karşılık gelmektedir. Bu parametre flüoresans renkleri, kalorifik değer (ortalama orijinal 3165; kuru 3432 Kcal/kg) ve ortalama Tmax (418 oC) ile uyumludur. Organik petrografik analizler ve kimyasal analiz verilerine bağlı olarak, Hazro-Dadaş kömürlerinin düşük olgunlaşma derecesi gösterdikleri ve alt-bitümlü kömür, bitümlü kömür kömürleşme derecelerine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun da muhtemelen, örtü tabakalarının kalın olmaması ve dolayısı ile litostatik basınç etkisinin düşük kalması sonucu oluştuğu tahmin edilmektedir. Rock-Eval analiz sonuçları Tip II/III karışımı ve Tip III kerojeni, ortalama 418 oC Tmax değeri hidrokarbon türümü için olgunlaşmamış ve erken olgun düzeyi ifade eder. Kömürler baskın olarak hüminit maserallerinden meydana gelmekte, egemen olarak gelinit maserali, az miktarlarda da liptinit ve inertinit maseralleri içermektedir. Mineral maddeleri ise başlıca killer, kuvars ve kalsit minerallerdir. Hazro kömürlerinin limnik ortam bataklıklarında oluştuğu düşünülmektedir.Öğe Heterogeneous mantle sources feeding the volcanic activity of Mt. Karacada? (SE Turkey)(2012) Lustrino, Michele; Keskin, Mehmet; Mattioli, Michele; Kavak, Orhan; 0000-0002-1212-7207; 0000-0002-1672-130X; 0000-0002-8068-3352The volcanic activity of Mt. Karacada? (SE Anatolia) is divided into three major stages: Siverek Stage (?11-2.7Ma), Karacada? Stage (?1.9-1.0Ma) and Ovaba? Stage (0.4-0.01Ma). The magmas are mildly alkaline mafic rocks, mostly basanites, hawaiites and alkali basalts. Detailed geochemical investigation indicates a continuous variation of composition with time, with the oldest products (Siverek Stage) being characterized by average lowest HFSE (Ti, Hf, Zr, Nb, Ta), 143Nd/ 144Nd, Nb/U, Ta/Yb, Nb/Nb and the highest ?Q, La/Nb, Ti/Nb, Zr/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Ta, K/La, and the youngest products (Ovaba? Stage) at the opposite end of the trend. The overall incompatible element content of the Karacada? volcanic rocks resembles closely average HIMU-OIB compositions, with the oldest samples deviating more strongly from typical compositions of "anorogenic" magmas. We interpret these geochemical variations with a process of partial melting of a chemically and mineralogically heterogeneous mantle source rather than with process of variable crustal contamination at shallow depths. During the first stages of mantle melting the volumes with lowest solidus temperature (e.g., the amphibole and phlogopite-rich metasomes, particularly abundant in the Arabia mantle xenolith suite) contributed significantly to the partial melts. "Average" peridotitic matrix is involved in partial melting processes only when these metasomatic volumes start to be exhausted, producing mantle melts with geochemical composition resembling average "anorogenic" mildly alkaline sodic rocks, common in the circum-Mediterranean area.Öğe Karlıova halifan (Bingöl) kömürlerinin organik jeokimyasal ve petrografik özellikleri(2012) Kavak, Orhan; Toprak, SelamiBu çalışmada, Tersiyer yaşlı Bingöl–Karlıova–Halifan kömürlerinin petrografik ve organik jeokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kömürün kalite değerlendirmesi kimyasal (nem, uçucu madde, sabit karbon, kül) ve elementer analizler (C, H, O, S, N) yapılarak belirlenmiştir. Hüminit yansıma değerleri organik maddece zengin ve kömürlü düzeylerde % 0,368 ve 0,573 arasında değişmekte olup, düşük olgunluk düzeyine karşılık gelmektedir. Bu parametre floresans renkleri, kalorifik değer (ortalama orijinal 2266; kuru 3177 Kcal/kg üst ısıl değerleri) ve ortalama Tmax ($417^{circ} C$) ile uyumludur. İncelenen kömürlerde organik maddeler düşük litostatik basınç nedeniyle düşük dereceli dönüşüm gösterir. Kömürlerin petrografik özellikleri ve kalite verileri alt bitümlü kömür - linyit olarak sınıflandırılmasını öngörmektedir. Rock-Eval analiz sonuçları TİP II/III karışımı ve TİP III kerojeni, ortalama $417^{circ} C$ Tmax değeri hidrokarbon türümü için olgunlaşmamış ve erken olgun düzeyi ifade eder. Kömürler çoğunlukla hüminit, daha az oranlarda ise inertinit ve liptinit maseral içermektedirler. Karlıova Halifan kömürleri yüksek oranda kül ve kükürt, mineral olarak kil ve kalsit, maseral olarak da gelinit içermektedirler.Öğe METHODS OF ANALYSIS APPLIED TO HYDROCARBON SEEPAGE IN SOUTHEASTERN REGION OF ANATOLIA (TURKEY) AND THEIR INTERPRETATION(Int Scientific Conference Sgem, 2011) Kavak, Orhan; Onen, Kivilcim; Temel, HamdiIn the context of this study, 19 Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES), 17 Total Organic Carbon(TOC) and Rock Eval Pyrolysis, 8 Thin Layer Chromatography, Extraction and Column Chromatography, 16 Gas Chromatography (GC),15 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS), 8 Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis(GC-IRMS) were performed with solid samples of Hydrocarbon Seepage from 7 provinces (Adiyaman, Batman, Diyarbakir, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Sirnak) in Southeastern Region of Anatolia of Turkey. Metals of Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, V, B, Pb, Ni, Hg, Cu, Cd, Co were detected with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) analysis. Hydrocarbon Potential of the samples was intended to be proven in the results of TOC and Rock Eval Pyrolysis Analysis. In the results taken from GC and GC-MS analysis, data was acquired about general distribution of Hydrocarbon, organic substance type, maturation and sedimentation medium. In the light of the results obtained, it was intended to prove the hydrocarbon mechanisms, formation and potentials of the samples mentioned in addition to the Geological Environment they exist.Öğe ORGANIC GEOCHEMICAL AND PETROGRAPHIC PROPERTIES OF HAZRO DADAS (DIYARBAKIR) COALS(Maden Tetkik Ve Arama Genel Mudurlugu-Mta, 2013) Kavak, Orhan; Toprak, SelamiThis study was carried out in Hazro-Dadas (Diyarbakir) region which owns the only coal basin in the area. Chemical, petrographic analysis and organic geochemical evaluations of the Permian aged coals were taken into consideration. Coal quality investigation along with proximate (moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash) and elemental analyses (C, H, O, and S, N) were performed and revealed. The huminite reflectance of organically abundant matter and coal levels were found to be between 0.458 and 1.141 %. This parameter complies with fluorescence colors, calorific value (average original 3165 - 3432 Kcal/kg) and average T-max (418 degrees C). Hasbro coals show low grade maturity and own sub-bituminous, bituminous coalification ranks. This is thought to be resulted from thin overburden and its possible low lithostatic pressure. Rock Eval analysis results show that Type II/III and III kerogen, with average T-max value is 418 degrees C and corresponding to the immature and early-mature rank for hydrocarbon generation. The coals are characterized with their abundance of huminite maceral group and gelinite maceral, with small amount of liptinite and inertinite macerals. Mineral matters of the Hazro-Dadas coals are clay, quartz and calcite minerals. Hazro-Dadas coals are thought to have deposited in limnic environment swamps.Öğe Organic geochemical comparison of asphaltites of Sirnak area with the oils of the Raman and Dincer fields in Southeastern Turkey(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2011) Kavak, OrhanFifty-five samples of asphaltites from 12 different veins in Sirnak area and two oil samples from Raman and Dincer Oil fields in South East (SE) Turkey have been analyzed by organic geochemical methods (total organic carbon, rock-eval pyrolysis, gas chromatography of saturated fractions, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and stable carbon isotope). The total organic carbon (TOC) contents in asphaltites ranged from 12% to 65%. The T(max) values range between 428 degrees C and 465 degrees C. The hydrogen index (HI) values vary between 270 and 531 mg HC/g TOC. The levels of biodegradation of the asphaltites were studied by GC analyses of the saturated fractions and none to moderate biodegradation has been found. Maturity of the asphaltite samples were assessed biomarker ratios provided by GC-MS analysis. Stable carbon isotope ((13)C) analyses of Raman-Dincer oils produced values about -27% and the asphaltene fractions of the asphaltite samples revealed similar values about 26.8%. It is presumed that the asphaltites are of oil origin and has been solidified in veins close to surface and the geochemical correlation and encountering to the oil seeps in crevices suggest similarities between the Sirnak area asphaltites and Raman-Dincer oils. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe ORGANIC GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ADIYAMAN GOLBASI (South East of TURKEY) COALS(Int Scientific Conference Sgem, 2011) Kavak, Orhan; Toprak, SelamiThis study was carried out in Golbasi (Adiyaman) region (SE of TURKEY), which owns rare coal formations in the region. Chemical, petrographic analysis and organic geochemical evaluations of the Tertiary aged coals were taken into consideration. Coal quality investigation along with proximate (moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash) and elemental analyses (C, H, O, S, N) were performed and revealed. The huminite reflectance of organically abundant matter and coal levels were found to be between 0.30 and 0.52% which refer to lower maturity levels. This parameter is compatible with fluorescence colors, calorific value (average original 2736 - dry 3727 Kcal/kg) and average T-max (422 degrees C). Organic matters of the investigated coals exhibit a low grade transformation, due to a low lithostatic pressure on them. Golbasi coals show low grade maturity and own sub-bituminous and lignite coalification ranks. Rock Eval analysis results show that TYPE II/III and III kerogen, with average T-max values is 422 degrees C and corresponding to the immature and premature rank for hydrocarbon generation. The coals are characterized with their abundance of huminite maceral group and gelinite maceral, with small amount of inertinite and liptinite macerals. The coals were deposited in a lake environment and were supposed to form as a hypautochtonous way. Mineral matters of the Golbasi coals are clay, calcite and sulfur minerals.Öğe ORGANIC GEOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BINGOL KARLIOVA (East of TURKEY) COALS(Stef92 Technology Ltd, 2012) Kavak, Orhan; Toprak, SelamiThis study was carried out in Halifan (Bingol) region (East of TURKEY), which owns a unique coal formation in the region. Chemical, petrographic analysis and organic geochemical evaluations of the Tertiary aged coals were taken into consideration. Coal quality investigation along with proximate (moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash) and elemental analyses (C, H, O, S, N) were performed and revealed. The huminite reflectances of organically abundant matter and coal levels were found to be between 0.368 and 0.573% which refer to lower maturity levels. This parameter is compatible with fluorescence colors, calorific (average 2736 (original) - 3727 (dry) Kcal/kg) and average T-max (417 degrees C) values. Organic matters of the investigated coals exhibit predominantly medium grade transformation, due to the extensively effective main faults in the region. Halifan coals show low-medium grade maturity and own sub-bituminous and lignite coalification ranks. Rock Eval analysis results show that TYPE II/III and III kerogen, with average T-max values is 417 degrees C and corresponding to the immature and premature rank for hydrocarbon generation. The coals are characterised with their abundance of huminite maceral group and gelinite maceral, with small amount of inertinite and liptinite macerals. The coals were deposited in a lake environment. Mineral matters of the Bingol Karliova coals are clays, quartz and feldspar minerals..