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Öğe Disfaji Lusoria; Vaka Raporu ve Literatür Derlemesi(2024) Karabulut, Ümit; Yolaçan, Ramazan; Ece, Çiğdem Budak; Öncül, Fatma Yılmaz; Kaya, MuhsinDisfaji lusoria, özofagusa vasküler basıya bağlı olarak oluşan disfajiyi tanımlamak için kullanılır. Bu anomalinin varlığı genellikle asemptomatiktir ve büyük çoğunluğu tesadüfen görüntüleme veya otopsi sırasında keşfedilir. Hastaların yaklaşık %20-40’ında disfaji, öksürük ve göğüs ağrısı gibi semp- tomlar görülebilir. Disfaji lusoria tanısında kullanılan en iyi yöntem, başlangıçta bir baryumlu özofagus grafisi ve ardından BT veya MRI taramasıdır. Disfaji lusoria hastalarının yönetimi semptomların şiddetine bağlı değişir. Bu yazıda, yutma güçlüğü olan, disfaji lusoria tanısı konulan bir olgu sunuyoruz.Öğe Do oral antiviral drugs used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B cause erectile dysfunction?(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2024) Üzel, Ali; Ebik, Berat; Bucaktepe, Gamze Erten; Yolaçan, Ramazan; Karabulut, Ümit; Uçmak, FeyzullahObjective The effect of antiviral drugs on the erectile dysfunction (ED) problem expressed by some patients using antiviral drugs due to chronic hepatitis B infection (HBV) was investigated. Methods A total of 102 male patients receiving antiviral therapy for HBVinfection without any known non-cirrhotic and comorbid disease that may cause ED and whodon't use any drugs with an ED formation potential were analyzed through the InternationalIndex of Erectile Function test. Results Among the patients admitted to the study, anxiety disorder was detected as 24.5% (n = 25) and depression as 46.1% (n = 47). 70.6% (n = 72) of the patients suffered ED. Severe ED was only detected in 3 (n = 2.9%) patients. ED was detected in 70.6% of the entecavir, 64.2% of tenofovir, and 80% of Tenofovir alafenamide users (P = 0.287). On the other hand, the logistics regression analysis revealed that the most important factors that increase the risk of ED are age (>55 age; RR: 2.66; P < 0.001), and anxiety disorder (RR: 2.30; P < 0.0001). The cumulative effect of antiviral drugs on ED was 5.7% (RR: 0.8; P = 0.156). Conclusion We could not find any mounting evidence relating to the effect ofcommonly used antiviral drugs for hepatitis B causing ED. The incidence rate of ED on ourpatients was at a similar rate with population studies in the literature based on society. It is notappropriate to terminate antiviral therapy in hepatitis B for this reason.Öğe Ectopic opening of common bile duct into duodenal bulb and gastric antrum and its importance(Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R. Iran, 2022) Karabulut, Ümit; Üzel, Ali; Yolaçan, Ramazan; Uçmak, Feyzullah; Kaya, MuhsinBackground: Ectopic opening of the common bile duct (CBD) is extremely rare, and its importance has not been adequately defined. The aim of our study is to present the characteristics of patients with this abnormality. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in a tertiary center in Dicle University Hospital, Diyarbakır, Turkey, between October 2008 and December 2020. We present clinical, laboratory, endoscopic and cholangiographic features as well as the success rate of therapeutic interventions of consecutive patients with this abnormality undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Results: Ectopic opening of the CBD was identified in 29 (21 men; mean age 62) out of 3872 (0.74%) patients. There was a history of cholecystectomy in 14 (48%) and recurrent acute cholangitis in 20 (69%) patients. We found peptic ulcer in 13 (45%) and duodenal deformity associated with apical stenosis in 21 (72%) patients. Opening site was seen as abnormal in all patients, and it opened into the antrum in 2 (6.8%) and into the first part of the duodenum in 27 (93%) patients. Copious amount of bile and/ or bile sediment in the stomach were seen in all patients. We observed dilatation in both intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts together with tapered narrowing and a hook-shaped distal end of CBD in all patients. There was bile stone in 26 (89%) and sludge in 3 (10%) patients. Sphincterotomy was not performed in any patients because there was not enough incision distance. Balloon dilatation was performed for extraction of stone and sludge in all patients. Complete stone extraction was achieved in only 7 out of 26 (27%) patients. Conclusion: Ectopic opening of CBD is usually associated with gastroduodenal and bile ducts disease. Endoscopic treatment is unsatisfactory in most patients with this abnormality.Öğe Hepatotoxicity case due to interferon beta-1a use(2023) Yolaçan, Ramazan; Kaya, Bekir; Üzel, Ali; Karabulut, Ümit; Uçmak, Feyzullah; Kaya, MuhsinInterferon ?-1a is an immunomodulatory drug widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Liver dysfunction is a common side effect of this drug and usually develops within the first 6 months of starting interferon therapy. Here, we present our case who developed hepatotoxicity secondary to interferon ?-1a treatment.Öğe Pankreas kanseri tanılı hastalarımızda prognostik faktörlerin incelenmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2022) Yolaçan, Ramazan; Yiğit, Ercan; Karabulut, Ümit; Üzel, Ali; Uçmak, Feyzullah; Kaya, MuhsinAmaç: Pankreas kanseri oldukça kötü prognozlu bir hastalık olup, insidansı giderek artmaktadır. Bu hastalıkta birden fazla prognostik belirteç bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki amaç kliniğimizde pankreas kanseri tanısı alan hastaların yaşam süresini etkileyen prognostik faktörleri saptamaktı. Yöntemler: Kliniğimize Ocak 2011-Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında başvuran ve pankreas kanseri tanısı konulan 127 hastanın demografik ve klinik özellikleri, laboratuvar sonuçları, kontrastlı abdomen tomografisi bulguları ve tedavilere cevapları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların 85’i (%67) erkek 42’si (%33) kadın olup, yaş ortalaması 62,6±12,5 (27-90) yıl, ortalama sağ kalma süresi 11,6±1,3 ay; 1 yıllık ortalama sağ kalım oranı %31 ve 5 yıllık ortalama sağ kalım oranı %0,9 idi. Pankreas kanseri prognozu ile cinsiyet, tümör çapı, tümör lokalizasyonu, DM varlığı, patolojik LAP varlığı, vasküler invazyon, kemoterapi alınması, serum CA 19-9 ve CA125 seviyesi arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmazken, ileri yaş (p=0.01), karaciğer metastazı (P=0.016) ve yüksek serum CEA düzeyinin (p=0.013) kötü prognostik faktör ve cerrahi rezeksiyon yapılmasının (p=0.039) iyi prognostik faktör olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Pankreas kanseri tedavisi sırasında hastalığın prognozunu etkileyen faktörlerin göz önünde bulundurulması faydalı olabilir.