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Öğe Angiotensin-1 and vimentin expression and ultrastructural examination in severe preeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome changes in the structure of the umbilical cord(Verduci Publisher, 2023) Ozgokce, C.; Ocal, A.; Ermis, I. S.; Deveci, E.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the histopathologic, ultra -structural and immunohistochemical changes in the umbilical cord in women diagnosed with HELLP syndrome.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postpartum umbilical cords of 40 patients at the 35-38th week of pregnancy were included. 20 severe preeclamptic (HELLP) and 20 normal umbilical cords were used. After the follow-up of tissue parts of 10% formaldehyde solution for histopa-thology and immunohistochemistry, histopatho-logical and angiopoietin-1 and vimentin antibod-ies were examined as immunohistochemical af-ter routine paraffin follow-up. For electron mi- croscope analysis, umbilical cord samples were taken into 2.5% glutaral aldehyde solution.RESULTS: In the statistical comparison, mean difference in increased diameter and addition-al anomaly on the ultrasound of preeclamptic patients was statistically different compared to control patients. In the HELLP group, hyperpla-sia and degenerative changes, pyknosis of the endothelial cell nuclei of the vessels and apop-totic changes in some regions were observed. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that en-dothelial cells, basal membrane and fibroblast cells in the HELLP group expressed high levels of vimentin. Angiotensin-1 expression was in-creased in amniotic epithelial cells, endothelial cells and some pericyte cells.CONCLUSIONS: As a result, it was observed that the signaling that started with trophoblastic invasion with the effect of hypoxia in severe pre-eclampsia and continued with dysfunction in en-dothelial cells was parallel to the increase in an-giotensin and vimentin receptors. It is thought that the ultrastructural change in endothelial cells may cause disruption of the collagenized structure in Wharton gel, which supports this, and may cause adverse effects in fetal develop-ment and nutrition.Öğe CD34 expression of chorionic villous in pre-eclamptic placenta: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study(I R O G Canada, Inc, 2013) Kalkanli, S.; Deveci, E.; Sak, M. E.; Evsen, M. S.; Baran, O.; Ozekinci, S.; Yavuz, D.In this study, pre-eclampsia, proteinuria, and edema associated with hypertension in pregnancy were assessed at the Dicle University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic. One group included 20 pre-eclamptic pregnant women with gestational age 20-35 weeks of pregnancy and the same in the control group that included; however, 20 normotensive pregnant women. Histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy techniques were used. Histopathological examination of syncytial nodes and stromal cells were observed in the increase in hyperplasia and hyalinization. The evaluation immnunohistochemical of chorionic villi, placenta, and hematopoietic stem cell markers showed a positive reaction with CD34. Ultrastructural examination showed endoplasmic reticulum dilatation, degeneration of mitochondria in endothelial cells, and capillary vessel edema.Öğe The Effect of Dietary Supplements on Healing of Alloplastic Bone Grafted Defects in Rat Tibia(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2015) Kaya, A.; Aktas, A.; Akdemir, M. F.; Kaya, B.; Deveci, E.The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the potential effects of the systemically delivered combination of calcium, zinc and vit-d supplementation of the locally applied alloplastic bone graft. 28 male Wistar albino rats were used in this study. In each animal, bone defects (10 mm length (sic) 3 mm width (sic) 2 mm depth) were created in the tibias. The animals were divided into four groups. In Group 1 (Control Group) rats were fed with standard rat diet. In Group 2 (Calcium Group) rats received calcium carbonate (15 mg/kg body weight) suspended in saline. In Group 3 (Calcium/Zinc Group) rats received calcium carbonate (15 mg/kg body weight) and zinc sulfate (4 mg/kg body weight) suspended in saline. In Group 4 (Calcium/Vitamin D Group) rats received calcium carbonate (15 mg/kg body weight) and Vitamin D (500 IU/kg body weight) suspended in olive oil. Histopathological analysis of samples was performed to evaluate the process of osteoblastic activity, matrix formation, trabecular bone formation and myeloid tissue in bone defects. Total amounts of osteoblastic activity, matrix formation, trabecular bone formation and myeloid tissue in Ca Group (p= 0.002), Ca/Zinc Group (p= 0.002), and Ca/Vit.D Group (p= 0.001) were significantly higher than in Control Group. The total amounts of Ca/Vit.D Group were significantly different than Control Group and Ca Group. The results of the present study indicated that the oral calcium carbonate supplementation combination with zinc may have systemic effects on accelerating bone regeneration in alloplastic bone grafted tibial defects. Further human studies involving long-term follow up and different type of bone grafts should be conducted.Öğe Effects of Cadmium Chloride on Lymph Node Cells in Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2013) Deveci, E.; Erdem, E.Cadmium, hazardous heavy metal, is recognized to produce severe toxic effects in humans. In this study, intestinal wall surrounding the mesenteric lymph nodes, based on the cadmium to be mainly lymphocytes and plasma cells, granulocytes eozinofil examined effects on the immune system were investigated by histochemical and electron microscope. Electron microscope examination of the cross section of cadmium, mitochondria cristae in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes was observed deterioration in the structure and degenerative changes in dilated endoplasmic reticulum, were seen together with elongation, that a small number of multi-focal granular lymphocytes, but plasma cells and eosinophilic granulocytes of the structures of multi-focal granular structures of various sizes, and their numbers were much higher.Öğe The Effects of Cadmium Chloride on the Oesophagus of Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2011) Deveci, E.; Deveci, S.Cadmium Chloride (CdCl) is a teratogen which is commonly used in industry. Although it is well known to cause toxicity in testes, kidney, heart and liver, few studies have been carried out in the digestive system. In the present study the effects of CdCl on the esophagus of rats were investigated Wistar albino rats weighing 180-200 g were used. The animals were divided into two groups; one group was administered 2 mg/kg/day CdCl intraperitoneally for one week. Esophagus was removed and placed in 10% formaline. Sections were stained with Hematoxylene-Eosine and observed under light microscopy. Hyperplasia in the epithelium, an increase in fibrotic cells under epithelium, hemorrhage in vessels, free floating erythrocytes were all observed following fetal exposure. In conclusion and most importantly, cadmium chloride was found to cause an increase in connective tissue in esophagus mucosa.Öğe Effects of Formaldehyde on Respiratory Mucosa in Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2012) Yorgancilar, E.; Deveci, E.; Deveci, S.Formaldehyde inhalation, are known to be nasal mucosa irritating feature. This study we are examined the effects histopathologic of formaldehyde inhalation on rats by using light microscopy. 16 adult wistar albino rats were used in this study. 8 rats were in control group and 8 rats were in experiment group. Experiment group was exposed to 10 ppm formaldhyde 8hours/day, 5days/week for 8 week. Nasal mucosa was removed and placed in 10% formaline. Sections were stained with Hematoxylene-Eosine and observed under light microscopy. The lining epithelium of respiratory mucosa showed a loss of ciliated cells with metaplasia of goblet cells and hyperplasia of squamous cells.Öğe EFFECTS OF MANGANESE ETHYLENE-BIS-DITHIOCARBAMATE (MANEB) ON RAT NASAL RESPIRATORY MUCOSA(Carbone Editore, 2013) Deveci, E.; Yorgancilar, E.; Ekinci, C.; Koparal, M.; Akkus, Z.; Yavuz, D.Maneb (Mn-ethylene(bis)dithiocarbamate is a dithiocarbamate pesticides. It is a fungicide pesticide used in the control of mildew disease on certain crops. In general, dithiocarbamates are considered chemicals of low toxicity for humans. However, the effects of maneb in humans are diverse. It has some effects to humans via absorption through skin and respiratory system. The nasal mucosa is the first part of the airways in contact with the environment and toxic agents. The aim of this study was todetermine the histopathological effects of numb on nasal mucosa. In experimental group, the maneb was administered with inhalation to 10 male Wistar-Albino rats for five days a week. The control group (n=10) received distilled water with spray at the same time period. The experiment was terminated after three weeks. In each case, sections of the nosewere taken. In experimental group,microscopic examination of nasal respiratory mucosa revealed; Hypertrophy of epithelial cells and goblet cells, increasing of mucus secretion, decreasing in sizes of cilia and flattening of the cells near the basement membrane and apoptotic cells in the degenerated respiratory epithelial cells, detected a mild inflammatory reaction and a vascular dilatation in the connective tissue. All changes were statistically significant. In control group of 10 rats no significant histopathologic lesions were found. As a result, our study, maneb is potentially toxic agent to respiratory mucosa.Öğe The Effects of Maternal Low Protein and Estrogen on Sexual Behavior and Testicular Maturation in Male Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2015) Kavak, V; Balsak, D.; Togrul, C.; Deveci, E.; Ekinci, A.; Ekinci, C.; Babacan, E.In recent years, disorders related to the development and function of the male reproductive tract has increased, thus generating a surprising decrease in semen volume and sperm count. We examined the effects of low protein and estrogen on sexual behavior and testicular maturation in male rats. We also examined FSH, LH and testosterone levels and histological damage of testis tissue. The male rats were subjected to standard long-term treatment with estradiol by oral and paranteral delivery. The number of mounts, copulatory efficiency and ejaculation latencies for the paranteral protein diet (PPD) group was significantly lower than those in a group nourished with a low protein diet (LPD) and oral protein diet (OPD) groups (P<0.05). Testes and epididymis sections were examined by four grades, according to the level of damage of epithelium in the testes and epididymis. Higher histological damage was also detected in the PPD group. In conclusion, the present study confirmed that unwanted estrogen effects were higher in the paranteral administered group on examination of sexual behavior and histological damage of epithelium in the testes and epididymis of male rats.Öğe Effects of Melatonin on Tibia Bone Defects in Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2016) Koparal, M.; Irtegun, S.; Alan, H.; Deveci, E.; Gulsun, B.; Pektanc, G.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of melatonin healing in a tibial bone defect model in rats by means of histopathological and immunohistochemistry analysis. Twenty one male Wistar albino rats were used in this study. In each animal, bone defects (6 mm length) were created in the tibias. The animals were divided into three groups. In group 1 control group (rats which tibial defects). Group 2 melatonin (10 mg/kg) + 14 days in the tibial defect group) was administered intraperitoneally to rats. Group 3 melatonin (10 mg/kg) + 28 days in the tibial defect group) was administered intraperitoneally to rats. Histopathological analysis of samples was performed to evaluate the process of osteoblastic activity, matrix formation, trabecular bone formation and myeloid tissue in bone defects. Immunohistochemical and immunoblot analysis demonstrated non-collagenous proteins (osteopontin and osteonectin) differences in tibial bone defects. The expression of osteopontin on tibia was increased by 14 days melatonin treatment. The expression of osteonectin on tibia was dramatically increased by 14 days melatonin treatment.Öğe Effects of Potentilla fulgens on Tuba Uterina in Ovariectomized Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2016) Acar, Zuat; Deger, U.; Gorkem, U.; Togrul, Cihan; Deveci, E.; Kaya, S.; Ekinci, A.A total of 32 Wistar rats were divided into four equal groups: (I) sham, (II) ischemia, (III) reperfusion and (IV) Potentilla fulgens. In groups I and II, ovary torsion was not performed and no drug was administered. In group III, 1 h of ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion were performed and no drug was given. Group IV received 400 mg/kg/day Potentilla fulgens intraperitoneally 5 days before Ischemia-reperfusion. All the parameters were observed to be significantly decreased (P<0.05) in all the experimental groups compared to the control group. In the sections of the ischemia-reperfusion group, degeneration of epithelium, dilation of blood vessels were observed. Potentilla fulgens administration reduced the morphological changes by induced I/R; in particular, infiltration, hemorrhage and vascular dilatation were decreased. Potentilla fulgens application during torsion, it plays an important role in maintaining the epithelial structure with E-cadherin expression. We suggest that PECAM-1(CD31) are a regulator of the microvascular response of the tubal mucosa.Öğe Effects of Xylene on Respiratory Mucosa in Rats(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2016) Eda, Arslan; Baver, Samanci; Seyla, Samanci Bolukbasi; Ozevren, Huseyin; Deveci, E.In this study we examined the effects histopathologic and immunohistochemical of xylene inhalation in rats by using light microscopy. Adult wistar albino rats were used in this study. Eight rats were in control group and 8 rats were in the experimental group. The experimental group was exposed to 300 ppm formaldehyde 3-5 min/day, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. The lining epithelium of respiratory mucosa showed a loss of ciliated cells with metaplasia of goblet cells, hyperplasia of squamous cells and edema, inflamation in sub epithelial area). In the group treated xylene. Disruption of cell-cell contact was observed. Weak expression of E-cadherin was observed between cells. The vascular endothelium of capillaries and venoles showed intense immunostaining for VEGF.Öğe Expression of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (?hCG) in Pre-eclamptic Placenta(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2015) Ekinci, C.; Tahaoglu, A. E.; Balsak, D.; Deveci, E.; Yavuz, D.; Togrul, C.; Karaman, E.This study aimed to assess association between preeclampsia with trophoblast cells and serum level of b-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG). Were compared 20 patients with preeclampsia and 20 control patients with respect to demographics, hematological parameters and the presence of trophopblast in placental samples. Patchy necrosis with loss of microvilli and gross thinning of the syncytium with distorted microvilli were seen in terminal villi of placentae of women with pre-eclampsia Syncytial cells at the molecular level crossings, especially at the level of beta hCG in conjunction with the changes in the preeclampsia was made on the histopathological changes to clarify the villi.Öğe THE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL EVALUATION OF PERICYTES IN HUMAN FULL TERM PLACENTAS OF GESTASYONAL DIABETES MELLITUS(Carbone Editore, 2013) Deveci, E.; Soker, S.; Turgut, A.; Aktas, A.; Ayaz, E.; Sak, S.; Seker, U.Pericytes, vessel wall plays a stabilizing role in the regulation of blood flow in the microcirculation. The purpose of this study is based on non-diabetic pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes pregnancies to investigate the morphological structure of pericyte cells. In this study, as a control group human placental tissues from normotensive pregnancies was collected from diabetic wome at 28-35 weeks of gestation. Pericytes with smooth alpha-actin positive cells, endothelial cells, and painted like a belt was surrounded. Pericytes, capillary plexus and endothelial cells of large vessels in the mesenchyme around the middle shows desmin positive reaction. Placental micro vessels examined by transmission electron microscopy showed many pericytes. Placentas of gestational diabetes group, heterochromatin nucleus hypertrophy, dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria cristae in length, shortening was observed thickening of the filamentary structure. The contractile function of the barrier formed by endothelial cells, pericytes and can increase the contractions were consideredÖğe Placental expression of vimentin, desmin and ultrastructural changes in the villi in patients with HELLP syndrome(Verduci Publisher, 2013) Sak, M. E.; Deveci, E.; Turgut, A.; Sak, S.; Evsen, M. S.; Gul, T.; Kalkanli, S.OBJECTIVES: To examine placental expression of vimentin and desmin in relation to ultrastructural changes within the placental villi in cases of HELLP syndrome. STUDY DESIGN: Formaldehyde-fixed and paraffin- embedded specimens of 15 healthy pregnant and 13 Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome, placentas were used for Harris hematoxylin staining, vimentin and desmin immunohistochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: Increased of fibrinoid necrosis in vascular wall and the periphery of villi were observed in sections of the placentas with HELLP syndrome. Increased expression of vimentin in the intravillous area and increased expression of desmin on blood vessel wall, were seen in placentas of patients with HELLP syndrome when compared to placentas of healthy pregnant. CONCLUSIONS: Augmentation of intermediate filaments, desmin, vimentin may disturb normal movements of endothelial cells, and may display placental dysfunction that is unable to compensate the endothelial instability and the related hypertension in HELLP syndrome. Further studies are needed to get more definit results and also to compare HELLP syndrome with preeclampsia.Öğe Ultrastructural Changes in the Kidney Cortex of Rats Treated with Lead Acetate(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2011) Deveci, E.; Soker, S.; Baran, O.; Tunik, S.; Ayaz, E.; Deveci, S.The purpose of this study was to investigate the ultrastructural effects of lead on the kidney cortex of rats. Wistar Albino rats (180-200g body weight) were divided into a controlled and lead acetate-exposed group. Rats received lead acetate at 500 ppm in their drinking water for 60 days. Both groups were fed with the same standard food, but lead acetate was added to the drinking water. During the experimental period, blood samples were taken from the abdominal aorta of the anesthetised animals. At the end of exposure, body weight and blood lead levels were measured. The kidney tissue samples were prepared and analyzed by light and transmission electron microscopy. Cortical renal tubules show various degenerative changes with focal tubular necrosis invaded by inflammatory cells. The ultrastructural alterations found in lead acetate-treated rats were a diminution in the amount of filtration slits, increased fusion of foot processes in epithelial cells of the glomeruli, increase of lysosomal structures and pinocytic vesicles as well as large mitochondria in proximal tubule cells.Öğe Ultrastructural Effects of the Propineb on Brain of Fetuses During Rat Pregnancy(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2014) Ekinci, C.; Tahaoglu, A. E.; Yavuz, D.; Deveci, E.; Aktas, A.; Yilmaz, T.; Yumusak, O.Propineb is a fungicide with a propylene-bis-dithiocarbamate structure. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to 400 ppm propineb concentrations in 5 ml distilled water, 5 days per week until the end of pregnancy. The rats were treated with propineb for 16 days and the brains of litter rats were sacrificed at first day of birth after which their brains were collected. Ultrastructural examination of the brains of the fetuses and propineb-treated pregnant females revealed a variety of histopathological effects. We suggest that mitochondrial damage may be an effective factor for neuron necrosis. These results supported the proposal that the exposure to fungicides such as propineb and to other naturally occurring compounds which inhibit mitochondrial function, may contribute to Parkinson's disease development.Öğe Weber's gland immune/histopathology in pediatric recurrent tonsillitis and obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy cases(Verduci Publisher, 2022) Sizer, B.; Deveci, E.; Demir, S.; Yorgancilar, A. E.OBJECTIVE: Recurrent tonsillitis and obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy are very common in childhood and constitute the two major causes of tonsillectomy in this age group. There is no study in the literature on the immune/histopathological changes in the recurrent and obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy of Weber's glands. In this study, we aimed to histopathologically and immunohistochemically examine the Weber's glands of pediatric patients with recurrent. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 63 patients, with 31 patients aged 6-9 who had surgery for recurrent tonsillitis, and 32 patients aged 6-11 years who had surgery for obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy, were included in the study. The removed Weber's glands were included in the obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy or recurrent tonsillitis group according to the patient's clinical diagnosis. All specimens were coded with a numbering method, where only the surgeon knew which patient was in which group. All specimens were evaluated in the same histology center and by the same histologist, unaware of the clinical diagnosis of the patients (blind). RESULTS: The comparison of Weber's gland immunohistochemical parameter scores of the groups revealed that the scores of the RT group were significantly higher for all three parameters (VEGF: t=6.777; p<0.001), (EGFR: t=4.386; p<0.001), (IL-6: t=5.072; p<0.001). The comparison of the groups in terms of inflammation, basement membrane thickening, myoepithelial cell and glycoprotein accumulation revealed significantly higher Weber's gland evaluation scores in the RT group for all four parameters. (inflammation: t=7.794; p<0.001), (basement membrane thickening: t=6.582; p<0.001), [myoepithelial cell: t=3.693; p<0.001), (glycoprotein accumulation: t=5.287; p<0.001)]. CONCLUSIONS: Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of Weber's gland in pediatric recurrent tonsillitis and obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy cases revealed inflammatory changes in both disease groups. As expected, inflammatory manifestations were more common in the recurrent tonsillitis group. Besides, inflammatory changes detected in Weber's glands of obstructive tonsillar hypertrophy cases without a history of tonsillitis may contribute to the Weber's gland hypothesis, which attempts to explain the etiology of peritonsillar abscess.