Endemik bitki rizosferlerinden izole edilen sekonder metabolit üreticisi aktinomisetlerin ribozomal olmayan peptid sentetaz (NRPS) ve poliketid sentaz (PKS-I) genlerinin taranması
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Biyolojik aktiviteye sahip olan doğal sekonder metabolitler günümüzde ilaç keşfi için vazgeçilmez kaynaklardır. Bilinen mikrobiyal metabolitlerin % 60'dan fazlası aktinomisetler tarafından üretilmekte olup Streptomyces cinsinin üyeleri, en verimli sekonder metabolit üreticisidirler. Bu yapısal çesitliliğe sahip metabolitler arasında antibiyotikler, antitümör ajanlar, antihelmintikler ve immünbaskılayıcı ajanlar bulunmaktadır. Biyolojik aktiviteye sahip poliketid ve peptid bileşiklerinin çoğu ribozomal olmayan peptid sentetazlar (NRPS) ve poliketid sentazlar (PKS-I) tarafından sentezlenmektedir. NRPS ve PKS-I'ler mikroorganizmalar tarafından üretilen önemli biyoaktif bileşiklerin büyük bir kısmının sentezinde gerekli olan biyosentetik sistemlerdir. NRPS ve PKS-I genlerini PCR yöntemiyle taramayı amaçladığımız projemizde 3 endemik bitkinin kök çevresi topraklarından izole edilmiş ve moleküler teşhisleri yapılıp antimikrobiyal özellikleri belirlenmiş olan 15 Streptomyces türünün kromozomal DNA'ları izole edildi. NRPS ve PKS-I genleri, dejenere primerler kullanılarak PCR yoluyla çoğaltıldı. NRPS geni açısından organizmaların tümünde, PKS-I geni açısından ise 15 izolatın 12'sinde amplifikasyon elde edildi. Elde edilen PCR ürünleri uygun vektörlere klonlanarak Streptomyces sp. CS41 için NRPS, Streptomyces sp. CA17 için PKS-I mini gen kütüphaneleri kuruldu. Kütüphanelerden seçilen klonların DNA dizi analizlerine göre Streptomyces sp. CS41 izolatının 6 farklı NRPS geni A domaini içerdiği , Streptomyces sp. CA17 izolatının ise 1 adet PKS-I geni KS domaini içerdiği tespit edildi. BLASTx analizinde, Streptomyces sp. CS41 izolatındaki 6 gruptan 4'ünün, şimdiye kadar rapor edilen Streptomyces türlerinin NRPS genleri ile % 70'in altında homoloji gösterdiği tespit edildi. Bu sebeple, bahsedilen klonların yeni antibiyotik gen kümelerine ait olabileceği düşünüldü. Önümüzdeki çalışmalarda; hibridizasyon çalışmaları ile genom taranarak bu gen kümelerine ulaşılmaya çalışılacaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: NRPS, PKS-I, Biyoaktif Sekonder Bileşik, PCR, Streptomyces
Natural products are biological functionality and they are indispensible for drug discovery. Over 60% of the known microbial metabolites are produced by members of the order Actinomycetales, and the genus Streptomyces is reported as the most profilic producer of secondary metabolites. These structurally diverse metabolites include among antibiotics, antifungals, antitumor agents, antihelmintics and immunosuppresive agents. A broad range of biologically active peptide and polyketide compounds are syntesized by nonribozomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS-I), respectively. NRPS and PKS-I are biosynthetic systems involved in the synthesis of a large number of important biologically active compounds produced by actinomycetes. 15 Streptomyces strains were previously isolated from rhizospheric soils of three Turkish endemic plants, identified, and antimicrobial activities were determined. In this study, NRPS and PKS-I genes were screened by using PCR approach in these local isolates. NRPS and PKS-I genes were amplified by degenerate PCR primers by using chromosomal DNAs from these isolates as templates. NRPS sequences were detected in all of the isolates while PKS-I sequences in 12 out of 15 the isolates. Putative NRPS and PKS-I fragments were cloned and mini libraries were constituted for NRPS and PKS-I from Streptomyces sp. CS41 and Streptomyces sp. CA17, respectively. According to BLAST analysis 6 different A domain belong to NRPS genes were detected in Streptomyces sp. CS41. It was observed that four domains of these have low homology below 70 % when compared to other NRPS genes reported so far. It was also determined that Streptomyces sp. CA17 has only one type PKS-I gene. It can be concluded that genes obtained from this study may be candidate new genes that are responsible for new bioactive compounds. This idea will be approved by hybridization studies in the genome of isolates in future works. Key Words: NRPS, PKS-I, Bioactive secondary metabolites, PCR, Streptomyces
Natural products are biological functionality and they are indispensible for drug discovery. Over 60% of the known microbial metabolites are produced by members of the order Actinomycetales, and the genus Streptomyces is reported as the most profilic producer of secondary metabolites. These structurally diverse metabolites include among antibiotics, antifungals, antitumor agents, antihelmintics and immunosuppresive agents. A broad range of biologically active peptide and polyketide compounds are syntesized by nonribozomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS-I), respectively. NRPS and PKS-I are biosynthetic systems involved in the synthesis of a large number of important biologically active compounds produced by actinomycetes. 15 Streptomyces strains were previously isolated from rhizospheric soils of three Turkish endemic plants, identified, and antimicrobial activities were determined. In this study, NRPS and PKS-I genes were screened by using PCR approach in these local isolates. NRPS and PKS-I genes were amplified by degenerate PCR primers by using chromosomal DNAs from these isolates as templates. NRPS sequences were detected in all of the isolates while PKS-I sequences in 12 out of 15 the isolates. Putative NRPS and PKS-I fragments were cloned and mini libraries were constituted for NRPS and PKS-I from Streptomyces sp. CS41 and Streptomyces sp. CA17, respectively. According to BLAST analysis 6 different A domain belong to NRPS genes were detected in Streptomyces sp. CS41. It was observed that four domains of these have low homology below 70 % when compared to other NRPS genes reported so far. It was also determined that Streptomyces sp. CA17 has only one type PKS-I gene. It can be concluded that genes obtained from this study may be candidate new genes that are responsible for new bioactive compounds. This idea will be approved by hybridization studies in the genome of isolates in future works. Key Words: NRPS, PKS-I, Bioactive secondary metabolites, PCR, Streptomyces
Anahtar Kelimeler
NRPS, PKS-I, Biyoaktif Sekonder Bileşik, Bioactive secondary metabolites, PCR, Streptomyces, Streptomyces