İle de France x Akkaraman G 1 Melezi Erkek Kuzularda Kesim ve Karkas Özelliklerine İlişkin Fenotipik ve Genetik Parametreler
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Bu araşt ı rmada Ile de France IF x Akkaraman AK G 1 melezi erkek kuzularda kesim ve karkas özelliklerine ilişkin tan ı mlay ı c ı değerler ve kal ı tim dereceleri hesaplanm ışt ı r. Elde edilen verilere göre, kesim ve karkas özelliklerine ili şkin tan ı mlay ı c ı değerler yeterli düzeyde, kal ı tı m dereceleri ise çoğ u özellik için s ı fı ra yak ı n veya kuram d ışı
In this research, the phenotypic parameters and heritabilities of slaughtering and carcass characteristics were calculated in the Ile de France IF x Akkaraman AK G İ crossbred male lambs. According to data, the phenotypic parameters of slaughtering and carcass characteristics were suffı cient level, the heritabilites were estimated near zero or out of theory 1 for most of the traits.
In this research, the phenotypic parameters and heritabilities of slaughtering and carcass characteristics were calculated in the Ile de France IF x Akkaraman AK G İ crossbred male lambs. According to data, the phenotypic parameters of slaughtering and carcass characteristics were suffı cient level, the heritabilites were estimated near zero or out of theory 1 for most of the traits.
Koyun, erkek kuzu, kesim ve karkas özellikleri, kal ı t ı m derecesi, Sheep, male lambs, slaughtering and carcass characteristics, heritability
Journal or Series
Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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