‘Annâzi Kürt Emirliği : (991-1117)
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XI. yüzyılda İran’ın Cibal bölgesinde hüküm süren Kürt Annazi Emirliği tarihini konu alan tezimiz giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş kısmında tezde sıkça başvurduğumuz kaynaklar tanıtılmış, Annâzi emirliğinin kurulduğu coğrafya ve emirliğin kurulduğu dönemde Abbasi Halifeliği’nin ve İran’ın içinde bulunduğu durum üzerinde durulmuştur. Birinci bölümde Annâzi emirliğinin kuruluşu ve Annazi emirlerinin uyguladıklar iç siyaset ve Emirliğin yıkılışının sebepleri anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde Annâzi emirliğinin dış siyaseti ele anlatılmış, özellikle de Abbasi Halifeliği, Büveyhiler ve Selçuklular’la ilişkiler üzerinde durulmuştur. Üçüncü ve son bölümde ise Annâzi Emirliği’nde sosyo kültürel ve ekonomik hayat incelenmiş, Emirliğin bünyesinde barındırdığı dini ve etnik gruplar tanıtılmış, emirliğin idari ve mali sistemi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Abbasi, Büveyhi, Kürtler, İran, Cibal, Hulvan
This thesis is composed ofone intrudiction and three parts. In the introduction, the names of the sources we frequently refer to in the research was given. It also focuses on the situations that allow the establishment of the geography (al Jibal province) where the Annâzids Amirate was founded. In the first chapter, some orders which are the founders and administrators of the Annâzids Amirate were given. In addition to this, the circumstances that led to the demolition of this amirate have been examined. In the second part, some information was given about the foreign policy carried out by Annâzids amirs. Especially, we tried to determine what kind of relationship they have with some of the neighboring countries, especially the Abbasids, Buyids and Saljukids. In the third chapter, some information about the socio-cultural and economic structure of Annâzids amirs was given. In this section, it was determined who are the religious and ethnic groups. It also focused on the administrative and financial system of Annazids Amirate. Key Words: Abbasid, Buyids, Persian, Jibal, Kurds, Hulwan
This thesis is composed ofone intrudiction and three parts. In the introduction, the names of the sources we frequently refer to in the research was given. It also focuses on the situations that allow the establishment of the geography (al Jibal province) where the Annâzids Amirate was founded. In the first chapter, some orders which are the founders and administrators of the Annâzids Amirate were given. In addition to this, the circumstances that led to the demolition of this amirate have been examined. In the second part, some information was given about the foreign policy carried out by Annâzids amirs. Especially, we tried to determine what kind of relationship they have with some of the neighboring countries, especially the Abbasids, Buyids and Saljukids. In the third chapter, some information about the socio-cultural and economic structure of Annâzids amirs was given. In this section, it was determined who are the religious and ethnic groups. It also focused on the administrative and financial system of Annazids Amirate. Key Words: Abbasid, Buyids, Persian, Jibal, Kurds, Hulwan
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abbasi, Büveyhi, Kürtler, İran, Cibal, Hulvan, Abbasid, Buyids, Persian, Jibal, Kurds, Hulwan