Kadının Mekandaki Rolü ve Yöresel Konut Mimarisine Etkisi
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Kadın geçmişten günümüze hemen her alanda hayatı etkilemiştir. Kadının bakış açısı, olayları derinlemesine incelemesi, olaylardan ders çıkarmasının bu roldeki etkisi büyüktür. Bilimsel çalışmalar ışığında ilk çağlara bakıldığında kadının, ilk ocak kavramını ortaya çıkardığı ve yiyecekleri saklamak için alan yarattığı görülür. Kadın böyle önemli bir noktadayken daha sonra toplumsal, politik, inanç gibi nedenlerden dolayı toplumsal yaşamdan uzaklaştırılmıştır. Zaman içerisinde geleneksel dokulardaki yaşam, bireylere toplum içinde cinsiyete ilişkin farklı anlamlar yüklemiştir. Kadınlar sosyal hayatlarından geride kalırken kamusal mimari mekanlar bile ayrıştırılmış; pazarlar, meydanlar erkeklere ait mekanlar haline gelmiştir. Toplumun sosyo-kültürel dokusuyla kadın ve erkeğe farklı yaşam alanlarında farklı özgürlükler ve imkanlar sunulmuş, mekânlar cinsiyetlendirilmiştir. Dolayısıyla erkek ve kadın ait ayrı mekânlar ortaya çıkmış, ayrışma kültürle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda farklı kültür yapılarında geleneksel konutlar içerisindeki kadın mekanı ve kadının mekan kullanımının nasıl olduğu araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada problem olarak görülen cinsiyet ayrımının tasarımda ve mekan kurgusunda etkili olması geleneksel konutlar üzerinden incelenmiştir. Yedi bölgeden; bulunduğu bölgenin iklimini, toplumsal yapısını, inancını yansıtan yedi adet geleneksel konut seçilmiş ve kadına göre konutun mekan organizasyonu değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda farklı bölgelerde yer alan konutlarda kadının etkisi ortaya konularak, bölgesel bir karşılaştırma yapılmıştır.
Women have impact on life in almost every field from past to present. The woman's point of view, her in-depth examination of the events, and her learning from the events have a great impact on this role. Looking at the ancient ages in the light of scientific studies, it is seen that the woman created the concept of the first cooker and created a space to store food. While the woman was at such an important point, she was later withdrawn from social life due to social, political and religious reasons. Over time, life in traditional area has given individuals different meanings regarding gender in society. While women are falling behind from their social lives, even public architectural spaces are separated; markets and squares have become men's venues. With the socio-cultural fabric of the society, different freedoms and opportunities have been offered to men and women in different living spaces, and the spaces have been gendered. Therefore, separated spaces belonging to men and women have emerged and separation has been associated with culture. In this context, women's space in traditional houses in different cultural structures and the usage of these spaces by women’s is investigated. In the study, the effect of gender discrimination, which is seen as a problem, in design and spatial setup was examined through traditional houses. From seven regions; seven traditional houses that reflect the climate, social structure and belief of the region where they are located were selected and the spatial organization of the house was evaluated considering the woman. As a result of the evaluations, a regional comparison was made by revealing the effect of women in the houses located in different regions.
Women have impact on life in almost every field from past to present. The woman's point of view, her in-depth examination of the events, and her learning from the events have a great impact on this role. Looking at the ancient ages in the light of scientific studies, it is seen that the woman created the concept of the first cooker and created a space to store food. While the woman was at such an important point, she was later withdrawn from social life due to social, political and religious reasons. Over time, life in traditional area has given individuals different meanings regarding gender in society. While women are falling behind from their social lives, even public architectural spaces are separated; markets and squares have become men's venues. With the socio-cultural fabric of the society, different freedoms and opportunities have been offered to men and women in different living spaces, and the spaces have been gendered. Therefore, separated spaces belonging to men and women have emerged and separation has been associated with culture. In this context, women's space in traditional houses in different cultural structures and the usage of these spaces by women’s is investigated. In the study, the effect of gender discrimination, which is seen as a problem, in design and spatial setup was examined through traditional houses. From seven regions; seven traditional houses that reflect the climate, social structure and belief of the region where they are located were selected and the spatial organization of the house was evaluated considering the woman. As a result of the evaluations, a regional comparison was made by revealing the effect of women in the houses located in different regions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
mimari mekan, geleneksel konut, mahremiyet, kadın, architectural space, women, traditional house, privacy
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