Tüketici haklarının uluslararası ve ulusal gelişim aşamaları
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Dicle Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu
Erişim Hakkı
Bu gün kullandığımız anlamda Tüketici Hakları kavramı 18. Yüzyılın
ikinci yarısından sonra kullanılmaya başlanmış bir kavramdır. Doktrinde
Tüketici haklarının tarihini milattan önce 1760 Hammurabi Kanunlarına kadar,
milattan sonra 1296 Magna Carta’nın ilanına kadar götüren çalışmalar vardır.
Ama günümüzdeki anlamıyla tüketici hakları, özellikle seri ve çok sayıda mal
üretimi yapan Fabrikaların ortaya çıkması ve bunların piyasaya tüketicilerin
kullanması için sunulan ürünlerin, hatalı, ayıplı olması sonucu ortaya çıkan
uyuşmazlıklarda kullanılmıştır.
Tüketici haklarının Uluslararası Hukuktaki mevzuat çalışmaları 19.
Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra olmuştur. Özellikle ikinci Dünya savaşından sonra, ekonomi ve ticaretin gelişmesi, malın paketlenip, pazarlanarak piyasaya
sunulması ve yeni satım metotları geliştirilmiş olması nedeniyle, bu yeni
gelişmeleri düzenleme ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmıştır. Üretimi yapan, sermeye gücünü
elinde bulunduran üreticilere karşı, daha kötü pozisyonda ve zayıf konumdaki
tüketicinin,üretici karşısında korunması, üretici-tüketici arasında adalet
dengesinin kurulması, bu anlamda uluslararası metinlerde tüketiciyi koruyan
hükümlerin düzenlemesi bu gelişmelerin bir sonucudur.
Ulusal mevzuatlarda, öncelikle Amerika’da 5 temel tüketici hakkı kabul
edildikten sonra, Avrupa’da öncelikle kuzey Avrupa’da mevzuat çalışmaları
yapılmış, daha sonraları Avrupa Birliği mevzuatına da girmiştir. Son olarak
Avrupa Birliği Lizbon Antlaşmasında birliğin temel ilkelerinden sayılmıştır.
Türkiye de 1980’e kadar tüketicinin korunması mevzuatta, dağınık halde
bulunan birçok kanundaki birçok madde ile olmaktaydı. Özellikle Ticaret
Kanunu, Borçlar Kanundaki düzenlemelerle, ayıplı olarak üretilmiş ve satılmış
malların o günün şartlarıyla korunması mümkün olmaktaydı.
1982 Anayasasında tüketicinin korunması ve bilgilendirilmesi gerektiğine
ilişkin olarak Anayasa da devlete bir görev yüklenmiştir (m. 172). Bu
düzenlemeyle, tüketiciyi korumak, bilgilendirmek için gerekli mevzuat
hazırlıkları yapılmış, nitekim 4077 sayılı 1985 tarihli Tüketicinin Korunması
hakkındaki Kanun bu çalışmaların ürünüdür. Bu kanun ile sermayeyi elinde
bulunduran üreticilere karşı, zayıf pozisyondaki tüketicinin kanunla getirilen
hakları ve onları koruyucu düzenlemeleri söz konusudur.
Ancak zaman içerisinde bilim ve teknolojideki hızlı gelişmeler, bir malın
üretilmesi, paketlenmesi ve piyasaya sürümü, pazarlamasındaki yeni metotların
ortaya çıkması ve bütün bunların bir sonucu olarak, yeni sözleşme ve hukuksal
işlemlerin kullanılmasıyla mevcut kanun yetersiz hale gelmiş ve ihtiyaçları karşılayamadığından, önce 2003 yılında 4822 sayılı kanunla günün şartlarına
uyarlanmaya çalışılmış, daha sonrada, özellikle Avrupa Birliği uyum yasaları
çerçevesinde yapılan çalışmalar ile bu gün kullandığımız 2014 tarihli 6502
sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkındaki Kanun çıkarılmıştır.
Özellikle 6502 sayılı kanun tüketicinin korunmasına ilişkin olarak,
uygulandığında etkin bir koruma sağlayan bir düzenlemedir. Ne var ki en iyi
kanun bile kötü uygulayıcılar elinde bir anlam ifade etmemektedir.
Bu anlamda belki de tüketicileri eğitimine önem verip bilinçli bir tüketici
ve toplum oluşturabildiğimizde mevzuat ihtiyaçlarımızı karşılamasa da, tüketici
bilinciyle uyuşmazlıkların tüketici lehine çözüme kavuşturulması mümkün
The concept of Consumer Rights, as we use it today, is a concept that started to be used after the second half of the 18th century. In the doctrine, there are studies that take the history of consumer rights up to the Laws of Hammurabi in 1760 BC and the announcement of the Magna Carta in 1296 AC. However, in today's sense, consumer rights have been used especially in disputes arising as a result of the emergence of factories that produce mass and many goods and the products offered to the market for the use of consumers, which are faulty and defective. Legislation studies of consumer rights in International Law took place after the second half of the 19th century. Especially after the Second World War, the need to regulate these new developments arose due to the development of economy and trade, the packaging, marketing of the goods and the development of new sales methods. The protection of the consumer, who is in a worse position and weaker position, against the producers, who produce and hold the capital power, the establishment of a balance of justice between the producer and the consumer, and in this sense, the regulation of provisions that protect the consumer in international texts are the results of these developments. After the 5 basic consumer rights were accepted in the national legislation, primarily in the USA, legislative studies were carried out in Europe, primarily in northern Europe, and later on, it was included in the European Union legislation. Finally, the European Union has been counted as one of the basic principles of the union in the Lisbon Treaty. In Turkey, until 1980, consumer protection was in the legislation, with many articles in many laws that were scattered. Especially with the regulations in the Commercial Code and the Code of Obligations, it was possible to protect the goods that were produced and sold as defective under the conditions of that day. In the 1982 Constitution, a duty was assigned to the state regarding the need to protect and inform the consumer (art. 172). With this regulation, necessary legislative preparations have been made to protect and inform the consumer, and as a matter of fact, the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of the Consumer dated 1985 is the product of these studies. With this law, against the producers holding the capital, the consumer in a weak position has the rights and protective regulations brought by the law. However, over time, rapid developments in science and technology, the production, packaging and release of a product to the market, the emergence of new methods in its marketing, and as a result of all these, the use of new contracts and legal procedures, the existing law became insufficient and could not meet the needs. It was tried to be adapted to the conditions of the day with the Law No. 6502, and then the Law on the Protection of the Consumer, dated 2014, which we use today, was enacted, especially with the studies carried out within the framework of the European Union harmonization laws. Inparticular, Law No. 6502 is a regulation that provides effective protection when applied, regarding the protection of consumers. But even the best law doesn't make sense in the hands of bad enforcers. In this sense, perhaps, when we attach importance to the education of consumers and create a conscious consumer and society, even though the legislation does not meet our needs, it will be possible to resolve the disputes in favor of the consumer with consumer awareness.
The concept of Consumer Rights, as we use it today, is a concept that started to be used after the second half of the 18th century. In the doctrine, there are studies that take the history of consumer rights up to the Laws of Hammurabi in 1760 BC and the announcement of the Magna Carta in 1296 AC. However, in today's sense, consumer rights have been used especially in disputes arising as a result of the emergence of factories that produce mass and many goods and the products offered to the market for the use of consumers, which are faulty and defective. Legislation studies of consumer rights in International Law took place after the second half of the 19th century. Especially after the Second World War, the need to regulate these new developments arose due to the development of economy and trade, the packaging, marketing of the goods and the development of new sales methods. The protection of the consumer, who is in a worse position and weaker position, against the producers, who produce and hold the capital power, the establishment of a balance of justice between the producer and the consumer, and in this sense, the regulation of provisions that protect the consumer in international texts are the results of these developments. After the 5 basic consumer rights were accepted in the national legislation, primarily in the USA, legislative studies were carried out in Europe, primarily in northern Europe, and later on, it was included in the European Union legislation. Finally, the European Union has been counted as one of the basic principles of the union in the Lisbon Treaty. In Turkey, until 1980, consumer protection was in the legislation, with many articles in many laws that were scattered. Especially with the regulations in the Commercial Code and the Code of Obligations, it was possible to protect the goods that were produced and sold as defective under the conditions of that day. In the 1982 Constitution, a duty was assigned to the state regarding the need to protect and inform the consumer (art. 172). With this regulation, necessary legislative preparations have been made to protect and inform the consumer, and as a matter of fact, the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of the Consumer dated 1985 is the product of these studies. With this law, against the producers holding the capital, the consumer in a weak position has the rights and protective regulations brought by the law. However, over time, rapid developments in science and technology, the production, packaging and release of a product to the market, the emergence of new methods in its marketing, and as a result of all these, the use of new contracts and legal procedures, the existing law became insufficient and could not meet the needs. It was tried to be adapted to the conditions of the day with the Law No. 6502, and then the Law on the Protection of the Consumer, dated 2014, which we use today, was enacted, especially with the studies carried out within the framework of the European Union harmonization laws. Inparticular, Law No. 6502 is a regulation that provides effective protection when applied, regarding the protection of consumers. But even the best law doesn't make sense in the hands of bad enforcers. In this sense, perhaps, when we attach importance to the education of consumers and create a conscious consumer and society, even though the legislation does not meet our needs, it will be possible to resolve the disputes in favor of the consumer with consumer awareness.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tüketici, Tüketici hakları, Tüketicinin korunması, Tüketici koruma programları, Consumer, Consumer rights, Consumer protection, Consumer Ppotection programs
Dicle Adalet Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ergün, Ö. (2023). Tüketici haklarının uluslararası ve ulusal gelişim aşamaları. Dicle Adalet Dergisi, 7(1), 53-92.