Keklikte (Alectoris chukar) Özofagus’un Histolojik Yapısı ve Bezlerdeki Müsinlerin Histokimyasal Profili
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Erciyes Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Mukus üreten hücreler tarafından salgılanan müsinler fiziksel bariyer, kayganlık ve antimikrobial etki gibi birçok önemli fonksiyona sahip glikoproteinlerdir. Müsinlerin yapısı ve fonksiyonu çeşitli dokularda farklı olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle, çalışmamızı keklik özofagusunda bulunan bezlerde müsin kimyasının mevcut durumunu ortaya koymak için tasarladık. Karkasları özel bir damızlık çiftliğinde kesilen beş dişi, beş erkek toplam 10 adet ergin kekliğin özofagusu kullanıldı. Elde edilen özofagus dokuları %10’luk formol-alkolde tespit edildi. Dokular rutin histolojik prosedürler izlene- rek bloklandı ve bloklardan 5 µm kalınlığındaki kesitlere histolojik ve histokimyasal boyama teknikleri uygulandı. Özofa- gus’un servikal ve torakal bölümlerinin ayrımı yapılırken bezlerin lamina propriya’da lokalize olduğu ve basit alveolar bezler ya da iki veya üç salgı birimi içeren basit dallı alveolar bez özelliğinde olduğu görüldü. Ayrıca özofagus bezleri- nin nötral, asidik (COOH ve sülfat grupları) ve N-asetilsialomusinleri içerdiği tespit edildi. Böylelikle, özofagusun histolo- jik yapısının ve müsinlerin histokimyasal özelliklerinin nisbeten diğer kanatlı türleri ile benzer olduğu sonucuna varıldı.
Mucins secreted by mucus-producing cells are glycoproteins with many important functions such as antimi crobial effect, lubricity and physical barrier. The structure and function of mucins may be different in various tissues. Therefore, we designed our study to reveal the current state of mucin chemistry in the glands located in the partridge's esophagus. The esophagus of total 10 adult partridges, five female and five male, whose carcasses were slaughtered in a private breeding farm were used. The extracted esophageal tissues were fixed in 10% formol-alcohol. Tissues were blocked following routine histologicalprocedures, and histological and histochemical staining techniques were applied to 5 µm thick sections from the blocks. While distinguishing the cervical and thoracic parts of the esophagus, it was observed that the glands were localized in the lamina propria and had the characteristics of simple alveolar glands or simple branched alveolar glands containing two or three secretory units. It was also determined that esophageal glands contain neutral, acidic (COOH and sulfate groups) and N-acetylsialomucins. Thus, it was concluded that the histological structure of the esophagus and the histochemical properties of mucins were relatively similar to other poul- try species.
Mucins secreted by mucus-producing cells are glycoproteins with many important functions such as antimi crobial effect, lubricity and physical barrier. The structure and function of mucins may be different in various tissues. Therefore, we designed our study to reveal the current state of mucin chemistry in the glands located in the partridge's esophagus. The esophagus of total 10 adult partridges, five female and five male, whose carcasses were slaughtered in a private breeding farm were used. The extracted esophageal tissues were fixed in 10% formol-alcohol. Tissues were blocked following routine histologicalprocedures, and histological and histochemical staining techniques were applied to 5 µm thick sections from the blocks. While distinguishing the cervical and thoracic parts of the esophagus, it was observed that the glands were localized in the lamina propria and had the characteristics of simple alveolar glands or simple branched alveolar glands containing two or three secretory units. It was also determined that esophageal glands contain neutral, acidic (COOH and sulfate groups) and N-acetylsialomucins. Thus, it was concluded that the histological structure of the esophagus and the histochemical properties of mucins were relatively similar to other poul- try species.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Histokimya, keklik, müsin, özofagus, Esophagus, histochemistry, mucin, partridge, Histokimya, keklik, müsin, özofagus
Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri