Anestezi öncesi değerlendirmenin mevcut hastalıkların ilk tanısındaki etkinliği
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Amaç: Daha önce tanı konulmamış hastalıkların anestezi polikliniğinde saptanması ile preoperatif anestezik değerlendirmenin ilk tanıdaki etkinliğini göstermeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada altı ay süresince Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Anestezi polikliniğine başvuran 18 yaş üstü 4225 hasta verileri değerlendirildi. Tüm hastalardan ilk tanısı konan 82 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş, kilo, boy, daha öceki anestezi deneyimi, hangi branştan gönderildiği, planlanan operasyon, sigara öyküsü, eğitim durumu, mesleği, rutin laboratuar tetkikleri, EKG, PA AC grafisi sonuçları, yeni tanıları ve konsültasyon sonuçları kaydedildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirmeleri yapıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların çoğu 60 yaş üstü ve yarısı şişmandı. Yeni tanı konan 82 hastada en fazla kardiyolojik problemler (en sık aritmi olmak üzere iskemik kalp hastalıkları, hipertansiyon, kalp yetmezliği, aort stenozu) bulundu. İkinci sırada endokrin hastalıklar gelmekteydi (diabet, hipotiroidi, hipertiroidi). En çok EKG değerlendirmesi ile patolojik EKG bulgularının bulunduğu hastaların anlamlı bir şekilde daha fazla öntanı aldıkları saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamız yeni hastalıkların belirlenmesi için ayrıntılı bir preoperatif değerlendirmenin önemli olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Preanestetik değerlendirme, ilk tanı.
Objectives: Identifying diseases previously undiagnosed, we aimed to show the efficacy of preoperative assessment for first diagnosis. Material and methot: In this study, over 18 age a total 4225 patients who were referred to preanesthetic assessment clinic during six months at Dicle University Medical School Hospital assessed. Eighty-two patients who took first diagnosis at preoperative assessment were included to the study. Patients’ ages, gender, weight, height, education, job, previously anesthetic experience, dicipline which was sent, planned operation, smoking status, routine laboratory tests, ECG and PA lung direct graphy findigs, new diagnosis and results of consultation were recorded. Statistical analysis were done. Findings: Most of the patients were over sixty age and half of the patients was obes. In eighty-two patients who took new diagnose, it was found frequently cardiologic problems (the most common diagnose was aritmy, also ischemic heart diseas, hypertension, heart failure, aort stenosis). The second most common disease was endocrinological origin (diabetes, hipothroidy, hyperthroidy). Patients with pathologic ECG findings were determined meaningfully to take prediagnose via assessing ECG (P<0.05). Conclusion: Our study indicates that a comprehensive preoperative assessment is important to identify previously undiagnosed disease. Key words: Preanesthetic assessment, first diagnosis.
Objectives: Identifying diseases previously undiagnosed, we aimed to show the efficacy of preoperative assessment for first diagnosis. Material and methot: In this study, over 18 age a total 4225 patients who were referred to preanesthetic assessment clinic during six months at Dicle University Medical School Hospital assessed. Eighty-two patients who took first diagnosis at preoperative assessment were included to the study. Patients’ ages, gender, weight, height, education, job, previously anesthetic experience, dicipline which was sent, planned operation, smoking status, routine laboratory tests, ECG and PA lung direct graphy findigs, new diagnosis and results of consultation were recorded. Statistical analysis were done. Findings: Most of the patients were over sixty age and half of the patients was obes. In eighty-two patients who took new diagnose, it was found frequently cardiologic problems (the most common diagnose was aritmy, also ischemic heart diseas, hypertension, heart failure, aort stenosis). The second most common disease was endocrinological origin (diabetes, hipothroidy, hyperthroidy). Patients with pathologic ECG findings were determined meaningfully to take prediagnose via assessing ECG (P<0.05). Conclusion: Our study indicates that a comprehensive preoperative assessment is important to identify previously undiagnosed disease. Key words: Preanesthetic assessment, first diagnosis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Preanestetik değerlendirme, Preanesthetic assessment, İlk tanı, First diagnosis, Anestezi, Anesthesia, Hastalık, Disease, Preoperatif dönem, Preoperative period