Dondurulmuş Embriyo Transfer Edilmiş İneklerde Diöstrüste GnRH Enjeksiyonu ya da Progesterone İmplantının Etkisi
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Bahri Dağdaş Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, dondurulmuş-çözdürülmüş embriyo transferi yapılmış ineklerde 13. gün (östrüs=0) tek doz GnRH ya da 13-20. günler arasında progesteron uygulamasının kan plazması progesteron seviyesi ve gebelik oranları üzerine etkisi araştırıldı. Bu amaçla, 48 baş İsviçre Esmeri ırkı inek senkronize edilerek taşıyıcı olarak kullanıldı. Östrüs senkronizasyon protokolünü takiben tespit edilen östrüsten 7 gün sonra bütün ineklere ethilen glikolle dondurulmuş-çözdürülmüş embriyolar transfer edildi ve inekler rastgele üç gruba ayrıldı. GnRH grubunda (n=16), ineklere 13. gün 10 ?g buserelin asetat i.m. yolla enjekte edildi. İmplant grubundaki (n=16) ineklere 3 mg norgestomet içeren implantlar kulak derisi altına yerleştirildi. Kontrol grubundaki (n=16) ineklere ise 13. gün i.m. olarak 2 ml fizyolojik tuzlu su solusyonu enjekte edildi. İmplant grubunda 16 ve 20. günlerde saptanan progesteron seviyeleri GnRH ve Kontrol gruplarından yüksek oldu (p<0.05). Yirmisekizinci gün gebelik oranları GnRH, İmplant ve Kontrol gruplarında sırasıyla %43.75 (7/16), %50 (8/16) ve %18.75 (3/16) olarak tespit edildi ve İmplant grubunda Kontrol grubundan yüksek olarak bulundu (p=0.06). Sonuç olarak, ineklerde östrüsten sonraki 13-20. günler arasında kulak implantı şeklinde progesteron uygulaması 16 ve 20. günlerde progesteron seviyesini yükseltti ve kontrol grubuna göre gebelik oranını artırdı
In this study, the effect of a single dose of GnRH on d 13 or progesterone implant for 7 days between d 13 and 20 on plasma progesterone levels and pregnancy rates on cryopreserved embryo transferred cows were investigated. Synchronized 48 Brown Swiss recipient cows were used as animal material. Seven days after estrus detection, cryopreserved cattle embryos were transferred into recipients and cows were assigned randomly into three groups. In GnRH group (n=16), cows were intramuscularly injected 10 ?g buserelin acetate on d 13. In Implant group (n=16), ear implants containing 3 mg norgestomet were applied for 7 days between d 13 and 20. Control group (n=16) animals were intramuscularly injected 2 ml of saline on d 13. Progesterone levels in Implant group on d 16 and 20 were higher than that of in GnRH and Control groups (p<0.05). Pregnancy rates on d 28 were 43.75% (7/16), 50% (8/16) and 18.75% (3/16) in GnRH, Implant and Control groups, respectively, and it was higher in Implant group than that of in control group (p=0.06). In conclusion, progesterone supplementation between d 13 and 20 via ear implant increased the progesterone levels on d 16 and 20, and increased pregnancy rate compared to Control group
In this study, the effect of a single dose of GnRH on d 13 or progesterone implant for 7 days between d 13 and 20 on plasma progesterone levels and pregnancy rates on cryopreserved embryo transferred cows were investigated. Synchronized 48 Brown Swiss recipient cows were used as animal material. Seven days after estrus detection, cryopreserved cattle embryos were transferred into recipients and cows were assigned randomly into three groups. In GnRH group (n=16), cows were intramuscularly injected 10 ?g buserelin acetate on d 13. In Implant group (n=16), ear implants containing 3 mg norgestomet were applied for 7 days between d 13 and 20. Control group (n=16) animals were intramuscularly injected 2 ml of saline on d 13. Progesterone levels in Implant group on d 16 and 20 were higher than that of in GnRH and Control groups (p<0.05). Pregnancy rates on d 28 were 43.75% (7/16), 50% (8/16) and 18.75% (3/16) in GnRH, Implant and Control groups, respectively, and it was higher in Implant group than that of in control group (p=0.06). In conclusion, progesterone supplementation between d 13 and 20 via ear implant increased the progesterone levels on d 16 and 20, and increased pregnancy rate compared to Control group
Anahtar Kelimeler
GnRH, kulak implantı, plazma progesteron, gebelik, embriyo transfer, inek, GnRH, ear implant, plasma progesterone, pregnancy, embryo transfer, cow
Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research
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