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Geleneksel yapılarda açıkça göz önünde bulundurulan çevresel unsurlar ile tasarım ilişkisi, anlamsal ve biçimsel estetiğe sahip oluşu bugün inşa edilen yapılarda göz ardı edilmektedir. Yeni yapıların birçoğu, çevresel koşullar düşünülmeden tasarlanmaktadır. Bu duruma Bitlis ili Rahva bölgesinde hızlı nüfus artışı ile birlikte üretilen konut yapılarının estetik olmaması bir örnektir. Çalışmanın temel konusu; yeni yerleşim alanı olan Rahva bölgesindeki konut cephelerinde çevresel etmenler ile estetik yaklaşımın incelenmesi, bu cephelerin kullanıcılar tarafından estetik bulunup bulunmadığı sorunsalının tespitidir. Çalışmanın amacı, Bitlis’te yeni yerleşimin oluştuğu Rahva bölgesinde bulunan konut tipi yapı cephelerinin kullanıcı üzerindeki görsel algısını incelemektir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmada yapısal biçimlenmenin çevresel faktörler ve estetik kriterler bağlamında analiz edilip, elde edilen verileri kullanıcının tercihleri doğrultusunda tasarım kriterleri açısından değerlendirilmektir. Bitlis’in doğal çevresel faktörlerine ve estetik biçimlenme parametrelerine bağlı kalarak yeni inşa edilecek yapıların tasarım ve biçimlendirilmesinde kullanılabilir olması amaçlanmaktadır. İlgili kurum ve kuruluşlardan konut yapılarıyla ilgili bilgiler, yerinde yapılan etüt-analiz incelemeleri, yeni dokudaki görsel belgeleme ve anket uygulamaları yapılmıştır. Anket verilerinin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS veri analiz programı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle gelecekte inşa edilecek mimari ürünlerin tasarım ve değerlendirmelerine katkı sunması sağlanmıştır.
The relationship between environmental elements and design, which is clearly taken into account in traditional buildings, and its semantic and formal aesthetics are ignored in today's buildings. Many of the new structures are designed without considering environmental conditions. An example of this is the lack of aesthetics in the housing structures produced in the Rahva region of Bitlis with the rapid population growth. The main subject of the study; The aim of this study is to examine the environmental factors and the aesthetic approach on the facades of the houses in the Rahva region, which is a new settlement, and to determine the problem of whether these facades are aesthetically pleasing to the users. The aim of the study is to analyze the visual perception of the residential building facades on the user in the Rahva region, where the new settlement is formed in Bitlis, within the framework of the environmental factors of the structural formation and in the context of aesthetic criteria, and to evaluate the obtained data in terms of design criteria in line with the user's preferences. It is aimed to be used in the design and shaping of new buildings to be built by adhering to the natural environmental factors and aesthetic shaping parameters of Bitlis. Within the scope of the study, the necessary literature review was made. Information about housing structures from relevant institutions and organizations, on-site survey-analysis examinations, visual documentation and survey applications in the new texture were made. SPSS data analysis program was used to evaluate the survey data. The data obtained contributed to the design and evaluation of architectural products to be built in the future.
The relationship between environmental elements and design, which is clearly taken into account in traditional buildings, and its semantic and formal aesthetics are ignored in today's buildings. Many of the new structures are designed without considering environmental conditions. An example of this is the lack of aesthetics in the housing structures produced in the Rahva region of Bitlis with the rapid population growth. The main subject of the study; The aim of this study is to examine the environmental factors and the aesthetic approach on the facades of the houses in the Rahva region, which is a new settlement, and to determine the problem of whether these facades are aesthetically pleasing to the users. The aim of the study is to analyze the visual perception of the residential building facades on the user in the Rahva region, where the new settlement is formed in Bitlis, within the framework of the environmental factors of the structural formation and in the context of aesthetic criteria, and to evaluate the obtained data in terms of design criteria in line with the user's preferences. It is aimed to be used in the design and shaping of new buildings to be built by adhering to the natural environmental factors and aesthetic shaping parameters of Bitlis. Within the scope of the study, the necessary literature review was made. Information about housing structures from relevant institutions and organizations, on-site survey-analysis examinations, visual documentation and survey applications in the new texture were made. SPSS data analysis program was used to evaluate the survey data. The data obtained contributed to the design and evaluation of architectural products to be built in the future.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rahva bölgesi, Estetik, Çevresel Faktörler., Rahva region, Aesthetics, Environmental factors
Electronic Journal of Social Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri