Ubeydullah b. Abbas'ın hayatı ve siyasi kişiliği
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Dicle Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ubeydullah b. Abbas, Allah Resûlü'nün amcası Hz. Abbas'ın oğlu olup Hz. Peygamber zamanında doğmuştur. Çocukluğunda Hz. Peygamber ile vakit geçirme şerefine nail olan Ubeydullah, Hz. Peygamber'in vefatında on iki yaşında genç bir sahâbîydi. Müslüman oluşu hakkında pek bir bilgi olmamakla birlikte o ve kardeşlerinin, babaları Hz. Abbas ile birlikte İslâm'a girdiği düşünülmektedir. Ubeydullah b. Abbas, Araplar arasında cömertliği ile tanınmıştır. O, eline geçen her şeyi paylaşmayı seven ve başkalarını kendi nefsine tercih eden biriydi. Ubeydullah, sık sık kurbanlar keserek çevresindekileri doyurmuş ve ihtiyaç sahiplerine yardımcı olmuştur. Bu yüzden Ubeydullah'ın cömertliği Araplar arasında zamanla darb-ı mesel haline gelmiş ve kendisine "Teyyârü'l-Furât" yani "Fırat Nehri'nin Akıntısı" lakabı verilmiştir. Ubeydullah b. Abbas, Hz. Osman'ın vefatının ardından siyaset hayatında etkin rol oynamıştır. Ubeydullah, İslâm öncesi dönemde başlayıp Allah Resûlü döneminde kısmen sükûnete eren ve Hz. Osman'nın halifeliğinin sonlarında tekrar alevlenen Emevî-Hâşimî çekişmesinde Hz. Ali'nin yanında yer almıştır. Hz. Ali'nin vefatının ardından Kûfelilerle görüşüp Hz. Hasan'a biat etmelerini sağlamıştır. Hz. Hasan'ın halifeliği zamanında Ubeydullah, ordu komutanlığına getirilmiştir. Ancak Ubeydullah'ın Hz. Hasan'ı bırakıp Muâviye'nin tarafına geçmesi, tartışmalara sebep olmuştur.
Ubaydullah b. Abbas was the son of the Prophet's uncle Hazrat Abbas and was born during the time of the Prophet. Ubaydullah, who had the honor of spending time with the Prophet during his childhood, was a twelve-year-old young Companion at the time of the Prophet's death. Although there is not much information about his conversion to Islam, it is believed that he and his brothers converted to Islam together with their father, Hazrat Abbas. Ubaydullah b. Abbas was known among the Arabs for his generosity. He was a person who loved to share everything he had and preferred others to his own self. Ubaydullah often sacrificed sacrifices, fed those around him and helped those in need. For this reason, Ubaydullah's generosity became a proverb among the Arabs over time and he was nicknamed "Teyyâr al-Furât", meaning "the current of the Euphrates River". Ubaydullah b. Abbas played an active role in political life after the death of Hazrat Osman. Ubaydullah sided with Hazrat Ali in the Umayyad-Hāshimi rivalry that started in the pre-Islamic period, partially calmed down during the reign of the Messenger of Allah, and flared up again at the end of Hazrat Osman's caliphate. After the death of Hazrat Ali, he met with the people of Kufa and secured their allegiance to Hazrat Hasan. During the caliphate of Hz. Hasan, Ubaydullah was appointed as the commander of the army. However, Ubeydullah's Hz. His leaving Hasan and joining Muawiya's side caused controversy.
Ubaydullah b. Abbas was the son of the Prophet's uncle Hazrat Abbas and was born during the time of the Prophet. Ubaydullah, who had the honor of spending time with the Prophet during his childhood, was a twelve-year-old young Companion at the time of the Prophet's death. Although there is not much information about his conversion to Islam, it is believed that he and his brothers converted to Islam together with their father, Hazrat Abbas. Ubaydullah b. Abbas was known among the Arabs for his generosity. He was a person who loved to share everything he had and preferred others to his own self. Ubaydullah often sacrificed sacrifices, fed those around him and helped those in need. For this reason, Ubaydullah's generosity became a proverb among the Arabs over time and he was nicknamed "Teyyâr al-Furât", meaning "the current of the Euphrates River". Ubaydullah b. Abbas played an active role in political life after the death of Hazrat Osman. Ubaydullah sided with Hazrat Ali in the Umayyad-Hāshimi rivalry that started in the pre-Islamic period, partially calmed down during the reign of the Messenger of Allah, and flared up again at the end of Hazrat Osman's caliphate. After the death of Hazrat Ali, he met with the people of Kufa and secured their allegiance to Hazrat Hasan. During the caliphate of Hz. Hasan, Ubaydullah was appointed as the commander of the army. However, Ubeydullah's Hz. His leaving Hasan and joining Muawiya's side caused controversy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İslâm Tarihi, Hulefâ-yi Râşidîn, Ubeydullah b. Abbas, Hz. Ali, Hz. Hasan, Muâviye, Islamic History, Ubaydullah b. Abbas, Muawiya
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Oskan, C. G. (2024). Ubeydullah b. Abbas'ın hayatı ve siyasi kişiliği. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır.