Kanatlı proventrikulusunda vasküler endotel büyüme faktörü ve reseptörlerinin dağılımı
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Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada kanatlı proventrikuluslarında vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü (VEGF) ve reseptörlerinin (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR) fizyolojik rollerini daha iyi anlamak için, immünohistokimya kullanılarak hücresel lokalizasyonları incelendi. Çalışmanın materyalini 10 adet (5 erkek ve 5 dişi) tavuk oluşturdu. Proventrikulustan elde edilen doku örnekleri rutin histolojik işlemler için % 10 formol-alkolde tespit edildi. Kanatlı proventrikuluslarında luminal ve bez epitel hücreleri, stromal ve düz kas hücreleri ile damarların endotel ve düz kas hücrelerinin VEGF ve reseptörleri için pozitif immunreaksiyon gösterdiği belirlendi. Bununla birlikte VEGF ve reseptörlerinin bez epitel hücrelerinde daha güçlü sitoplazmik bir ekspresyon gösterdiği saptandı. Sonuç olarak VEGF ve reseptörlerinin kanatlı proventrikulusundaki non-endotelyal hücrelerde çoğalma, farklılaşma, apopitozis ve anjiogenezisin sağlanmasında kritik bir rolünün olabileceği düşünülmüştür.
In this study, to gain a better understanding of the physiological roles of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR), in the avian proventriculus were examined cellular localizations by immunohistochemistry. For this study, 10 avian (5 males and 5 females) were used. Tissue samples from proventriculus were fixed in 10% formol-alcohol for routine histological processing. Positive immunoreaction for VEGF and its receptors was determined in the luminal and gland epithelial cells, stromal, smooth muscle cells and endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels in the avian proventriculus. However, it was determined that VEGF and its receptors showed a very strong cytoplasmic expression in glandular epithelial cells. As a result, it is thought that VEGF and its receptors may play a critical role in the proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis of non-endothelial cells in the avian proventriculus.
In this study, to gain a better understanding of the physiological roles of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (flt1/fms, flk1/KDR), in the avian proventriculus were examined cellular localizations by immunohistochemistry. For this study, 10 avian (5 males and 5 females) were used. Tissue samples from proventriculus were fixed in 10% formol-alcohol for routine histological processing. Positive immunoreaction for VEGF and its receptors was determined in the luminal and gland epithelial cells, stromal, smooth muscle cells and endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels in the avian proventriculus. However, it was determined that VEGF and its receptors showed a very strong cytoplasmic expression in glandular epithelial cells. As a result, it is thought that VEGF and its receptors may play a critical role in the proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and angiogenesis of non-endothelial cells in the avian proventriculus.
Anahtar Kelimeler
flt1/fms, Proventrikulus, Tavuk, VEGF, Chicken, Proventriculus
Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sağsöz, H., Saruhan, B. G., Akbalık, M. E., Topaloğlu, U. ve Ketani, M. A. (2017). Kanatlı proventrikulusunda vasküler endotel büyüme faktörü ve reseptörlerinin dağılımı. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2), 122-129.