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Erciyes Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Doğaya yönelim içeren mimari tasarımlar tasarımcıyı raslantısallıktan uzaklaştırdığı gibi doğaya karşı olan sorumluluğun fark edilmesini sağlamaktadır. Aynı zamanda doğa ile uyumlu tasarımlar, doğaya yönelik kazanımlar elde edilmesini sağlamakta ve yapı sektörünün çevreye verdiği zararı azaltmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda ekoloji ile uyum içerisinde olan Diyarbakır geleneksel evlerinin; yapısal analizleri sonucunda elde edilen verilerin günümüz konutlarına örnek teşkil etmesi açısından temel ilkelerinin referans alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Günümüzde yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler birçok avantaj sağlamakla beraber doğadan kopuk yapılaşmaların artmasına da sebep olmuştur. Doğa ile uyum göstermeyen yapıların artması günümüzde çevresel anlamda birçok problemin ortaya çıkmasına sebebiyet vermiştir. Bu açıdan çalışma, Diyarbakır geleneksel evlerinin; yapısal analizleri sonucunda elde edilen ilkeler ile günümüz çağdaş konut üretimi için model önerisinde bulunulması gerektiğine odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada; araştırma sahası olarak seçilen Diyarbakır Suriçi bölgesinde bulunan 35 adet U plan tipli geleneksel evin planları Lindenmayer sistemler üzerinden yapılan çözümlemelere dayanarak bir model önerisi hazırlamak amaçlanmıştır. Hesaplamalı bilimlerin katkıları ile ortaya çıkan tasarımlardan üretken tasarım yaklaşımı incelenmiş, üretken bir algoritma olan Lindenmayer sistemlerinin mimari tasarımdaki kullanımı ve sürdürülebilirlik ile ilişkisi ele alınmıştır. Doğa-insan etkileşiminin mimarlıktaki yansıma biçimleri olan binalar, bu sistemler özelinde analiz edilmiş, incelenen plan tipolojileri bina yönlenme parametresi esas alınarak yeniden kodlanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerden yola çıkarak, Diyarbakır şehrinin iklimi ve geleneksel mimarisiyle uyumlu, farklı kullanıcılara hitap edebilecek 4 farklı alternatif ideal konut tipolojisi üretilmiştir.
Architectural designs with an orientation towards nature not only distract the designer from randomness, but also make him/her realize his/her responsibility towards nature. At the same time, designs in harmony with nature provide gains for nature and reduce the damage caused by the building sector to the environment. In this direction, it is thought that the basic principles of Diyarbakır traditional houses, which are in harmony with ecology, should be taken as a reference in terms of the data obtained as a result of structural analysis to set an example for today's residences. Although today's technological developments have provided many advantages, they have also led to an increase in structures disconnected from nature. The increase in structures that do not harmonize with nature has led to the emergence of many environmental problems. In this respect, the study focuses on the need to propose a model for today's contemporary housing production with the principles obtained as a result of the structural analysis of Diyarbakır traditional houses. In this study; it is aimed to prepare a model proposal based on the analysis of the plans of 35 U-plan type traditional houses in Diyarbakır Suriçi region, which was selected as the research area, based on Lindenmayer systems. The generative design approach, one of the designs that emerged with the contributions of computational sciences, was examined, and the use of Lindenmayer systems, a generative algorithm, in architectural design and its relationship with sustainability were discussed. Buildings, which are the reflections of nature-human interaction in architecture, are analyzed in terms of these systems, and the plan typologies examined are recoded based on the building orientation parameter. Based on the data obtained, 4 different alternative ideal housing typologies that are compatible with the climate and traditional architecture of the city of Diyarbakır and that can appeal to different users have been produced.
Architectural designs with an orientation towards nature not only distract the designer from randomness, but also make him/her realize his/her responsibility towards nature. At the same time, designs in harmony with nature provide gains for nature and reduce the damage caused by the building sector to the environment. In this direction, it is thought that the basic principles of Diyarbakır traditional houses, which are in harmony with ecology, should be taken as a reference in terms of the data obtained as a result of structural analysis to set an example for today's residences. Although today's technological developments have provided many advantages, they have also led to an increase in structures disconnected from nature. The increase in structures that do not harmonize with nature has led to the emergence of many environmental problems. In this respect, the study focuses on the need to propose a model for today's contemporary housing production with the principles obtained as a result of the structural analysis of Diyarbakır traditional houses. In this study; it is aimed to prepare a model proposal based on the analysis of the plans of 35 U-plan type traditional houses in Diyarbakır Suriçi region, which was selected as the research area, based on Lindenmayer systems. The generative design approach, one of the designs that emerged with the contributions of computational sciences, was examined, and the use of Lindenmayer systems, a generative algorithm, in architectural design and its relationship with sustainability were discussed. Buildings, which are the reflections of nature-human interaction in architecture, are analyzed in terms of these systems, and the plan typologies examined are recoded based on the building orientation parameter. Based on the data obtained, 4 different alternative ideal housing typologies that are compatible with the climate and traditional architecture of the city of Diyarbakır and that can appeal to different users have been produced.
Anahtar Kelimeler
L-Sistemler, Geleneksel konut, Üretken tasarım, L-Systems, Traditional housing, Generative design
Erciyes Akademi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri