Propofol enjeksiyon ağrısını önlemede lornoksikamın etkisinin; randomize, çift kör, plasebo kontrollü olarak değerlendirilmesi
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AMAÇ: Propofol enjeksiyon sırasında ağrıya neden olmasına rağmen genel anestezi indüksiyonunda sık kullanılmaktadır. Enjeksiyon ağrı insidansı %28 -90 arasında değişmektedir. Çalışmamızda, enjeksiyona bağlı olarak kinin kaskat sistemi ve ağrı mediatörlerinin aktivasyonunun sorumlu tutulan propofol ağrısını önlemede Lornoksikamın etkinliğini araştırdık. MATERYAL VE METOD: Hastanemiz etik kurul onayı alınan 120 elektif cerrahi hastası bilgisayar destekli randomizasyon sistemine göre 4 gruba ayrıldı. Hastalara el sırtından 20 gauge i.v kanül takıldı. Grup I ’ e; anestezi indüksiyonundan hemen önce İV.10 ml izotonik. Grup II, ’ye 2mg Lornoksikam; Grup III e; 4 mg Lornoksikam; grup IV ’ e 8mg Lornoksikam 10ml izotonik içinde verildi. Hastalara bundan sonra ön kola 2 dakika turnike uygulandı. İndüksiyonu için Propofol 2- mg/kg olarak hesaplandı. Bu dozun %25‘ i 10 saniye içinde verildi. Ağrı değerlendirmesi sözel ağrı skoru ile hastaya sorularak yapıldı. 0: ağrı yok;1: hafif ağrı(hastanın ağrı ifadesi,davranışsal cevap olmadan,); 2 orta şiddette ağrı(hastanın ağrı ifadesi ve davranışsal cevap;,sorulmadan ağrıyı belirtmesi);3 ciddi ağrı(hastanın ağrıyla beraber kolunu çekmesi,ağlaması) olarak değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Hastaların yaş ve kilogramları istatiksel olarak anlamlı değildi(p> 0.05 ) .Cinsiyet dağılımında farklılık vardı.( P<0.05)Grup I ve II, arasında; Grup I ve III arasında; Grup I ve IV. arasında; Grup II ve III arasında ağrı şidetinde değişiklik istatiksel olarak anlamlıydı.(p<0.05)Grup III ve IV arasında ağrı şidetinde istatiksel anlamlı fark görülmedi. P=0.401 SONUÇ: Lornoksikam tüm gruplarda propofol enjeksiyon ağrısının şiddetini kontrol grubuna kıyasla anlamlı olarak azaltmaktadır. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Propofol, enjeksiyon ağrısı, lornoksikam.
Aim: Propofol is a frequently used anesthetic in outpatient anesthesia and pain is often experienced when propofol is injected. Lornoksikam is a nonsteroidal anti inflamatory drug which has been used for postoperative pain management but has not been studied for managing pain on injection of propofol when preceded with venous occlusion. In our study we aimed to investigate if lornoksikam could prevent adverse effects of propofol when pretreatment to it. Material and Methods: ASA 1–2, 120 patients with, 18–65- years of age, scheduled for elective surgery were randomly divided into 4 groups. Groups I, II, III, and IV and were pretreated with in saline 10 ml; 2 mg of i.v. lornoksikam, 4 mg of i.v lornoksikam and 8mg of i.v lornoksikam in 10ml saline, respectively. A rubber tourniquet was used to perform 2 minute of venous occlusion before administration of the study and control drugs, and then 25% of the total calculated dose of propofol (2 mg/ kg) was injected into the dorsal vein of the hand through a 20-G IV cannula at a rate of 1 mL/s. A clinician blinded to the group assignment evaluated propofolinduced pain using a verbal rating scale: 0 (negative response to questioning), 1 (pain reported only in response to questioning with no behavioural signs), 2 (pain reported in response to questioning and accompanied).by a behavioural sign or pain reported spontaneously without questioning), (strong vocal response or response accompanied by facial grimacing, arm withdrawal, or tears). Results: Groups II, groups III and groups IV. significantly reduced the pain scores in comparison with group I. Conclusion: The all Lornoksikam groups showed significantly less frequency and severity of pain than did the saline group. There was no statistically difference in pain scores between groups III and groups IV Key words: Propofol, Lornoksikam, İnjection pain
Aim: Propofol is a frequently used anesthetic in outpatient anesthesia and pain is often experienced when propofol is injected. Lornoksikam is a nonsteroidal anti inflamatory drug which has been used for postoperative pain management but has not been studied for managing pain on injection of propofol when preceded with venous occlusion. In our study we aimed to investigate if lornoksikam could prevent adverse effects of propofol when pretreatment to it. Material and Methods: ASA 1–2, 120 patients with, 18–65- years of age, scheduled for elective surgery were randomly divided into 4 groups. Groups I, II, III, and IV and were pretreated with in saline 10 ml; 2 mg of i.v. lornoksikam, 4 mg of i.v lornoksikam and 8mg of i.v lornoksikam in 10ml saline, respectively. A rubber tourniquet was used to perform 2 minute of venous occlusion before administration of the study and control drugs, and then 25% of the total calculated dose of propofol (2 mg/ kg) was injected into the dorsal vein of the hand through a 20-G IV cannula at a rate of 1 mL/s. A clinician blinded to the group assignment evaluated propofolinduced pain using a verbal rating scale: 0 (negative response to questioning), 1 (pain reported only in response to questioning with no behavioural signs), 2 (pain reported in response to questioning and accompanied).by a behavioural sign or pain reported spontaneously without questioning), (strong vocal response or response accompanied by facial grimacing, arm withdrawal, or tears). Results: Groups II, groups III and groups IV. significantly reduced the pain scores in comparison with group I. Conclusion: The all Lornoksikam groups showed significantly less frequency and severity of pain than did the saline group. There was no statistically difference in pain scores between groups III and groups IV Key words: Propofol, Lornoksikam, İnjection pain
Anahtar Kelimeler
Propofol, Enjeksiyon ağrısı, Lornoksikam, Lornoksikam, Injection pain