2011-2015 yılları arasında üniversitemiz çocuk polikliniklerine ishal şikayeti ile başvuran ve adenovirüs ve/veya rotavirüs pozitifliği saptanan hastaların retrospektif değerlendirilmesi
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Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Amaç: Çocukluk çağı ishalleri sıklıkla virüslerden kaynaklanır.
Enterik virüsler (özellikle rotavirüs ve adenovirüs) bakteriyel
olmayan akut gastroenteritlerin en sık nedeni olarak
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 129 hasta ve 130 kontrol grubu
olmak üzere toplam 259 çocuk dâhil edildi. Çalışma grubundaki
vakalar rotavirüs pozitif, adenovirüs pozitif ve hem rotavirüs
hem de adenovirüs pozitif olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışma grubundaki olguların yaş ortalamaları 21,7 ±
30,0 ay ve %60,5’i erkek idi. Kontrol grubundaki vakalarda ishal
varlığı (p = 0,023) ve 0-10 arasındaki ishal sayısı (p = 0,001)
istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek iken, çalışma grubunda 11-15
arasındaki ishal sayısı (p = 0,001) çalışma grubunda daha fazla
idi. Çalışma grubundaki olguların %71,3’ünde rotavirüs,
%20,2’sinde adenovirüs ve %8,5’inde hem rotavirüs hem de
adenovirüs antijen pozitifliği vardı. Rotavirüs pozitif gruptaki
hastaların üre, albümin ve CRP değerleri arasında istatistiksel
yönden kuvvetli ve anlamlı bir ilişki varken, Adenovirüs ve hem
Rotavirüs hem de Adenovirüs pozitif gruptaki hastaların beyaz
küre sayısı, üre, albümin ve CRP değerleri arasında istatistiksel
yönden kuvvetli ve anlamlı bir ilişki vardı (p < 0,05). Rotavirüs
pozitif, adenovirüs pozitif ve hem rotavirüs hem de adenovirüs
pozitif olan üç gruptaki vakalarda ishal, kusma, karın ağrısı ve
iştahsızlık ile aralarında istatistiksel yönden kuvvetli ve anlamlı
bir ilişki vardı (p < 0,05).
Sonuç: Özellikle viral gastroenteritlerden rotavirüs ve/veya
adenovirüs enfeksiyonunda üre ve albumin ile sekonder
enfeksiyon açısından beyaz küre sayısı ve CRP düzeylerinin de
yakın takip edilmesi gerektiği kanısındayız.
Objective: Childhood diarrheas are mostly caused by viruses. Enteric viruses (particularly rotavirus and adenovirus) are the most common culprits of acute gastroenteritis. Materials and Methods: A total of 259 children were included in the study, and the patients were divided into two groups: patient group (n = 129) and control group (n = 130). The study group was also sub-divided in three as rotavirus positivity, adenovirus positivity, and both rotavirus + adenovirus positivity. Results: The mean age of the patient group was 21.7 ± 30.0 months, and 60.5% were males. While the presence of diarrhea (p = 0.023) and the number of diarrhea between 0 and 10 (p = 0.001) were statistically higher in the control group, the number of diarrhea between 11 and 15 was statistically highe r in the patient group. Rotavirus was positive for 71.3%, adenovirus was positive for 20.2%, both rotavirus + adenovirus were positive for 8.5% in the patient group. There was a statistically strong and significant relation with white blood cell, urea, albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP) values for the patients with rotavirus positivity (p < 0.05). There was a statistically strong and significant relation with diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite for both three subgroups with rotavirus positivity, adenovirus positivity, and both rotavirus + adenovirus positivity (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Based on our study results, we believe that patients with viral gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus and/or adenovirus should be monitored for the development of secondary infections, considering urea, albumin levels, white blood cells, and CRP values.
Objective: Childhood diarrheas are mostly caused by viruses. Enteric viruses (particularly rotavirus and adenovirus) are the most common culprits of acute gastroenteritis. Materials and Methods: A total of 259 children were included in the study, and the patients were divided into two groups: patient group (n = 129) and control group (n = 130). The study group was also sub-divided in three as rotavirus positivity, adenovirus positivity, and both rotavirus + adenovirus positivity. Results: The mean age of the patient group was 21.7 ± 30.0 months, and 60.5% were males. While the presence of diarrhea (p = 0.023) and the number of diarrhea between 0 and 10 (p = 0.001) were statistically higher in the control group, the number of diarrhea between 11 and 15 was statistically highe r in the patient group. Rotavirus was positive for 71.3%, adenovirus was positive for 20.2%, both rotavirus + adenovirus were positive for 8.5% in the patient group. There was a statistically strong and significant relation with white blood cell, urea, albumin and C-reactive protein (CRP) values for the patients with rotavirus positivity (p < 0.05). There was a statistically strong and significant relation with diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite for both three subgroups with rotavirus positivity, adenovirus positivity, and both rotavirus + adenovirus positivity (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Based on our study results, we believe that patients with viral gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus and/or adenovirus should be monitored for the development of secondary infections, considering urea, albumin levels, white blood cells, and CRP values.
Adenovirüs, Çocuk, Gastroenterit, Rotavirüs, Adenovirus, Child, Gastroenteritis, Rotavirus
Journal or Series
Van Tıp Dergisi
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Scopus Q Value
Çubuk, E., Aktar, F., Yılmaz, K., Sabaz, M. N., Solmaz, M., Asena, M. ve diğerleri. (2018). 2011-2015 yılları arasında üniversitemiz çocuk polikliniklerine ishal şikayeti ile başvuran ve adenovirüs ve/veya rotavirüs pozitifliği saptanan hastaların retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Van Tıp Dergisi, 25(3), 374-380.