Sınırları aşarak yaşamak
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Dicle Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu
Erişim Hakkı
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015), milliyetçilik sahasının önde gelen
teorisyenlerinden biridir. Onun 1983’te yayınlanan Hayali Cemaatler kitabı,
milliyetçilik literatüründeki yerleşik yargıları sarsmıştır. Hayali Cemaatler’ de
Anderson, milliyetçiliğin tarihsel süreç içinde geçirdiği değişimleri anlatır ve
Avrupa-merkezci milliyetçilik okumalarına itiraz eder. Bu kitap, bilhassa Soğuk
Savaş’ın bitmesinden sonra, milliyetçiliği anlamak için başvurulan temel
kaynaklardan biri olmuştur.
Sınırları Aşarak Yaşamak kitabında ise Anderson, bir entelektüel ve bir
akademisyen olarak hayatını okurlara sunar. Yetiştirilme tarzını, gördüğü
eğitimleri, öğretim üyesi olarak deneyimlerini, tezlerini ve görüşlerini paylaşır. Hayatının bir muhasebesini yapar ve buradan çıkardığı dersleri aktarır.
Tecrübeli bir hoca olarak, mevcut ve müstakbel araştırmacılara önerilerde
Anderson bu kitabında en çok, farklı kültürleri tanımanın önemine
odaklanır. Kendi hayatını ve çalışmalarını da, bu görüşe göre tanzim eder. Ona
göre; farklı dilleri bilmek ve farklı coğrafyalarda ve kültürlerde yaşayan
insanlarla temas etmek, bir araştırmacı için hayati bir değer taşır. Farklı ülkeleri
karşılaştırmak ya da aynı ülkenin farklı dönemlerini karşılaştırmak, insanın
önüne yeni ufuklar açar.
Üniversitelerde disiplinlerin oluşması kaçınılmazdır. Ancak Anderson,
çalıştıkları disiplinlerin boğucu atmosferine teslim olmayı, akademisyenler için
çok tehlikeli görür. Disiplinin abartılması, akademisyenin yaratıcılığını öldürür
ve dilini yavan hale getirir. Akademisyenler bundan kaçınmalı, disiplinlerin
gereksiz yükseklikteki duvarlarını yıkmaya çalışmalıdır.
Anderson’a göre, üretken bir akademik hayatın vazgeçilmez iki şartı
vardır: Birincisi, merak duygusudur. İkincisi de, kendi camiasına karşı
özeleştirel bir duruşa sahip olmaktır. Akademisyen hem ruhsal ve fiziki
yolculuklara hazır olmalı hem de bir parçası olduğu camiaya entelektüel mesafe
koyabilmelidir. Zira ancak kabuğunu kırabilenler, yeni bir dünyayı
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015) is one of the leading theorists in the field of nationalism. His book Imagined Communities, published in 1983, shook the established judgments in the nationalist literature. In Imagined Communities, Anderson describes the changes that nationalism has undergone in the historical process and objects to Euro-centric readings of nationalism. This book has been one of the main sources for understanding rising nationalism, especially after the end of the Cold War. In his book A Life Beyond Boundaries, Anderson presents his life as an intellectual and an academic to the readers. He shares his upbringing, the education he received, his experiences as a lecturer, his theses and opinions. He makes an account of his life and transfers the lessons he learned from it. As an experienced lecturer, he gives advice to current and prospective researchers. Anderson, in this book, focuses mostly on the importance of getting to know different cultures. He arranges his own life and work according to this view. According to him; knowing different languages and coming into contact with people from different geographies and cultures is vital for a researcher. Comparing different countries or comparing different periods of the same country opens new horizons for people. The formation of disciplines in universities is inevitable. But Anderson finds it too dangerous for academics to surrender to the suffocating atmosphere of the disciplines they study. Exaggeration of the discipline kills the creativity of the academic and makes his/her language dull. Academics should avoid from this and try to break down the unnecessarily high walls of the disciplines. According to Anderson, there are two indispensable conditions for a productive academic life: The first is the sense of curiosity. The second is to have a self-critical stance towards one's own community. The academician should be ready for spiritual and physical journeys and should be able to keep an intellectual distance from the community s/he is a part of. Because only those who can break their shell can discover a new world.
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015) is one of the leading theorists in the field of nationalism. His book Imagined Communities, published in 1983, shook the established judgments in the nationalist literature. In Imagined Communities, Anderson describes the changes that nationalism has undergone in the historical process and objects to Euro-centric readings of nationalism. This book has been one of the main sources for understanding rising nationalism, especially after the end of the Cold War. In his book A Life Beyond Boundaries, Anderson presents his life as an intellectual and an academic to the readers. He shares his upbringing, the education he received, his experiences as a lecturer, his theses and opinions. He makes an account of his life and transfers the lessons he learned from it. As an experienced lecturer, he gives advice to current and prospective researchers. Anderson, in this book, focuses mostly on the importance of getting to know different cultures. He arranges his own life and work according to this view. According to him; knowing different languages and coming into contact with people from different geographies and cultures is vital for a researcher. Comparing different countries or comparing different periods of the same country opens new horizons for people. The formation of disciplines in universities is inevitable. But Anderson finds it too dangerous for academics to surrender to the suffocating atmosphere of the disciplines they study. Exaggeration of the discipline kills the creativity of the academic and makes his/her language dull. Academics should avoid from this and try to break down the unnecessarily high walls of the disciplines. According to Anderson, there are two indispensable conditions for a productive academic life: The first is the sense of curiosity. The second is to have a self-critical stance towards one's own community. The academician should be ready for spiritual and physical journeys and should be able to keep an intellectual distance from the community s/he is a part of. Because only those who can break their shell can discover a new world.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Milliyetçilik, Farklı kültürler, Karşılaştırma, Disiplinler-arası çalışmalar, Akademi, Nationalism, Different cultures, Comparison, Interdisciplinary studies, Academia
Dicle Adalet Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Coşkun, V. (2023). Sınırları aşarak yaşamak. Dicle Adalet Dergisi, 7(1), 37-52.