İdari yargıda idare aleyhine hükmedilen vekâlet ücretinin doğrudan icraya konulması üzerine bir inceleme
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Dicle Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu
Erişim Hakkı
Yargı mercilerinde kendilerini vekille temsil ettiren taraflar lehine haklı
çıkmaları durumunda vekâlet ücretine hükmedildiği gibi idari yargıda da davayı
kazanan taraf lehine vekâlet ücretine hükmedilmektedir. Ancak idari yargıda
idare aleyhine hükmedilen vekâlet ücreti, yargılama gideri veya tazminatın
idareye müracaat edilmeden doğrudan icraya konulması İdari Yargılama Usulü
Kanunu’nun 28/2. maddesine göre hukuken mümkün değildir. Öncelikle
idareye müracaat edilerek talepte bulunulması ve talepten itibaren 30 gün içinde
ödenmediği takdirde genel hükümlere göre icra yoluna gidilmesi gerekir. Buna
karşın davacı aleyhine hükmedilen vekâlet ücretinin doğrudan icraya konulup
konulamayacağı hususunda İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu’nda herhangi bir
düzenleme yapılmamıştır. Uygulamada 659 sayılı KHK’ ya göre davacıya müracaatla ödeme talebinde bulunan idareler olmasına karşın doğrudan icra
yoluna başvuran idareler de bulunmaktadır. Doğrudan icra yoluna başvurulması
durumunda davacı taraf dava vekâlet ücreti yanında icra vekâlet ücreti ve
masraflarına da mahkûm olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada mezkûr uygulama ve
düzenlemelerin hukuka uygunluğu ele alınmaktadır.
The attorney's fee is awarded in case of justification in favor of the parties representing them by the judicial authorities by proxy. Also, in administrative jurisdiction, the attorney's fee is determined in favor of the winning party. However, it is not legally possible to directly enforce the attorney's fee, litigation expenses, or compensation awarded against the administration in the administrative jurisdiction without applying to the administration, according to Article 28/2 of the Administrative Procedure Law. First, a request should be made by applying to the administration, and if the payment is not paid within 30 days of the request, it should be enforced according to the general provisions. On the other hand, there is no regulation in the Administrative Procedure Law regarding whether the attorney's fee award against the plaintiff can be directly enforced. In practice, although administrations request payment by applying to the plaintiff according to Decree-Law No. 659, some administrations directly apply for enforcement. In case of applying directly to the enforcement, the plaintiff party is sentenced to the attorney's fee and expenses as well as the attorney's fee. This study discusses the legality of the practices mentioned above and the regulations.
The attorney's fee is awarded in case of justification in favor of the parties representing them by the judicial authorities by proxy. Also, in administrative jurisdiction, the attorney's fee is determined in favor of the winning party. However, it is not legally possible to directly enforce the attorney's fee, litigation expenses, or compensation awarded against the administration in the administrative jurisdiction without applying to the administration, according to Article 28/2 of the Administrative Procedure Law. First, a request should be made by applying to the administration, and if the payment is not paid within 30 days of the request, it should be enforced according to the general provisions. On the other hand, there is no regulation in the Administrative Procedure Law regarding whether the attorney's fee award against the plaintiff can be directly enforced. In practice, although administrations request payment by applying to the plaintiff according to Decree-Law No. 659, some administrations directly apply for enforcement. In case of applying directly to the enforcement, the plaintiff party is sentenced to the attorney's fee and expenses as well as the attorney's fee. This study discusses the legality of the practices mentioned above and the regulations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Vekâlet ücreti, İdari yargı, İptal davası, Kamu avukatı, İcra takibi, Attorney's fee, Administrative judgment, Action for annulment, Public attorney, Enforcement proceedings
Dicle Adalet Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karaarslan, M. (2022). İdari yargıda idare aleyhine hükmedilen vekâlet ücretinin doğrudan icraya konulması üzerine bir inceleme. Dicle Adalet Dergisi, 6(1), 101-126.