Muharrem Ertaş icrâsında bozlakların incelenmesi
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Kırşehir yöresi Anadolu coğrafyası içerisinde, bilinen en eski Türkmen
yerleşim bölgesidir. Kadim kültürel birikimin bir sonucu olarak; Türk folkloru
içerisinde Kırşehir yöresi müzikleri büyük önem teşkil etmekle beraber, büyük
bozlak ustası ozan Muharrem Ertaş’ın da bu yöreden çıkması dikkatleri
üzerine çekmiştir. Bozlak kavramı; Türk halk müziğinde Orta Anadolu’yu
kapsayan bir uzun hava türü olmasının dışında, aynı zamanda özellikle
Çukurova kısmında hikâyeli türküler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Türkçe bir
kelime olduğu için Türk Dünyası’nda da birbirine yakın manalarda
kullanılmaktadır. Bozlaklar başta Türkmen boylarının gezip dolaştığı
yerlerdeki acıklı olayları konu alan türküler ve bir türkü makamı iken, gelenek
hâline gelmiş ve asıl karakterini Orta Anadolu’ da, Toroslar’da özellikle Orta
Anadolu’da Abdalların yoğun olarak yaşadığı yerlerde devam ettirmiş, yıllar
boyu bu geleneği sürdürmüştür. Bu gibi etmenler doğrultusunda; Muharrem
Ertaş’ın sanatı, ozanlığı, yaratıcılığı ve onunla bütünleşen bozlakları
incelenmiş, tetkik edilmiştir. Muharrem Ertaş; bozlak okumadaki tavır, üslup,
yorum ve çalıp söyleme tekniğine dayanarak adeta bozlak okumak için
yaratılmış bir ses olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Çünkü ses genişliği, rengi
ve tınısının yanı sıra; gırtlak nağmeleri, çarpma, ve trilleri kendine has vokal kullanım teknikleriyle bütün bunların yanında iyi bir bozlak icracısı olarak bir
çok şiir ve koşmayı bozlağa dönüştürmüştür. TRT Türk Halk Müziği
Repertuvarına ve Millî Folklor Araştırma Dairesi Arşivi’ne başta bozlaklar
olmak üzere birçok eser kazandırmıştır. Elimizde bulunan, Ses Arşivi
üzerinden 12 bozlak incelenmiştir. İncelemeler neticesinde Muharrem Ertaş
bozlakları Karacaoğlan, Pir Sultan, Dadaloğlu ve Âşık Said gibi önemli halk
şairlerinin eserlerini bozlak olarak icra ettiği görülmektedir. Konu içeriği
bakımından ayrılık, hasret, ölüm, özlem, gurbet, göç gibi konar-göçer halkın
hayatını anlatmaktadır. Bu bozlakların tüm hece ölçüsü 11’ li olarak tespit
Kırşehir region is the oldest known Turkmen settlement in Anatolia. As a result of ancient cultural accumulation; Although the music of Kırşehir region is of great importance in Turkish folklore, it was noted that the great bozlak master poet Muharrem Ertaş came out from this region. The concept of bozlak; in addition to being an unmetered folk song genre covering the Central Anatolia in Turkish folk music, it also appears as story folk songs especially in Çukurova. Since Turkish is a word, it is also used in the Turkish world in close meanings. While Bozlaks were folk songs and folk songs about the pathetic events in the places where the Turkmen tribes wandered, it became a tradition and continued its main character in the Central Anatolian, in Taurus regions especially in the Central Anatolia where the Abdals lived intensively and continued this tradition for years. In line with such factors; Muharrem Ertaş's art, poetry, creativity and the pitfalls that integrate with him were examined. Muharrem Ertaş; It is possible to say that it is a voice created for singing, based on the attitude, style, interpretation and playing, technique of singing expression. Because in addition to sound width, color and timbre; In addition to all these, he has transformed to bozlak style many poems and koşma into with his own vocal techniques, such as larynx tunes, agilities, bumps and trill. TRT Turkish Folk Music Repertoire and National Folklore Research Department Archives, especially in the field has brought many works. 12 bozlaks were examined through the Audio Archive. As a result of the investigations, it is seen that important folk poets’s such as Karacaoğlan, Pir Sultan, Dadaloğlu and Aşık Said performed as Bozlak. Describes the life of the nomadic people such as separation, longing, death, longing, expatriate, migration The whole syllable size of these disturbances was determined as 11.
Kırşehir region is the oldest known Turkmen settlement in Anatolia. As a result of ancient cultural accumulation; Although the music of Kırşehir region is of great importance in Turkish folklore, it was noted that the great bozlak master poet Muharrem Ertaş came out from this region. The concept of bozlak; in addition to being an unmetered folk song genre covering the Central Anatolia in Turkish folk music, it also appears as story folk songs especially in Çukurova. Since Turkish is a word, it is also used in the Turkish world in close meanings. While Bozlaks were folk songs and folk songs about the pathetic events in the places where the Turkmen tribes wandered, it became a tradition and continued its main character in the Central Anatolian, in Taurus regions especially in the Central Anatolia where the Abdals lived intensively and continued this tradition for years. In line with such factors; Muharrem Ertaş's art, poetry, creativity and the pitfalls that integrate with him were examined. Muharrem Ertaş; It is possible to say that it is a voice created for singing, based on the attitude, style, interpretation and playing, technique of singing expression. Because in addition to sound width, color and timbre; In addition to all these, he has transformed to bozlak style many poems and koşma into with his own vocal techniques, such as larynx tunes, agilities, bumps and trill. TRT Turkish Folk Music Repertoire and National Folklore Research Department Archives, especially in the field has brought many works. 12 bozlaks were examined through the Audio Archive. As a result of the investigations, it is seen that important folk poets’s such as Karacaoğlan, Pir Sultan, Dadaloğlu and Aşık Said performed as Bozlak. Describes the life of the nomadic people such as separation, longing, death, longing, expatriate, migration The whole syllable size of these disturbances was determined as 11.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Muharrem Ertaş, Bozlak, Abdal, Türk Halk Müziği, Turkish Folk Music
International Language, Literature and Folklore Researchers Journal
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çelik, S., & Eroğlu, E. (2019). Muharrem Ertaş icrâsında bozlakların incelenmesi. International Language, Literature and Folklore Researchers Journal, 1(19), 193–208.