Diyarbakır çevresinde yetişen bazı tıbbi bitkilerin antimikrobiyal etkileri üzerine araştırma
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Dicle Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Diyarbakır çevresinden toplanan Thymbra spicata var. spicata, Alcea hohenackeri, Salvia palaestina Salvia ceratophyla, Salvia multicaulis, Salvia syriaca, Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica, Achillea biebersteinii ve Hypericum triequitrifolium, bitkilerinden elde edilen ekstraktların antimikrobiyal etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu etkinin çeşitli mikroorganizmalar üzerindeki etkisini saptamak için Esherishia coli K12, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes ve Bacillus subtilis bakterileri ile Candida albicans 74 fungusu kullanılmıştır. Kontrol olarak çözücü olarak kullandığımız n-hegzan denenmiş ve mikroorga nizmalar üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi olmadığı gözlenmiştir. Test antibiyotiği olarak Amoxicilin 25 u.g, İmepenem 10 u,g, Eritromycin 15 u.g ve Ampicillin/Sulbactam 20 u.g kullanılmıştır. Test edilen ekstrelerin mikroorganizmaların gelişmelerini değişik oranda engellediği gözlenmiş ve kontrol antibiyotiklerine göre kıyaslanmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre kullandığımız ekstreler 0.4 OD' deki bakterilerin gelişmelerini, 2 OD'deki bakterilere oranla daha fazla engellediği görülmüştür. 0.4 OD' deki bakterilerin gelişmesni en fazla engelleyen bitkiler Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica ve Achillea biebersteinii, en az engelleyen ise Salvia palestina ve Salvia ceratophyla olarak gözlemlenmiştir. 2 OD' deki bakterilerin gelişmesni en fazla engelleyen bitkiler Thymbra spicata var. spicata ve Achillea biebersteinii, en az engelleyen ise Salvia multicaulis ve Salvia ceratophyla olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Candida albicans 74' ün gelişmesini en fazla engelleyenler ise 0.4 OD' de Thymbra spicata var spicata 2 OD ' de Achillea aleppica subsp aleppica'dır. Diğerlerinin etkilemediği görülmüştür. Test antibiyotiklerinin mikroorganizmalara karşı etkisi gözlemlenmiş ve bu sonuçlar bitkisel ekstrelerin etkileri ile karşılaştırmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre çalıştığımı/ bitkilerin çoğunun anlibakleriyel etkisi olduğu saptanmış, antifungal etkilerinin az olduğu görülmüştür.
In this study, a total of 9 extracts from 9 plants (Thymbra spicata var. spicata, Alcea hohenackeri, Salvia palestina Bentham, Salvia ceratophylla, Salvia multicaulis, Salvia syriaca, Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica, Achillea biebersteinii and Hypericum triequitrifolium) available in the Diyarbakır flora were assayed for their in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities. These plants extracts were tested agains Esherishia coli K12, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes ve Bacillus subtilis and yeast (Candida albicans 74). n-hexane was used control solvent againist microorganisms, n-hexane were not active againist tested microorganismis. Amoxicilin 25 ug, İmepenem 10 ug, Eritromycin 15 ug ve Ampicillin/Sulbactam 20 |ig were used as standart antibiotics. It has been observed that tested plants extracts have different effects on bacterial growth. These results were compared with control antibiotics. Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica and Achillea biebersteinii plants extracts were found to be the most effective againist bacterial growth at O.D. 0.4 on the other hand Salvia palaestina and Salvia ceratophylla plants extracts were found to be the least effective againist bacterial growth at O.D. 0.4. Thymbra spicata var. spicata and Achillea biebersteinii plants extracts were found to be the most active againist bacterial growth at O.D. 2. Salvia multicaulis and Salvia ceratophylla plants extracts were found to be the least effective againist bacterial growth at O.D.2. Thymbra spicata var. spicata extracts showed activity againist the yeast(Candida albicans 74) at 0.4 O.D. and Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica showed activity againist Candida albicans 74. The other plants extracts have not showed any activity. Tested antibiotics showed activity againist microrganisms and these results were compared with plants extracts. It was found that the most plants extracts were showed antibacterial effects.Onthe other hand plants extracts were less effective againist the yeast.
In this study, a total of 9 extracts from 9 plants (Thymbra spicata var. spicata, Alcea hohenackeri, Salvia palestina Bentham, Salvia ceratophylla, Salvia multicaulis, Salvia syriaca, Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica, Achillea biebersteinii and Hypericum triequitrifolium) available in the Diyarbakır flora were assayed for their in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities. These plants extracts were tested agains Esherishia coli K12, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes ve Bacillus subtilis and yeast (Candida albicans 74). n-hexane was used control solvent againist microorganisms, n-hexane were not active againist tested microorganismis. Amoxicilin 25 ug, İmepenem 10 ug, Eritromycin 15 ug ve Ampicillin/Sulbactam 20 |ig were used as standart antibiotics. It has been observed that tested plants extracts have different effects on bacterial growth. These results were compared with control antibiotics. Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica and Achillea biebersteinii plants extracts were found to be the most effective againist bacterial growth at O.D. 0.4 on the other hand Salvia palaestina and Salvia ceratophylla plants extracts were found to be the least effective againist bacterial growth at O.D. 0.4. Thymbra spicata var. spicata and Achillea biebersteinii plants extracts were found to be the most active againist bacterial growth at O.D. 2. Salvia multicaulis and Salvia ceratophylla plants extracts were found to be the least effective againist bacterial growth at O.D.2. Thymbra spicata var. spicata extracts showed activity againist the yeast(Candida albicans 74) at 0.4 O.D. and Achillea aleppica subsp. aleppica showed activity againist Candida albicans 74. The other plants extracts have not showed any activity. Tested antibiotics showed activity againist microrganisms and these results were compared with plants extracts. It was found that the most plants extracts were showed antibacterial effects.Onthe other hand plants extracts were less effective againist the yeast.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antimikrobiyal aktivite, Diyarbakır, Tıbbi bitkiler, Antimicrobial activity, Plants medicinal
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karataş, H. (2000). Diyarbakır çevresinde yetişen bazı tıbbi bitkilerin antimikrobiyal etkileri üzerine araştırma. Yüksek lisans tezi, Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır.