İki farklı bilgisayar programı ile yapılan büyüme tahmininin değerlendirilmesi
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Ortodontik tedavi gören hastaların büyük çoğunluğunu büyümekte olan bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Bu hastaların büyüme ile birlikte dişsel, iskeletsel yapılarında ve yumuşak dokularında değişiklikler meydana gelmektedir. Bu yüzden büyümekte olan bireylerde tedavi planı öncesinde gerçekleştirilen büyüme tahmini büyük öneme sahiptir. Bizde bu çalışmada Vistadent OC ve Nemoceph NX bilgisayar programlarının büyüme tahmin geçerliliklerini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Dicle Üniversitesi Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı arşivinden 50 kız, 50 erkek (toplam 100 birey)'e ait lateral sefalometrik grafileri ve bu hastaların başlangıç kayıt materyalinden de 3 yıl sonraki lateral sefalometrik grafileri kullanıldı. Kızlar ve erkekler ayrı ayrı gruplandırıldı. Ayrıca kızların ve erkeklerin birleşiminden oluşan genel grup oluşturuldu. Birinci sefalogramlar her iki programda da çizildi ve 3 yıllık büyüme tahmini uygulandı. Büyüme tahminiyle elde edilen veriler ikinci sefalogramlardan elde edilen gerçek değerlerle karşılaştırıldı. Dişsel, iskeletsel ve yumuşak doku ile alakalı 28 parametre eşleştirilmiş t-testi kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. Tahmini veriler ve gerçek verilerin karşılaştırılmasında Nemoceph NX kız grubunun tahminleri ile Vistadent OC erkek grubunun tahminleri gerçek değerlere daha yakın bulundu. Cinsiyet ayrımının yapılmadığı gruplarda ise Nemoceph NX genel grubunun tahminleri gerçek verilere daha yakın bulundu. 28 parametre ile yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda, Nemoceph NX bilgisayar programı ile gerçeğe daha yakın tahminler yapılmıştır, ancak her iki programında başarısı %50'yi geçememiştir.
The majority of orthodontic treatment is directed toward the growing children. These patients show growth changes in their dental structure, facial skeleton and soft tissue profile. So growth prediction is an important process before the decision of treatment plan. In this study, our aim was to evaluate the growth prediction validity of Nemoceph NX and Vistadent OC computer programs. Lateral cephalograms of 50 female and 50 male (100 individuals) were selected from the archive of the Dicle University, Dental Faculty, Department of Orthodontics. The second cephalograms which were taken after 3 years were selected from the initial records of these patients. Female, male groups and a general group of both males and females were composed. All first cephalograms were digitized in both programs and growth prediction was performed for 3 years period. The growth prediction data were compared with the actual values obtained from the second cephalograms. Paired samples T-test was used to compare dental, skeletal and soft tissue related 28 parameters. According to the comparison of the prediction values with the actual ones, female prediction values in Nemoceph NX and male prediction values in Vistadent OC were closer to the actual ones. When groups were pooled without sexual dimorphism, the prediction values obtained from Nemoceph NX were closer to the actual ones. The growth prediction values of 28 parameters obtained from Nemoceph NX software program demonstrate closer values to the actual ones, while prediction accuracy of both programs were less than 50%.
The majority of orthodontic treatment is directed toward the growing children. These patients show growth changes in their dental structure, facial skeleton and soft tissue profile. So growth prediction is an important process before the decision of treatment plan. In this study, our aim was to evaluate the growth prediction validity of Nemoceph NX and Vistadent OC computer programs. Lateral cephalograms of 50 female and 50 male (100 individuals) were selected from the archive of the Dicle University, Dental Faculty, Department of Orthodontics. The second cephalograms which were taken after 3 years were selected from the initial records of these patients. Female, male groups and a general group of both males and females were composed. All first cephalograms were digitized in both programs and growth prediction was performed for 3 years period. The growth prediction data were compared with the actual values obtained from the second cephalograms. Paired samples T-test was used to compare dental, skeletal and soft tissue related 28 parameters. According to the comparison of the prediction values with the actual ones, female prediction values in Nemoceph NX and male prediction values in Vistadent OC were closer to the actual ones. When groups were pooled without sexual dimorphism, the prediction values obtained from Nemoceph NX were closer to the actual ones. The growth prediction values of 28 parameters obtained from Nemoceph NX software program demonstrate closer values to the actual ones, while prediction accuracy of both programs were less than 50%.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Ortodonti, Sefalometri, Kraniyofasiyal yapı, Bilgisayar yazılımları, Software, Büyüme, Growth, Kraniyofasiyal büyüme, Craniofacial growth, Craniofacial morphology, Orthodontics, Cephalometry