Bir üniversite hastanesinde tanı konulan sarkoidoz hastalarının klinik özellikleri
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Modestum Publishing Ltd.
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Amaç: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde sarkoidoz tanısı konulan hastaların klinik özelliklerinin ve takip sonuçlarının araştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya 01 Ocak 2008 - 31 Aralık 2011 tarihleri arasında sarkoidoz tanısı konulmuş toplam 39 hasta alındı. Hastaların demografik verileri, laboratuar verileri, spirometrik test sonuçları, tanı yöntemleri, verilen tedavi rejimleri çalışma formuna kaydedildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan 39 hastanın %15.4 erkek, %84.6 kadın idi. Yaş ortalaması erkeklerde 39.5 ± 13.1 yıl, kadınlarda 44.8 ± 14.0 yıl idi. Hastaların %17.9u evre 1, %66.7si evre 2, %10.3ü evre 3 ve %5.1i evre 4 idi. Tanı konulduğunda hastaların %61.5i semptomatik, %38.5i asemptomatikti. Hastaların solunum fonksiyon test sonuçlarına göre %61.5 normal patern, %30.8 restriktif patern ve %7.7 obstrüktif patern saptandı. Hastaların tanı yöntemleri incelendiğinde hastaların %25.6sına bronkoskopik biyopsi prosedürleri ile %74.4üne cerrahi biyopsi prosedürleriyle tanı konulmuştu. Hastalara uygulanan tedaviler incelendiğinde hastaların %56.4üne kortikosteroid tedavisi, %5.1ine kortikosteroid + metotreksat tedavisi verilmişti, %38.5i ise farmakolojik tedavi verilmeden takip edilmişti. Çalışmanın bittiği tarihte hastaların %20.5inin tedavisi devam etmekteydi. Farmakolojik tedavi verilen hastalarda ortalama 8.4 ay tedavi verilmişti. Sonuç: İnterstisyel akciğer hastalıkları arasında sık görülen sarkoidoz hastalarımızın klinik özellikleri incelenerek tanı, ayırıcı tanı ve tedavide yaşanabilecek muhtemel sorunların tespiti mümkün olabilecektir.
Objectives: The clinical characteristics and treatment results of patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis was investigated in Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital. Materials and methods: A total of 39 patients were included diagnosed with sarcoidosis between 01 January 2008 and31 December 2011.Demographic data, laboratory findings, spirometric test data, diagnostic methods and treatment regimens for the study were recorded form. According to pulmonary function test results of patients, 61.5% were normal pattern, 30.8% were restrictive pattern and 7.7% were obstructive pattern. Results: Of the 39 patients 15.4% male, 84.6% were female. The mean age was 39.5±13.1 years for males, females 44.8±14.0 years. All patients of was 17.9% stage 1, 66.7% stage 2, 10.3% stage 3 and 5.1% stage 4. 61.5% were symptomatic, 38.5% were asymptomatic. Methods of diagnosis of the patients examined, 25.6% of patients bronchoscopic biopsy procedures, 74.4% of patients surgical biopsy procedures. Of the 56.4% patients had received corticosteroid treatment, 5.1% patients had received corticosteroid + methotrexate treatment, 38.5% were followed up without the pharmacological treatment. Pharmacological treatment in the group complete at the time of the study 20.5% concluded the treatment of the person. Patients who treatment ending 8.4 months had used pharmacological treatment. Conclusions: Interstitial lung diseases which are prevalent among patients with sarcoidosis diagnosed by examining the clinical features, differential diagnosis and treatment may be possible detection of potential problems.
Objectives: The clinical characteristics and treatment results of patients diagnosed with sarcoidosis was investigated in Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital. Materials and methods: A total of 39 patients were included diagnosed with sarcoidosis between 01 January 2008 and31 December 2011.Demographic data, laboratory findings, spirometric test data, diagnostic methods and treatment regimens for the study were recorded form. According to pulmonary function test results of patients, 61.5% were normal pattern, 30.8% were restrictive pattern and 7.7% were obstructive pattern. Results: Of the 39 patients 15.4% male, 84.6% were female. The mean age was 39.5±13.1 years for males, females 44.8±14.0 years. All patients of was 17.9% stage 1, 66.7% stage 2, 10.3% stage 3 and 5.1% stage 4. 61.5% were symptomatic, 38.5% were asymptomatic. Methods of diagnosis of the patients examined, 25.6% of patients bronchoscopic biopsy procedures, 74.4% of patients surgical biopsy procedures. Of the 56.4% patients had received corticosteroid treatment, 5.1% patients had received corticosteroid + methotrexate treatment, 38.5% were followed up without the pharmacological treatment. Pharmacological treatment in the group complete at the time of the study 20.5% concluded the treatment of the person. Patients who treatment ending 8.4 months had used pharmacological treatment. Conclusions: Interstitial lung diseases which are prevalent among patients with sarcoidosis diagnosed by examining the clinical features, differential diagnosis and treatment may be possible detection of potential problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sarkoidoz, Tanı, Tedavi, Sarcoidosis diagnosis, Treatment
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Abakay, Ö., Abakay, A., Tanrıkulu, A. Ç., Meteroğlu, F., Sezgi, C., Şen, H. S. ve diğerleri. (2012). Bir üniversite hastanesinde tanı konulan sarkoidoz hastalarının klinik özellikleri. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 3(3), 363-367.