Koroner kalp hastalarının değiştirilebilir risk faktörleri yönünden değerlendirilmesi ve sağlıklı yeme indeksleri
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Bu araştırmada, Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kardiyoloji kliniğine Koroner Kalp Hastalığı (KKH) tanısı ile yatan hastaların, değiştirilebilir risk faktörleri yönünden incelenmesi ve diyet örüntüleri çerçevesinde geliştirilmiş sağlıklı yeme indekslerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmış, ayrıca bireylerin biyokimyasal göstergeleri ile sağlıklı yeme indeksleri arasındaki ilişki irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırmaya alınan 242 hastanın yaşları 26?85 arasında değişmekte olup, %68,5'i erkek , %31,5'i kadındır. Erkeklerin %42,8'i ilkokul, %20,5'i ortaokul, %10,8'i lise ve üzeri eğitim görmüş iken kadınların %89,5'i hiç eğitim görmemiştir. Örneklemin çoğunluğunun (%69,4) aylık geliri, 400?600 YTL arasındadır. Hastaların %76,1'inin günlük fiziksel aktivite düzeyi düşük bulunmuştur. Buna bağlı olarak hastalarda şişmanlık oranı da %61,2 gibi yüksektir. Bel çevresi, hastaların %46,3'ü, bel-kalça oranı %82,2'sinde sınır değerlerin üzerindedir. KKH'ının %38,8'inde hipertansiyon, %19,4'ünde diyabet bulunmakta, %36,0'sı sigara kullanmaktadır. Diyet Kalite İndeksi (DKİ) bakımından hastaların %22,7'sinin beslenme durumları ?kötü?, %75,2'sinin ?düzeltilmesi gerekli?, %2,1'i ?iyi? bulunmuştur. Son yıllarda diyet kalitesini ölçmede daha sıklıkla kullanılan Sağlıklı Yeme İndeksi (SYİ)'ne göre; %30,2'sinin puanı 0?50 (kötü), %67,4'ünün 51?80 arası (düzeltilmesi gerekli), %2,5'inin 81?100 (iyi) bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan hastaların DKİ ve SYİ ile günlük ortalama toplam-doymuş-ekstra yağ, kolesterol tüketimleri ile ters; meyve ve sebze tüketimleri ile doğru ilişkili olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Öğrenim düzeyine göre hastaların DKİ ve SYİ'leri incelendiğinde; lise ve yüksekokul mezunu olan hastaların DKİ ve SYİ'leri diğer öğrenim düzeylerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksek bulunmuştur. Total yağ, doymuş yağ, kolesterol, sebze ve meyve, et ve süt grubu ürünler ile sodyum tüketimi bakımından hastaların SYİ'i arasındaki farklılığın anlamlı olduğu, koroner kalp hastası olanların çoğunluğunun günlük besin alımı bakımından kötü durumda bulundukları saptanmıştır. Kan parametrelerine göre SYİ'inin dağılımları incelendiğinde; LDL kolesterol değeri 100 mg/dl'nin üstünde olanların %32,7'sinin puanları kötü, %64,8'inin düzeltilmesi gereken durumda olduğu bulunmuştur. Diğer kan parametreleri için de durum benzerdir. Araştırmada, hipertansiyonlu hastaların %35,1'i, diyabetlilerin %29,8'inin SYİ bakımından ?kötü? grubuna girdikleri belirlenmiştir. Beslenme bilimindeki son gelişmeler diyet örüntüsünün sadece optimal sağlığın oluşumu ve gelişiminde değil, hastalık riskini azaltmada da potansiyel etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Beslenme sorunlarının önlenmesi ve yaşam kalitesinin artırılmasında en önemli ve etkili yöntem beslenme eğitimidir. Eğitimin yaygın, etkin ve sürekli olması amaca ulaşabilmesi için kesinlikle gereklidir.
The aim of this study, admitted patients who have coronary heart disease diagnosis in Dicle University Medicine Faculty Cardiology Clinic are assessment aspect of changeable risk factors and developed Healthy Eating Index (HEI) according to dietary intake. Also we have examined the relation between HEI and biochemical indicators of patients. This study is held on the patients admitted in Dicle University Medicine Faculty Cardiology Clinic the ages of 26 - 85 years and 68.5 % men and 31.5 % women. Men patients education degree are 42.8 % primary school, 20.5 % secondary school, 10.8 % high school and university. 89.5 % women patients have no education. Monthly salaries of the most patients (69.4%) are 400-600 YTL. Daily physical activities of the most patients (76.1%) are low. Relation with physical activity, the most of patients (61.2 %) are obese. Waist circumference of 46.3 % patients and waist to hip ratio of 82.2 % of patients are above border level. Coronary heart disease patients have hypertension (38.8 %), diabetes (19.4 %) and smoking (36.0 %). According to DQI, dietary pattern of 22.7 % patients are bad, 75.2% patients are required correction, and 2.1% patients are good. In recent years, HEI is often used. Patients who have HEI scores ranging between 0-50 (bad) were 30.2 %, HEI scores ranging between 51-80 (required correction) were 67.4 %, HEI scores ranging between 81-100 (good) were 2.5 %. An inverse relationship was found between DQI, HEI scores and daily total- saturated-extra fat, dietary cholesterol and positive relationship was found daily fruit consumption of all participants. Patients graduated higher schools have higher DQI and HEI than patients graduated primary and intermediate school according to education. Patients have significantly different HEI according to total and saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk. We have found that coronary artery disease patients have bad daily food intake According to blood parameters, patients who have LDL cholesterol below 100 mg/dl, 32.7 % of patients have got bad HEI score, and 64.8 % of patients have got moderate HEI score. Other blood parameters have got like LDL cholesterol. In this study, according to HEI, 35.1% hypertensive patients, 29.8 % diabetic patients have got bad group. The improvements in nutrition science show that dietary pattern does not have the potential effect only on consisting and improving the optimal health condition decreasing but also on decreasing the disease risk. Nutrition education is the most important and effective way to prevent nutrition problems and to increase the life quality. it's exactly necessary that education to be widespread, effective and continuous to meet the nutrition goals.
The aim of this study, admitted patients who have coronary heart disease diagnosis in Dicle University Medicine Faculty Cardiology Clinic are assessment aspect of changeable risk factors and developed Healthy Eating Index (HEI) according to dietary intake. Also we have examined the relation between HEI and biochemical indicators of patients. This study is held on the patients admitted in Dicle University Medicine Faculty Cardiology Clinic the ages of 26 - 85 years and 68.5 % men and 31.5 % women. Men patients education degree are 42.8 % primary school, 20.5 % secondary school, 10.8 % high school and university. 89.5 % women patients have no education. Monthly salaries of the most patients (69.4%) are 400-600 YTL. Daily physical activities of the most patients (76.1%) are low. Relation with physical activity, the most of patients (61.2 %) are obese. Waist circumference of 46.3 % patients and waist to hip ratio of 82.2 % of patients are above border level. Coronary heart disease patients have hypertension (38.8 %), diabetes (19.4 %) and smoking (36.0 %). According to DQI, dietary pattern of 22.7 % patients are bad, 75.2% patients are required correction, and 2.1% patients are good. In recent years, HEI is often used. Patients who have HEI scores ranging between 0-50 (bad) were 30.2 %, HEI scores ranging between 51-80 (required correction) were 67.4 %, HEI scores ranging between 81-100 (good) were 2.5 %. An inverse relationship was found between DQI, HEI scores and daily total- saturated-extra fat, dietary cholesterol and positive relationship was found daily fruit consumption of all participants. Patients graduated higher schools have higher DQI and HEI than patients graduated primary and intermediate school according to education. Patients have significantly different HEI according to total and saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk. We have found that coronary artery disease patients have bad daily food intake According to blood parameters, patients who have LDL cholesterol below 100 mg/dl, 32.7 % of patients have got bad HEI score, and 64.8 % of patients have got moderate HEI score. Other blood parameters have got like LDL cholesterol. In this study, according to HEI, 35.1% hypertensive patients, 29.8 % diabetic patients have got bad group. The improvements in nutrition science show that dietary pattern does not have the potential effect only on consisting and improving the optimal health condition decreasing but also on decreasing the disease risk. Nutrition education is the most important and effective way to prevent nutrition problems and to increase the life quality. it's exactly necessary that education to be widespread, effective and continuous to meet the nutrition goals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk sağlığı, Public health, Kardiyoloji, Cardiology, Koroner Kalp Hastalığı (KKH), Tanı, Tedavi