Ateşli silah yaralanması olan gebe hastada nonoperatif izlem: Olgu sunumu
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Modestum Ltd.
Erişim Hakkı
Torakoabdominal ateşli silah yaralanmalarında cerrahi ilk tedavi seçeneği olsa da, cerrahinin morbiditesi nedeniyle son zamanlarda nonoperatif tedavi gündeme gelmiştir. Gebe hastalarda ise nonoperatif tedavi konusunda henüz klinik tecrübe yoktur. Bu çalışmada ateşli silahla oluşmuş karaciğer yaralanması olan gebe bir hastanın nonoperatif yönetimi sunuldu. Ateşli silah yaralanması nedeniyle dış merkeze başvuran 18 yaşında ve 20 haftalık gebeliği olan hastaya orada yapılan bilgisayarlı tomografide karaciğer sol lobda laserasyon izlenmesi üzerine kliniğimize yönlendirildi. Hasta kliniğimize ulaştığında yaralanmanın üzerinden 8 saat geçmesine rağmen vital bulguları stabil olduğundan nonoperatif izlemeye karar verildi. Hasta yakın fizik muayene, yoğun bakım şartlarında monitorizasyon ve günlük ultrasonografi eşliğinde takip edildi. Takibinin 8. günü taburcu edildi. Ateşli silah yaralanmalarında nonoperatif izlem, hasta seçimi çok iyi yapılarak her hastaya uygun iyi bir strateji belirlenerek uygulanabilir. Gebe hastalar ise, iyi yönetildiğinde bu yaklaşımdan en çok yarar görebilecek bir hasta grubudur.
Although the first choice of treatment in thoracoabdominal gunshot injury is surgery, nonoperative treatment has increasingly been raised recently. On the other hand, there isn't clinical experience yet in nonoperative treatment of pregnant patients with gunshot injury. In this study, the management of a pregnant patient with liver damage due to a gunshot injury who treated nonoperatively was presented. An 18-year-old female patient with 20 weeks gestation was admitted to an external center with a gunshot injury and a computed tomography showed a liver injury. When she was admitted to our hospital eight hours after the injury, her vital signs were stable. Therefore, we decided to manage nonoperatively. She was closely monitorized in intensive care unit and followed up by physical examination and ultrasonography. Nonoperative management is a choice of treatment in carefully selected patients and well-defined strategy. Pregnant patients are a patient group that is most likely to benefit from this approach, if well managed.
Although the first choice of treatment in thoracoabdominal gunshot injury is surgery, nonoperative treatment has increasingly been raised recently. On the other hand, there isn't clinical experience yet in nonoperative treatment of pregnant patients with gunshot injury. In this study, the management of a pregnant patient with liver damage due to a gunshot injury who treated nonoperatively was presented. An 18-year-old female patient with 20 weeks gestation was admitted to an external center with a gunshot injury and a computed tomography showed a liver injury. When she was admitted to our hospital eight hours after the injury, her vital signs were stable. Therefore, we decided to manage nonoperatively. She was closely monitorized in intensive care unit and followed up by physical examination and ultrasonography. Nonoperative management is a choice of treatment in carefully selected patients and well-defined strategy. Pregnant patients are a patient group that is most likely to benefit from this approach, if well managed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ateşli silah yaralanması, Gebe, Karaciğer yaralanması, Nonoperatif tedavi, Gunshot injury, Pregnant, Liver wound, Nonoperative treatment
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Türkoğlu, A., Gümüş, M., Bozdağ, Z., Zengin, Y. ve Fındık, M. F. (2014). Ateşli silah yaralanması olan gebe hastada nonoperatif izlem: Olgu sunumu. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 5(4), 623-625.