Serebellar infarktta etyoloji, lokalizasyon ve prognoz
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Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Serebrovasküler hastalıklar beynin en sık görülen hastalıklarıdır. Serebellar infarktta bunun içerisinde %1.5-4.2 gibi bir oranı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmamızda serebellar infarktlı hastaların etyolojik faktörlerini, lezyon lokalizasyonunu, semptom ve bulguları ile prognozu arasındaki ilişkiyi inceledik. Bu amaçla Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil ve İlk Yardım Servisi'ne başvurup Nöroloji Servisi'ne serebellar infarkt tanısı ile yatırılan, klinik ve radyolojik olarak tanısı kesinleşen 32 hastayı retrospektif olarak inceledik. Çalışmaya katılan olguların 21'i erkek (%65.6), 11'i kadın (%34.3) idi. Yaşlar 40-75 yıl (ortalma 57.8±10.2) arasında değişmekteydi. Etyolojik klinik sınıflamada en sık aterotrombotik infarkt (%65.6) saptadık. Lokalizasyon olarak en çok posterior inferior serebellar arter infarktıyla (%50) karşılaştık. Risk faktörleri içinde sıklıkla hipertansiyon (%78.1) ve sigara kullanımını (%50) tespit ettik. Semptomlardan en sık olanlar baş dönmesi (%93.7), bulantı-kusma (%75), baş ağrısı (%68.7) ve serebellar disfonksiyon bulguları (%50) idi. Hastanede kalış süresi ortalama 16.3±7.6 gündü. Mortalite oranımızı ise %6.2 olarak saptadık.
Cerebrovascular diseases are the most frequent diseases of the brain. Cerebellar infarct remains 1.5-4.2% of these diseases. Etiological factors, lesion localization, symptoms and findings and relationship with prognosis of our patients with cerebellar infarct were investigated in our study. For this purpose, 32 patients were evaluated retrospectively who were admitted to the Emergency Department of Dicle University Hospital and hospitalized at the Department of Neurology with the diagnosis of clinically and radiologically confirmed cerebellar infarction. Of all patients in the study group, 21 (65.6%) were male and 1 1 (34.3%) were female. Age of overall patients ranged between 40 and 75 years with a mean of 57.8±10.2 years. Atherothrombotic infarct was the most frequent reason at the etiologic clinical classification. The most frequently found localization was the posterior inferior cerebellar artery infarct (50%). The leading two risk factors were hypertension (78.1%) and cigarette smoking (50%). The most common sign and symptoms were vertigo (93.7%), vomiting (75%), headache (68.7%) and cerebellar dysfunction findings (50%). The mean duration of hospitalization was 16.3±7.6 days. Overall mortality rate was found to be 6.2%.
Cerebrovascular diseases are the most frequent diseases of the brain. Cerebellar infarct remains 1.5-4.2% of these diseases. Etiological factors, lesion localization, symptoms and findings and relationship with prognosis of our patients with cerebellar infarct were investigated in our study. For this purpose, 32 patients were evaluated retrospectively who were admitted to the Emergency Department of Dicle University Hospital and hospitalized at the Department of Neurology with the diagnosis of clinically and radiologically confirmed cerebellar infarction. Of all patients in the study group, 21 (65.6%) were male and 1 1 (34.3%) were female. Age of overall patients ranged between 40 and 75 years with a mean of 57.8±10.2 years. Atherothrombotic infarct was the most frequent reason at the etiologic clinical classification. The most frequently found localization was the posterior inferior cerebellar artery infarct (50%). The leading two risk factors were hypertension (78.1%) and cigarette smoking (50%). The most common sign and symptoms were vertigo (93.7%), vomiting (75%), headache (68.7%) and cerebellar dysfunction findings (50%). The mean duration of hospitalization was 16.3±7.6 days. Overall mortality rate was found to be 6.2%.
Lisansüstü tezlerin elektronik ortamda toplanması, düzenlenmesi ve erişime açılması konusuna ilişkin yök'ün 18.06.2018 tarihli yönergesine istinaden artık bu tarihten sonra gizlilik şartı aranmayan bütün tezler erişime açılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Serebellar infarkt, Etyoloji, Lokalizasyon, Cerebellar infarction, Etiology, Localization
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yücel, Y. (2002). Serebellar infarktta etyoloji, lokalizasyon ve prognoz. Doktora tezi, Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır.