Tinea kapitisli hastalarda itrakonazol terbinafin tedavisinin etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi
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Griseofulvin günümüzde dünyanın bir çok yerinde tinea kapitis tedavisinde onay almış tek oral antifungal ajandır. Griseofulvine alerjisi olan, tolere edemeyen ya da cevap alınamayan olgularda alternatif bir tedavi gerekmektedir. Son yıllarda itrakonazol ve terbinafîn tedavisinin tinea kapitisli çocuklarda etkili ve güvenilir tedavi seçenekleri olduklarım gösteren çok sayıda çalışma vardır. Bu çalışmada tinea kapitisli çocuklarda itrakonazol ve terbinafîn tedavisinin etkinliği, yan etkileri ve tedavi maliyetleri değerlendirildi. Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dermatoloji Polikliniğine Aralık 2000 - Ocak 2003 tarihleri arasından başvuran 61 tinea kapitisli hasta arasında yaş, cinsiyet ve ağırlık açısından eşleştirme yapılan 50 çocuk seçildi. Hastaların ağırlıkları esas alınarak günlük doz oral yoldan itrakonazol 24 hastaya, terbinafîn 26 hastaya 4 hafta süreyle uygulandı. İtrakonazol ve terbinafîn tedavisinin etkinliği 2., 4., 8. ve 12. haftalarda klinik ve mikolojik muayene ile değerlendirildi ve 12. haftada etkin tedavi ve etkisiz tedavi şeklinde sınıflandırıldı. Tedavinin ikinci haftası ve tedavi bitiminde olası yan etkiler ve tolerabilite açısından hastalar ve ebeveynleri sorgulandı ve hastaların laboratuar testleri yapıldı. Takip dönemi sonunda itrakonazol grubunda %83,3, terbinafîn grubunda ise %92,3 oranında tedaviden etkin sonuç alındı. Her iki ajan istatiksel olarak etkili idi ( p<0,001). Her iki ilaç grubunda da tedavinin kesilmesine neden olabilecek yan etkilere rastlanmadı. İki grup arasında etkinlik açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p: 0,202). Tedavi maliyetleri açısından terbinafîn tedavisinin daha ekonomik olduğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak; oral terbinafîn ve itrakonazol tedavisi tinea kapitisli çocuklarda etkili ve güvenli bulundu.
Griseoftılvin is the only one oral antifungal agent that licensed worldwide for treatment of tinea capitis. Cases who are allergic to, intolerant of or nonresponsive to griseofulvin require an alternative therapy. In recent years, numerous study exist that demonstrated effectiveness and safety of itraconazole and terbinafine treatment in children with tinea capitis. In this study, effectiveness, side effects and cost of itraconasole and terbinafine treatment was evaluated in children with tinea capitis. Fifty children who were matched for age, sex and body weight were selected among 61 patients with tinea capitis that were admitted to the outpatient Clinic of Dermatology in Medical Faculty of Dicle University in the period of December 2000- January 2003. Itrakonazole was administrated daily oral dose on the basis of their weight to 24 patients, terbinafin to 26 patients for 4 weeks.The effectiveness of itraconazole and terbinafine therapy were evaluated clinically and mycologically examination at 2, 4, 8, 12th weeks and graded as effective therapy and ineffective therapy at 12th week. At the second week and the end of treatment, the patients and parents were questioned about side effects and tolerability, and laboratory tests were performed. At the end of the 12* week, the percentage of effective therapy were determined as 83,3% in itraconazole and 92,3 % in terbinafin group. Both agents were statistically effective (p < 0,001). There was no evidence of side effects to withdraw from therapy in both groups. There were no significant differences of effectiveness between two groups (p: 0,202). According to costs of treatment, terbmafin therapy was cheaper. In conclusion, we found that itraconazole and terbinafine treatment was effective and safe in children with tinea capitis.
Griseoftılvin is the only one oral antifungal agent that licensed worldwide for treatment of tinea capitis. Cases who are allergic to, intolerant of or nonresponsive to griseofulvin require an alternative therapy. In recent years, numerous study exist that demonstrated effectiveness and safety of itraconazole and terbinafine treatment in children with tinea capitis. In this study, effectiveness, side effects and cost of itraconasole and terbinafine treatment was evaluated in children with tinea capitis. Fifty children who were matched for age, sex and body weight were selected among 61 patients with tinea capitis that were admitted to the outpatient Clinic of Dermatology in Medical Faculty of Dicle University in the period of December 2000- January 2003. Itrakonazole was administrated daily oral dose on the basis of their weight to 24 patients, terbinafin to 26 patients for 4 weeks.The effectiveness of itraconazole and terbinafine therapy were evaluated clinically and mycologically examination at 2, 4, 8, 12th weeks and graded as effective therapy and ineffective therapy at 12th week. At the second week and the end of treatment, the patients and parents were questioned about side effects and tolerability, and laboratory tests were performed. At the end of the 12* week, the percentage of effective therapy were determined as 83,3% in itraconazole and 92,3 % in terbinafin group. Both agents were statistically effective (p < 0,001). There was no evidence of side effects to withdraw from therapy in both groups. There were no significant differences of effectiveness between two groups (p: 0,202). According to costs of treatment, terbmafin therapy was cheaper. In conclusion, we found that itraconazole and terbinafine treatment was effective and safe in children with tinea capitis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Griseofulvin, Griseoftılvin, Tinea kapitis tedavisi, Deri hastalıkları, Dermatoloji, Dermatology, Tinea kapitisli hastalar