Dijital Gazetecilikte Yeni Bir Tür Olarak Pdf Gazeteler

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Kitle iletişim araçlarının ilk örneği olan gazeteler Johanness Gutenberg tarafından icat edilen matbaalarda 16. yüzyıldan itibaren basılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu yönüyle matbaa iletişim teknolojisinin ilk aracı olarak gösterilmektedir. 1830’lu yıllardan sonra ABD’de ortaya çıkan, ucuz ve küçük format (tabloid) özelliğiyle ilgi gören metelik gazeteleri (penny papers) ise çağdaş anlamda kitle gazeteciliğinin atası niteliğindedir. İletişim teknolojilerinde meydana gelen gelişmelerle birlikte gazete sahiplerinin daha büyük kitlelere ulaşma isteği 19. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren gazetelerin üretim maliyetinde artışa sebep olmuştur. Serbest piyasanın gelişimine paralel olarak basının sanayileşmeye başladığı bu dönemde “küreselleşme” kavramı ön plana çıkmaya başlamıştır. Küreselleşmeyle birlikte homojen bir dünya kültürü yaratılmaya çalışılmıştır. Küreselleşmenin ihtiyaç duyduğu asıl büyük gelişme bilgisayar ve ağ teknolojilerinin iletişim alanında kullanılmasıyla birlikte yaşanmıştır. İletişim teknolojisinin dijital çağı olarak adlandırılan bu dönemde ortaya çıkan yeni uygulamalar geleneksel medyadan farklı yeni bir medya türünün doğmasına ve yayılmasına imkân sağlamıştır. Dijitalleşme ile birlikte medya, kültürel kodların küresel ölçekte yayılımı için bir dağıtım aracına dönüşmüştür. Habere ve bilgiye ulaşımın çok daha kolay, ucuz ve hızlı olduğu dijital dönem, gazetecilik pratiklerinden okur alışkanlıklarına bir dizi değişim ve yeniliği de beraberinde getirmiştir. Dijital gazetecilik, online gazetecilik, elektronik gazetecilik, sanal gazetecilik gibi farklı isimlerle adlandırılan yeni iletişimsel yapılanmanın dünyadaki ve ülkemizdeki görünümü, genellikle geleneksel gazetelerin matbu sayfalarında kullanmak üzere ürettiği içeriğin web sayfalarında da kullanılması şeklindedir. Bunun yanı sıra herhangi bir geleneksel gazeteye bağlı olmayan sadece internet üzerinden yayın yapan haber siteleri de mevcuttur. Her iki yapıda da dikkat çeken en önemli özellik haber sayfalarında yazılı içeriğin yanında ses, animasyon, video gibi basılı geleneksel gazete formuna uygun olmayan çoklu ortam uygulamalarının sunulmasıdır. Dijitalleşmenin ortaya çıkardığı gazete türlerinden biri de PDF gazetelerdir. Tebliğimizde PDF gazetelerinin ortaya çıkış süreci, teknik ve içerik özellikleri, ekonomi-politiği ve PDF gazeteleri diğer dijital gazetelerden ayıran yönleri ele alınmış ve bir durum tespiti yapılmıştır.
Newspapers, the first examples of mass media, started to be printed from the 16th century in printing houses invented by Johannes Gutenberg. With this aspect, the printing house is shown as the first tool of communication technology. The penny papers, which emerged in the USA after the 1830s and attracted attention with their cheap and small format (tabloid) feature, are the ancestors of mass journalism in the contemporary sense. With the developments in communication technologies, the desire of newspaper owners to reach larger audiences caused an increase in the production costs of newspapers since the middle of the 19th century. In this period when the press started to industrialize in parallel with the development of the free market, the concept of “globalization” has come to the fore. A homogenous world culture has been created with globalization. The real major development required by globalization has been experienced with the use of computer and network technologies in the field of communication. New applications that emerged in this period, which is called the digital age of communication technology, enabled the emergence and spread of a new type of media different from traditional media. With digitalization, media has turned into a distribution tool for the global spread of cultural codes. The digital era, when access to news and information is much easier, cheaper and faster, has brought a series of changes and innovations from journalism practices to reader habits. The world and our country view of the new communicative structuring, which is called with different names such as digital journalism, online journalism, electronic journalism, and virtual journalism, is generally in the form of the use of the content produced by traditional newspapers for use in printed pages. In addition to this, there are also news sites that broadcast only on the internet that are not connected to any traditional newspaper. The most important feature of both structures is that besides the written content on the news pages, Newspapers, the first examples of mass media, started to be printed from the 16th century in printing houses invented by Johannes Gutenberg. With this aspect, the printing house is shown as the first tool of communication technology. The penny papers, which emerged in the USA after the 1830s and attracted attention with their cheap and small format (tabloid) feature, are the ancestors of mass journalism in the contemporary sense. With the developments in communication technologies, the desire of newspaper owners to reach larger audiences caused an increase in the production costs of newspapers since the middle of the 19th century. In this period when the press started to industrialize in parallel with the development of the free market, the concept of “globalization” has come to the fore. A homogenous world culture has been created with globalization. The real major development required by globalization has been experienced with the use of computer and network technologies in the field of communication. New applications that emerged in this period, which is called the digital age of communication technology, enabled the emergence and spread of a new type of media different from traditional media. With digitalization, media has turned into a distribution tool for the global spread of cultural codes. The digital era, when access to news and information is much easier, cheaper and faster, has brought a series of changes and innovations from journalism practices to reader habits. The world and our country view of the new communicative structuring, which is called with different names such as digital journalism, online journalism, electronic journalism, and virtual journalism, is generally in the form of the use of the content produced by traditional newspapers for use in printed pages. In addition to this, there are also news sites that broadcast only on the internet that are not connected to any traditional newspaper. The most important feature of both structures is that besides the written content on the news pages, Newspapers, the first examples of mass media, started to be printed from the 16th century in printing houses invented by Johannes Gutenberg. With this aspect, the printing house is shown as the first tool of communication technology. The penny papers, which emerged in the USA after the 1830s and attracted attention with their cheap and small format (tabloid) feature, are the ancestors of mass journalism in the contemporary sense. With the developments in communication technologies, the desire of newspaper owners to reach larger audiences caused an increase in the production costs of newspapers since the middle of the 19th century. In this period when the press started to industrialize in parallel with the development of the free market, the concept of “globalization” has come to the fore. A homogenous world culture has been created with globalization. The real major development required by globalization has been experienced with the use of computer and network technologies in the field of communication. New applications that emerged in this period, which is called the digital age of communication technology, enabled the emergence and spread of a new type of media different from traditional media. With digitalization, media has turned into a distribution tool for the global spread of cultural codes. The digital era, when access to news and information is much easier, cheaper and faster, has brought a series of changes and innovations from journalism practices to reader habits. The world and our country view of the new communicative structuring, which is called with different names such as digital journalism, online journalism, electronic journalism, and virtual journalism, is generally in the form of the use of the content produced by traditional newspapers for use in printed pages. In addition to this, there are also news sites that broadcast only on the internet that are not connected to any traditional newspaper. The most important feature of both structures is that besides the written content on the news pages, multimedia applications such as sound, animation, video that are not suitable for the traditional newspaper form are presented. One of the newspaper types created by digitalization is PDF newspapers. In our paper, the emergence process of PDF newspapers, their technical and content features, economypolitics and the aspects that distinguish PDF newspapers from other digital newspapers were discussed and a situation assessment was made.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Yeni Medya, Dijital Gazetecilik, Online Gazetecilik, PDF Gazeteler, New Media, Digital Journalism, Online Journalism, PDF Newspapers


2nd International Conference on Communication in New World

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri




Kılıç, A. (2020). Dijital Gazetecilikte Yeni Bir Tür Olarak Pdf Gazeteler. Çiftçi H. ve Aslan, İ. (Ed.), 2nd International Conference on Communication in New World 2020 Konferansı içinde (34-35. ss.). Ankara: Turkey.