Toraks kitlelerinde bilgisayarlı tomografi eşliğinde perkütan ko-aksiyal kesici iğne biyopsisi ( Uygulama, sonuçları ve komplikasyonların değerlendirmesi)
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Bu çalışmada Dicle Üniversitesi Radyoloji Anabilimdalında Eylül 2004-Kasım 2006 tarihleri arasında yapılan toraks kitlelerine yönelik BT eşliğinde Koaksiyal kesici iğne biyopsilerinin uygulaması, sonuçları ve komlikasyonları değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada 30-70 yaş aralığında 58 hastaya 61 kez girişim uygulanmıştır. Alınan patoloji sonuçlarına göre lezyonlardan 19’u (%32.8) benign, 39’u (%67.2) malign olup, spesifik tanı alanların sayısı 44 (75.9) olup benign ve malign patolojilerde sırasıyla 9 (%47,4) ve 35 (%89,7) olarak bulundu. Tanısal doğruluk oranı %87.5 tir. İşlem esnası ve sonrasında hastalarda komplikasyon olarak pnömotoraks 9 (%16.1) parankimal hemoraji 5 (%15.6) ve hemoptizi 2 (%3.6) hastada izlenmiştir. Geçilen parankim mesafesine göre 2 cm ve üzerinde parankim geçişlerinde pnömotoraks insidansında anlamlı farklılık saptanmıştır. Konturu düzensiz ve lobule olarak tanımlanan lezyonlarda patoloji sonucunda malignite oranı yüksekliği de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucu , akciğer kitlelerinin tanısında BT rehberliğinde kesici ko-aksial sisteme sahip kesici iğne biyopsilerinin uygulaması kolay, tanısal doğruluk oranı yüksek, komlikasyon oranı düşük bir yöntem olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Transtorasik, Kitle, Biyopsi, İğne, BT
In this study in Dicle University Radiology Department from September 2004 to November 2006 performances, complications and results of co-axial cutting needle biopsy procedure to thoracic masses were evaluated. 61 needle biopsy were performed to 58 patients between the ages 30-70. Pathology studies showed 19 (% 32.8) benign, 39 (% 67.2) malign lesions, and specific diagnoses were provided in 44 (% 75.9) patients which contained 9 (%47.4) malign and 35 (% 89.7) benign lesions. Diagnostic specificity was 87.5 percent. Complications of this procedure were determined as pneumothorax in 9 (% 16.1), paranchymal hemoragie in 5 (% 15.6) and hemopthisia in 2 (% 3.6) patients. Incidence of pneumothorax was determined significiantly higher at the cases in which paranchymal distance passed through was over 2 cm. Masses, defined with irregular contures and lobulations were resulted with statistically higher malignity rates in pathology studies. In conclusion, at the diagnosis of thoracic masses computed tomography guided needle biopsy with cutter co-axial system is a method with easy performance, high diagnostic accuracy rates and low complication rates. Key words: Transthoracic, Mass, Biopsy, Needle, CT
In this study in Dicle University Radiology Department from September 2004 to November 2006 performances, complications and results of co-axial cutting needle biopsy procedure to thoracic masses were evaluated. 61 needle biopsy were performed to 58 patients between the ages 30-70. Pathology studies showed 19 (% 32.8) benign, 39 (% 67.2) malign lesions, and specific diagnoses were provided in 44 (% 75.9) patients which contained 9 (%47.4) malign and 35 (% 89.7) benign lesions. Diagnostic specificity was 87.5 percent. Complications of this procedure were determined as pneumothorax in 9 (% 16.1), paranchymal hemoragie in 5 (% 15.6) and hemopthisia in 2 (% 3.6) patients. Incidence of pneumothorax was determined significiantly higher at the cases in which paranchymal distance passed through was over 2 cm. Masses, defined with irregular contures and lobulations were resulted with statistically higher malignity rates in pathology studies. In conclusion, at the diagnosis of thoracic masses computed tomography guided needle biopsy with cutter co-axial system is a method with easy performance, high diagnostic accuracy rates and low complication rates. Key words: Transthoracic, Mass, Biopsy, Needle, CT
Anahtar Kelimeler
Transtorasik, Biyopsi, İğne, BT, Transthoracic, Mass, Biopsy, Needle, CT