Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yenidoğan kliniği 2003-2005 yılları neonatal ölümlerin retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi
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Çalışmamız neonatal dönemdeki ölümlere ait verileri inceleyerek, ölüm nedenlerini, risk faktörlerini tespit etmek, problemleri ve alınabilecek önlemleri belirlemeye çalışmak amacıyla planlandı. Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Yenidoğan Bilim Dalma yatırılan ve servisteki izlemleri esnasında kaybedilen hastalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. 01.01.2003-16.11.2005 tarihleri arasında otomasyon kayıtlamadaki bilgilerden kliniğimize toplam 3497 hasta yatmış olup, bu hastaların 771'i ölmüştü. Buna göre neonatal ölüm oram %22.0 olarak bulundu. Ulaşılabilen ölen hastalara ait 450 hastanın kayıtlı bilgileri detaylı olarak değerlendirildi; Çalışmamızda erkek/kız oram 1.8/1 idi. Hastaların %74'ü 24 saatini doldurmadan, ortalama 2.3 günlük iken hastanemize başvurmuşlardı. Hastaların %46.7'si başvurudan sonraki ilk 24 saat içinde, %13.3'ü başvurudan sonraki 24-48 saat içinde kaybedilmişti ve ortalama hastanede kalma süresi 3.9 gün olarak tespit edildi. Bölgemizde neonatal periyotta 1. günün değerlendirme için çok önemli olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Erken neonatal dönemde ölen hastaların oram %73.8 idi ve bu hastaların %44.9'u ilk 24 saatini tamamlayamadan ölen hastalardan oluşuyordu. En sık erken neonatal ölüm nedenleri; %50.6 prematürite problemleri, %22.6 perinatal asfiksi, %1 1.8 sepsis olarak tespit edildi. Geç neonatal dönemde ölen hastaların oram %26.2 ve en sık ölüm nedenleri; sepsis %41.5, prematürelik sorunları %21.2, perinatal asfiksi %15.3 olarak saptandı. İncelenen hastaların gebelik haftası 22 ile 43 hafta arasında, ortalama 33.9 ± 5.8 hafta olarak bulundu. Ölen hastaların %54.9'u prematür, %44.7'si miadmda doğum, %0.4'ü postmatür idi. Preterm olanların %68.8'i ileri derecede, %30.4'ü ise orta derecede preterm idi. Prematüre hastaların en sık ölüm sebepleri; %78.2 RDS ve/veya diğer prematürelik sorunları, %8.1 sepsis, %6.1 perinatal asfiksi olarak saptandı. IV Matür hastalarda ise en sık ölüm sebepleri; %38.3 perinatal asfiksi, %33.8 sepsis, %7.5 mekonyum aspirasyon sendromu olarak tespit edildi. Hastaların %69.7'sinin il ve ilçe merkezinde, %30.3'ünün köyde ikamet ettikleri tespit edildi. Anne yaşlan 16 ile 51 yıl arasında değişirken, ortalama anne yaşı 28.4 ± 6.8 yıl olarak saptandı. Ortalama gebelik sayısı 4.2 ±3.0 olarak bulundu. Riskli gebelik sayılan ilk gebelik ve 4'ün üzerinde gebeliği olan annelerin toplam oranı %63.1 idi. Akraba evliliği oram, birinci derece %20, ikinci derece %10.9 olarak saptandı. Doğumların %87.5'i sağlık personeli (%48.2'si doktor, %39.3'ü ebe/hemşire), %12.5'i sağlık personeli olmadan gerçekleşmişti. Başvuru şikayetleri değerlendirildiğinde sırasıyla en sık; erken doğum, solunum zorluğu, kalp-solunum durması nedeniyle destek verilerek transfer edilen hastalar ve emmeme olarak saptandı. Annelerin prenatal hikayelerinde, %16.9 annede İYE, %13.1 annede EMR mevcuttu. Anneler gebelik problemleri açısından incelendiğinde %35 annede özellikli gebelik, %7.5 hastada özellikli doğum tespit edildi. Hastaların %75.1'i hastanemiz dışından kliniğimize sevk edilmişti ve bu hastaların tamamı uygusuz (%4. 1 'i kısmen uygun) transport edilmişti. Başvuru sırasında ölçülen vücut ağırlıkları 480 ile 5900 gram arasında değişirken, ortalama 2275 ± 1093 gram olarak bulundu ve hastaların %58.5'i düşük doğum ağırlıklı ve bunların da %32.7'si çok düşük doğum ağırlıklı idi. incelenen tüm hastaların en sık ölüm sebepleri; %42.9 prematürelik sorunları, %20.7 perinatal asfiksi, %19.5 sepsis olarak saptandı. Perinatal bakımın iyileştirilmesi, prematüreliğin önlenmesi, doğumların uygun koşullarda yaptırılması, yenidoğan canlandırılmasının etkin olarak yapılması, enfeksiyonlardan koruma, birinci ve ikinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinin yaygınlaştırılması, eğitim faaliyetlerine önem verilmesi, yenidoğan servisinin teknik donanım ve personel yönünden iyileştirilmesi perinatal ve neonatal mortalitenin düşürülmesinde hedefler olarak görülmektedir.
The aim of the study is to investigate data related to neonatal death, determine related risk factors and ultimately, establish necessary preventive measures to reduce neonatal mortality. In this context available medical records of the newborn admitted to Neonatology Services of Medicine School of Dicle University and then died were investigated, retrospectively. According to hospitals automation-center data, between January 2003 and November 2005 years totally 3497 newborn were admitted to neonatology services and 771 deaths were occured during this time. Neonatal death rate was found as 22% with this data. We could reach 450 medial records of newborn who died in this period. For this reason, we reviewed these medical records in detail. Male/female ratio was found as 1.8/1. 74% of the patients applied to the hospital before 24 hours while they were 2.3 days old in average. While 46.7% of the newborn died during first 24 hours, 13.3% of patients died between 24th and 48th hours of admission. In average the duration of staying at hospital was 3.9 days. These data show importance of first day evaluation of the newborn in our region. Percentage of early neonatal death was 73.8% and 44.9% of these newborn died during first 24 hours. The most common causes of death were related to prematurity related problems (50.6%) and other common causes were perinatal asphyxia (22.6%) and sepsis (11.8%). 26.2% of the newborn died during late neonatal period and most common causes included sepsis (41.5%), prematurity related problems (21.2%) and perinatal asphyxia (15.3%). Gestation age were ranging between 22 and 43 weeks and average gestation age was 33.9 ± 5.8 weeks. 54.9% of the dead were premature, 44.7% mature and 0.4% postmature. 68.8% of preterm was extremely preterm and 30.4% was mid- preterm. VI The most common causes of death in premature were RDS and/or problems related with prematurity (78.2%), sepsis (8.1%) and perinatal asphyxia (6.1%). The most common causes of death in mature were perinatal asphyxia (38.3%), sepsis (33.8%) and meconium aspiration syndrome (7.5%). While 69.7% of patients came from urban area, 30.3% came from rural area. Mother age were ranging between 16 and 51 years and average age was 28.4 ± 6.8 year. Average gravidity was 4.2 ± 3.0. The percentage of mothers who had first gravidity and over fourth gravidity as a risk factor was 63.1%. The consanguineous marriage ratio was established 20.0% for the first degree and 10.9% for the second. 87.5% of deliveries were realized by health care personnel (48.2% doctor, 39.3% midwife/nurses) and 12.5% were realized without health care personnel. The application complaints being evaluated the most frequent ones consecutively, were prematurity, respiratory distress, newborn resuscitation requiring cardiopulmonary arrest and feeding problems. 16.9% of mothers had history of prenatal urinary tract infection and 13.1% had premature membrane rupture. 35% of mothers had problems in their pregnancy and 7.5% of the newborn had problems during delivery. 75.1% of the newborn were transferred to our clinic from other primary or secondary care unit. All of them were transferred to our clinic under inappropriate transfer conditions. On admission patient weights were between 480 and 5900 grams and average weight was 2275 ± 1093 grams. 58.5% of patients were low birth weight and 32.7% of them were very low birth weight. Generally, the most common causes of death were prematurity problems (42.9%), perinatal asphyxia (20.7%) and sepsis (19.5%). In conclusion, the targets to reduce perinatal and neonatal mortality must include improving perinatal care, preventing prematurity, making delivery under appropiate condition, activating newborn resuscitation, protecting newborn from infection, advancing primary and secondary step health facilities, promoting
The aim of the study is to investigate data related to neonatal death, determine related risk factors and ultimately, establish necessary preventive measures to reduce neonatal mortality. In this context available medical records of the newborn admitted to Neonatology Services of Medicine School of Dicle University and then died were investigated, retrospectively. According to hospitals automation-center data, between January 2003 and November 2005 years totally 3497 newborn were admitted to neonatology services and 771 deaths were occured during this time. Neonatal death rate was found as 22% with this data. We could reach 450 medial records of newborn who died in this period. For this reason, we reviewed these medical records in detail. Male/female ratio was found as 1.8/1. 74% of the patients applied to the hospital before 24 hours while they were 2.3 days old in average. While 46.7% of the newborn died during first 24 hours, 13.3% of patients died between 24th and 48th hours of admission. In average the duration of staying at hospital was 3.9 days. These data show importance of first day evaluation of the newborn in our region. Percentage of early neonatal death was 73.8% and 44.9% of these newborn died during first 24 hours. The most common causes of death were related to prematurity related problems (50.6%) and other common causes were perinatal asphyxia (22.6%) and sepsis (11.8%). 26.2% of the newborn died during late neonatal period and most common causes included sepsis (41.5%), prematurity related problems (21.2%) and perinatal asphyxia (15.3%). Gestation age were ranging between 22 and 43 weeks and average gestation age was 33.9 ± 5.8 weeks. 54.9% of the dead were premature, 44.7% mature and 0.4% postmature. 68.8% of preterm was extremely preterm and 30.4% was mid- preterm. VI The most common causes of death in premature were RDS and/or problems related with prematurity (78.2%), sepsis (8.1%) and perinatal asphyxia (6.1%). The most common causes of death in mature were perinatal asphyxia (38.3%), sepsis (33.8%) and meconium aspiration syndrome (7.5%). While 69.7% of patients came from urban area, 30.3% came from rural area. Mother age were ranging between 16 and 51 years and average age was 28.4 ± 6.8 year. Average gravidity was 4.2 ± 3.0. The percentage of mothers who had first gravidity and over fourth gravidity as a risk factor was 63.1%. The consanguineous marriage ratio was established 20.0% for the first degree and 10.9% for the second. 87.5% of deliveries were realized by health care personnel (48.2% doctor, 39.3% midwife/nurses) and 12.5% were realized without health care personnel. The application complaints being evaluated the most frequent ones consecutively, were prematurity, respiratory distress, newborn resuscitation requiring cardiopulmonary arrest and feeding problems. 16.9% of mothers had history of prenatal urinary tract infection and 13.1% had premature membrane rupture. 35% of mothers had problems in their pregnancy and 7.5% of the newborn had problems during delivery. 75.1% of the newborn were transferred to our clinic from other primary or secondary care unit. All of them were transferred to our clinic under inappropriate transfer conditions. On admission patient weights were between 480 and 5900 grams and average weight was 2275 ± 1093 grams. 58.5% of patients were low birth weight and 32.7% of them were very low birth weight. Generally, the most common causes of death were prematurity problems (42.9%), perinatal asphyxia (20.7%) and sepsis (19.5%). In conclusion, the targets to reduce perinatal and neonatal mortality must include improving perinatal care, preventing prematurity, making delivery under appropiate condition, activating newborn resuscitation, protecting newborn from infection, advancing primary and secondary step health facilities, promoting
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yenidoğan, Neonatal ölümler, Yenidoğan ölümleri, Çocuk hastalıkları, Çocuk hastalıkları