Munzur Nehri'nden toplanan kırmızı benekli alabalık Salmo trutta macrostigma (Dumeril, 1858) (Osteichthyes:Salmonidae)' nın farklı dokularındaki (kas, karaciğer ve gonat) yağ asiti kompozisyonlarının mevsimsel değişimi
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Bu çalışmada, dişi ve erkek Kırmızı benekli alabalık, Salmo trutta macrostigma'nın kas, karaciğer ve gonatlarının total lipit ve total lipit ile fosfolipit ve triaçilgliserol fraksiyonundaki yağ asiti bileşiminin, eşeye ve mevsime bağlı değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Balık örnekleri Munzur Nehri'nden kasım 2009 - ekim 2010 tarihlerinde ikişer aylık periyotlarla alınmıştır S. t. macrostigma'nın total lipit içeriği yıl içinde dişilerin kas dokusunda % 1.44-1.90, erkeklerin kas dokusunda % 1.07-2.45, dişilerin karaciğerinde % 2.62-5.60, erkeklerin karaciğerinde %3.0-4.64, dişilerin gonadında % 2.90-5.31, erkeklerin gonadında % 2.88-4.12 arasında değişmiştir. Kırmızı renkli alabalığın karaciğer dokusunun, kas ve gonatlardan daha fazla lipit içerdiği belirlenmiştir. S. t. macrostigma'nın dokularındaki total lipit miktarı; üreme zamanı, sıcaklık ve mevsime bağlı olarak değişmiştir Balıkların, kas, karaciğer ve gonatlarındaki total lipit ile fosfolipit ve triaçilgliserol fraksiyonlarındaki yağ asiti içerikleri; yağ asiti standartları kullanılarak, gaz kromatografi ile belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada, ?SFA, ?MUFA ve ?PUFA düzeylerinin her iki eşey arasında ve balığın farklı dokuları arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Dişi ve erkek bireylerin dokularından ekstrakte edilen total lipitlerde SFA % 26.23- 44.13, MUFA % 17.42-37.48 arasında değişmiştir. Dokuların total lipitinde PUFA yüzdesi, % 23.98-52.34 arasında bulunmuştur. Balık dokularında da genel olarak ?PUFA oranı, her iki eşeyde de ?SFA ve ?MUFA lardan daha fazla bulunmuştur. Tüm mevsimlerde, balık yağındaki total lipit, fosfolipit ve triaçilgliserol fraksiyonlarındaki ?SFA, ?MUFA ve ?PUFA dağılımları farklı bulunmuştur. Triaçilgliserol (TAG), fosfolipite (PL) oranla daha az oranda ?PUFA, daha fazla oranda ?MUFA ve ?SFA; TAG ile karşılaştırıldığında PL daha fazla oranda ?PUFA ve daha az oranda ?MUFA ve ?SFA içermiştir. Her mevsimde S. t. macrostigma dokularındaki temel bileşenler total lipitte, SFA içinde 16:0 (%17.25 - 31.86), MUFA'lar içinde 18:1n-9 (%13.87 - 26.80), PUFA içinde 22:6n-3 (%6.43 - 24.35) ve 20:5n-3 (% 5.06 ? 13.08), TAG'da, SFA içinde 16:0 (%16.49 - 40.66), MUFA'lar içinde 18:1n-9 (%18.76 - 36.42), PUFA içinde 18:2n-6 (%3.40 ? 29.10), 18:3n- 3(%1.36 ? 11.80), 22:6n-3 (%1.53 - 22.38) ve 20:5n-3 (%1 ? 10.19),PL'de , SFA içinde 16:0 (%20.76 - 41.90), MUFA'lar içinde 18:1n-9 (% 8.44 - 27.28), PUFA içinde 22:6n-3 (7.29 - 28.78) ve 20:5n-3 (4.82 ? 15.01) tür.Triaçilgliseroller, yüksek oranda ?MUFA, ?SFA, 14:0, 16:1n-7, 18:2n-6 18:3n-3 yağ asitlerini içerirken, fosfolipitler ise yüksek miktarda ?PUFA, 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3 ve SFA'lar içinde16:0 ve 18:0 içermiştir. Genel olarak, 16:0 oranı her iki eşeyin PL fraksiyonunda TAG'dakinden daha fazla saptanmıştır. Her iki eşeyin kas, karaciğer ve gonat dokusu PL ve TAG fraksiyonunda 16:0 oranı % 20.76 - 41.90 ve %16.49- 40.66 arasında değişmiştir. Her iki eşeyin kas, karaciğer ve gonat dokularından eksrakte edilen total lipit ve her iki fraksiyonda 18:2n-6 oranının diğer aylarla karşılaştırıldığında eylülde yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Çalışmada, çalışılan balığın her iki eşeyinin total lipitlerinde n-3/n-6 oranı; kasta 2.79 - 5.79, karaciğerde 2.73-4.82, gonatta 1.86 - 4.33 aralığında tespit edilmiştir Elde edilen sonuçlar, S. t. Macrostigma'nın çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri bakımından zengin olduğunu ve özellikle ?-3 serisi yağ asitlerinden eikosapentaenoik ve dokosaheksaenik asitlerinin mükemmel bir kaynağı olduğu ve yağ asitleri bakımından insan tüketimi için değerli bir besin kaynağı olabildiğini göstermektedir.
In this study, the sexual and seasonal variations in total lipid and fatty acid composition of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions in muscle, liver and gonads of male and female red - spotted trout Salmo trutta macrostigma was investigated. Fish samples have been caught from the Munzur River in two-month periods between november 2009 and september 2010. The total lipid content varied seasonally from 1.44 % to 1.90 % in female muscle, 1.07 % to 2.45 % in male muscle, 2.62 % to 5.60 % in female liver, 3 % to 4.64 % in male liver, 2.90 % to 5.31 % in female gonad, 2.88 % to 4.12 % in male gonad of wet weight for S. t. macrostigma. It was determined that liver tissue contained higher percentages of total lipid than muscle and gonad tissues of S. t. macrostigma The total lipid amount in tissues of S. t. macrostigma was influenced by reproduction period, temperature and season. Fatty acid compositions of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions have been determined in muscle, liver and gonad tissues of fishes by gas chromatography using a mixture of fatty acid standards. The present study revealed that ?SFA, ?MUFA, and ?PUFA levels varied among both sexes and different tissues of the fish. The ?SFA and ?MUFA percentages of the total lipid extracted from tissues of the both sexes ranged from 26.23 % to 44.13 % and from 17.42 % to 37.48 %, respectively. The ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in tissues was found between 23.98 % to52.34 % .Generally, ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in fish tissues were found higher than ?SFA and ?MUFA of both sexes The distributions of ?SFA, ?MUFA and ?PUFA proportions were found different among total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions from lipids in tissues of fish in all seasons. Triaçilgliserol contained a lower proportion of ?PUFA and a higher proportion of ?MUFA and ?SFA than PL while PL contained higher proportion of ?PUFA than proportion of ?MUFA and ?SFA compared to TAG. The main constituents were C16:0 (17.25 - 31.86 %) among SFA, C18:1n-9 (13.87 - 26.80 %) among MUFA, 22:6n-3 (6.43 - 24.35 %) and 20:5n-3 (5.06 ? 13.08%) among PUFA in the total lipid. Palmitic acid (16.49 - 40.66 %) among SFA, and C18:1n-9 (18.76 - 36.42 %) among MUFA, 18:2n-6 (3.40 ? 29.10%), 18:3n-3(1.36 ? 11.80%), 22:6n-3 (1.53 - 22.38 %) and 20:5n-3 (1 ? 10.19%) among PUFA in TAG. Palmitic acid (20.76 - 41.90 %) among SFA,C18:1n-9 (8.44 - 27.28 %) among MUFA, 22:6n-3 (7.29 - 28.78 %) and 20:5n-3 (4.82 ? 15.01) among PUFA in PL extracted from tissues of S. t. macrostigma in all seasons. Triacylglycerols were characterized by a high content of ?MUFA, ?SFA, fatty acid such as 14:0, 16:1n-7, 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3; whereas phospholipids contained a large quantity of ?PUFA, mainly, 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3 and 16:0 and 18:0 among SFAs. Generally, 16:0 percentages of the PL in fish tissues were found higher than TAG of both sexes.The 16:0 percentages of PL and TAG fractions in muscle, liver and gonad tissues of the both sexes ranged from 20.76% to 41.90 % and 16.49% to 40.66 %. It was found that the percentage of 18:2n-6 in the total lipid and both fractions extracted from muscle, liver and gonad of both sexes was higher in september than to other months. In this study, the n-3/n-6 ratio was determined to range from 2.79 to 5.79, for dorsal muscle, 2.73 to 4.82 for liver and 1.86 to 4.33 for gonads in total lipids in both sexes of studied fish. The results indicated that S. t. macrostigma were excellent sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids with very high levels of ?-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids and it may be a valuable food source for human consumption in terms of fatty acids.
In this study, the sexual and seasonal variations in total lipid and fatty acid composition of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions in muscle, liver and gonads of male and female red - spotted trout Salmo trutta macrostigma was investigated. Fish samples have been caught from the Munzur River in two-month periods between november 2009 and september 2010. The total lipid content varied seasonally from 1.44 % to 1.90 % in female muscle, 1.07 % to 2.45 % in male muscle, 2.62 % to 5.60 % in female liver, 3 % to 4.64 % in male liver, 2.90 % to 5.31 % in female gonad, 2.88 % to 4.12 % in male gonad of wet weight for S. t. macrostigma. It was determined that liver tissue contained higher percentages of total lipid than muscle and gonad tissues of S. t. macrostigma The total lipid amount in tissues of S. t. macrostigma was influenced by reproduction period, temperature and season. Fatty acid compositions of total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions have been determined in muscle, liver and gonad tissues of fishes by gas chromatography using a mixture of fatty acid standards. The present study revealed that ?SFA, ?MUFA, and ?PUFA levels varied among both sexes and different tissues of the fish. The ?SFA and ?MUFA percentages of the total lipid extracted from tissues of the both sexes ranged from 26.23 % to 44.13 % and from 17.42 % to 37.48 %, respectively. The ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in tissues was found between 23.98 % to52.34 % .Generally, ?PUFA percentages of the total lipid in fish tissues were found higher than ?SFA and ?MUFA of both sexes The distributions of ?SFA, ?MUFA and ?PUFA proportions were found different among total lipid, phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions from lipids in tissues of fish in all seasons. Triaçilgliserol contained a lower proportion of ?PUFA and a higher proportion of ?MUFA and ?SFA than PL while PL contained higher proportion of ?PUFA than proportion of ?MUFA and ?SFA compared to TAG. The main constituents were C16:0 (17.25 - 31.86 %) among SFA, C18:1n-9 (13.87 - 26.80 %) among MUFA, 22:6n-3 (6.43 - 24.35 %) and 20:5n-3 (5.06 ? 13.08%) among PUFA in the total lipid. Palmitic acid (16.49 - 40.66 %) among SFA, and C18:1n-9 (18.76 - 36.42 %) among MUFA, 18:2n-6 (3.40 ? 29.10%), 18:3n-3(1.36 ? 11.80%), 22:6n-3 (1.53 - 22.38 %) and 20:5n-3 (1 ? 10.19%) among PUFA in TAG. Palmitic acid (20.76 - 41.90 %) among SFA,C18:1n-9 (8.44 - 27.28 %) among MUFA, 22:6n-3 (7.29 - 28.78 %) and 20:5n-3 (4.82 ? 15.01) among PUFA in PL extracted from tissues of S. t. macrostigma in all seasons. Triacylglycerols were characterized by a high content of ?MUFA, ?SFA, fatty acid such as 14:0, 16:1n-7, 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3; whereas phospholipids contained a large quantity of ?PUFA, mainly, 20:4n-6, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3 and 16:0 and 18:0 among SFAs. Generally, 16:0 percentages of the PL in fish tissues were found higher than TAG of both sexes.The 16:0 percentages of PL and TAG fractions in muscle, liver and gonad tissues of the both sexes ranged from 20.76% to 41.90 % and 16.49% to 40.66 %. It was found that the percentage of 18:2n-6 in the total lipid and both fractions extracted from muscle, liver and gonad of both sexes was higher in september than to other months. In this study, the n-3/n-6 ratio was determined to range from 2.79 to 5.79, for dorsal muscle, 2.73 to 4.82 for liver and 1.86 to 4.33 for gonads in total lipids in both sexes of studied fish. The results indicated that S. t. macrostigma were excellent sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids with very high levels of ?-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids and it may be a valuable food source for human consumption in terms of fatty acids.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Munzur Nehri, Munzur River, S. t. macrostigma, Mevsimsel yağ asidi dağılımı, Seasonal fatty acid composition, Total lipit, Total lipid, Fosfolipit, Phospholipid, Triaçilgliserol, Triacylglycerol