Türkiye' de kadın siyasi haklarına genel bir bakış
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Dicle Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu
Erişim Hakkı
Cinsiyet eşitsizliğine karşı bir başkaldırı hareketi olan kadın hareketleri;
aile, çocuk, ev arasında şekillenen sorunların, sanayi ve Fransız devriminin
Osmanlıya yansımaları neticesinde kadınının sorunlarına karşı cılız da olsa
Osmanlı aydını arasında duyarlılık gelişmiştir. Tanzimat ile eğitim ve hukuki
alanlarda kazanımlar elde eden Osmanlı kadını, Meşrutiyetin ilanı ile birlikte
dernekler ve dergiler aracılığıyla kendini ifade edebilmiş, kadınların sosyal
alanda görünürlüğü artmıştır.
Bu çalışmada; Balkan Savaşları ve I.Dünya savaşı konjonktüründe
erkeklerin cephelerde yer alması sebebiyle kamusal alanda da görünmeye
başlayan kadının, Avrupa’daki gelişmeler ve bunu takiben Osmanlı
Türkiye’sinde geçirdiği süreçler üzerinden Cumhuriyet dönemi Türkiye’sinde
siyasi hakları elde etme süreci incelenmiştir
Women's movements, which are a movement of rebellion against gender inequality; As a result of the reflections of the problems shaped between the family, the child, home industry and the French Revolution on the Ottoman Empire, a sensitivity towards the problems of women, albeit weak, developed among the Ottoman intellectuals. The Ottoman woman, who gained gains in education and legal fields with the Tanzimat, was able to express herself through associations and magazines with the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy, and her visibility in the social field increased. In this study; In the context of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, the process of obtaining political rights in Turkey in the Republican era was examined through the developments in Europe and the subsequent processes in Ottoman Turkey by women, who started to appear in the public sphere due to the fact that men took part in the fronts.
Women's movements, which are a movement of rebellion against gender inequality; As a result of the reflections of the problems shaped between the family, the child, home industry and the French Revolution on the Ottoman Empire, a sensitivity towards the problems of women, albeit weak, developed among the Ottoman intellectuals. The Ottoman woman, who gained gains in education and legal fields with the Tanzimat, was able to express herself through associations and magazines with the declaration of the Constitutional Monarchy, and her visibility in the social field increased. In this study; In the context of the Balkan Wars and the First World War, the process of obtaining political rights in Turkey in the Republican era was examined through the developments in Europe and the subsequent processes in Ottoman Turkey by women, who started to appear in the public sphere due to the fact that men took part in the fronts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kadın hareketleri, Siyasal haklar, Seçme ve seçilme, Women's movements, Political rights, Election and election
Dicle Adalet Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yavuz, A. (2022). Türkiye' de kadın siyasi haklarına genel bir bakış. Dicle Adalet Dergisi, 6(2), 67-102.