Abdulhak Hâmid Tarhan ve Sohrâb Sepehrî'nin şiirlerinde tabiatın işlenişi üzerine bir karşılaştırma
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Cengiz Alyılmaz
Erişim Hakkı
Son yarım yüzyılda hızla gelişen teknolojinin sunduğu kolaylıklara bağlı
olarak toplumlar birbirlerinin edebiyat ve dillerini daha hızlı ve detaylı
tanıma imkânı bulmuşlardır. Bu karşılıklı tanıma ve tanışmanın doğal bir
sonucu olarak başka milletlere ait olan dil ve edebiyatlara ilgi artmış ve
araştırmacılar bu ilgi ve merakla okuyup öğrendikleri yabancı kültürlere ait
edebi eserleri kendi edebi eserleriyle karşılaştırma çalışmalarına
girişmişlerdir. Son yıllarda yapılan bu karşılaştırmalar birbirlerine uzak olan
kültürler ve edebiyatlar arasında yapıldığı gibi tarih boyunca dil, kültür ve
edebi olarak birbirlerini etkileyen toplumların edebiyatları arasında da
İran modern şiirinin en önemli ve farklı şairlerinden olan Sohrâb Sepehrî,
şiirlerinde kullandığı farklı imgelerle diğer şairlerden ayrı bir yere sahiptir.
Şiirlerinde özellikle farklı ifade şekillerini kullanarak tabiata yeni ve derin
imgeler yüklemiştir. Türk şiirinde ise batılılaşma hareketinin asıl büyük
temsilcisi ve batı şiirinde gördüğü her yeniliği Divan edebiyatı taraftarlarının
hücumlarına rağmen cesaretle uygulayan Abdulhak Hâmid‟dir. Türk
edebiyatında tabiatı ilk kez farklı ve modern şekilde ele alan Hâmid
şiirlerinde tabiata yeni ve farklı bir bakış açısı getirmiş; ona hayran olmuş ve
tabiat yoluyla Allah‟a sığınmıştır. Sohrâb‟ın İran şiirine getirdiği açılımın ve
yeniliğin bir benzerini Hâmid Türk şiirinde gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu iki şair
beslendikleri kendi klasik edebiyatlarının eski kalıplarını aşarak yeni teknik
ile birlikte evrene yeni bakış tarzı ve kendilerine has yeni bir söyleyiş
geliştirmişlerdir. Böylece klasik şiirden modern şiire geçişin en önemli
temsilcileri sayılmışlardır.
Bu çalışmada her iki şairin şiirlerinden örnekler verilerek tabiata bakışları
ve tabiatı işleyiş biçimleri karşılaştırılacak; tabiat karşısında duygu ve
düşünce benzerlikleri, ortaklıkları ve farklılıkları irdelenmeye çalışılacaktır.
Due to the fast development of Technology in the last 50 years and the convenience that it provides, different societies are able to know and contact easier and more accurate the languages and Literatures. The result of this Knowing is high consideration of languages and literatures of other cultures. Accordingly researchers read with great enthusiasm the literary works of other foreign cultures and beside their own literary works, they evaluate comparatively. During history many studies have been carried on the similarity of languages, cultures and custom of nations which had relationships. In recent years also researches have been done in regard to differences of culture and literatures. Sohrâb Sepehrî is one of the prominent and distinguished poets of modern time of Iran. Because of his usage of different images in his poets, he had a special reputation. His distinct method of rehetoric in poetry has given every element of nature a new and deep image. In Turkish literature, Abdul Haq Hamad Tarhan has used nature in a different and modern way for the first time. He viewed the nature in a new and distinct manner and he became fond of it and by means of nature he found a way to God. Abdulhak Hamid, mainly was the pioneer in the presenting the Western-Oriented challenges in the Turkish Poetry, besides of all criticizes, faced from the Royal Litrature, he couragesly offered new adaptations from the West Poetry to the Turkish Litrature. Like Sohrab,who introduced new vision and innovation to the Persian Poetry, Hamid also, offered these presents to the Turkish Poetry. Both these two poets have been motivated by classic literature and steps further from the classic frames and clichés, simultaneously, by introducing new technics then by their special languages,offered a new vision to the universe and new style in the word statement. So, they counted as the most outstanding personalities in the passing era of the classic to the modern poetry. In this research, by giving examples from the poems of these two poets, we are comparing their view toward nature and their usage of nature in their works. We are also trying to mention the differences and similarities of their sense and thoughts in relation to nature and more over show what they have in common.
Due to the fast development of Technology in the last 50 years and the convenience that it provides, different societies are able to know and contact easier and more accurate the languages and Literatures. The result of this Knowing is high consideration of languages and literatures of other cultures. Accordingly researchers read with great enthusiasm the literary works of other foreign cultures and beside their own literary works, they evaluate comparatively. During history many studies have been carried on the similarity of languages, cultures and custom of nations which had relationships. In recent years also researches have been done in regard to differences of culture and literatures. Sohrâb Sepehrî is one of the prominent and distinguished poets of modern time of Iran. Because of his usage of different images in his poets, he had a special reputation. His distinct method of rehetoric in poetry has given every element of nature a new and deep image. In Turkish literature, Abdul Haq Hamad Tarhan has used nature in a different and modern way for the first time. He viewed the nature in a new and distinct manner and he became fond of it and by means of nature he found a way to God. Abdulhak Hamid, mainly was the pioneer in the presenting the Western-Oriented challenges in the Turkish Poetry, besides of all criticizes, faced from the Royal Litrature, he couragesly offered new adaptations from the West Poetry to the Turkish Litrature. Like Sohrab,who introduced new vision and innovation to the Persian Poetry, Hamid also, offered these presents to the Turkish Poetry. Both these two poets have been motivated by classic literature and steps further from the classic frames and clichés, simultaneously, by introducing new technics then by their special languages,offered a new vision to the universe and new style in the word statement. So, they counted as the most outstanding personalities in the passing era of the classic to the modern poetry. In this research, by giving examples from the poems of these two poets, we are comparing their view toward nature and their usage of nature in their works. We are also trying to mention the differences and similarities of their sense and thoughts in relation to nature and more over show what they have in common.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tabiat, Şiir, Abdulhâk Hâmid, Sohrâb Sepehrî, Nature, Poem
Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gönen, M. E. (2017). Abdulhak Hâmid Tarhan ve Sohrâb Sepehrî'nin şiirlerinde tabiatın işlenişi üzerine bir karşılaştırma. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 6(1), 277-311.