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  • Öğe
    (Dicle University, 2023) Yıldız, Cihad; Bakır, Şeyhmus
    Amaç: Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır ili Kamu Hastanelerinde çalışan diş hekimlerinin Covid-19 pandemisi sürecinde, pandemi öncesine oranla son bir hafta içinde yaşadıkları depresyon düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmaya Diyarbakır ili Kamu Hastanelerinde çalışan toplam 200 diş hekimi dahil edildi. Katılımcılara sosyo-demografik veriler ve Beck Depresyon Ölçeğini içeren toplam 30 soruluk bir anket uygulandı. Beck Depresyon Ölçeğine göre oluşan skorlar: 0-9 puan normal; 10-16 puan hafif düzeyde depresyon, 17-29 puan orta düzeyde depresyon, 30-63 puan şiddetli düzeyde depresyon şeklinde değerlendirildi. Shapiro Wilk’s testinden yararlanılarak değişkenlerin normal dağılımdan gelme durumları hesaplandı. Gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar incelenirken; Mann-Whitney U ve Kruskal Wallis-H Testlerinden yararlanıldı. Anlamlı farklılıkların görülmesi halinde, Post-Hoc Çoklu Karşılaştırma Testiyle değerlendirme yapıldı. Bulgular: Araştırmamızda, Beck depresyon ölçüm skoru bakımından; cinsiyet, medeni durum, çalışılan kurum, pandemiyle ilgili bilgilendirme eğitimi ve Covid-19 hastalığına yakalanma durumu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Öte yandan yaş grupları ve meslek grupları arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı farklılık bulunmuş, 40 yaş üstünde olanların 20-40 yaş arasında olanlara, öğretim üyesi olanların ise araştırma görevlisi olanlara göre Beck skorunun düşük olduğu saptanmıştır. Filyasyonda çalışmayanların skoru, çalışanlara göre anlamlı derecede düşük bulunmuş, katılımcıların Beck skoru ortalaması 15.03 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Çalışmamız bulgularına göre, Diyarbakır ili Kamu Hastanelerinde çalışan diş hekimlerinin psikolojik durumlarının Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde hafif düzeyde etkilendiği söylenebilir. İçinde bulunduğumuz Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde diş hekimliği eğitim-öğretim ve klinik hizmetleri kapsamında acil eylem planlarının ve çapraz enfeksiyon kontrol protokollerinin optimize edilmesinin önemi ortaya çıkmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    (Dicle University, 2023) Çakar, Verda Gökçe; Tacir, İbrahim Halil; Polat, Zelal Seyfioğlu
    Increasing success rate in implant treatment brings with it developments in implant materials day by day. With the developments in implant applications, the selection of prosthetic superstructure becomes an important issue. In clinical applications, prosthetic structures on implants can be applied as screwed and cemented. Although both systems have advantages and disadvantages, the selection of the appropriate prosthetic superstructure is up to the clinician for the case. The purpose of this review; In clinical applications, it is aimed to compare cemented and screwed restorations in many ways and thus to guide the selection of the appropriate superstructure for the case.
  • Öğe
    Immediate loading and Hind's technique
    (Dicle University, 2024) Akyüz, Faris; İstanbulluoğlu, Saadet Nur; Başaran, Emine Göncü
    Immediate loading aims to rapidly restore the patient’s aesthetics, function, and phonation by placing a temporary prosthesis on dental implants immediately after or shortly following the surgical procedure. The goal of immediate loading with a temporary prosthesis during the same session as tooth extraction is to preserve or enhance both hard and soft tissues. Temporary restorations are a key step in guiding the design of permanent prosthetic restorations. Clinical studies support the successful outcome of immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets. This case presentation discusses immediate loading and Hind’s technique in the anterior region. Due to mobility issues, it was deemed appropriate to extract teeth numbered 11, 21, and 22. Immediate implant placement was decided for the 11 and 22 regions. On the same day, prosthetic rehabilitation was provided with a temporary prosthesis on the implants. After three months, the temporary prosthesis was removed, an impression was taken using Hind’s technique to match the shaped emergence profile, and the permanent prosthesis was fabricated. The immediate loading of the implants prevented the patient from experiencing a period of edentulism, facilitated soft tissue healing, and established the emergence profile for the permanent restorations. It was observed that the tissues shaped with Hind’s technique were transferred to the laboratory more accurately, resulting in more precisely fabricated permanent restorations. Immediate implant loading provides more aesthetics, fonetic and predictable treatment. The immediate implant placement protocol not only shortens the overall treatment time and minimizes the number of surgical interventions but also maximizes the utilization of the existing bone to achieve optimal primary stability for the implant.
  • Öğe
    Determining the knowledge levels and opinions of high school students aged between 13- 17 about fluoride in toothpastes
    (Dicle University, 2024) Akleyin, Ebru; Polat, Yelda
    Aims: Fluorine, which has been proven to be effective in preventing dental caries, is applied systemically and topically as a public health method in children and adults. Toothpastes are the most common form of topical fluoridation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge of high school students aged 13-17 years about fluoridated toothpastes and the information sources from which they accessed this information. Methods: A questionnaire prepared by us was administered to 750 volunteer high school students. In the questionnaire, demographic information, tooth brushing habits, knowledge and opinions about fluorine in toothpastes and the sources of this information were asked. In this study, percentage (%) and frequency (n) values were given as descriptive statistics. Results: Of the 750 high school students who answered our questionnaire, 44% were female, 56% were male and the average age was 14.62 years. When the brushing habits of the students were analyzed; it was seen that 19% of them brush irregularly and 7% of them do not brush their teeth. About fluorine in toothpastes, 47% of the students had no information, 27% thought it prevented caries, 14% thought it was harmful, and 12% were undecided. When students were asked whether the toothpaste, they used to contain fluorine or not, 53% of them did not have any information, 37% of them had access to information from family and friends, 34% from dentists, 27% from social media, and 2% from school. Conclusion: It was observed that high school students’ tooth brushing habits were inadequate and their basic knowledge about fluoride applications was weak. Within the scope of community oral and dental health, it was thought that students should be informed about the caries preventive effect of fluoride at optimum intervals from accurate information sources such as dentists and schools.
  • Öğe
    (Dicle University, 2023) Sezgin, Can; Gülsün, Belgin
    Cemento-osseous dysplasia; is the most common fibro-osseous lesion that develops when normal bone is replaced by cement-like material and cellular fibrous connective tissue. It is usually observed in the mandible. It can be seen in the periapical region of vital teeth or in the extraction sites. According to the maturation of the lesion radiographically; They give radiolucent, mixed and radiopaque images. This lesion is divided into three subtypes based on clinical and radiographic features: periapical, focal, and fluoride. In this study, a case of cemento osseous dysplasia associated with incisors in the anterior region of the lower jaw of a 43-year-old female patient, diagnosed histopathologically and radiographi-cally, is presented. The lesion was excised under local anesthesia. The patient was followed up clinically.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of two different types of molar distalization appliance
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Oruç, Kamile; Kama, Jalan Devecioğlu; Özer, Törün
    Aims: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical efficacy of Modified Veltri (MV) and first class (FC) appliances, to investigate the effect on skeletal teeth and soft tissues in the patients and to compare the findings obtained. Methods: The study included 40 individuals aged between 12 and 16 years with class II malocclusion (ANB <6o ), dental crowding not requiring extraction, and no congenital tooth deficiency. MV and FC appliances were applied to 20 and 20 individuals, respectively. At the beginning of the study, at the end of distalization and three months after the reinforcement appliance was applied, cephalometric X-rays and plaster models were taken from the individuals and analyzed. The statistical significance of the changes that occurred during the distalization and reinforcement periods were evaluated by independent student’s t test for each group, and the significance between the groups was checked by paired Student’s t test. Results: In the MV and FC groups, molar distalization was achieved in a similar time (4.29±0.97, 4.20±0.86). Skeletal changes were observed only in the MV group in SNB, ANB, SNGoGn, FMA (p<0.05) and B-PTV (p<0.01) values. In the first molar tooth, the MV group showed -2.16 mm distalization, 1.88 mm intrusion and 5.21o distal tipping, while the FC group showed -2.42 mm distalization and 1.19o distal tipping. During the consolidation period, 1.13 mm recurrence of distalization was observed in the MV group. In the MV group, overjet increased by 2.28 mm and overbite decreased by 1.89 mm. In the FC group, the overjet increased by 1.32 mm and the overbite decreased by 0.94 mm. After soft tissue distalization, Lu-E and Li-E values decreased by 1.45 mm and 1.01 mm in the MV group and by 1.38 mm and 1.30 mm in the FC group. Conclusion: In this study, although MV and FC appliances provided a similar amount of distalization in a similar amount of time, recurrence was observed in the MV group during the reinforcement period. In addition, loss of anchorage was observed more in the MV group. Anchorage loss should be considered in the clinical application of MV and FC appliances.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the effect of denosumab and ozone application on bone healing in critical size bone defects
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Keskin, Ersin; Kaya, Beyza; Aktaş, Ayfer
    Aims: In maxillofacial surgery, various drugs are used in order to accelerate the recovery of defects caused by any reason. Several studies have shown that denosumab from bisphosphonate group drugs used in osteoporosis patients has positive effects on new bone formation. In general medicine and dentistry, ozone is in widespread use as an alternative treatment and has positive effects on new bone formation. The aim of this study was to evaluate new bone formation by performing denosumab and ozone on critical-sized rat calvarium defects. Methods: In our study, 40 Sprague Dawley rats were used. Rats were divided into 4 groups. Only grafts were placed in the control group. After applying graft to ozone group (O) and ozone and denosumab (O-D) groups, topical ozone was applied for 15 seconds. Denosumab group (D) and O-D group were injected subcutaneously (s.c) 10 mg/kg Prolia (denosumab) every 4 weeks for 8 weeks. 5 animals from each group at the end of week 4, while the other five animals in the group at the end of 8 weeks after being sacrificed for histopathological examination was performed. The differences between the groups were evaluated by statistical analysis. Results: After histopathological examination, better bone formation was observed in the ozone and denosumab treated groups compared to the control group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups except for the control group, however, new bone formation was determined in the groups treated with denosumab compared to the ozone group. Conclusion: As a result of our study, we believe that the application of ozone and denosumab has a positive effect on the formation of new bone, but more comprehensive studies on the subject are needed.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of the effect of orthognathic surgery on alveolar bone level: a cone-beam computed tomography study
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Doğru, Mehmet; Çitaker, Mete
    Aims: Three-dimensional examination of preoperative and postoperative changes in alveolar bone levels with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in cases with skeletal class II and III anomalies treated with different surgical methods, supported by cephalometric images. Methods: A total of 32 patients, 18 girls and 14 boys, who applied to Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics for orthognathic surgery-supported orthodontic treatment and were treated with orthognathic surgery after initial orthodontic treatment was started, preoperatively in Dicle University Oral Diagnosis and Radiology Department. It was created by retrospectively examining CBCT images taken before and after. To examine changes in alveolar bone level, 28 measurements were made using alveolar bone levels and reference points determined on teeth. Results: When the preoperative and postoperative groups were compared, a significant difference was found in the upper anterior bone level, upper palatinal bone thickness, lower anterior bone level, upper trifurcation buccal, upper distobuccal root middle buccal, lower bifurcation buccal, lower distal root middle buccal values at the p<0.05 level. A statistically significant difference was observed in the enamel cement joint width value in the comparison between the sexes. When the correlation between class II and class III anomalies was examined, it was observed that lower anterior bone thickness, lower anterior bone level/root and lower lingual bone level/root values were statistically associated with more alveolar bone loss in class III patients. Conclusion: Orthognathic surgery causes alveolar bone loss in the patient. In order to minimize the side effects of the operation on the patient’s periodontal tissues, oral hygiene, applied forces, fixation between the jaws and methods should be carefully evaluated.
  • Öğe
    Examination of stresses created by zygomatic and dental implants applied in combined form and implants placed with the “All-on-Four” technique in bilateral atrophic maxilla by finite element analysis
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Özler, Murat; Gülsün, Belgin
    Aims: In severely atrophic posterior maxillae, there is usually not enough bone to place conventional dental implants. Dental implants and zygomatic implants placed with the “All-on-Four” technique have frequently been preferred in recent years because they eliminate the need for grafting, shorten the treatment time, and reduce the morbidity rate. The aim of our study was to select the most accurate surgical planning according to the stress values resulting from the forces applied to the combined zygomatic and dental implants and dental implants placed with the “All-on-Four” technique in the models we created. Methods: In the present study, 2 group models were established. In group 1 model, one dental implant was placed in the canine and second premolar tooth regions with the “All-on-Four” technique. In the group 2 model, one dental implant was placed in the canine tooth region and one zygomatic implant was placed in the 1st molar region. In the prosthetic superstructure, a force of 150 N was applied vertically from the region of teeth 4-5-6 and 100 N was applied obliquely at an angle of 30o . Results: In the present study, when the von Mises stress values on the implants were analyzed, it was found that the highest stress occurred in group 2 under vertical forces and in group 1 under oblique forces. Conclusion: Based on these results, it is concluded that the most ideal planning in the rehabilitation of bilateral atrophic maxilla is group 1 with dental implants placed with the “All-on-Four” technique under vertical forces and group 2 with zygoma and dental implants under oblique forces.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of the effect of different fiber reinforced composite resins on the flexural strength of Bulk Fill composite resin
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Demir, Ruşen; Ayna, Buket
    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of reinforcing a Bulk Fill composite resin material with different fiber reinforced composite resins (FRCRs) on flexural strength. Methods: For the flexural strength test, 60 specimens were prepared using 4x4x8 mm polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) blocks in accordance with the standards and the specimens were divided into four study groups [Bulk Fill composite resin (group 1), Bulk Fill composite resin+glass fiber in braided structure (group 2), Bulk Fill composite resin+polyethylene fiber in leno woven structure (group 3), Bulk Fill composite resin+short glass fiber reinforced composite resin (group 4)]. The specimens were soaked in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours and subjected to three-point bending test with Universal Test device. Data were statistically analyzed using Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis-H tests. Results: The average bending resistance values were 654.72 Newton (N), 682.33 N, 643.87 N and 1003.91 N in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The effect of short glass fiber reinforced composite resin+Bulk Fill composite resin group on bending resistance was statistically significantly higher than all other groups (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the other groups in terms of flexural strength. Conclusion: Within the limits of this in vitro study, it was concluded that short glass fiber reinforced composite resin increases the flexural strength of Bulk Fill composite resin as a base material.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of error types seen in digital panoramic radiographs
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Kaplan, Bahar; Katı, Ezgi
    Aims: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of different types of errors in panoramic radiography and explore potential correlations between these errors, age, and gender. Methods: A total of 2000 panoramic radiographs randomly selected from the patient archives of the Department of Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Radiology at Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry, taken in 2023 for various indications, were analyzed. Two experienced radiologists (BK and EK) reviewed the digital panoramic X-ray images. Interobserver agreement was assessed by having both observers re-evaluate 10% of the sample. Patients with developmental anomalies, history of trauma, orthognathic surgery, maxillofacial pathology (e.g., tumors/cysts), and those under 16 years old were excluded. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 20.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA), with a significance level set at α=5%. Cohen’s kappa statistics were utilized to calculate intraobserver agreement. Results: In the analysis of 2000 panoramic radiographs, it was found that 81.16% exhibited at least one error. The predominant error identified was the misplacement of the tongue against the palate, accounting for 34.75% of cases. A statistically significant association was observed between increasing patient age and higher error rates (p<0.05). However, no significant correlation was found between gender and error occurrence (p>0.05). Conclusion: The prevalence of positioning errors in panoramic radiography is considerable. It underscores the importance of providing adequate training to healthcare professionals and technicians to mitigate the risk of misinterpretation and unnecessary exposure to radiation.
  • Öğe
    Determining the knowledge levels and opinions of high school students aged between 13-17 about fluoride in toothpastes
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Akleyin, Ebru; Polat, Yelda
    Aims: Fluorine, which has been proven to be effective in preventing dental caries, is applied systemically and topically as a public health method in children and adults. Toothpastes are the most common form of topical fluoridation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge of high school students aged 13-17 years about fluoridated toothpastes and the information sources from which they accessed this information. Methods: A questionnaire prepared by us was administered to 750 volunteer high school students. In the questionnaire, demographic information, tooth brushing habits, knowledge and opinions about fluorine in toothpastes and the sources of this information were asked. In this study, percentage (%) and frequency (n) values were given as descriptive statistics. Results: Of the 750 high school students who answered our questionnaire, 44% were female, 56% were male and the average age was 14.62 years. When the brushing habits of the students were analyzed; it was seen that 19% of them brush irregularly and 7% of them do not brush their teeth. About fluorine in toothpastes, 47% of the students had no information, 27% thought it prevented caries, 14% thought it was harmful, and 12% were undecided. When students were asked whether the toothpaste, they used to contain fluorine or not, 53% of them did not have any information, 37% of them had access to information from family and friends, 34% from dentists, 27% from social media, and 2% from school. Conclusion: It was observed that high school students’ tooth brushing habits were inadequate and their basic knowledge about fluoride applications was weak. Within the scope of community oral and dental health, it was thought that students should be informed about the caries preventive effect of fluoride at optimum intervals from accurate information sources such as dentists and schools.
  • Öğe
    Benign neoplasms of gingiva and alveolar mucosa
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Yaprak, Umut; Kadiroğlu, Ela Tules
    Clinicians encounter a variety of oral lesions that can originate from various etiologies, such as from infective, idiopathic, inflammatory, reactive, and neoplastic changes. Neoplastic changes are rare compared with other affecting conditions, however, the oral cavity is one of the areas where tumors and tumor-like lesions most commonly develop and include both non-odontogenic and odontogenic lesions. Diseases affecting the oral mucosa are diverse and cover a broad spectrum of benign or malignant lesions. To make an accurate diagnosis, a clinician must take a comprehensive clinical history and have adequate information about the signs and symptoms, such as location, size, color, and morphology of the oral mucosal lesion. This review aims to describe the clinical, radiographic, microscopic, and treatment aspects of benign neoplasms that might affect the gingiva and alveolar mucosa.
  • Öğe
    The use of gingival crevicular fluid as a potential biomarker for periodontal disease
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Akdeniz, Canan; Doğru, Arzum Güler
    Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) is an extremely valuable research material in the detection of periodontal diseases. The study of GCF components contributes to clinical diagnosis and helps us understand the mechanism of periodontal diseases. GCF is important for non-invasive analysis of periodontitis as it shows markers of connective tissue and bone destruction. GCF can be used in the future as a diagnostic tool for the identification of periodontitis, but it can also help in the detection of periodontitis progression. Early detection of periodontitis progression provides clinical benefit by allowing better control of disease activity and may improve patient follow-up. The aim of this review is to investigate the various enzymes and biomediators released in the GCF in periodontal disease and to provide an update on their role in inflammation.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the knowledge level of allied health professionals in a faculty of dentistry about dental avulsion
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Akleyin, Ebru; Özata, Merve Yeniçeri
    Aims: Dental avulsion, complete dislocation of the tooth from its socket, is an injury that requires emergency intervention. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of knowledge about dental avulsion among dental school allied health professionals who may encounter dental avulsion trauma in the first moment. Methods: A 14-question “Avulsion Questionnaire” designed by the researcher was administered to 54 allied health professionals at Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry by face-to-face interview technique. In this study, frequency (n) and percentage (%) values were given as descriptive statistics. Chi-square analysis was used to analyze the relationships between groups of nominal variables. Results: Of the participants, 48.1% were oral and dental health technicians, 22.2% were nurses, 11.1% were X-ray technicians, and 18.5% were medical secretaries. Those who thought that avulsion injuries constituted an emergency were significantly more likely (p<0.05). Forty-eight percent of the healthcare providers were informed about the injuries, and they obtained this information from dentists. Medical secretaries had never been informed about dental trauma (p<0.05). The level of knowledge about the placement of an avulsed tooth at the scene was low (p>0.05). However, all healthcare providers were aware that in cases of permanent tooth avulsion, a health institution, especially dental hospitals, should be consulted immediately. X-ray technicians and medical secretaries preferred a dry environment as the ideal storage environment, while nurses and dental assistants preferred milk. Conclusion: In this study, we found that the basic knowledge of dental avulsion was not sufficient for all allied health personnel, especially in a dental school, who may encounter parents in the first instance or be consulted by their relatives. Regular training programs for dental trauma management will increase the knowledge of dental assistants in managing avulsion injuries.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of stress occurring on fixation systems and mandibular bone in fixation of mandible symphysis fractures with different plate systems
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Derkuş, Fatma Eriş; Yılmaz, Utku Nezih
    Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (CFR-PEEK) plates by comparing titanium plates with CFR-PEEK plates in the fixation of mandibular symphysis fractures. Methods: In the study, a model that imitates the mandible was obtained with the finite element analysis method. A fracture line was created in the symphysis on the model, and a double mini-plate was applied to this line with the Champy method. Comparisons were made by assigning CFR-PEEK and titanium material properties to the plates. Results: Von Mises stresses on screws and plates were found to be lower than those on titanium plates when CFR-PEEK plates were applied. When the stresses in the screws were examined, it was observed that the highest stresses occurred in the screws adjacent to the fracture line. Conclusion: CFR-PEEK materials provide a more stable fixation by reducing the stresses in the fixation systems and may be a good alternative to titanium materials with their advantageous properties.
  • Öğe
    Aesthetic rehabilitation of a case of polydistema with direct composite restoration: case report, 2-year follow-up
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Yavuz, Bahar; Avcılar, İbrahim Halil; Bakır, Elif Pınar
    Diastema are small gaps between the teeth. Polydiastema can be caused by harmful habits, genetic or systemic disorders. Direct composite resin restorations are a minimally invasive and aesthetic treatment option that can be safely used in cases of diastema. This case report describes the treatment of an anterior polydiastema case with direct composite resin restorations. A 20-year-old woman who presented to our clinic with aesthetic complaints had no systemic disease in her medical history. After all treatment options were explained to the patient, it was decided to restore the teeth aesthetically with direct resin composite restorations. After the restoration was completed, finishing and polishing procedures were performed. After 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years, the physical properties, marginal integrity and aesthetic properties of the restorations were checked. In the control examination, it was determined that the restorations met the patient’s aesthetic expectations, and the marginal integrity was preserved.
  • Öğe
    Immediate loading and Hind’s technique
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Akyüz, Faris; Başaran, Emine Göncü; İstanbulluoğlu, Saadet Nur
    Immediate loading aims to rapidly restore the patient’s aesthetics, function, and phonation by placing a temporary prosthesis on dental implants immediately after or shortly following the surgical procedure. The goal of immediate loading with a temporary prosthesis during the same session as tooth extraction is to preserve or enhance both hard and soft tissues. Temporary restorations are a key step in guiding the design of permanent prosthetic restorations. Clinical studies support the successful outcome of immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets. This case presentation discusses immediate loading and Hind’s technique in the anterior region. Due to mobility issues, it was deemed appropriate to extract teeth numbered 11, 21, and 22. Immediate implant placement was decided for the 11 and 22 regions. On the same day, prosthetic rehabilitation was provided with a temporary prosthesis on the implants. After three months, the temporary prosthesis was removed, an impression was taken using Hind’s technique to match the shaped emergence profile, and the permanent prosthesis was fabricated. The immediate loading of the implants prevented the patient from experiencing a period of edentulism, facilitated soft tissue healing, and established the emergence profile for the permanent restorations. It was observed that the tissues shaped with Hind’s technique were transferred to the laboratory more accurately, resulting in more precisely fabricated permanent restorations. Immediate implant loading provides more aesthetics, fonetic and predictable treatment. The immediate implant placement protocol not only shortens the overall treatment time and minimizes the number of surgical interventions but also maximizes the utilization of the existing bone to achieve optimal primary stability for the implant.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of parents' attitudes and behaviors towards products and practices containing fluoride
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Durmaz, Çetin; Ayna, Buket; Polat, Yelda
    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate parents’ attitudes and behaviors about fluoride-containing products and practices. Methods: The study was conducted between April 2023 and February 2024. Parents of children who applied to Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry voluntarily participated in the study and a total of 350 parents participated. A face-to-face questionnaire consisting of 2 sections and a total of 26 questions was administered to the parents. Results: Among the parents who participated in our study, 56.86% stated that they had never heard of fluoride before. Those who had heard of fluoride stated that they had heard about it from school screenings and dentists. 16.86% of the parents stated that fluoride is harmful, but 68% of them did not have any information about it. 78.8% of the parents stated that they did not know the effect of brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste on the prevention of dental caries and 76.57% stated that they did not look at the fluoride content when choosing toothpaste. 84% of the parents stated that they did not know the fluoride applications made by the physician and 74.57% stated that they would not have their children do it. The vast majority of those who would not have their children fluoridated (73.95%) stated that they would not do so because they did not have information about fluoride. We found that 92% of the parents did not know systemic fluoride applications, 90% did not know whether the drinking water they used contained fluoride, and 93.43% did not know whether fluoride in drinking water helps prevent dental caries formation. Conclusion: Considering the high caries risk and oral hygiene deficiencies in our country, the need to use fluoride in dental treatments is increasing. Therefore, the public’s lack of knowledge and concerns about fluoride should be addressed and the use of preventive treatments such as fluoride should be increased.
  • Öğe
    Tip 2 diabetik ve nondiabetik hastalarda uygulanan tek diş implantların çevresindeki marjinal kemik kaybının klinik ve radyolojik olarak kıyaslanması
    (Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2023) Gülsün, Belgin; Bakay, Ufuk; Derkuş, Fatma Eriş; Yılmaz, Utku Nezih; Uysal, Ersin
    Amaç: Kemik metabolizmasını etkileyen lokal ve sistemik durumlar, osseointegrasyon için risk faktörüdür. Bu risk faktörlerinde en çok tartışılan hastalıklardan birisi de diabetes mellitustur. Bu çalışmanın amacı; diabetik ve nondiabetik hastalarda uygulanacak olan 60 dental implantın, belli aralıklarla alınmış kontrol radyografilerinde ve cep derinliği ölçümlerinde implant çevresindeki marjinal kemik kayıplarının ilişkilendirilmesi ve tip 2 diabetin dental implant çevresindeki marjinal kemik kaybına etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dental implant cerrahisi görmüş hastalardan iyileşme başlığı takılmasını takiben, protezin yapılıp dişler çiğneme fonksiyonuna girdikten sonra 3. ay ve 6. aylarda ring holder kullanılarak, paralel teknikle periapikal filmler alındı ve implant çevresindeki kemik ölçümleri radyolojik olarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Tip 2 diabetik ve nondiabetik hasta grupları cep derinlikleri bakımından incelendiğinde; tüm zamanlarda cep derinliklerinin ve marjinal kemik kayıplarının tip 2 diabetli hastalarda daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Tip 2 diabetin cep derinliği ve kemik kaybına doğrudan bir etkisi olduğu gözlenmiştir.