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Öğe Clinical and radiological evaluation of racehorses with sesamoiditis: Case series(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2024) Çatalkaya, EmineBackground: Sesamoiditis causes intermittent lameness in horses and is characterized by the enlargement of vascular channels, local osteolysis, osteophyte and enthesophyte formation on radiography. This study aimed to report the relationship between the clinical and radiological findings of racehorses diagnosed with sesamoiditis, the treatment applied and long-term results. Methods: The study included a total of 30 Arabian and Thoroughbred racehorses aged 2-7 years diagnosed with sesamoditis based on clinical and radiological examinations. These horses were treated and followed for nine months. Result: Radiographic examination revealed different numbers of enlarged vascular channels in the proximal sesamoid bones in all the cases and osteophytosis (n=3), enthesophytosis (n=9), osteolysis (n=3) and fractures (n=6) in some cases. In addition, low heels were important in 27 cases. The body conformation and low-heeled hoof structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. As a result, body structure and low heel structure play a role in the development of sesamoiditis in horses and should be considered. This situation should be tried to be corrected by farriers during the foaling period. Sesamoiditis can have a positive prognosis with appropriate treatment and adequate rest, for this reason, treatment should be started in the early period.Öğe Surgical treatment of coccygeal fractures in fat–tailed sheep(Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2024) Saylak, Nahit; Çağatay, SerhatFat–tailed sheep are a common breed in many parts of the world, and coccygeal fractures occur in these animals due to various traumas. As a result of these fractures, fracture hematoma occurs in the region and subsequently gangrene occurs due to circulatory impairment in the region. If the gangrened area is not treated, an open wound will form, and infection will be inevitable due to its relationship with the external environment. From this infected area, it causes sepsis and more serious complications that deteriorate the general condition of the creature, causing general condition disorders. However, it can be treated by surgical partial extirpation of the area where the coccygeal fracture occurs. In this study, the long–term recovery period of a total of 30 adult fat–tailed sheep and rams with coccygeal fractures treated with operative inverted V incision is followed. While all cases are observed to have recovered, it is observed that their productivity characteristics continued normal along with their walking and adaptation to herd management. It is concluded that the partial extirpation method, which is both cheap and effective, can be used in fat–tailed sheep with coccygeal fractures and can be applied in clinical practice. It is observed that the inverted V incision partial extirpation operative technique is both an effective treatment option and prevented economic losses in fat–tailed sheep.Öğe Diyarbakır’da klinik olarak sağlıklı atlarda oküler bakteriyel ve fungal flora(2023) Çatalkaya, Emine; Sever, Nurdan KaracanOküler flora atın yaşadığı ortam, iklim, coğrafya vb. birçok etkenden etkilenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacını Diyarbakır Hipodromunda yarış koşan ve hipodroma yakın çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan sağlıklı yarış atlarında bakteriyel ve fungal oküler florayı belirlemek ve belirlenen bakteri ve mantar türlerini tanımlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma grubunu değişik yaş ve cinsiyette Diyarbakır Hipodromunda bulunan yarış koşan 28 ve hipodrom yakınlarındaki çiftliklerde yarış koşmayan 28 safkan Arap ve İngiliz atına ait 112 sağlıklı göz oluşturdu. Sağlıklı gözlerin medial kantusundan steril swaplarla sürüntü alınarak soğuk zincirde Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına ulaştırılarak konjunktival florada bulunan bakteri ve fungal etkenlerin izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Hipodrom grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üreme oranının %94.64, fungal üremenin ise %28.57 olduğu, çiftlik grubundaki atlarda bakteriyolojik üremenin %100, fungal üremenin ise %14.29 olduğu tespit edildi. Değerlendirilen konjunktival svap örneklerinin izole ve identifiye edilen bakterilerin hipodrom grubunda %87.79’unun Gram pozitif, %12.21’inin Gram negatif, çiftlik grubunda ise %82.56’sının Gram pozitif, %17.43’ünün de Gram negatif olduğu belirlendi. Her iki grupta da mikrofloranın büyük çoğunluğunu Staphylococcus spp. tarafından oluştuğu görüldü. Sonuç olarak, atlarda belirli aralıklarla konjunktival floranın belirlenmesinin olası bir kornea veya göz hasarında izlenecek tedavinin belirlenmesine yardımcı olacağı; ayrıca erken müdahale ile kornea hasarına bağlı görme kayıplarının önüne geçilebileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Management of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Evaluation of Survival Rate in Cats Exposed to Trauma(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2024) Çatalkaya, Emine; Kanay, Berna ErsözBackground: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a complex condition that may be associated with sepsis or may progress with trauma, burns and major surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and survival rate in traumatized cats. Methods: The study material consisted of 34(22.66%) cats diagnosed with SIRS among 150 cats who were traumatized by falling from a height. Cats were monitored and vital signs such as pulse, respiration, arterial blood pressure, oxygen saturation and body temperature were recorded. In addition, laboratory whole blood and biochemical tests were performed. In the treatment of cats with SIRS, it was aimed to provide circulatory support and support measures to keep the animal alive. Result: 27(79.41%) cats with SIRS died due to lung failure or multi-organ failure and 7(20.58%) cats survived. The prognosis in SIRS patients with trauma depends on the patient's response to aggressive treatment and supportive care. SIRS has a high mortality rate. Common causes of death include cardiovascular collapse, multi-organ dysfunction and acute lung injury. © 2024 Agricultural Research Communication Centre. All rights reserved.Öğe Clinical and radiological evaluation of distal extremity lesions in racehorses(Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2024) Kanay, Berna Ersöz; Çatalkaya, Emine; Arserim, Neval Berrin; Ketani, Muzaffer Aydın; Demirtaş, BerjanDistal extremity lesions are prevalent in racehorses and cause mild– to–severe lameness, adversely affecting the racing life of horses. This study aimed to determine the incidence of distal extremity lesions in racehorses, to clinically and radiologically assess those lesions. The study included 158 limbs from 140 horses with distal extremity lesions among 282 horses of different breeds, age and sex that were presented to Equine Hospital of the Directorate of Diyarbakir, Turkey, Hippodrome with various clinical complaints during a racing season. Following anamnesis, the horses were clinically examined and lameness was localised. In cases where the lameness could not be localised upon physical examination, regional anaesthesia was performed, followed by radiological assessments based on radiographs acquired from different positions. Clinical and radiological examination revealed that 84.17% of the cases occurred in the forelimb and 15.82% in the rear limb, and the lesions in the forelimb were mostly located in the carpal joint (26.58%), metacarpus (25.31%) and metacarpophalangeal joint (23.41%), whereas those in the rear limb were located in the tarsal joint (7.5%). Therefore, the lesions in the forelimbs were more prevalent than those in the rear limbs of the affected racehorses. Radiography remains a satisfactory imaging technique for the diagnostic imaging of distal limb injuries in horses owing to its cost–effectiveness.Öğe Altered luteal expression patterns of genomic and non-genomic progesterone receptors in bitches at different reproductive states(Elsevier Inc., 2024) Uçar, Eyyüp Hakan; Peker, Cevdet; Hitit, Mustafa; Köse, Mehmet; Tatar, Musa; Bozkaya, Faruk; Atlı, Mehmet OsmanThe binding of steroid hormones to their specific receptors is necessary to exert their effects on target cells. Progesterone (P4), a steroid hormone, carries out its effects through both genomic and non-genomic (the cell membrane-associated) receptors. This study aimed to ascertain luteal expression patterns of genomic and non-genomic progesterone receptors in bitches in physiological (early dioestrus and early pregnant) and pathological (pyometra) reproductive states. Luteal tissue was collected from the bitches at early dioestrus (ED, n = 5), early pregnant (EP, n = 5), and pyometra (PY, n = 5). The expression profiles of Steroidogenic Acute Regulator Protein (STAR), Progesterone Receptor (PGR), Membrane Progestin Receptors (PAQR5, PAQR7 and PAQR8), and Progesterone Membrane Components (PGMRC1 and PGMRC2) were examined at the mRNA levels using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Protein levels of PGR, PGMRC1 and PGMRC2 were detected by western blotting (WB). The STAR expression was found in all groups, with a statistical difference observed between EP and PY groups (P < 0.05). The protein level of PGR was determined to be highest in the EP group and lowest in the PY group. The expression of PAQR8 increased in the EP group (P < 0.05). The PAQR5 exhibited high expression in the EP group and low expression in the PY group (P < 0.05). PGRMC1 was more elevated in the EP group and lower in the PY group (P < 0.05). Protein levels of PGMRC1 and PGMRC2 were also observed at the highest expression in EP group. According to the altered expression profiles for examined receptors, we suggest that those progesterone receptors have roles in early pregnancy or pyometra in bitches.Öğe Serum pregnancy–associated glycoprotein profiles during early gestation in Karya and Konya Merino sheep(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024) Akköse, Mehmet; Çınar, Elif Merve; Yazlık, Murat Onur; Kaya, Ufuk; Polat, Yadigar; Çebi, Çiğdem; Özbeyaz, Ceyhan; Vural, Mehmet RıfatBackground: Reported as being expressed by mono- and binucleate placental cells, pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) are released into the blood circulation from the ruminant placenta. Circulating gestational PAGs levels may differ between sheep breeds. Objective: This study was aimed at the close monitoring of the serum PAGs profiles of Karya and Konya Merino sheep during early pregnancy. Methods: Fifteen Karya and 15 Konya Merino ewes were synchronized by a 12-day treatment with progesterone-impregnated intravaginal sponges. After the sponges were withdrawn, the ewes were administered 400 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin. The ewes were allowed to mate naturally, and all animals were sampled for blood as of the day of mating (day 0) at weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Pregnancy diagnoses were made by transabdominal ultrasonography at week 5. At weeks 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11, blood samples were collected only from the pregnant ewes. The blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 × g, and extracted sera were stored at −20°C until being used for laboratory analyses. Serum PAGs levels were determined with the aid of a commercial PAG-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test originally developed for pregnancy diagnosis in cattle. Differences in the between the PAGs levels throughout pregnancy and the group effect (Karya and Konya Merino) were determined with a two-way mixed analysis of variance. Pairwise comparisons were made using a Bonferroni adjustment. Results: PAGs levels showed a linear increase with the advance of pregnancy in both Karya and Konya Merino sheep. No difference was detected between the breeds for serum PAGs levels. The serum PAGs levels of the pregnant and non-pregnant ewes differed as of the fourth week. Conclusion: The serum PAGs levels of the Karya and Konya Merino ewes were similar during the first 11 weeks of gestation, and pregnancy diagnosis could be made based on serum PAGs levels as of the 4th week in both breeds.Öğe An investigation of the effects of oclacitinib maleate on clinical improvement and serum cytokine levels in dogs with atopic dermatitis(Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Weterynaryjnych, 2024) Katanalp, Ömer Faruk; Koçhan, AkınThe aim of this study was to present allergens involved in the etiology of atopic dermatitis (AD) in dogs, to determine and classify the clinical severity of the disease using the CADESI-4 and pruritus scores, to investigate changes in serum cytokine levels in dogs with AD and their relationship with clinical findings, and to investigate the effects of oclacitinib maleate on clinical improvement and serum cytokine levels. The material of the study consisted of 20 dogs diagnosed with AD and 10 healthy dogs. CADESI and pVAS scores were obtained from the patients, and blood samples were taken. Hematological analyses, specific allergen tests (polycheck), and ELISA analyses were performed. Oclacitinib maleate (Apoquel, Zoetis) was administered orally to the patient dogs at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg twice a day for 7 days. It was found that the most common allergens involved in the etiology of AD in dogs were house dust mites type 1, house dust mites type 2, and mold fungi, and the mean CADESI and pVAS scores for clinical findings such as pruritus, alopecia, erythema, and lichenification in dogs with AD were 48 and 5.15 respectively. When compared to the control group, an increase in the percentage of eosinophils (p < 0.05) and a decrease in serum IL-2 and IL-4 levels (p < 0.05) were detected. When compared to other groups, it was found that the mean serum IL-4 levels (p < 0.05) were low and IL-13 levels (p < 0.05) were high in the group with severe clinical findings. It was determined that the use of oclacitinib maleate resulted in clinical improvement and caused an increase in the mean serum IL-2 levels (p < 0.05) and a decrease in IL-31 and IL-33 levels (p < 0.05). Oclacitinib maleate (Apoquel, Zoetis) was found to be an effective and reliable drug that can be used in the treatment of the disease, but it was concluded that the duration of use should be extended.Öğe Effects of long-term heat stress and dietary restriction on the expression of genes of steroidogenic pathway and small heat-shock proteins in rat testicular tissue(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017) Bozkaya, Faruk; Atlı, Mehmet Osman; Güzeloǧlu, Aydın; Kayış, Seyit Ali; Yıldırım, Mehmet Erol; Kurar, Ercan; Yılmaz, Rahşan; Aydilek, NurettinThe aim was to investigate the effects of long-term heat stress and dietary restriction on the expression of certain genes involving in steroidogenic pathway and small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) in rat testis. Sprague Dawley rats (n = 24) were equally divided into four groups. Group I and II were kept at an ambient temperature of 22°C, while Groups III and IV were reared at 38°C for 9 weeks. Feed was freely available for Group I and Group III, while Group II and Group IV were fed 60% of the diet consumed by their ad libitum counterparts. At the end of 9 weeks, testicles were collected under euthanasia. Total RNA was isolated from testis tissue samples. Expression profiles of the genes encoding androgen-binding protein, follicle-stimulating hormone receptor, androgen receptor, luteinising hormone receptor, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), cyclooxygenase-2 and sHSP genes were assessed at mRNA levels using qPCR. Long-term heat stress decreased the expression of StAR and HspB10 genes while dietary restriction upregulated StAR gene expression. The results suggested that long-term heat stress negatively affected the expression of StAR and HspB10 genes and the dietary restriction was able to reverse negative effect of heat stress on the expression of StAR gene in rat testis.Öğe Prevalence and genotypes of Giardia duodenalis in shelter dogs of Southeastern Türkiye(Urmia University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 2023) Çelik, Burçak Aslan; Çelik, Özgür Yaşar; Koçhan, Akın; Ayan, Adnan; Kılınç, Özlem Orunç; Akyıldız, Gürkan; İrak, KıvançGiardia duodenalis is a protozoan parasite found in humans and several mammals. This parasite spreads worldwide and is generally recognized as a zoonotic agent being reported to be one of the most common causes of diarrhea in humans and animals. In this study, it was aimed to determine the prevalence and genotypes of G. duodenalis in shelter dogs in Diyarbakır province being located in the southeastern Anatolia region of Türkiye. Native-Lugol method and nested polymerase chain reaction analyses of 100 fecal samples showed a prevalence of 3.00 and 4.00%, respectively. The prevalence was higher in females and in those younger than 1 year. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of zoonotic assemblage B, assemblage D and assemblage E. The detection of zoonotic assemblage B in this study suggests that dogs may be a reservoir for human giardiasis. Further molecular research is needed to determine the genotype diversity of Giardia as well as its possible role in the transmission of this parasite to humans.Öğe An investigation of risk factors, clinical manifestations and aetiology of lower urinary tract diseases in cats in Diyarbakır, Turkiye(National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC), Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), 2022) Koçhan, Akın; Şimşek, AynurFELINE lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a common feline disease characterized by urinary bladder and urethral dysfunction. The present study aimed to investigate the epidemiological data, clinical symptoms, aetiology and risk factors of lower urinary tract diseases in the feline population in Diyarbakir and compare the data with published research results. The health records of 1658 cats who presented to the Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dicle University between January 2020 and May 2022 were reviewed, and 38 cats diagnosed with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) were included in the study. Information about the patients’ age, sex, diet and sterilization status was recorded. Following the collection of anamnesis data (diet, accommodation conditions and observed abnormalities), clinical examination, haematological analysis, serum biochemical analyses, radiography and abdominal ultrasonography were performed to make a diagnosis. A total of 21 (55.26%) patients were diagnosed with feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC)/urinary tract infection (UTI), 11 (28.9%) with urolithiasis, 5 (13%) urethral plaque and 1 (2.63%) with neoplasia. The most frequent cause of FLUTD was FIC/UTI. FIC was the most prevalent FLUTD in the Diyarbakir region, with the most frequent clinical symptoms being pain, stranguria, pollakiuria, haematuria, obstruction and periuria. The disease was more prevalent in male cats, and a single-cat household setting, dry and wet food diets and drinking tap water were important risk factors for the occurrence of the disease.Öğe Clinical evaluation of complications after surgical treatment of patella dislocations in dogs: A retrospective study(Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2024) Çatalkaya, Emine; Yayla, Sadık; Altan, Semih; Kanay, Berna ErsözPatellar luxation is one of the important orthopedic problem in dogs. Patellar luxation, which has been accepted as a developmental disorder in recent years, usually occurs medially in small breeds and laterally in large breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate surgical treatment (femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transpositions and imbrication techniques together), postoperative complications, early and late results in dogs with patellar luxation. Thirty–two dogs with grade 3 and grade 4 patella luxation were used in this study. While patellar luxation was treated in all cases, tibia fracture was seen in one dog as the most important complication. During tibial tuberosity transpositions technique, attention should be paid to the cutting process and the tibia should not be weakened. In conclusion, the combined use of femoral trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transposition and imbrication techniques can be used for patellar luxation. Complete recovery may not be possible in grade 4 patellar luxations.Öğe Düvelerde dondurulmuş embriyoların transferinde embriyonun uterusta bırakıldığı kornu uteri ve derinliğinin gebelik oranı üzerine etkisi(Fırat Üniversitesi, 2014) Dursun, Şükrü; Köse, Mehmet; Kırbaş, Mesut; Bülbül, Bülent; Çolak, MehmetBu çalışma, düvelerde dondurulmuş embriyoların transferinde embriyonun korpus luteumun bulunduğu ovaryuma göre bırakıldığı kornu uteri (ipsilateral/kolleteral) ve derinliğinin (derin/yüzeysel) gebelik oranı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Derin transfer, embriyonun kornu uterinin, bifurkasyo bölgesinden sonraki üçüncü 1/3’lük kısmına bırakılması olarak tanımlanırken, yüzeysel transfer ise embriyonun kornu uterinin bifurkasyo bölgesinden sonraki ilk 1/3’lük kısmına bırakılması olarak tanımlandı. Bu tanımlamalara ve korpus luteumun lokalizasyonuna göre taşıyıcılar rasgele dört gruba ayrıldı. Etilen glikolle direk transfer metoduna göre dondurulmuş birinci kalite embriyolar taşıyıcılara östrüs (0. gün) sonrası 7. günde; Grup I’de derin-ipsilateral (n=12), Grup II’de yüzeysel-ipsilateral (n=13), Grup III’de derin-kolleteral (n=13), Grup IV’te ise yüzeysel-kolleteral (n=12) olarak transfer edildi. Taşıyıcıların gebelik muayeneleri 28. günde trans-rektal ultrasonografi ile yapıldı. Gebelik oranları gruplarda (Grup I, Grup II, Grup III ve Grup IV) sırasıyla %41.7 (5/12), %61.5 (8/13), %30.8 (4/13) ve %25 (3/12) tespit edildi. Grupların gebelik oranları arasındaki farklılık istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmadı (P>0.05). Yapılan transferler sadece derin ve yüzeysel olarak gruplandırıldığında gebelik oranları sırasıyla; %36 (9/25) ve %40 (11/25) oldu, fakat gebelik oranları arasındaki farklılık önemli olarak tespit edilmedi (P>0.05). Transferler sadece ipsilateral ve kolleteral olarak gruplandırıldığında ise gebelik oranları sırasıyla %52 (13/25) ve %28 (7/25) oldu. İstatistiksel olarak ipsilateral transfer grubunda elde edilen gebelik oranı, kolleteral transferlerden yüksek olma eğiliminde olduğu görüldü (P=0.07). Sonuç olarak, etilen glikolle dondurulmuş birinci kalite embriyoların korpus luteumla aynı taraftaki kornu uteriye bırakılması gerektiği kanısına varıldı.Öğe Effect of different doses PMSG on estrus synchronization and fertility in awassi ewes synchronized with progesterone duringthe transition period(Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2011) Zonturlu, Abuzer Kafar; Özyurtlu, Nihat; Kaçar, CihanThe aim of the present study was to evaluate different of doses PMSG on estrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes synchronized with progesterone during The transition period. A total of 92 ewes were used in this experiment. All ewes were treated with a vaginal sponge containing 30 mg fluorogestone acetate (FGA) inserted into the vagina of the ewes for 12 days. All animals were divided into four groups randomly and a single intramuscular (IM) dose of PMSG (group 1, 300 IU, n=21; group 2, 400 IU, n=27; group 3, 500 IU, n= 25), group 4 (n=19) was injected with 1 ml normal saline solution and as served control group at time of sponge removal. The interval between the withdrawal of the sponges and estrus was observed 40.82±1.21 h, 40.20±1.14 h, 38.7±1.07 h and 41.79±1.72 h in groups 1, 2, 3 and the control group, respectively. Estrus responses were similar in all groups (group 1, 81.0%; group 2, 92.6%; group 3, 92.0%; control group, 73.78%). There were no statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatment groups and the control group for the onset of estrus or estrus response. The duration of estrus was shorter in group 1, compared to the control group (24.9±0.85 hr vs. 29.07±1.31hr), and that this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Pregnancy rates were 82.35%, 80.0%, 82.60% and 78.5% in groups 1, 2, 3 and the control group, respectively. Lambing rates were obtained 100.0% among all the groups, or litter size (1.07 to 1.21) did not differ between the treatment groups and the control group. As a result, different doses of PMSG in Awassi ewes synchronized with progesterone during the transition period had similar effect on estrus synchronization and fertility parameters.Öğe Diagnosis and treatment of aspergillosis in an ostrich flock(Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2011) İçen, Hasan; Işık, Nurettin; Alp, Simten Yeşilmen; Tuzcu, Mehmet; Sekin, ServetThis study consists of the clinical, microbiological and pathological findings, and the results of Amphoterisin B and Biostarter for supported treatment, of focal aspergillosis in a flock of ostriches. The clinical signs were listlessness, anorexia, diarrhoea, increased respiration, dyspnoea, and mucoid discharge from the nostrils. At post-mortem examination caseous nodules were observed in various organs. Histopathological examination of the lungs, air sacs and the pleural membrane showed in different sizes in different parts of necrosis in the center of the surrounding foreign body giant cells, epitheloid macrophages, lymphocytes and granulomas surrounded by a fibrous connective tissue. In treatment, Amphotericin B and Biostarter was given orally as a supported treatment. There were no sick birds after the treatment. As a conclusion, aspergillosis could be treated with amphotericin B and as a supported treatment Biostarter, especially in the early stages of the disease.Öğe POMC, iNOS, PGES, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of cyclic and pregnant mares(Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2011) Kurar, Ercan; Atlı, Mehmet Osman; Güzeloğlu, Aydın; Semacan, AhmetAlthough a number of diff erent clinical and laboratory methods are used, there is still need for a practical, reliable and economical diagnosis method for early pregnancy in mares. Objective was to provide a preliminary background for understanding immunological modifications at molecular level during early pregnancy in mare and thereby to allow development of a practical pregnancy test. Blood samples were collected from 10 pregnant and 4 cyclic mares on days of ovulation (d0), 4 and 8. Total RNA samples were isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cDNA synthesis was performed. Pregnancy dependent gene expression profiles of proopiomelanocortin (POMC), nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), prostaglandin E synthase (PGES), interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5 and IL-10 were evaluated at mRNA level using semiquantitative Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Data were analyzed by General Linear Model and possible diff erences between all mean factors were determined by Tukey’s analysis. No gene expressions were observed for PGES, IL-5 and iNOS in PMBCs. Expressions of POMC, IL-4 and IL-10 were not significant on d0, 4 and 8, which suggested that pregnancy or cyclic status had no eff ect on expression of these genes. Only, IL-10 mRNA expression was lower in pregnant mares than cyclic mares (P<0.05).Öğe Evaluation of refractometry methods for estimating passive immunity status in neonatal foals(Elsevier B.V., 2022) Akköse, Mehmet; Karabulut, Eren; Yılmaz, İsmail Ç.; Dik, Çağdaş; İnal, Şeref; Özbeyaz, Ceyhan; Çam, Mustafa; Çınar, Elif MerveThe objective of this cross-sectional study was to determine the accuracy of the digital Brix and serum total protein (TP) refractometers for estimating different passive immunity status in neonatal foals. In total, 18- to 40-h old purebred Arabian foals (n = 185) were used. Serum TP concentrations, total solid percentages and IgG concentrations were measured with a digital serum TP refractometer, digital Brix refractometer and the gold standard radial immunodiffusion (RID) assay, respectively. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the refractometer and RID assay results. A receiver operating characteristic analysis was used to select the optimal cut-offs for both refractometers. Test performance and agreement were evaluated using diagnostic test characteristics at optimal thresholds and areas under the ROC curve, and by calculating Cohen's kappa coefficient. The sensitivity and specificity of the digital Brix refractometer at optimal cut-offs (≤7.8%, ≤7.9%, ≤8.2%, ≤8.3%, ≤9.0%) were 100 and 69.3%; 100% and 68.5%; 70.5% and 71.0%; 88.3% and 85.5%; 88.1% and 76% to estimate RID-IgG of <400 mg/dL, <800 mg/dL, <1500 mg/dL, <2500 mg/dL and < 3000 mg/dL, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of the digital serum TP refractometer at optimal cut-off (≤4.6 g/dL, ≤4.6 g/dL, ≤4.8 g/dL, ≤5.0 g/dL, ≤5.4 g/dL) were 100 and 69.3%; 100% and 72.8%; 90% and 72.8%; 72.9% and 83.9%; 84.4% and 88% to estimate RID-IgG of <400 mg/dL, <800 mg/dL, <1500 mg/dL, <2500 mg/dL and < 3000 mg/dL, respectively. In conclusion, the refractometers showed a good potential as screening tools for the estimation of different IgG concentrations in neonatal foals.Öğe Protective role of lycopene on aflatoxin B1 induced changes sperm characteristics and testicular damages in rats(Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2010) Taş, Muzaffer; Saruhan, Berna Güney; Kurt, Doğan; Yokuş, Beran; Denli, MuzafferThe aim of this study was to investigate if lycopene could diminish the adverse effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on sperm characteristics, the testes, epididymis and oxidative stress in rats. A total of 28 adult male Wistar-Albino rats (8 weeks old weighing 180-220 g) were divided into four groups; Controls, lycopene treated rats (10 mg/kg BW, daily by gavage), AFB1 treated rats (2.5 mg/kg BW, single dose intra peritonal) and lycopene (10 mg/kg BW, daily by gavage) + AFB1 (2.5 mg/kg BW, single dose intra peritonal) treated rats. Traits of reproductive organs (testes and sperm characteristics, testicular histological findings and the testicular tissue oxidative status) were determined after 15 days of treatment. The sperm motility was significantly decreased while the rate of total abnormal sperms was significantly increased in rats treated with AFB1 alone compared to their levels in controls (P<0.001). The level of testes malondialdehyde (MDA) in rats treated with AFB1 was significantly higher than its level in controls (P<0.001). Treatment with AFB1 significantly decreased testes diameter and seminifer epithelium thickness (P<0.0001) when compared with the others. Similarly, the thickness of the germinative cell layer at seminifer tubul (ST) in rats treated with AFB1 was significantly smaller than controls. Treatment with lycopene significantly increased sperm motility (P<0.001) and alleviated the many negative effects of AFB1 on sperm characteristic and testicular damage in rats. In conclusion our results showed that consumption of 10 mg of lycopene/ BW given by gavage protected the rats to the toxicity of AFB1 when it is administrated as a single dose intraperitoneally.Öğe The effect of estrous cycle on oxidant and antioxidant parameters in dairy cows(Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2014) Aydilek, Nurettin; Varışlı, Ömer; Selek, Şahabettin; Korkmaz, Ömer; Atlı, Mehmet Osman; Taşkın, AbdullahReactive oxygen species have fundamental roles in reproductive functions. To comprehensively evaluate the relation between reactive oxygen species and infertility, physiological variations across the estrous cycle in healthy cows have to be known. For this purpose 25 healthy multiparous Holstein dairy cows having regular estrous cycles were used. The estrous cycles were synchronized by ovsynch protocol. Oxidant [lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI)], antioxidant parameters [total antioxidant status (TAS), total free sulfhydryl groups (SH), ceruloplasmin (CP), paraoxonase-1 (PON1), arylesterase (ARE), uric acid (UA)], lipid profile and progesterone levels were assayed at estrus, metestrus, diestrus and proestrus stages of the estrous cycle in the plasma samples. The plasma levels of oxidant (LOOH, TOS and OSI) and antioxidant (TAS, SH and UA) parameters were significantly decreased during the luteal phase compared to the follicular phase (at proestrus and at estrus) of the estrous cycle. There was also a significant positive correlation between TAS and TOS. The activity of PON1 and ARE significantly increased only at diestrus. Levels of high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol elevated during the follicular phase (estrus) and declined during the luteal phase. In conclusion, oxidant/antioxidant status and lipid profile were affected by cyclic changes. Moreover, antioxidant defense system showed adaptive response to increased oxidative activities by occurring parallel increases and it may indicate that there is a dynamic balance between oxidant and antioxidant status during the estrous cycle in healthy cows.Öğe İnfeksiyöz trakeabronşitisli köpeklerde transtrakeal yıkama yöntemi ile etiyolojik ajanların belirlenmesi, prognostik kriterler ve sağaltım seçenekleri(Fırat Üniversitesi, 2017) Koçhan, Akın; İçen, Hasan; Alp, Simten YeşilmenBu araştırmada köpeklerde infeksiyöz trakeabronşitisin (İTB) etiyolojisinde rol oynayan ajanların belirlenmesi ve sağaltım prensiplerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini Diyarbakır Büyükşehir Belediyesi Hayvan Bakımevinde bulunan veya getirilen ve klinik olarak öksürük, çift taraflı nasal akıntılar, çift taraflı gözyaşı, iştahsızlık, halsizlik gibi semptomları gösteren 40 hasta ve 10 sağlıklı köpek seçildi. Hematolojik incelemede lenfosit, monosit parametrelerindeki artış ve MCV değerinde düşüşün, biyokimyasal incelemede ise Blood üre nitrojen, kreatinin, demir konsantrasyonlarındaki düşüşün ve fosfor konsantrasyonundaki artışın istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu (P<0.05) görüldü. Mikrobiyolojik analizlerde İTB’nin etiyolojisinde; Bordetella bronchiseptica, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Pseudomonas luteola, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Raoultella ornithinolytica, Raoultella planticola, Pantoa aglemerans, Seriata plymutica, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Streptococcus canis, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, Staphylococcus intermedius ve Staphylococcus aureus bakterileri ve Canine parainfluenza ile Canine distamper virusu’da tespit edildi. Antibiyogram sonuçları ve klinik bulgular göz önüne alınarak yapılan sağaltımda trimetoprim/sulfadoksin uygulanan 11 hastanın 11 (%100)’nin, amoksisilin/klavulanik asit grubunda ise 17 hastadan 13 (%77)’nün, enrofloksasin yapılan 9 hastadan 6 (%67)’sının, gentamisinin uygulanan hastalardan ise 3 taneden 2 (%67)’sinin sağaltıma cevap verdiği görüldü. Sonuç olarak; Diyarbakırda İTB’nin yaygın olduğu, etiyolosinde B. brochioseptica, S. canis, K. pneumonia ve P. aeroginosa, CPIV ile CDV gibi bakteriyel ve viral ajanların rol aldıkları, sağaltımında trimetorim/sulfodoksin ve amoksisillin/klavulanik asitin etkili antibakteriyel ajanlar oldukları saptandı
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