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Öğe Level of hesitation of parents about childhood vaccines and affecting factors: a cross-sectional study in Turkey(BioMed Central Ltd, 2024) Değer, Vasfiye Bayram; Yiğitalp, GülhanBackground: Hesitancy rates for childhood vaccines are increasing on a global scale. It was reported in previous studies that many factors affect vaccine hesitancy. The present study was designed to determine the prevalence of childhood vaccination hesitancy in parents and to determine the factors affecting it. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 350 parents who had at least one child aged two years and younger, who applied to Family Health Centers in the city of Mardin in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, between January and March 2022. The “Parental Attitudes Towards Childhood Vaccines (PATCV) Questionnaire” was used to collect the data, which were analyzed by using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 22.0 program. The Logistic Regression Analysis was used to determine the factors affecting parental attitudes toward childhood vaccines. Results: A total of 32.0% of the parents were found to be hesitant about vaccinations and 3.4% did not have at least one vaccination for their children. Significant relationships were detected between income status, education status, thoughts about vaccinations, parents having adult vaccinations, hesitant to have self-vaccination, considering vaccine necessary, and parental attitudes towards childhood vaccinations (p < 0.05). According to the Regression Analysis, parents who had adult vaccinations had reduced hesitation about childhood vaccines 0.506 times (p = 0.032; OR = 0.506; 95%CI = 0.271–0.943). Considering the vaccine necessary reduced the hesitation about childhood vaccines by 0.440 times (p = 0.011; OR = 0.440; 95%CI = 0.234–0.828). Conclusions: The hesitations of parents about childhood vaccines were found to be high. The reasons for vaccine hesitancy must be examined in detail and strategies must be developed in this regard.Öğe The effect of breathing and relaxation exercises training on psychological well-being and sleep quality in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia: A randomized controlled study(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2024) Üşenmez, Tülay Yıldırım; Budak, Funda KavakThis study was conducted to determine the effect of breathing and relaxation exercises training on psychological wellbeing and sleep quality in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. This study was conducted at a community mental health center between October 2022 and April 2023 as a randomized controlled study with a pretest-posttest control group. The study's participants were 64 individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia (31 in the experimental group and 33 in the control group). The Descriptive Characteristics Form, the Psychological Well-being Scale, and the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index were used to collect data. The individuals in the experimental group underwent 6 sessions of breathing and relaxation exercises training in the form of group training, and no training was applied to the individuals in the control group. It was determined that the individuals in the experimental group had an increase in the total mean score of psychological well-being and a decrease in the total mean score of sleep quality after breathing and relaxation exercise training. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between the posttest psychological wellbeing and sleep quality total mean scores of the experimental and control groups (P < .05). It can be said that breathing and relaxation exercises training can be used as an effective intervention to increase the psychological well-being and sleep quality of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and can be used in addition to pharmacological treatment.Öğe Child delirium assessment scale: Validity and reliability study(Kare Publishing, 2024) Turan, Engin; Manav, Gülay; Baran, GülbeyazObjectives: This study aims to develop the child delirium assessment scale to determine the factor structure and to determine its validity and reliability. Methods: The sample of the methodological type study consists of 105 children who were admitted to the third-level pediatric intensive care unit of a public hospital in a province in eastern Türkiye between February and May 2019 and met the inclusion criteria. Content and construct validity and reliability analyses of the items created using the Delphi technique were performed. Results: In the exploratory factor analysis of 28 items obtained with the Delphi technique, a one-dimensional structure consisting of 28 items explaining 49.99% of the total variance was obtained. In confirmatory factor analysis, it was determined that the scale structure had sufficient fit indices. The Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.96, and the test half value was 0.91. There was a strong correlation between them and the Cornell Pediatric Delirium Scale used as a parallel test (r=0.957, p<0.05). Conclusion: This study determined that the child delirium assessment scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool for nurses in determining delirium in children hospitalized in the intensive care unit.Öğe Considering the attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccine, the levels of vaccine hesitancy among Family Healthcare Center (FHC) employees: A cross-sectional study(Hindawi Limited, 2024) Deǧer, Vasfiye Bayram; Yiǧitalp, GülhanAim. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine, the extent of vaccine hesitancy, and the factors influencing the Family Healthcare Center staff who are responsible for delivering primary healthcare services. Methods. The research, which employed a cross-sectional design, was carried out with a sample of 102 healthcare professionals employed at family healthcare centers located in the city center. The study data were collected using three instruments: the "Personal Information Form,"the "Vaccination Hesitancy in Pandemic Scale,"and the "Attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccine Scale."Results. A total of 13.7% of the participants said that they were hesitant about having themselves vaccinated. The mean total score of vaccine hesitancy in the pandemic was found to be 22.760 ± 8.323, and the attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccine was 3.640 ± 0.831. A negative and weak relation was detected between the total score of vaccine hesitancy and the total score of attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccine in the pandemic. It was also found that the situation of considering the vaccine as partially necessary increases the vaccine hesitancy in the pandemic and the decrease in the degree of considering the childhood vaccines as necessary decreases the attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccine. Discussion. Despite the relatively low prevalence of vaccination hesitancy among healthcare workers, it remains a noteworthy concern. It is imperative to conduct a thorough investigation into the various factors that contribute to vaccine hesitancy and the attitudes held by healthcare professionals, with a particular focus on those factors having a negative impact.Öğe Child sexual abuse knowledge and attitudes of Syrian refugee parents and related factors(W.B. Saunders, 2024) Gümüş, Funda; Duman, Mesude; Dolu, RozaBackground: Child sexual abuse is an important health problem that disrupts the physical and mental health of children. In order to protect children from abuse, the knowledge and attitude levels of their families need to be increased. Purpose: This study was to determine the knowledge and attitude levels of Syrian refugee parents regarding child sexual abuse who lived in Turkey. Design and methods: The study was carried out using a cross-sectional, descriptive, relationship-seeking design. A personal information form and the Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge/Attitude Scale for Parents (CSAKAS) were used. Results: In the study, the mean age of the participants was 33.0 ± 8.2; 74.7% were women; 93.7%. It was also found that the mean scores of the participants regarding such sub-dimensions of CSAKAS as myths/facts, belief, information, attitudes, services and reporting information and preventive attitudes differed statistically significantly with respect to their education level, income level, family type, employment status and having a disabled child (p < 0,05). Conclusion: Based on the results, it could be stated that the parents who were university graduates, who had good levels of perceived income, who had a nuclear family, who were employed and who had disabled children had better levels of knowledge and attitude regarding child sexual abuse, and it could also be stated that the participants had moderate levels of knowledge and attitudes regarding child sexual abuse. Practice implications: This study shows that pediatric nurses can play an important role in protecting, developing and improving the physical and mental health of children by increasing the knowledge and attitude levels of families in order to prevent child sexual abuse.Öğe The effect of virtual rainforest and a white noise mobile application on satisfaction, tolerance, comfort, and vital signs during arthroscopy(Churchill Livingstone, 2024) Genç, Hasan; Tanrıverdi, Seher; Akar, Mehmet SaitBackground and purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Virtual Rainforest (VRF) and a White Noise (WN) mobile applications on patient satisfaction, tolerance, comfort, and vital signs during arthroscopic knee surgery. Methods: This is a randomized, controlled, interventional study. The study was completed with a total of 93 participants, 31 in the VRF group, 31 in the WN group, and 31 in the control group. Data were collected using a Patient Information Form and a Visual Analog Scale for satisfaction, tolerance, and comfort. Results: The results of study showed that there were significant increases in tolerance, satisfaction, comfort, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation levels and significant decreases in heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures in both VRF and WN groups (p < .05). In the control group, no significant difference was found between the means of the variables before and after the procedure (p > .05). Conclusion: According to the results of the study, VRF and WN applied during the arthroscopy procedure increased satisfaction, tolerance, and comfort in patients and had a positive effect on vital signs. Trial and protocol registration:, NCT05992714.Öğe The effect of health literacy and self-efficacy levels of Syrian refugee university students on quality of life(Springer Nature, 2024) Apak, Hıdır; Yiğitalp, Gülhan; Tatlıcıoğlu, OktayAim: According to studies, self-efficacy and health literacy impact Syrian refugees’ quality of life. However, it is unclear how these factors influence quality of life for Syrian university students. This study aims to determine health literacy, self-efficacy, and quality of life for Syrian refugee students and investigate how health literacy and self-efficacy affect quality of life. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 330 Syrian undergraduate students studying at Mardin Artuklu University in Turkey between February and May 2022. The Socio-demographic Information Form, Health Literacy Scale (HU-SOY), and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) Scale were used in this study as data collection instruments and all scales were administered in Arabic. The data were analyzed with t-tests, ANOVA tests, correlation, and multiple linear regression. Results: A significant positive correlation was found between health literacy, self-efficacy, and quality of life (p < 0.05). Self-efficacy (? =.335, t 324 = 6.65, p <.001) and perception of general health status (? =.255, t 324 = 5.075, p <.001) predicted quality of life. Conclusions: It is concluded that Syrian university students’ quality of life might be improved by increasing their health literacy, self-efficacy, and perception of health.Öğe Determination of body image and self-efficacy levels in patients after cornea transplantation(Elsevier Espana S.L.U, 2024) Genç, Hasan; Tanrıverdi, Seher; Şen, Mehmet AliPurpose: The study aimed to determine body image and levels after surgery in cornea transplant patients. Materials and methods: The population of this cross-sectional study was composed of 383 patients presented to the Eye Bank unit of a University Hospital after corneal transplantation. Sample size of 193 patients was calculated with 0.5 power, a margin of error of 5%, representing 95% of the universe. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews with the patients by the researcher and the study was completed with 178 patients in September - November 2022. The data were collected using a Patient Information Form, the Body Image Scale, and the General Self-Efficacy Scale. Parametric tests, Pearson Correlation, Student's T-test, and One-Way Analysis of Variance tests were performed were used in the data analysis. Results: It was determined that the mean Body Image Scale score of the transplant patients participating in the study was 159.41 ± 36.99 and the mean Self-Efficacy Scale score was 30.37±8.31. When the comparison of the mean scores was examined, the difference between the mean scores of gender, marital status, occupation, and body image scale was statistically significant (P < .05), while the difference between the self-efficacy mean scores was not statistically significant (P > .05). There was a positive, moderately strong significant relationship between body image and the self-efficacy of the patients (P < .01) (r = .57) Conclusion: It was found that the patient's body image and self-efficacy levels were high, and self-efficacy increased as the body image increased.Öğe Factors affecting smoking status of nursing students and their addiction levels(Aves Yayıncılık, 2015) Yiğitalp, GülhanAMAÇ: Bu çalışma Dicle Üniversitesi Atatürk Sağlık Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin sigara kullanma alışkanlıkları ve etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Kesitsel olarak planlanan bu çalışma 15- 19 Nisan 2013 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklem seçimi yapılmamış tüm evrene ulaşılması hedeflenmiştir. Yüksekokula kayıtlı 400 öğrencinin 326’sına (%81,5) ulaşılabilmiştir. Verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacının hazırladığı anket formu ve bağımlılık durumlarını ortaya koymak amacıyla Fagerström Nikotin Bağımlılık Testi (FNBT) uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde yüzde hesaplamaları, değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek için ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. BULGULAR: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 21,4±2,3’tür ve %12,3’ü halen sigara içmekte, %4,0’ü bırakmıştır. Halen sigara içen öğrencilerin %21,9’unun erkek %3,5’inin kız olduğu belirlenmiştir. %67,5’i sigarayı bırakmayı denemiş, %72,5’i ileride sigarayı bırakmayı düşündüğünü belirtmiştir. Öğrencilerin %47,5’inin 11- 20 adet sigara içtikleri görülmüştür. Halen sigara içen ve bırakan öğrencilerin %47,2’si 10-15 yaşta sigaraya başlamıştır. Başlama nedeni olarak, %50,9’u stres, sıkıntı, üzüntü nedeniyle, %35,8’i arkadaş etkisiyle başladıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Yaş, cinsiyet, sınıf, yakın arkadaş arasında sigara içenlerin olması ile sigara içme arasında anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Öğrencilerin %35,0’inin yüksek düzeyde bağımlı oldukları belirlenmiştir. SONUÇ: Gençler arasında sigara içme yaygınlığı yüksektir. Sigara içme yaygınlığını azaltmak için öğrencilerin sigaraya başlama nedenlerinin tespit edilip bunlara yönelik önlemlerin üniversite öncesi dönemde başlanıp üniversite döneminde devam etmesi uygun olacaktır.Öğe The effect of spirituality on psychological resilience in women with breast cancer who have received chemotherapy: A cross-sectional study from Turkey(Springer, 2023) Üşenmez, Tülay Yıldırım; Öner, Uğur; Şanlı, Mehmet Emin; Dinçel, MahmutSpirituality involves all of the internal resources of the individual, including religion, the desire to live, and a commitment to life. This study was conducted to determine the effect of spirituality on psychological resilience in women with breast cancer who have received chemotherapy. The study was conducted in a chemotherapy unit between April and June 2022. The sample size of the current cross-sectional study consisted of 85 women who have received chemotherapy. For the measuring of spirituality and psychological resilience, the Spirituality Scale (SS) and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), respectively, were completed. In the current study, it was determined that there was a positive weak correlation between the mean SS total score and the mean BRS total score (r = 0.471, p < 0.05). In addition, among women with breast cancer who have received chemotherapy, spirituality accounted for 22% of the variance in psychological resilience (R2 = 0.22, p < 0.05). It can also be said that the level of spirituality of women may positively affect their psychological resilience.Öğe The effect of Covid-19 phobia on work stress and psychological resilience of nurses exposed to surgical smoke in the operating room(Effect Yayıncılık, 23.09.2022) Kapıkıran, Gürkan; Cici, Remziye; Topdemir, Esra AnuşThe purpose of the study is to determine the effect of Covid-19 Phobia on the work stress and psychological resilience of nurses exposed to surgical smoke in the operating room emergency surgical interventions. This study was designed as descriptive and correlational research, and it was conducted with 160 nurses working in the operating room units of three different hospitals in Türkiye between the dates of August 2020 and May 2021. The work stress scale, brief resilience scale, and Covid-19 phobia scale (C19P-S) were used for data collection. It was determined that the mean work stress score of the nurses was high with a score of 40.11±4.91, the mean score for psycho logical resilience was moderate with a score of 15.00±3.95, and the mean score for C19P-S was high with a score of 71.58±15.45. There was a significant negative strong (r: -.706) correlation found between Covid-19 phobia and psychological resilience. It was found that there was a positive moderate significant correlation (r: .589) between Covid-19 phobia and work stress (p<0.05). Covid-19 phobia was determined high for nurses exposed to surgical smoke, Covid-19 phobia increased work stress for nurses and negatively affected their psychological resilience level.Öğe Experiences of nurses diagnosed with COVID-19 and recovered: A qualitative research(Wiley, 30.09.2022) Ozan, Yeter Durgun; Çiçek, Özlem; Topdemir, Esra AnuşAim:This study aimed to explain the feelings and experiences of nurses who survivedCOVID-19 in their care and recovery processes, based on Watson’s theory of humancaring. Background:The COVID-19 pandemic was an extraordinary time when nurses bothtook care of their patients and dealt with their illness by catching the disease them-selves. In this process, nurses who contracted the disease experienced the fear oftransmitting the disease to their relatives. Method:A qualitative descriptive research design was used in this study. The sampleconsists of 15 nurses selected by the convenience sampling method and diagnosedwith COVID-19 and recovered. The data were collected in face-to-face interviewsusing the individual in-depth interview method through a semi-structured interviewform. A thematic analysis was performed on the data according to the 10 carativefactors of Watson’s theory of human caring. Results:It was determined that the spiritual and professional difficulties experiencedby nurses who recovered from COVID-19 during the disease and symptom manage-ment process were the fear of death, infecting their family members and losing them,and the importance of life. Conclusion:It is considered that care practices based on Watson’s theory of humancaring will be beneficial in the management of these processes. Implications for Nursing Management:Nurses diagnosed with COVID-19 should besupported by the nursing management during their illness so that their negativeexperiences will not be repeated. Watson’s theory of human caring can help elimi-nate this sense of fear and loss.Öğe Examining the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic process on nurses and society’s perception of the nursing image(Tıbbi Kayıtlar Derneği, 18.09.2023) Sürücü, Hamdiye Arda; Topdemir, Esra Anuş; Duman, Mesude; Baksi, AltunAim: The purpose of this study was to conduct comparative examination of the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic process on the nursing image perceptions of nurses and individuals forming the society. Material and Methods: This study was carried out using the cross-sectional descriptive research design. The study was conducted online between November 2020 and June 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic process. The research sample consisted of 710 people, and the data were collected with the Personal Identification Form and the Nursing Image Scale. Results: The nurses' nursing image scale total score was found to be statistically significantly higher than the scores of the individuals representing the society (p<0.05). On the other hand, it was found that when compared to nurses, individuals representing the society considered nursing more to be a profession and that the pandemic had positively changed nurses’ perspective on the nursing profession. In addition, according to the results, the pandemic made the nursing profession visible, and the awareness of the place of the nursing profession in the society increased due to the pandemic. Moreover, the results also showed that nurses considered themselves to be an important member of the health staff as they were always in the field with their caregiver roles (p<0.05). Conclusions: The nursing image mean scores of the nurses and those of the individuals representing the society were found to be highly positive compared to the pre-pandemic period. In the study, it was revealed that the way the nurses did their job professionally was perceived by the society with the COVID-19 pandemic process and that with this rising awareness, the society’s perception of the nursing image increased positively. It is recommended that researchers conduct studies on how to further develop the perception of nursing professional image through social media.Öğe The relationship between nursing students' health perceptions and health-seeking behaviors(Rojan Gümüş, 29.02.2024) Topdemir, Esra Anuş; Sungur, Meltem; Köleoğlu, Şerife; Genç, Zeliha BüyükbayramExamine the effect of health perception on the health-seeking behaviors of nursing students. This descriptive-correlational study was made with a sample of 314 undergraduate nursing students. The Personal Introduction Form, Health Perception Scale, and Health-Seeking Behavior Scale were used to gather data. Kolmogorov Smirnov normality testing and Q-Q graphs were used to evaluate the data's normal distribution. Descriptive statistics, independent group t-tests, one-way variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis, and Pearson Correlation analysis were used. Additionally, the Dunn-Bonferroni and Tukey tests were used. According to the students' overall health status, between the mean Accuracy sub-dimension scores, a significant difference was found (p<0.05). According to the students' overall health status, the mean scores for self-awareness and general health perception were significant (p< 0.05). According to the students' overall health status, the mean scores for the sub-dimensions of professional health-seeking behavior were significant (p<0.05). According to the students' initial actions when they or a member of their family became ill, between the mean scores of the self-awareness behavior sub-dimension there was a significant difference (p<0.05). According to the student's initial response when they became ill, the difference between the mean scores of the sub-dimension of online health-seeking behavior was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). According to the students' first response when they became ill, it was discovered that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of the conventional health-seeking behavior sub-dimension (p<0.05). There was a weak positive correlation between the mean scores of the Health Perception Scale and the Health-Seeking Behaviour Scale and the level of health-seeking behavior increased as the health perception of the students increased. In this direction, it was seen that students' health perception was effective in health-seeking behaviors.Öğe Eating behavior, nutritional status, and taste perception alteration in children with cancer(Wolters Kluwer, 2024) Fıstıkçı, Yasemin; Kocamaz, Elif BilsinThe aim of this study was to investigate eating behavior, nutritional status, and taste alterations in children with cancer. The population of the study consisted of children 8 to 18 years of age and their parents who were followed up and received chemotherapy in the pediatric hematology and oncology clinic and outpatient clinic of a University Faculty of Medicine Oncology Hospital. Data were collected using the Child Identification Form, the Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ), the Taste Alteration Scale for Children Receiving Chemotherapy (TAC-TAS), and the Subjective Total Taste Acuity Scale (STTA). Body Mass Index (BMI) Z score was between −2 and +2 (normal) in 92.5% of the children and below ≤−2 (malnutrition) in 7.5%. The mean CEBQ subdimensions scores were food craving 12.48±5.36, emotional overeating 5.28±1.45, enjoyment of food 16.83±5.41, passion for drinking 9.72±5.13, satiety enthusiasm 22.93±6.65, slow eating 9.81±4.95, emotional undereating 16.38±4.41, and food selectivity 10.72±2.86, and the mean total TAC-TAS score was 8.66±10.22. A negative, moderate correlation was determined between food craving and enjoyment of food and taste alteration, with food craving and enjoyment decreasing as food alteration increased. A positive moderate correlation was observed between slow eating and taste alteration, with eating slowing down as taste alteration increased.Öğe The effects of sleep hygiene education and reflexology on sleep quality and fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy(Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2019) Zengin, Leyla; Aylaz, RukuyeIntroduction: This study was conducted to determine the effects of sleep hygiene education and reflexology on sleep quality and fatigue in the patients receiving chemotherapy. Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 167 patients (84 in the experimental and 83 in the control group). The data were collected between October 2016 and November 2017 using an Introductory Information Form, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Results: The mean -test score from the PSQI was 5.5 ± 2.1 for the experimental group and 13 ± 2.4 for the control group. The mean post- test score from the FSS was 22.6 ± 1.9 for the experimental group and 41.0 ± 4.2 for the control group. The difference between the mean scores of the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The patients receiving chemotherapy had lower mean scores from the PSQI and the FSS while they had increased sleep quality and decreased fatigue after sleep hygiene education and reflexology.Öğe Social physique anxiety levels and influential factors in women who have aesthetic surgery(Ortadoğu Reklam Tanıtım Yayıncılık, 2017) Derya, Yeşim Aksoy; Taşhan, Sermin Timur; Duman, Mesude; Nacar, GülçinThis study aimed to investigate social physique anxiety levels and influential factors in women who have aesthetic surgery. Material and Methods: The study sample included 289 women who underwent aesthetic surgery. Results: The average period of time that women had considered aesthetic surgery was 38.91 ± 3.73/months. The first trait that participants hoped to gain with aesthetic surgery was "being more relaxed and confident" (69.2%). The women who learned about the aesthetic surgery they had from the media (e.g. TV, newspapers), and said that the people around them "judged/condemned" them for having aesthetic surgery, obtained higher total mean scores on the "Social Physique Anxiety Scale" than the other women (p< .05). Conclusion: The study also found that the waiting period for the aesthetic surgery was long, the women were mainly affected by their social environment and the media, and those who had negative feedback from their social environment had higher social physique anxiety. It is recommended to investigate aesthetic surgical operations in large sample groups including frequent genital aesthetic surgery such as labioplasty and vaginoplasty.Öğe The effect of internalized stigmatization on care burden in adolescent psychiatric patients and their parents(Frontiers Media SA, 2023) Gümüş, Funda; Kaçan, HavvaIntroduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of internalized stigma perceived by adolescents with mental disorders and their families, on the burden of care on their families. Methods: The study was conducted in a descriptive and correlational desing with adolescents and their parents who applied to the child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic between March 1 and June 1, 2022. A total 101 adolescents and 101 parents who met the sampling criteria and agreed to participate in the study. Only 1 parent per adolescent was included in the study. Results: It was found that the mean age of the adolescents was 15.05 ± (1.80), 57.4% were female and 56.4% were secondary school graduates, and 26.7% of the adolescents, all of whom were unemployed, were diagnosed with a mood disorder, 50.5% had received outpatient treatment previously, and 22.8% had chronic diseases. It was found that the mean age of the parents who participated in the study was 45.53 ± (6.48), 77.1% were female and 28.7% were secondary school graduates. Also, 22.8% of the parents had a chronic disease, 28.7% had a chronic disease in their family and 32.7% had another family member in need of care, and 17.0% of the parents had received training on mental disorders previously. It was found that the parents’ total means ZBI score was 42.74 ± (11.92). When the ZBI total scores were examined in terms of sociodemographic variables, no significant differences were found between the groups according to the variables. There was only a weak, positive and significant relationship between the age of the parents and in the present study, it was found that adolescents with mental disorders and their families experienced internalized stigmatization and this stigmatization increased the care burden on parents. Discussion: Mental health and psychiatric nurses can facilitate this population’s access to treatment by planning and implementing psychosocial interventions to reduce the internalized stigma of children and adolescents and their families.Öğe The effect of guided imagery on postoperative pain management in patients undergoing lower extremity surgical operations: A randomized controlled trial(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2023) Aydın, Leyla Zengin; Doğan, AyselGuided imagery distracts patients from disturbing feelings and thoughts, positively affects emotional well-being, and reduces pain by producing pleasing mental images. This study aimed to determine the effects of guided imagery on postoperative pain management in patients undergoing lower extremity surgery. This randomized controlled study was conducted between April 2018 and May 2019. This study included 60 patients who underwent lower extremity surgery. After using guided imagery, the posttest mean Visual Analog Scale score of patients in the intervention group was found to be 2.56 (1.00 ± 6.00), whereas the posttest mean score of patients in the control group was 4.10 (3.00 ± 6.00), and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p <.001). Guided imagery reduces short-term postoperative pain after lower extremity surgery.Öğe Juvenile brides: Domestic violence in pregnancy(Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2017) Baran, Gülbeyaz; Gümüş, FundaBackground: Juvenile marriage is a violation of human rights. Previous studies state that female children are both subjected to more problems compared to male children and are at more risk in terms of mortality and morbidity. Violence towards woman is a universal problem that iscommonin every culture and society in the world. It has been reported that domestic violence is higher in juvenile marriages and that it continues during pregnancy. However, there was no study in the literature that researched domestic violence towards married juveniles who are pregnant. Objectives: To assess situation regarding domestic violence towards married pregnant juveniles. Methods: This research was conducted a sectional, descriptive study. The population of the research was formed of females who were pregnant, between the ages of 10 and 19 between January and July 2016, and had married as juveniles. The population of the research consisted of pregnant girls who were between the ages of 10 and 19 between January and July 2016 and who had entered into a juvenile marriage. We planned to reach the entire population without sampling in this study. The research was formed of 79 pregnant juvenile brides in total; (n = 54) registered in twenty family health centers (ASM’s) in the Yenisehir, Kayapinar, Baglar and Sur provinces of Diyarbakir and (n = 25) of them were not registered. percentages, averages, the Fisher exact test and Pearson chi-square tests were used in the analysis of the data. Results: The average age of the pregnant married girls/adolescents who were included within the research was 17.86 ± 1.00. It was found that 26.0% of the pregnant juveniles had been subjected to violence during their pregnancy. They stated that they were subjected, respectively, to verbal (51.9%), physical (26.6%), emotional (27.8%), sexual (11.4%) and economic (11.4%) violence. It was established that exposure to violence was affected by whether the marriage was involuntary or voluntary (P = 0.011) and whether they perceived their relationship status to be good or bad (P = 0.00). Conclusions: Nurses, who encounter individuals face-to-face more than other workers because of the very nature of their roles, have a significant responsibility in this regard.