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Öğe CATTLE AND SMALL RUMINANT BREEDING ACTIVITIES IN TURKEY(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2013) Tatar, Ali Murat; Tutkun, Muhittin; Sireli, Halit DenizIn recent years, due to the increasing global warming, food security is one of the world's biggest problems. Each country is willing to take under guarantee the safety of their food in order to feed the population. In order to realize this strategy, rather than increasing the number of animals in production to increase yield obtained per animal. The most effective and accurate way to increase productivity per animal is breeding. Breeding success depends on agricultural policies applied, in addition to the objectives to be accomplished. Breeding activities started with the republic in Turkey, but could not achieve the desired success. Herd book records belongs to species are collected by the cattle, sheep and goat breeders associations. Type of pedigree cattle records history dates back to 1995. Projects carried out jointly by Turkey, Germany and Italy began pedigree studies resulted in the establishment of Cattle Breeders' Association. By means of this associations, breeding activities have gained momentum and National Breeding Program was started in 1999, Cattle Breeders' Association of Turkey, in partnership with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. In this program, pre-herdbook and herdbook records are kept by the Association and, Progeny Testing System are applied in conditions of the country. Organizational model in small ruminants are applied similar to cattle, however keeping herdbook records and breeding activities are implemented at the beginning stage yet. In this study, animal breeding applications in Turkey are evaluated generally.Öğe COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE AND EGG QUALITY OF LAYING HENS IN ENRICHED CAGES AND FREE-RANGE SYSTEMS(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2016) Denli, Muzaffer; Bukun, Bekir; Tutkun, MuhittinEnriched battery cages and free-range as an alternative raising systems are intended to improve welfare of hens. Comparison of the productivity performance and egg quality of laying hens housed in two different systems regarding the welfare of laying hens was the objective of the study. A totally, eight hundred 19-wkold Lohmann Brown hens were housed in enriched cages (n= 400; 16 cages; 25 hens per cage) and in freerange system (n= 400) to 50 wk of age. Hen-day egg production, feed intake, feed efficiency were measured at 30, 40 and 50 wk. In both rearing systems, eggs were recorded for 2-wk intervals between 30 and 50 wk of age to measure egg quality parameters. Hen-egg production was significantly higher in enriched cages than free range system throughout the experiment (P< 0.05). Hens raised in free-range system had greater egg weight, egg shell thickness and dirty eggs than in enriched cages (P< 0.05). In addition, the feed intake and feed efficiency were higher in the free-range raising system than in the enriched cages at 30 wk. However, the heights and width of egg albumen and yolk were not affected by the raising systems (P> 0.05). Based on the results the interior egg quality parameters appear to have similar for hens kept in both rearing systems. However, the higher proportion of dirty eggs for hens raised in free-range system was the greatest problem and still needs to be considered.Öğe COMPARE THE PERFORMANCE AND EGG QUALITY OF TWO STRAINS OF LAYING HENS HOUSED IN FURNISHED CAGES(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2018) Denli, Muzaffer; Demirel, Ramazan; Tutkun, MuhittinThis study was carried out to compare indices of production and egg quality of two strains of laying hens (Lohmann Brown and Atak-S) housed in furnished cages. Lohmann Brown (LB) and Atak-S (AS) hens were housed in furnished cages (n= 700; 14 cages; 25 hens per cage; floor space 600 cm2/hen) from 18 to 50 wk. Furnished cages included nests, perches and sandbathes. The hen day egg production, feed intake and egg weight of LB hens were higher than AS hens at week 40 and 50 (P<0.05). The AS had a significantly higher body weight (2074.1 g and 1900.2 g respectively) and lower mortality rate (7.1% and 12.7 % respectively); than LB hen at week 50 (P<0.05). However, no significant differences on egg quality parameters were noticed between LB and AS hens throughout the experiment (P > 0.05). In conclusion, our results showed that strain selection is important for productivity of laying hens rearing in furnished cages. Furthermore it can be concluded that performance of LB hens was better than AS hens in furnished cages.Öğe Comparison of different lactation curve models to describe lactation curve in Awassi sheep raised in Turkey(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Tekel, Nihat; Şireli, Halit Deniz; Karataş, Ahmet; Vural, Mehmet Emin; Koncagul, S.; Tutkun, MuhittinThe study was carried out in the International GAP Agricultural Research and Training Centre (GATEA) between the years 2010-2014 in Diyarbakır, Turkey. The aims of this study were 1) to compare 8 different models (MG, Dhanoa, Nelder, Wood, CLD, and 2nd-, 3rd-and 4th-degree polynomial) used to describe the lactation curve for Awassi sheep by using 557 completed lactation milk yield records, and 2) to identify the suitable model. In addition, the most effects of birth season, parity, and birth type on the lactation milk yield and parameters on the identified model were investigated. As a result of this study, it was determined that the 4th-degree polynomial (POL4) model is the most suitable. In addition, it was found that all the factors, excluding birth type, have significant effects on the model parameters and lactation milk yield (P < 0.05). © 2019, ALÖKI Kft., Budapest, Hungary.Öğe Comparison of nonlinear functions using partial growth data at different lengths of growth period in awassi lambs(Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2021) Tekel, Nihat; Koncagul, Seyrani; Barıtcı, İlkay; Sireli, Halit Deniz; Tutkun, Muhittin; Eyduran, Ecevit; Tariq, Mohammad MasoodThe aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy in order to describe the growth of Awassi male lambs (n=120) at the age of 10 months. The coefficient of determination values estimated for Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were 0.9523, 0.6094, and 0.9428 R2 for the first-time interval (0-90 days of age), 0.9866, 0.9743 and 0.9797 R2 for the second time interval (0-180 days of age) and 0.9924, 0.9853 and 0.9902 R2 for the third time interval (0-300 days of age), respectively. Pearson correlation coefficients between the observed and predicted weight values of the Awassi lambs were found as 0.9417, 0.9255 and 0.9203 for 0-90 days of age, 0.9741, 0.9501 and 0.9634 for 0-180 days of age and 0.9824, 0.9765 and 0.9790, for 0-300 days of age, respectively. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were found to be useful models to describe the growth of Awassi lambs raised in Turkey. In conclusion, it could be suggested that the nonlinear functions might allow breeders to achieve remarkable information in practice in terms of determining managerial problems, slaughtering age, ideal feed amounts, and the studied breed’s growth standards.Öğe Determination of fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 hybrid male lambs(University of Punjab (new Campus), 2020) Tekel, Nihat; Baritci, Ilkay; Şireli, Halit Deniz; Tutkun, Muhittin; Eyduran, Ecevit; Tariq, Mohammad MasoodThe present study was conducted to investigate the fattening performance and carcass characteristics of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 crossbred male lambs. In the study, seven male lambs whose weaning weights were almost similar were included in the experiment. The lambs were weaned at 2 months of age. They were fed with ad libitum concentrated feed and 100 g/day wheat straw was given to each animal during the fattening period of 64 days. During the fattening period, it was determined that daily live weight gains in lambs were 0.278±0.019 kg and feed conversion ratio were 4.79. The average final live weight, cold carcass weight, dressing percentage, leg ratio, foreleg ratio, tail ratio and cooling loss of lambs were found as 33.62±0.968 kg, 14.91±0.627 kg, 44.67±0.008%, 33.76±0.326%, 18.94±0.468%, 4.98±0.467% and 4.99±0.135%, respectively. In conclusion, the present results indicated that daily live weight gain, feed efficiency and valuable carcass fractions of Awassi x (Romanov x Awassi) G1 crossbred male lambs were found similar to the corresponding values of Awassi breed.Öğe Diyarbakır damızlık sığır yetiştiricileri ve damızlık koyun keçi yetiştiricileri birliği özelinde hayvancılık destekleri hakkında üretici görüşlerinin belirlenmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018) Akın, Songül; Kara, Abdurrahman; Tutkun, MuhittinDünyadaki bütün ülkeler, tarımsal ürünlerin stratejik öneminden dolayı tarım sektörlerini herhangi birşekilde desteklemektedirler. Çünkü tarım yaşamın sürdürülmesinde stratejik bir sektördür. Tarım sektörünün gelişmesi ve sürdürülebilirliği için örgütlenme ve desteklemeler olmazsa olmazlar arasındadır. Tarımsal desteklemeler üretimde istikrar, kalitede iyileşme ve verimliliğin artırılması nedeniyle tarımsal gelirin artırılmasında önemli bir role sahiptir. Tarımsal destekler işletmelerin üretim ve gelir seviyelerinde önemli bir role sahip olmakla birlikte çeşitli üretim şubelerinde arz miktarına yansımada farklılıklar söz konusudur. Desteklenmelerin dağıtım şekli, türü ve üreticilerin bu desteklemelere ulaşabilmeleri nispetinde, başarısı da değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada Diyarbakır Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri (DSYB) ve Damızlık Koyun Keçi Yetiştiricileri Birliği’ne(DKKYB)üye 383 adetüye ve herhangi bir birliğe üye olmayan 379 hayvancılık yapan üreteciolmak üzere toplamda 765 üreticiden anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler, analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmayla, faydalanılan hayvancılık destekleri, hayvancılık destek ödemelerinde karşılaşılan sorunlar, hayvancılık destek ödemelerinin etkin olması için öneriler araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada DSYB’ne üye üreticilerin % 82.90’ı,DKKYB’ne üye üreticilerin % 92.61’i gelirlerinin artmasında birliğin bir rolünün olamadığı görüşünde oldukları tespit edilmiştir. AyrıcaDSYB, DKKYB’ne üye ve üye olmayan üreticilerin etkin bir destekleme için en önemli noktanın destek miktarlarının artırılması noktasında aynı önem derecesinde hem fikir oldukları görülmektedir.Öğe Diyarbakır ili süt sığırcılığı işletmelerindeki besleme uygulamaları(Ege Zootekni Derneği, 2014) Denli, Muzaffer; Tutkun, Muhittin; Sessiz, AbdullahBu çalışmada, Diyarbakır ili ve ilçelerinde süt sığırı işletmelerindeki hayvan besleme ve yem kaynaklarının kullanımı ile ilgili uygulamaların ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, Diyarbakır merkez ilçeler dâhil olmak üzere toplam 17 ilçede bulunan 25 baş ve üzeri toplam 192 adet sığırcılık işletmesi ziyaret edilerek, işletme sahipleriyle yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Hazırlanan anket sorularına işletme sahiplerinin vermiş olduğu cevaplar doğrultusunda işletmelerin % 27’sinin yem temininde sorun yaşadıkları gözlenmiştir. İşletmelerin % 65’inin kaba ve % 87’inin ise kesif yemini dışarıdan satın alarak temin ettikleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca işletmelerin sadece % 10'nun yem bitkisi yetiştirdiği belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerde kaba yem kaynağı olarak sırasıyla saman, kalitesiz kuru ot, silaj ve diğer yemlerin sırasıyla % 71, % 16, % 13 ve % 1 düzeyinde kullanıldığı saptanmıştır. Rasyon hazırlama teknikleri, beslenmeye bağlı hastalıklar ve yem kalitesi konularında çiftlik sahiplerinin büyük bir bölümünün (sırasıyla % 85, % 81 ve % 77) yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca üreticilerin % 56’sının hayvanları beslerken gruplandırma (süt verimi, laktasyon dönemi ve yaş) yapmadığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak işletme sahiplerinin yem üretimi ve kullanımı hakkında yetersiz bilgiye sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Hayvan besleme uygulamalarındaki ciddi hatalar ile bilinçsiz besleme uygulamalarının sonucunda işletmelerde ciddi düzeyde verim kayıplarının meydana geldiği saptanmıştır.Öğe Diyarbakır İli Süt Sığırcılığı İşletmelerinin Yapısal Durum Analizi(2017) Sessiz, Abdullah; Denli, Muzaffer; Tutkun, MuhittinBu araştırma, Diyarbakır ilinde faaliyet gösteren süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinin yapısalözelliklerinden, işletme bilgileri, bakım ve yetiştiricilik uygulamaları, üretim değerleri ilesüt ve süt ürünlerinin pazarlanması durumlarını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.Araştırma kapsamında, Diyarbakır merkez ilçeler dâhil olmak üzere toplam 17 ilçedebulunan 25 baş ve üzeri toplam 192 adet sığırcılık işletmesi ziyaret edilerek, işletmesahipleriyle yüz yüze görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlarına göre, yöredekiişletmelerin %90'ı aile işletmesi, %7'si kooperatif ve %3'ü ise büyük kapasitedekimodern oluşmaktadır. Mevcut sığır ırklarının %63'ü kültür ırkı, %25'ni kültür ırkımelezleri ve %12'si ise yerli ırklardan oluşmaktadır. İl genelinde işletmelerdeki hayvanvarlığını %59,7'sini inek, %11,8'si düve, %17,9'unu buzağı, % 8,2'sini dana ve %2,4'ünüboğa oluşturmaktadır. İşletme başına ortalama büyükbaş hayvan sayısı 46,7 baş veortalama sağmal inek sayısı ise 27,8 baş olarak hesaplanmıştır. Barınakların %3'ü açık,%8'i yarı-açık ve %89'u ise kapalı ahır olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerin %56'sınınarazi varlığı 50 dekarın altında bulunmuştur. İşletmelerin %92'sinin sığırcılıktan eldeettikleri gelirlerin yetersiz olduğunu, %86'sı ise sığırcılık yapmaktan memnunolmadıklarını beyan etmişlerdir. İşletmelerin sadece %23'ünün suni tohumlama yaptığıtespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerin %71'inde elle ve %29'unda makine ile sağım yapıldığı veüretilen sütün sadece %6'sının süt fabrikasına satıldığı saptanmıştır. Bu araştırmaDiyarbakır ili merkez ilçeye bağlı köy ve beldelerdeki sığır işletmeleri hakkında önemlibir veri tabanı oluşturması açısından önemli bir çalışmadır.Öğe ESTIMATES OF THE TRENDS COMPONENTS IN THE MILK YIELD OF HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN COWS(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2018) Tutkun, Muhittin; Yener, Sadik MetinThis study was carried out to estimate the trend components (the phenotypic, genetic and environmental trends) for 305-day milk yield in Holstein Friesian Cattle raised between the years 1989-2012 at the Ceylanpinar State Dairy Farm. In order to estimate the trend components 6165 lactation records of 2055 Holstein cows was analysed. It was found that the lactation period average was 313.23 +/- 28.47 days, the annual average lactation milk yield was 6197.88 +/- 1681.35 kg and adjusted 305-day lactation milk yield was found to be 6164.41 +/- 1713.90 kg. In order to estimate of genetic parameters, standardized milk yield according to 305-day lactation period (lactation 1, 2 and 3) were analysed primarily with repeated-measured animal models by using MTDFREML programs. According to the data obtained in the study, the lactation length, average lactation milk yield and average 305-days milk yield adjusted were calculated as 313.23 +/- 28.47 days, 6197.88 +/- 1681.35 kg and 6164.41 +/- 1713.90 kg, respectively. The phenotypic, environmental and genetic trends for 305-days milk yield were found to be -70.72 kg/year, -70.53 kg/year and -0.19 kg/year, respectively.Öğe Estimation of live weight of Holstein-Friesian bulls by using body linear measurements(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Tutkun, MuhittinThe objective of this study was to estimate the body weight of Holstein-Friesian cattle by using multiple regression analysis. Data were collected from 29 Holstein-Friesian bulls, whose live weight, body length (BL), height at withers, chest depth, heart girth (HG), shin circumference (SC), rump height, and back rump height were measured. There was a relationship between dependent and independent variables. The estimated multiple regression equation was -431.8 + 2.438 HG + 21.21 SC + 1.041 BL, with a determination coefficient of 0.9987 and a standard error of the estimate of 5.240.Öğe Evaluation of the support given to economic investments in Diyarbakir(Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015) Akın, Songül; Tutkun, Muhittin; Başbağ, Sema; Ekinci, RemziWith its agricultural potential and geographical position, Diyarbakir is a city appropriate to the development of agriculture and agricultural industry. Such a potential is certainly important, but putting this potential into effect is much more important. It is an undeniable fact that support and incentives provided by various corporates are influential on good use of this potential. The present study investigated the industrial distribution of the supports provided by various corporates in Diyarbakir between 2005 and 2012, the level of use of the subsidies, the problems experienced during the use of the subsidies, and the areas of activity intended to be primarily supported in future. This study was conducted with the help of Agricultural Investments Research and Development Project with the reference number of TRC-11-DFD applied by Diyarbakir Chamber of Commerce within the framework of the Direct Activity Support Program executed by Karacadağ Development Agency in 2011.Öğe Evaluation of the Support Given to Economic Investments in Diyarbakir(2015) Tutkun, Muhittin; Başbağ, Sema; Eren, Hanefi; Akın, Songül; Ekinci, RemziDiyarbakır tarımsal potansiyeli ve sahip olduğu coğrafi konum itibariyle, tarım ve tarıma dayalı sanayinin gelişmesine uygun bir ildir. Potansiyele sahip olmak oldukça önemlidir fakat bu potansiyelin harekete geçirilmesi daha çok önemlidir. Bu potansiyeli harekete geçirme noktasında çeşitli kurumların sağladıkları teşvik ve desteklerin etkili olduğu tartışılmaz bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmada, 2005-2012 yılları arasında Diyarbakır ilinde faaliyet gösteren çeşitli kuruluşların sağladıkları desteklerin sektörel dağılımları, desteklerden faydalanma düzeyleri, desteklemelerden faydalanmada yaşadıkları sorunlar ve bu sorunların dereceleri, gelecekte öncelikli olarak destelenmesi istenilen faaliyet alanları araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırma Karacadağ Kalkınma Ajansı tarafından yürütülen 2011 yılı Doğrudan Faaliyet Desteği Programı çerçevesinde, Diyarbakır Ticaret Borsası tarafından uygulanan TRC2-11- DFD referans numaralı Tarımsal Yatırımları Araştırma ve Geliştirme Projesi nden faydalanarak hazırlanmıştır.Öğe Growth curve prediction of holstein-fresian bulls using different non-linear model functions(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Tutkun, MuhittinThis study aimed to determine the best model to explain the variations in the live weight of Holstein bulls using non-linear function models such as Brody’s, Gompertz’s and Richards Logistic. For this purpose, live weight records of 51 Holstein Fresian male calves reared in Dicle University Cattle Research Farm were used. In order to estimate the best model, the coefficient of determination (R2) and the residual mean squares (RMS) statistics were utilized. The coefficient of determination (R2) for Gompertz’s, Richards Logistic and von Bertalanffy models were found to be 0.999, 0.999, 0.998 and 0.999 respectively. Residual mean squared were found to be 21.41, 16.82, 50.94 and 22.21, respectively. As a result, the Richards model used in the study was found to be the best fitted model based on RMS and R2 criteria. It is the more suitable model due to its accurate ability to predict mature weight, which is an important selection goalÖğe HEAT STRESS IN RUMINANTS(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2017) Sireli, Halit Deniz; Tutkun, Muhittin; Tatar, Ali Murat; Tuncer, Selcuk SeckinHeat stress is one of the most important environmental stressors that reduce productivity in animal breeding. The productivity of farm animals is significantly reduced due to temperature increases. As a result, significant economic losses occur during the summer months. Temperature humidity index developed according to air temperature and relative humidity relation is a widely used method for determining the effect of heat stress for domesticated animals. The ruminants entering the heat stress have lower feed consumption and consequently lower yields. This review was conducted to determine the effects of negative stressors on ruminants, to show how to reduce the effects of these factors, and to determine what the physiological changes due to temperature stress are.Öğe Koyunlarda kızgınlığı denetim altına almada koç etkisinden yararlanma ve koyun yetiştiriciliği açısından önemi(Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2013) Şireli, Halit Deniz; Tutkun, Muhittin; Tatar, Ali Murat; Tekel, NihatBu derlemede, koyun yetiştiriciliğinde kızgınlığın denetlenmesinde kullanılan koç etkisi yönteminin nasıl uygulandığı ve koyun yetiştiriciliği açısından önemini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Pek çok koyun ırkında kızgınlığın belli dönemlerde görülmesi, yani mevsime bağlı poliösrik hayvanlar olmaları nedeniyle, üreme dönemlerini en verimli şekilde geçirmeleri istenmektedir. Bunun için uygulanan iki yöntem vardır. Bunlar koç etkisi ve eksogen hormon kullanımıdır. Koyun yetiştiricileri için en ekonomik ve kolay olanı koç etkisinin kullanılmasıdır. Koç etkisinin kızgınlığın denetimi üzerine etkisi, koçların yapağılarında bulunan yağıltı ve idrarlarındaki feremonların etkisi ile koyunların üreme etkinliğini hem sinirsel hemde hormonal olarak uyarmaktadır. Bu yöntemde, koçlar koyunlardan görsel, ses ve koku almasını engellemek amacıyla 4 ile 6 hafta arasında en az 2 km uzaklıkta tutulduktan sonra tekrar sürüye katılır. Koçların sürüye katılmasından sonra koyunlarda Lutein Hormonu (LH) salınımında artış görülmekte ve koyunların önemli bir kısmında yumurtlama yani ovulasyon şekillenmektedir. Bu yöntemin yetiştirici koşullarında uygulanması, gerek pratik, gerekse ekonomik yönü dikkate alındığında hormon uygulamalarına alternatif bir yöntem olarak da düşünülebilir.Öğe Productivity and Egg Quality of Two Commercial Layer Hybrids Kept in Free-Range System(2018) Demirel, Ramazan; Denli, Muzaffer; Tutkun, MuhittinThe purpose of this study was to compare the performance and egg quality parameters of two layer hybrids (Lohmann Brown and Atak-S) which were reared in free-range system. The experiment was carried out with a total of 300 laying hens. From 18 to 50 weeks of age Lohmann Brown (LB) and Atak-S (AS) were housed in two groups of 150 hens in a poultry house with a stocking density of 7 hens/m2. The 2 trial groups were formed from 10 repetitions each consisting of 15 hens. At the 20, 30, 40 and 50 weeks of ages, the production performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated. Mean daily feed intake and feed efficiency through the trial were 111.2 g vs 124.3 g, and 2.46 vs 2.58 respectively for LB and AS hybrids (P<0.05). The AS had a significantly higher body weight (2.200.5 g and 2.022.2 g respectively) than LB hen age at 50 weeks (P<0.05). Mortality exhibited a similar pattern to that of laying performance. There was no significant difference concerning the egg production between two hybrids (P>0.05). However, egg weight was significantly higher in LB genotype than AS genotype (P<0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found between two hybrids in terms of egg quality characteristics throughout the experiment (P>0.05). In conclusion, our results showed that hybrid selection is important for productivity of laying hens rearing in free-range system.Öğe PRODUCTIVITY AND EGG QUALITY OF TWO HEN GENOTYPES KEPT IN FREE-RANGE SYSTEM(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2018) Tutkun, Muhittin; Denli, Muzaffer; Demirel, RamazanThe purpose of this study was to compare the performance and egg quality parameters of two hybrids of laying hens (Lohmann Brown and Atak-S) reared in free-range system. The experiment was carried out with a total of 300 laying hens. From 18 to 50 weeks of age Lohmann Brown (LB) and Atak-S (AS) were housed in two groups of 150 hens in a poultry house with a stocking density of 7 hens/m(2). Feed intake and feed conversion rate during the all laying period were 111.2 g vs 124.3 g, and 2.46 vs 2.58 respectively for LB and AS genotypes (P<0.05). The AS had a significantly higher body weight (2200.5 g and 2022.2 g respectively) than LB hen at week 50 (P<0.05). There was no a significant difference concerning the egg production between two genotypes (P>0.05). However, egg weight was significantly higher in LB genotype than AS genotype (P<0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found between two genotypes on egg quality characteristics throughout the experiment (P>0.05). In conclusion, our results showed that strain selection is important for productivity of laying hens rearing in free-range system.Öğe THE READ MEAT PRODUCTION IN TURKEY(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2017) Tutkun, MuhittinIn Turkey, red meat production is mainly provided from cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats, and although there is a significant potential in terms of the number of animals, yields obtained those animals are low. Bovine fattening in Turkey is mostly done with dairy, combined and indigenous breeds which is carcass weights are lower than those of the beef breeds. It is noteworthy red meat per capita consumption in Turkey is fairly below the world average (19 kg / year) with 13 kg / year. In Turkey, a total of 1.15 m tons of meat produced in 2015 was obtained from bovine animals (87.8%) and from small ruminants (12.2%). In Turkey, 12.9% of the cattle and 96% of the sheep population are composed of low-yielding domestic races (Anonymus, 2015). In livestock production is very low. In order to improve red meat production and average carcass yield, besides animal breeding activities, it is important to develop management and feeding conditions, minimize breeding and early age animal slaughter, to develop and maintain support policies for the enterprises engaged in fattening activities In this study, the present status of red meat production in Turkey and sitiuation of the last 10 years, the problems of red meat production and the recommendations for solution were presented.Öğe REASONS FOR CULLING AND REPLACEMENT RATE IN DAIRY CATTLE(Univ Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, 2017) Tatar, Ali Murat; Sireli, H. Deniz; Tutkun, MuhittinThe replacement rate in cattle breeding has an important effect on the profitability of breeding as well as the success of the breeding program. Culling decisions play an important role whether the herd replacement rate is high or low. The replacement rate in cattle breeding has an important effect on the profitability of breeding as well as the success of the breeding program. Removal decision from herd will play an important role whether the replacement rate high or low. The reasons for culling were reported as low milk yield (29-36%), reproductive problem (15-27%), mastitis (18-23%) and other causes (25%). On the other hand, voluntary and involuntary culling rate are shown as 43,7% is 56.3% respectively. This rewiev focussed on evaluating the reasons for culling of cows, replacement rate, herd life and productive life in dairy cattle enterprises.