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Öğe Comparative effects of pravastatin and rosuvastatin on carbohydrate metabolism in an experimental diabetic rat model(Sciendo, 2024) Kaya, Hacer Kayhan; Demirtaş, Berjan; Yokuş, Beran; Kesim, Dilek Aygün; Taşdemir, Ezel; Şermet, AbdurrahmanStatin treatment may increase the risk of diabetes; there is insufficient data on how statins affect glucose regulation and glycemic control and the effects of statins on liver enzymes related to carbohydrate metabolism have not been fully studied. Therefore, we aimed to compare the effects of the statin derivatives, pravastatin, and rosuvastatin, on carbohydrate metabolism in an experimental diabetic rat model. Female Wistar albino rats were used and diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Thereafter, 10 and 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1) doses of both pravastatin and rosuvastatin were administered by oral gavage to the diabetic rats for 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment, body masses, the levels of fasting blood glucose, serum insulin, insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), liver glycogen, and liver enzymes related to carbohydrate metabolism were measured. Both doses of pravastatin significantly in creased the body mass in diabetic rats, however, rosuvastatin, especially at the dose of 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1) reduced the body mass signi ficantly. Pravastatin, especially at a dose of 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1), caused significant increases in liver glycogen synthase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels but significant decreases in the levels of glycogen phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase, and glucose-6-phosphatase. Hence, pravastatin partially ameliorated the adverse changes in liver enzymes caused by diabetes and, especially at the dose of 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1), reduced the fasting blood glucose level and increased the liver glycogen content. However, rosuvastatin, especially at the dose of 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1), significantly reduced the liver glycogen synthase and pyruvate kinase levels, but increased the glycogen phosphorylase level in diabetic rats. Rosuvastatin, 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1 )dose, caused significant decreases in the body mass and the liver glycogen content of diabetic rats. It can be concluded that pravastatin, especially at the dose of 20 mg kg(-1 )day(-1) is more effective in ameliorating the negative effects of diabetes by modulating carbohydrate metabolism.Öğe Deneysel mide ülserinde ghrelinin koruyucu ve tedavi edici etkisinin araştırılması(2016) Taşdemir, Ezel; Canoruç, FikriGiriş: Ghrelin, başlıca mide mukozasından salgılanan ve 28 amino asit içeren peptid yapılı bir hormondur. Büyüme hormonunu salgılatan reseptöre bağlanması ve çok güçlü bir büyüme hormonu salgılatıcı etki göstermesi keşfedilmesine yolaçmıştır. Büyüme hormonu salgılatıcı etkisinden başka fonksiyonlarının da bulunabileceği araştırmalara konu olmuştur. Fakat, ghrelinin gastrik sekresyon, motilite, strese karşı gastrik mukozal bütünlüğün korunması ve strese bağlı gastrik ülserde tedavi edici etkileri ile ilgili bilgiler yeterli değildir. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; 1) Soğuk + hareketsizlik stresi oluşturulan sıçanlarda stresten yarım saat önce tek doz 80 ng/kg ghrelin uygulamasının gastrik ülsere karşı koruyucu etkisininin olup olmadığını araştırmak 2) Strese maruz bırakılan sıçanlara stresten hemen sonra üç gün 20 ^.g/kg/gün dozunda uygulanan intraperitoneal ghrelinin iyileştirici etkisini incelemek 3) Ghrelinin gastroprotektif etkisine Nervus vagus ve nitrik oksitin (NO) olası aracı rolünü saptamak. Materyal ve Metod: 200-250 g ağırlığındaki sıçanlar, bir kontrol ve yedi deney grubuna bölündü. Deney gruplarındaki sıçanlar 4 saat hareketsiz olarak +4°C'de bekletildi. Di grubu stresten sonra feda edildi. D2 grubuna stresten 30 dakika önce tek doz 20 p.g/kg ghrelin uygulandı. D3 grubuna stresten hemen sonra sonra üç gün i.p. 20 ng/kg/gün ghrelin, D4 grubuna stresten sonra üç gün i.p 20/ja.g/kg ghrelin+subkutan 70 mg/kg NO inhibitörü L-NAME uygulandı. D5 grubuna stresten sonra üç gün serum fizyolojik, Degruuna stres sonrası bilateral vagotomi uygulandı ve i.p. üç gün 20 ng/kg/gün ghrelin verildi. D7 grubu strese maruz bırakıldıktan sonra boyun bölgesine yalancı vagotomi operasyonu yapıldı ve üç gün serum fizyolojik uygulandı. Kontrol grubuna stres uygulanmadı. Hafif eter anestezisi altında kardiyak ponksiyonla feda edilen hayvanların mideleri çıkarıldı. Ülser indeksleri ve gastrik müküs miktarları belirlendi. Ayrıca kan örneklerinde plazma nitrit/nitrat ve serum ghrelin düzeyleri ölçüldü. 48 Bulgular: Stresten yarım saat önce ve stresten hemen sonra üç gün ghrelin uygulanan deney gruplarında; gastrik lezyonlar önemli ölçüde azaldı (p<0.01) ve gastrik müküs miktarı arttı (p<0.01). Ghrelin+L-NAME uygulanan deney grupları kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında ne gastrik lezyonlarda önemli bir iyileşme ne de gastrik müküs miktarında önemli bir artış görülmedi (p>0.05). Ghrelin uygulanan sıçanlarda gastrik ülser indeksi azalırken serum ghrelin düzeyileri kontrollere göre artış gösterdi (p<0.01 ). Plazma nitrit/nitrat düzeyleri ghrelin uygulanan sıçanlarda önemli ölçüde yükseldi (p<0.05). Ghrelinin gastroprotektif etkisi, L-NAME ile tümüyle önlendi. Sonuç: Bulgularımız, ekzojen ghrelin uygulamasının, strese bağlı deneysel gastrik ülsere karşı koruyucu ve tedavi edici etkilere sahip olduğunu ve etkilerini Nervus vagus aracılığı ile ve NO yapımını arttırmak suretiyle gösterdiğini belirten araştırmaları desteklemektedir.Öğe The effects of rosuvastatin and pravastatin on bone metabolism in diabetic rats(İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2021) Gökdemir, Gül Şahika; Gökdemir, Mehmet Tahir; Kayhan, Hacer; Yokuş, Beran; Taşdemir, Ezel; Gül, Cihan; Baylan, MukadderAim: In this study, the effects of rosuvastatin and pravastatin on bone metabolism were evaluated. Comparison of the positive or negative effects of two different statins on biochemical parameters related to bone metabolism in 20 mg / kg / day diabetic rats will be contribute to the enrichment of the literature on this subject. In addition, information will be obtained about whether the use of statins will be beneficial in bone metabolism disorders that may occur due to aging or diabetes in DM patients. Materials and Methods: In a diabetic rat model induced by Streptozotocin (STZ), the possible effects of Rosuvastatin and Pravastatin, both of which are hydrophilic, on biochemical parameters and histologycal examination related to bone metabolism (20 mg / kg) were examined in comparison with the control groups. Results: In the intergroup comparisons, Phosphate (P) level was lower in the Pravastatin group than the controls (P = 0.017). However, there was no difference in the P level in the Rosuvastatin group compared to the control group and the diabetes group. The calcium (Ca) level was increased in the Rosuvastatin group then the the controls (P = 0.002). However, there was no significant change in Ca level in the Pravastatin group. The vitamin D2 level of rats was similar in all groups and was not statistically significant. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of both osteoblastic activity and bone marrow cellularity. Conclusion: In conclusion, although more extensive studies are needed, our study revealed that the serum Ca level was high in rats given rosuvastatin, and P levels were low in rats given pravastatin. But cytologically, there was no change in bone structure. Our study revealed that we should be a little more cautious about the information that statins have a positive effect on bone tissue.Öğe Evaluation of the serum visfatin eotaxin and fetuin-A levels of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus(MediHealth Academy Yayıncılık, 2022) Kaya, Hacer Kayhan; Şermet, Abdurrahman; Pekkolay, Zafer; Taşdemir, Ezel; Keşim, Dilek AygünObjective: The aim of this study was to determine the serum visfatin, eotaxin and fetuin-A levels in patients with normal BMI and overweight type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Material and Method: This study perform in 30 T2DM patients and in 20 healthy subjects. Test subjects were divided into four groups as two diabetics and two controls. Diabetics with a body mass index (BMI) of 26.2-29.9 kg/m2 were included in the overweight diabetic group (OD), and those with a body mass index of 20.9-24.9 kg/m2 were included in the normal BMI diabetic group (ND). The volunteers in the control group were also divided into two groups as overweight (OC) and normal BMI (NC). Smoking and alcohol users were not included in the study. In addition, patients with significant diabetic complications such as retinopathy, hypertension, neuropathy, renal failure, and cardiovascular disease were excluded from the study. The serum visfatin eotaxin and fetuin-A levels were measured using the ELISA method. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the data of the groups, while Spearman’s analysis was applied for the correlations. Results: The visfatin levels of the OD and ND were significantly higher compared to those of their control groups (pÖğe Importance of curcumin effect and asprosin level on glucose metabolism in diabetic rats(Effect Publishing Agency, 2023) Gökdemir, Gül Şahika; Gökdemir, Mehmet Tahir; Taşdemir, Ezel; Yokuş, Beran; Baylan, MukadderAsprosin is a new hormone secreted mainly from white adipose tissue. It may be associated with the pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes and some metabolic diseases. The changes in plasma asprosin levels of experimental diabetic rats and the relation of these changes with liver glucose metabolism and some diabetes parameters were investigated, and the effects of metformin, gliclazide or curcumin treatment on plasma asprosin levels were tried. The study was designed as an animal model in diabetic rats The albino rats were divided into five groups. To induce diabetes, a single dose of STZ was injected intraperitoneally. Diabetics rats were treated intragastrically with metformin (D+Metformin group), gliclazide (D+Giliclazide group) or 20 curcumin (D+Curcumin group) for eight weeks. Fasting blood glucose, insulin levels and other parameters were measured. Plasma asporsin levels of untreated diabetic rats increased significantly (P<.001). Although the plasma asprosin levels of diabetic rats treated with the rugs were significantly lower (P<.001). Fasting blood glucose levels of diabetic rats treated with the drugs were found to be remarkably lower than the diabetic control values (P<.001, respectively). There was no significant difference in the insulin levels and HOMA- IR between these three groups. Curcumin treatment provides significant improvements in plasma asprosin level and diabetes parameters. The increase in plasma asprosin level in diabetic rats may be one of the main reasons that facilitate the development of the disease or is responsible for its pathogenesis. Our findings support the idea that curcumin may be an important treatment option for diabetes.Öğe Investigation of possible antidiabetic effects of potentilla fulgens in diabetic rats and comparison with other antidiabetics(Haydarpaşa Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2019) İpek, Polat; Taşdemir, Ezel; Koçyiğit, YükselIntroduction: The current antidiabetic drugs have adverse side effects and the effects may decrease overtime depending oncontinuous use. In recent years, phytochemicals of natural plant origin, which show antidiabetic properties and have fewerside effects, have been the subject of research. However, studies and clinical studies on the antidiabetic and hypoglycemiceffects of Potentilla fulgens are still not enough. We aimed to examine the antidiabetic effects of P. fulgens in diabetic ratsand to contribute to new treatment approaches by comparing them with other antidiabetics.Methods: In this study, rats were divided into seven groups, one control and six diabetic groups as seven rats in each group.The rats in which diabetes was induced by streptozotocin were sacrificed after treatment with two different doses of intraperitonealand intragastric P. fulgens and standard antidiabetic drugs, metformin and gliclazide for 3 weeks.Results: Intraperitoneal administration of P. fulgens significantly improved the activity of liver enzymes related to fastingblood glucose levels and carbohydrate metabolism. Intragastric 450 mg/kg/day P. fulgens did not show adequate antidiabeticeffects. However, P. fulgens administered twice the usual dose (900 mg/kg/day) caused significant antidiabetic effects.Compared with metformin and gliclazide, it was found that P. fulgens had similar effects at high doses.Discussion and Conclusion: According to our findings, P. fulgens improves the activity of liver enzymes related to bloodglucose and glucose metabolism in diabetic rats and has significant antidiabetic effects.Öğe Macrorhage phagocytic activity at acute cold-restraint stress exposed rats: Possible role of nitric oxide(2005) Turner, C.; Bilgin, Hakkı Murat; Obay, Basra Deniz; Diken, Hüda; Taşdemir, Ezel; Atmaca, MukadderIn this study, the effect of acute cold-restraint stress (ACRS) on macrophage phagocytic activity and the possible role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was investigated. The phagocytic activity and plasma total nitrate levels were increased by administration of ACRS. These effects were blocked by injection of a specific iNOS inhibitor aminogua- nidine (AG) (100 mg/kg, i.p.). Taken together, these findings indicate that the increase of phagocytic activity at ACRS exposed rats is related to the iNOS originated nitric oxide (NO).Öğe The relationship between plasma adipsin, adiponectin, vaspin, visfatin, and leptin levels with glucose metabolism and diabetes parameters(2019) Taşdemir, Ezel; Şermet, AbdurrahmanIntroduction: Recently, interesting adipokines have been described that affect glucose metabolism and insulin resistance.However, the relationships between these adipokines and their importance in the pathogenesis of diabetes are contradictory.The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between plasma adipsin, adiponectin, vaspin, visfatin,and leptin levels in diabetic rats with liver enzymes related to glucose metabolism and diabetes parameters.Methods: Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: control, diabetic control, and treatment groups, each with 7 ofthem. One group of diabetic rats was orally treated with 200 mg/kg/day metformin, and the other diabetic group receivedplacebo. After 6 weeks, the animals were sacrificed by cardiac puncture. Glucose, insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c),adipsin, adiponectin, visfatin, vaspin, and leptin levels in blood were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), and insulin resistance was determined. In liver homogenates, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P-ase), glucokinase, pyruvate kinase (PK), and fructose-1.6-diphosphatase (F1.6DP) activities weremeasured by ELISA.Results: Dietary food intake and water consumption, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels, and insulin resistance of diabeticrats were higher than those of the control and treatment groups. Plasma adipsin, adiponectin, vaspin, and leptin levels significantlydecreased, and visfatin level increased in diabetic rats. G6PD, glucokinase, and PK activities decreased, whereas G6P-aseand F1.6DP activities increased in diabetic rats. There were a negative correlation between plasma adipsin and adiponectinlevels and insulin resistance and a positive correlation between visfatin level and insulin resistance in diabetic rats. In addition,adipsin, adiponectin, and leptin levels were positively correlated with each other and with some liver enzymes.Discussion and Conclusion: In the diabetic rat model, body weight, glucose metabolism enzymes, insulin sensitivity, andchanges in plasma adipsin, adiponectin, vaspin, visfatin, and leptin levels indicate that these adipokines play an importantrole in the glucose metabolism, insulin resistance, and pathogenesis of diabetes.Öğe Time-dependent changes in changes in plasma ghrelin and angiotensin II levels in the diabetic nephropathy model(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021) Gül, Cihan; Kelle, Mustafa; Baylan, Mukadder; Yokuş, Beran; Taşdemir, EzelGhrelin is an appetite-enhancing anabolic hormone secreted from the stomach. Angiotensin II maintains sodium and potassium levels in body fluids and plays a very important role in the regulation of arterial blood pressure. Although their relationship with Type 2 diabetes and complications have been reported, their role in diabetic nephropathy is not fully understood. We investigated time dependent possible changes in plasma ghrelin and angiotensin II levels during the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy in experimental diabetic rat model. Adult 63 male Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into 9 groups as 4 control (C1-C4), 4 diabetic (D1-D4) and one treatment (T) group. Group D1, sacrificed by cardiac puncture one week after diabetes, group D2 three weeks later, group D3 six weeks later, and groups D4 and T eight weeks later. Antidiabetic treatment was not administered to the D1-D4 group diabetic rats. Group T diabetic rats were treated with antidiabetic metformin (100 mg / kg / day) for 8 weeks. A single dose of 35 mg / kg intraperitoneal streptozotocin was administered to the rats to induce diabetes. Significant differences were found between the D4 and C4 groups in body weight, plasma glucose, ghrelin and angiotensin II, serum and urine creatinine levels. While there was a linear (positive) relationship between plasma ghrelin levels of all rats and urinary creatinine and creatinine clearance and body weight, negative correlations were found between plasma ghrelin and angiotensin II levels and fasting blood glucose levels of all rats. During the progression of diabetes and the development of diabetes-related nephropathy, plasma angiotensin and serum creatinine levels increased, while plasma ghrelin levels decreased over time. Therefore, it was concluded that changes in plasma ghrelin and angiotensin II levels in diabetic rats may be associated with the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy