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Öğe Cardiac CT evaluation of left atrial diverticulum and accessory appendage(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Şimşek, Sadullah; Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Kansu, YaseminBackground: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, location, size, and morphological features of the left atrial accessory appendage and diverticulum with cardiac computed tomography. Cardiac computed tomography obtained consecutively from 1415 patients with normal ECG findings during a 2-year period were analyzed. Left atrial appendage and diverticulum type, location, and size were recorded and analyzed according to age and gender. Results: Cardiac computed tomography of 1415 (796 males and 619 females) participants aged 44.1 + 12.2 years old were re-evaluated, and 238 atrial diverticulum were found in 234 (16.5%) patients, accessory appendage in 93 (6.5%), and atrial diverticula and accessory appendage together in eight (0.56%) patients. The atrial diverticulum was most frequently observed in the anterosuperior localization (n = 157, 49.2%). One hundred and twenty-three (52%) of the atrial diverticulum were cystic, and 107 (45%) were tubular form. Accessory appendage was observed most frequently in the anterior superior location (n = 65, 20.4%). Conclusions: The frequency of left atrial diverticulum was found to be 16%, and the frequency of accessory appendage was 6%, consistent with the majority of the literature. Left atrial diverticulum and accessory appendage were detected more frequently in men than in women. Cystic form is more common in left atrial diverticulum.Öğe A case of idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis(2010) Yıldız, Tekin; Ateş, Güngör; Boǧatekin, Gülhan; Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Mızrak, BülentIdiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease due to impaired alveolar macrophage function caused by neutralising anti-granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating autoantibodies. A nineteen years old male patient was admitted with the complaints of cough, sputum production, dyspnea and fever. There were bilaterally inspiratory fine crackles. The chest radiographs showed bilateral air-space consolidation. On thorax computed tomography; pre-carinal lymph nodes enlargement, ground glass opacities, septal thickening and crazy-paving appearance were determined. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed and reported was PAP.Öğe Comparison of thorax computed tomography based body composition parameters between COVID-19 positive and negative patients: A cross-sectional study(Türkiye Klinikleri, 2023) Yetkin, Duygu İmre; Çiçek, Yeliz; Sarı, Hıdır; Özmen, Cihan AkgülObjective: To compare body fat-muscle and visceral obesity indices that can be measured with thorax computed tomography (CT) between reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) positive and negative patients. Material and Methods: This ret-rospective, comparative study included 141 PCR (+) and 150 PCR (-) patients who applied to our hospital with flu-like symptoms without having the comorbid diseases and undergone thoracic CT between April 1, 2020-July 1, 2020. For the each patient, the ratio of thoracic subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness to pectoralis major muscle thickness (TSAT/PMJ), epicardial adipose tissue thickness (EAT), liver density (LD), abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness to psoas major muscle thickness ratio (ASAT/ PSM), subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue thickness to erector spinae muscle thickness ratio (ASAT/ESM) was measured. The comparison was made between the subgroups in terms of age, gender, and measured parameters. Results: Statistically significant difference was found between PCR (+) and (-) individuals in terms of EAT mean (p<0.05). TSAT/PMJ, ASAT/PSM and ASAT/ESM ratios were higher in women (p <0.05). The mean EAT in men was increased in the PCR (+) group (p<0.05). In PCR (+) group, LD decreased, EAT increased with increasing age (p[removed]0.05) in terms of TSAT/PMJ, ASAT/PSM, LD, ASAT/ESM. Conclusion: Higher EAT values can increase the risk of getting coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection. Peripheral fat-muscle indices don’t increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 infection.Öğe Computed Tomography (CT) findings of pulmonary hydatid cysts in children and the factors related to cyst rupture(International Scientific Information, Inc., 2017) Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Onat, SerdarBackground: The lungs are the most common site of hydatid cysts in children. Rupture is the main complication of cysts causing morbidity and mortality. In this study we aimed to comprehensively describe the CT signs for cysts and analyze the relationship of cyst ruptures to the diameter and location of cyst. Material/Methods: A total of 145 cysts from 102 patients, aged 17 years or younger, who underwent a multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) evaluation and had surgically proven pulmonary hydatid disease were included retrospectively. The CT images were analyzed for radiologic findings and signs of cyst rupture. Results: The cysts had a mean diameter of 5.45±3.03 cm. Most of the patients had a solitary cyst (70.6%). The most common lobes involved were the lower lobes (58.6%). Peripherally located cysts were more common than central cysts. The overall number of ruptured cysts was 69 (47.5%). The most common sign was the waterlily sign with a prevalence of 24.6%. After exclusion of cysts of 1 cm, the mean cyst diameter was 6.23±2.83 cm in the unruptured group and 5.02±2.80 cm in the complete ruptured group (p=0.020). The mean cyst diameter was 6.38±3.11 cm for centrally located cysts, and 4.31±2.37 cm for peripherally located cysts (p<0.0001). Conclusions: Pulmonary hydatid cysts commonly presents as solitary cysts with a predilection for lower lobes and the peripheral regions of the lung. Peripherally located cysts are more common but smaller than centrally located cysts. Radiologists should also be aware of atypical imaging findings of cyst rupture, and radiologic signs should be explored during radiologic evaluation.Öğe Disfajinin nadir bir nedeni: Forestier hastalığı(2010) Kara, Özlem; Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Nazaroğlu, Hasan; Baylan, Müzeyyen YıldırımForestier hastalığı özellikle ön longitüdinal bağ olmaküzere çeşitli spinal ve ekstraspinal bağlarda sertleşmeartışı ile karakterize, nadir görülen, romatolojik birhastalıktır. Servikal tutulum bazen disfaji oluştura- cak kadar büyük hipertrofik kemik proliferasyonlarınaneden olabilir. Bu yazıda nadir bir disfaji nedeni olanForestier hastalığı klinik ve radyolojik bulguları ilebirlikte sunuldu. Seksen yaşında erkek olgu, son 2-3ayda artan yutma güçlüğü ve boğaz ağrısı yakınma- ları ile başvurdu. Orofarenks muayenesinde, epiglotarka yüzüne oturan yaklaşık 3 cm çapında ağrısız,sert şişlik tespit edildi. Lateral servikal grafisinde,C2-7 vertebral korpusların önünde geniş sertleşmealanı saptandı. Boyun bilgisayarlı tomografide C2-7vertebralar arasında, ön longitüdinal bağ yerleşimin- de, köprüleşme gösteren hiperosseöz değişiklikler vefarengeal pasajda daralma izlendi. Servikal manyetikrezonans görüntülemede komşu servikal vertebra ilebenzer intensitede ve yer yer heterojeniteler gösterenön longitüdinal bağ boyunca uzanan bir lezyon izlendi.Büyük osteofitik lezyonun, sertleşmiş ön longitüdinalbağ olduğu ve disfajiye yol açtığı düşünüldü ve bubulgularla Forestier hastalığı tanısı konuldu. Disfajietyolojisinde, nadir bir neden olarak Forestier hastalığıayırıcı tanılar arasında düşünülmelidir.Öğe Evaluation of interlobar and accessory pulmonary fissures on 64-row MDCT(Wiley-Liss, 2010) Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Nazaroğlu, Hasan; Bayrak, Aylin Hasanefendioğlu; Şentürk, Senem; Akay, Hatice Öztürkmen; 0000-0002-0854-0904; 0000-0001-5211-135XWe aimed to describe the prevalence, morphology, and completeness of the oblique, horizontal, and accessory fissures on 64-row multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans. Three hundred and eighty-seven patients were included in this study. The lungs were scanned from apex to diaphragm using 1-mm collimation. Images were evaluated on a Philips workstation using the PACS system. Prevalence of the interlobar and accessory fissures and also incompleteness of the interlobar fissures was evaluated on axial, corona!, and sagittal planes. The frequencies of right oblique fissures, right horizontal fissures, and left oblique fissures were 99.7%, 94.8%, and 100%, and the percentage of incompleteness was 69.7%, 86.9%, and 48.3%, respectively. Accessory fissures were detected in 164 of the 387 patients (42.4%). Pulmonary fissures are well visualized on MDCT because of its capacity in evaluating the whole thorax with thin sections and at various planes. Fast-image acquisition in MDCT also accounts for less motion artifacts and high-image quality. Clin. Anat. 23:552-558, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Öğe Hipofizer cüceliğe eşlik eden ektopik nörohipofiz: Olgu sunumu(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2008) Kılınç, İlhan; Gökalp, Deniz; Özmen, Cihan AkgülEktopik nörohipofiz, büyüme hormonu eksikliğine bağlı cüceliğe eşlik edebilen bir hipofiz bezi anomalisidir. Biz de hipofizer cüceliğe eşlik eden ektopik nörohipofizli olgumuzun klinik ve radyolojik bulguları ile sunduk. 21 yaşında erkek hasta başvuru şikayeti boy kısalığı idi. Hastanın prolaktin dışındaki tüm anterior hipofiz hormonları düşüktü. Kontrastlı hipofiz MR incelemede nörohipofizer parlak nokta ektopik olarak median eminens düzeyinde olup, hipofiz sapı izlenmedi. Sonuç olarak ektopik nörohipofiz pituiter cüceliğe eşlik edebilir. Bu olguların ek patolojilerin varlığı açısından kranial MR tetkiki ile görüntülenmeleri yararlı olabilir.Öğe Images in infectious diseases: thoracic fascioliasis(Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 2019) Tekin, Recep; Onat, Serdar; Özmen, Cihan AkgülA 32-year-old female patient was admitted with a history of abdominal pain for one year and dyspnea for one month. Abdominal examination revealed markedly distended abdomen. Postero-anterior chest radiograph showed irregular opacities in the right lung fi eldÖğe Morbidity and mortality associated with fracture of the sternum due to blunt trauma, by fracture type and location(Colegio Brasileiro de Radiologia, 2022) Şimşek, Sadullah; Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Onat, SerdarObjective: To examine the relationship that the types and locations of fractures of the sternum have with mortality and morbidity. Materials and Methods: We analyzed the records of 115 patients diagnosed with fracture of the sternum, due to blunt trauma, between 2007 and 2018. Records of computed tomography studies were obtained from the radiology archive of a tertiary teaching hospital. The type of fracture was classified as linear, displaced, or comminuted, whereas the fracture location was classified as the manubrium, body, or xiphoid process. Results: A total of 108 patients were included in the study. Of those patients, 92 (85.2%) were male and 16 (14.8%) were female. The etiology was a traffic accident in 72 cases (62.6%) and a fall from height in 36 (31.3%). The mean age was 42.1 ± 17.7 years for males and 53.9 ± 20.0 years for females. The mortality rate was 11.1%. Among the 12 deceased patients, the mean age was 44.4 ± 18.3 years. The fracture was located exclusively in the manubrium in 64 patients (59.3%), exclusively in the body of the sternum in 41 (38.0%), and in both locations in three (2.7%), whereas none were located in the xiphoid process. Morbidity rates were higher in the patients with fractures of the manubrium than in those with fractures of the body of the sternum, as was the incidence of accom-panying bone fractures and organ injuries. The fracture was linear in 44 patients (40.7%), displaced in 62 (57.4%), and comminuted in 30 (27.8%). The mortality was significantly higher for comminuted fractures than for the other fracture types (p = 0.045; ? = 4.40). Conclusion: Fracture of the manubrium can be indicative of the severity of trauma and has a poor prognosis.Öğe Peritonitis karsinomatoza ve tüberküloz peritonitin radyolojik bulguları,US,BT ve MRG(2016) Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Bilici, Aslan[Özet Yok]Öğe Radiologic findings of thoracic trauma(Dove Medical Press Ltd., 2017) Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Onat, Serdar; Ayçiçek, DelalIntroduction: Chest trauma may be blunt or penetrating and the chest is the third most common trauma region. It is a significant cause of mortality. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has been an increasingly used method to evaluate chest trauma because of its high success in detecting tissue and organ injuries. Herein, we aimed to present MDCT findings in patients with blunt and penetrating chest trauma admitted to our department. Methods: A total of 240 patients admitted to the emergency department of our hospital between April 2012 and July 2013 with a diagnosis of chest trauma who underwent MDCT evaluations were included. Most of the patients were male (83.3%) and victims of a blunt chest trauma. The images were analyzed with respect to the presence of fractures of bony structures, hemothorax, pneumothorax, mediastinal organ injury, and pulmonary and vascular injuries. Results: MDCT images of the 240 patients yielded a prevalence of 41.7% rib fractures, 11.2% scapular fractures, and 7.5% clavicle fractures. The prevalence of thoracic vertebral fracture was 13.8% and that of sternal fracture was 3.8%. The prevalence of hemothorax, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and subcutaneous emphysema was 34.6%, 62.1%, 9.6%, and 35.4%, respectively. The prevalence of rib, clavicle, and thoracic vertebral fractures and pulmonary contusion was higher in the blunt trauma group, whereas the prevalence of hemothorax, subcutaneous emphysema, diaphragmatic injury, and other vascular lacerations was significantly higher in the penetrating trauma group than in the blunt trauma group (p,0.05). Conclusion: MDCT images may yield a high prevalence of fracture of bony structures, soft tissue lacerations, and vascular lesions, which should be well understood by radiologists dealing with trauma.Öğe The radiology of COVID-19 pneumonia(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2021) Özmen, Cihan AkgülCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has reached a pandemic stage in March 2020 and currently more than 220 million patients worldwide are infected. The characteristic findings of COVID-19 pneumonia are bilateral, peripheral, rounded ground-glass opacities (GGO) which are dominantly located in the lower lobes and that may be accompanied by consolidation. The distribution of the parenchymal lesions was reported to be bilateral (88%), multi-lobar (78%) and peripheral (76%), with a tendency to involve the posterior regions of the lungs (80%). Several other chest CT findings, such as interlobular septal thickening, bronchiectasis, “crazy paving” and halo sign, have also been reported but with a lower frequency. RSNA has published consensus statements to reduce report variability among radiologists and defined 4 main categories: typical, indeterminate, atypical, and negative, to provide a relative likelihood that these findings are attributable to COVID-19 pneumonia. It is vital to understand that imaging may be normal in the early stages of COVID-19, and many conditions may present with imaging findings mimicking COVID-19 pneumonia. Chest CT may be also used as a useful tool for better identification of patients who will benefit from more aggressive therapy. In addition, CT may be used to evaluate patency of pulmonary and coronary vascular structures and myocardial damage. Although CT scan is not recommended as a diagnostic and screening tool, it can be helpful to clinician for a fast and accurate decision-making and has a crucial role in the diagnosis, risk stratifying, and follow-up of the progression of COVID-19 pneumonia.Öğe Skeletal dysplasias that cause thoracic insufficiency in neonates(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2016) İpek, Mehmet Şah; Özmen, Cihan AkgülSkeletal dysplasias are a heterogeneous group of conditions associated with various abnormalities of the skeleton. Some of them are perinatally lethal and can be diagnosed at birth. Lethality is usually due to thoracic underdevelopment and lung hypoplasia. A correct diagnosis and typing of the skeletal disorder is essential for the prognosis as is genetic counseling of the family. A retrospective review of 12 cases of clinico-radiologic diagnosis of skeletal dysplasia, leading to thoracic insufficiency, was conducted. We aimed to make differential diagnosis with special emphasis on radiological findings, and to emphasize the importance of parental counseling.Öğe Unusual imaging characteristics of thoracic hydatid disease(Colegio Brasileiro de Radiologia, 2022) Şimşek, Sadullah; Özmen, Cihan AkgülCystic echinococcosis (hydatid disease) is a zoonotic parasitic disease, caused by ingestion of Echinococcus granulosus eggs, that can result in cyst formation anywhere on the body. Hydatid disease is frequently seen in regions where there is human-animal contact and poor socioeconomic development. The prevalence of the disease ranges from 0 to 79 cases/100,000 population. Hydatid cysts are typically found in the liver and lungs, being less common in other parts of the body. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is often used in order to clarify the sites affected by a hydatid cyst, such as the cranial and thoracic regions, which also facilitates the surgical evaluation and minimizes complications. Although rare, hydatid cysts in atypical locations can provoke unusual complications, with unpredictable findings and symptoms. This essay discusses the radiological aspects of rare thoracic hydatid cysts.Öğe Unusual presentation of eosinophilic fasciitis: Two case reports and a review of the literature(2010) Danış, Ramazan; Akbulut, Sami; Altıntaş, Abdullah; Özmen, Şehmus; Özmen, Cihan AkgülIntroduction. Eosinophilic fasciitis is an uncommon disorder with unknown etiology and a poorly understood pathogenesis. We present the cases of two patients with eosinophilic fasciitis with unusual presentation, and describe the clinical characteristics and laboratory findings related to them. Case presentation. The first case involves a 29-year-old Turkish man admitted with pain, edema and induration of his right-upper and left-lower limbs. Unilateral edema and stiffness with prominent pretibial edema was noted upon physical examination. A high eosinophil count was found on the peripheral smear. The second case involves a 63-year-old Turkish man who had pain, edema, erythema, and itching on his upper and lower extremities, which developed after strenuous physical activity. He had cervical lymphadenopathy and polyarthritis upon physical examination, and rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody upon laboratory examination. Conclusion. Eosinophilic fasciitis can present with various symptoms. When patients exhibit eosinophilia, arthralgia and myalgia, eosinophilic fasciitis should be considered as a possible diagnosis.Öğe Üreter taş hastalığı tanısında ultrasonografi ve kontrastsız spiral bilgisayarlı tomografi bulgularının karşılaştırılması(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2007) Kılınç, İlhan; Özmen, Cihan Akgül; Akay, Hatice; Uyar, Aşurİntravenöz ürografi, ultrasonografi ve kontrastsız spiral bilgisayarlı tomografi üreter taş hastalığı tanısında kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı böğür ağrısıyla başvuran hastaların değerlendirilmesinde spiral bilgisayarlı tomografi ve ultrasonografinin tanısal değerini karşılaştırmaktır. Onbir aylık dönemde böğür ağrısıyla başvuran 41 hastaya üreter taş hastalığına yönelik üriner ultrasonografi ve kontrastsız spiral bilgisayarlı tomografi yapıldı. Üreter taş varlığı standart yöntemlerle doğrulanan 28 hastanın ultrasonografi ve bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları karşılaştırıldı. Kırkbir hastanın 28’inde üreter taşı saptandı. Yirmisekiz hastanın 18’inde ultrasonografi ile, 27’sinde bilgisayarlı tomografi ile üreter taşı gösterilebildi. US ve BT’nin duyarlılığı %64.3 ve %96.4 bulundu. Her iki görüntüleme yönteminin özgüllüğü ise %100 olarak hesaplandı. Akut böğür ağrılı hastalarda üreter taşlarını göstermede bilgisayarlı tomografi daha üstündür. Ancak bilgisayarlı tomografi, yüksek maliyet ve radyasyon maruziyeti nedeniyle ultrasonografi ile tanı konamayan semptomatik akut böğür ağrısıyla başvuran hastalarda kullanılmalıdır.